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1、蒆新人教版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語第二單元測(cè)試題附答案 薀.單項(xiàng)選擇。(每小題1分,共15分)薈( )1.What do you often do on _ weekends?薇I often go _ online.膅A/;/ Bthe;the Cthe;/ D/;the蝕( )2.Go along the road and walk _ the park.The zoo is behind the park.罿Adown Bon Cthrough Dacross荿( )3.It is healthy to eat when you are hungry and to stop when you ar

2、e _.羄Afull Bbusy Cyoung Dfree肄( )4.Vince is interested in sports,_ volleyball,soccer and basketball.莀Ahardly ever Bsuch as 螇Cbecause of Dat least羇( )5.What do you think of the book?膄It's difficult for me _ there are few new words in it.螁Aif Bso Cbecause Dalthough蒈( )6.Do you like eating junk foo

3、d,Jack?螆No,I _ eat it.It's bad for our health.膄Aoften Balways Csometimes Dnever膂( )7.He was just a _ boy when he joined the basketball club.羆Asix year old Bsix years old 薄Csix-year-old Dsix-years-old芄( )8.Do you think eating too much food _ good for us?羋I don't think so.We should do some exe

4、rcise,I think.蚈Aare Bis Cwas Dwere莃( )9.Mother wants me _ English every day.莄Ato read Breads Creading Dread蠆( )10.Excuse me.Could you tell me the _ of the football game last night?膆Of course I can.We got the first place.莆Aresult Bdifference Cprogram Drule蒄( )11.Thirty percent of the boys _ to school

5、 by bicycle.肀Agoes Bgo Cgoing Dto go袈( )12.I eat _ meat because I don't want to be too heavy.膅Asome Bmuch Cmore Dless薃( )13.My uncle _ every day,but yesterday he _.蒁Aexercises;doesn't Bexercises;didn't芆Cexercised;doesn't Dexercised;didn't襖( )14._?蚃Twice a week.薈AHow often do you

6、use the Internet 羈BHow do you like the Internet蚃CWhat time do you use the Internet 蚃DWhat do you usually do on the Internet聿( )15.What does Cindy usually do after school?蒆_.蚆AShe has piano lessons on Monday 螃BHer favorite sport is swimming蒀CShe usually goes swimming 膇DShe thinks it's interesting

7、蒅.完形填空。(每小題1分,共10分)袃Maria is my friend.She had bad_16_ two years ago.She got up late and had _17_ for breakfast.She disliked doing school activities.After getting home from school,she usually played computer games and _18_ she watched TV.She hardly ever drank milk,and she ate junk food three _19_ fi

8、ve times a week.袀Then one day,she got sick.She had to be in hospital_20_It made her feel that she must _21_ herself well.蚅Now Maria has_22_ habits.She gets up early and _23_ every morning.She usually runs for about an hour.Then she has a _24_ breakfast.At school she plays all kinds of sports.She har

9、dly ever plays computer games or watches TV.She drinks a cup of milk before going to bed.These good habits _25_ her keep healthy and study well.芃( )16.A.games Bfriends Cprograms Dhabits羃( )17.A.nothing Banything Csomething Deverything芁( )18.A.always Bsometimes Cnever Dhardly莇( )19.A.from Bon Ctoo Dt

10、o芆( )20.A.once a week Btwo weeks ago Cfor three weeks Dtwice a week肅( )21.A.look after Blook for Clook at Dlook up莈( )22.A.bad Bwell Cbored Dgood聿( )23.A.sleeps Bexercises Ceats Dplays肅( )24.A.easy Bhungry Chealthy Dfree膃( )25.A.tell Bhelp Cwant Dtake蝿.閱讀理解。(每小題2分,共30分)薇A螄Tony wants to share(分享) his

11、 living habit with us.節(jié)Here is what Tony usually does on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.At 6:00 am.,he gets up and brushes his teeth.Then at 6:30,he goes running for an hour.After that,he takes a shower and cleans up for work.He leaves home for work at 7:30.It takes him 20 minutes to drive to his of

12、fice.He starts to work at 8:00.In the afternoon,and he usually arrives home from work at 6:30.膀On Tuesdays and Thursdays he gets up at 7:00 am.He does some housework and then goes to work.He only has to get up early to exercise 3 days a week.艿Tony also has healthy eating habits.On the days he doesn&

13、#39;t need to exercise.He usually goes to the stores to buy food.He buys healthy food such as vegetables and fruit.Sometimes he buys some meat.He likes eating beef.He likes cooking dinner at home.薃He likes to relax on the weekend.He often goes to the park with his friends.He also likes to watch movi

14、es.節(jié)閱讀短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。薁( )26.Tony gets up at 6:00 am. every day.蚇( )27.Tony arrives at his office at 7:50 am.薆( )28.Tony doesn't exercise on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.莂( )29.Tony never eats meat.蚈( )30.Tony often goes to the park on the weekend.荿B蒞Name蒂From聿Job袆Favorite activity膄How often he/she does

15、 it薂Tony葿London薈Dentist膆Running螞Every day袀Li Chang肆Hong Kong羅Teacher螂Playing basketball芁Once a week螈Kate螄Malaysia袁Artist蒈Swimming膆Four times a week蒃Yu Gang袁Wuhan衿Student羈Playing volleyball薆Three times a week羈Grace芀New York莆Singer芅Dancing肁Twice a week蟻( )31.Where does Tony come from?肈AHong Kong. BLon

16、don.肄CNew York. DMalaysia.膁( )32.What does Kate do?肂AShe is a teacher. BShe is a student.薅CShe is a singer. DShe is an artist.肇( )33.What does Grace like?芁ADancing. BSwimming.膈CPlaying volleyball. DRunning.芇( )34.How often does Yu Gang play volleyball?裊AEvery day. BTwice a week.莁CThree times a week.

17、 DOnce a week.蕿( )35.Which of the following is NOT true?罿ATony is a dentist. 蚄BYu Gang is from Hong Kong.蒁CLi Chang works as a teacher. 羀DKate swims four times a week.蕆C莃We know health is important in everyone's life.Here are some ways to make them easy to get.蒀Eat a balanced diet(平衡的飲食)Eat a lo

18、t of fruit and vegetables,some grains(谷物) and a little meat.莁Exercise twice or three times a week.腿Get enough sleep.It is best to get eight hours' sleep a day.蒆Keep yourself busy.This is good because it stops you from having bad habits.To keep yourself busy,you can walk around the house,spend ti

19、me with your pet,do sports,or have a hobby.薀Go out and make friends.Spend time and have fun with them.Talk with them,but try not to talk about anything bad.You should stay with the people who are healthy.薈( )36.How often should you exercise if you want to get health?薇AEvery day. 膅BTwice a day.蝕CThre

20、e times a month. 罿DTwice or three times a week.荿( )37.How many hours do you need to sleep every day?羄ASeven. BEight. CNine. DTen.肄( )38.The underlined word “it” refers to(指的是) _.莀Aeating a balanced diet Bexercising more螇Ckeeping yourself busy Dmaking friends羇( )39.Which of the following is NOT true?

21、膄AWe can eat a lot of meat to keep healthy. 螁BWe need to exercise.蒈CIt's good to make some friends.螆DWe can spend our free time doing sports.膄( )40.What's the best title for this passage?膂AEating habit BPlaying sports羆CMaking friends DHow to get health薄.詞匯運(yùn)用。(每小題1分,共10分)芄A)根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填寫單詞。羋41L

22、ittle Betty is only three years old,_(然而),she can sing lots of songs.蚈42Mr.Wang _(曾經(jīng)) described his trip to Hangzhou to me.莃43Do you often talk with your friends _(在線的)?莄44Frank's sister dislikes _(這樣的) a job.蠆45It is not easy to keep all these things in _(頭腦)膆B)用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。莆46What about dri

23、nking some _(coffee)?蒄47Mo Yan is a Chinese _(write)I like his books.肀48My friend learns English by _(listen) to English programs.袈49We waited for you here for _(many) than two hours.膅50How many times did you go climbing last year?薃Only _(two)蒁.根據(jù)漢語意思及所給的提示詞,翻譯下列句子。(每小題2分,共10分)芆51做運(yùn)動(dòng)對(duì)我們的健康有好處。(be go

24、od for)襖_蚃52這個(gè)杯子里裝滿了茶。(full)薈_羈53我每天至少花一個(gè)小時(shí)練習(xí)英語。(at least)蚃_蚃54他的兒子一點(diǎn)也不喜歡垃圾食品。(at all)聿_蒆55她的父親晚飯后有時(shí)讀雜志。(sometimes)蚆_螃.情景交際。(每小題1分,共5分)蒀從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)倪x項(xiàng)補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。(有兩項(xiàng)多余)膇A:Excuse me.May I ask you some questions?蒅B:_56_袃A:How often do you exercise?袀B:_57_蚅A:Great.Do you like vegetables or fruit?芃B:_58_ My moth

25、er says I should eat five kinds of vegetables every day.羃A:She is right.Now this is the last question._59_芁B:At ten o'clock._60_莇A:Well,that's a good habit.Thanks a lot.芆B:You're welcome.肅AI play pingpong every day.莈BWhen do you go to bed every night?聿CDo you go to bed early each night?肅

26、DOf course.膃EI sleep eight hours every day.蝿FFruit is healthy food.薇GYes,I like them very much.螄56_ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._.任務(wù)型閱讀。(每小題2分,共10分)Some girls are doing less exercise.A survey shows that only 25% of girls often get outdoor_activitiesMany don't like PE classes and don't play sports.Thes

27、e girls may face a lot of problems.They may become fat.And they may get some kinds of illnesses.A 16yearold girl says,“I don't want to do exercise.I just feel too tired. I_like_watching_TV_on_the_sofa_more_than_doing_exercise.”Some girls say they don't have enough time to do sports.They must

28、 often help their working parents.“We have dishes to do,the house to clean and homework to do.There really isn't time for anything else.”根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,完成下列任務(wù)。61畫線單詞face在句中的詞性是 _,漢語意思是 _ 。62把畫線短語outdoor activities譯成漢語。 _ 63把畫線句子譯成漢語。_64Why don't girls often do sports?_65What's the result of not

29、doing exercise for girls?_.書面表達(dá)。(10分)你們學(xué)校心橋校報(bào)小記者John就日?;顒?dòng)采訪了你的同學(xué)Marcia,下面是他根據(jù)采訪內(nèi)容所列的提綱,請(qǐng)你根據(jù)下表提供的有關(guān)信息,寫一篇80詞左右的英語報(bào)道,介紹一下你的同學(xué)Marcia的日?;顒?dòng)情況。ActivitiesHow oftendo homeworktwo hours a daywatch TVhardlysurf the Internettwice a dayread English booksevery dayexercisethree or four times a weekgo to the moviesonce a month_ Test for Unit 2.15 ACABD 610 DCBAA 1115 BDBAC.1620


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