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1、客房送餐英語初始培訓(xùn)計劃培訓(xùn)時間:3個月每個月集中培訓(xùn)一次,分3個月,再每天班會5分鐘復(fù)習(xí),月底抽查內(nèi)容: 客房送餐經(jīng)典對話、常用句型、常用詞匯培訓(xùn)員:各餐廳經(jīng)理、領(lǐng)班目的:保證員工在對客服務(wù)時能基本理解客人意圖,從而能夠更好的對客服務(wù),開展送餐工作。需要做的:各餐廳培訓(xùn)員需事先準(zhǔn)備一份相應(yīng)跟餐廳相關(guān)的客房送餐英語培訓(xùn)資料,從而保證員工在加入部門后有一份為員工度 身定造的培訓(xùn)資料。培訓(xùn)要求: 每個月要對員工本月的培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行測試,要求員工達(dá)到一定的水平附培訓(xùn)資料常用詞匯糖sugar 鹽salt 醋vinegar醬油soy sauce 青椒green pepper 油oil 胡椒pepper 薯

2、條french fries甜 sweet酸 sour 苦bitter 辣hot 咸salty 辣椒醬chili sauce 紙巾 paper towel 餐巾(口布)napkin 臺布 table cloth 碟 dish 盤子plate飯碗rice bowl 筷子chopsticks茶杯cup 玻璃杯 glass 托盤tray 煙缸ash-tray茶壺 tea pot 刀 knife 叉 fork 勺 spoon 牙簽 toothpick 水果盤 fruit plate飲料beverage 食物food 啤酒 beer 紅酒 red wine冰塊 ice rock單面荷包蛋sunny sid

3、e up 牛排steak雙面嫩荷包蛋over easy 煎蛋fried egg炒蛋scramble eggs 煮蛋boiled egg蛋卷omelet 番茄醬 ketchup或tomato sauce 吸管straw 蜂蜜 honey 涼的 cool 熱的 hot黃油Butter 果醬jam 巧克力粉chocolate powder一成Rare 三成Medium rare 五成Medium 七成Medium well洋蔥Onion 全熟well done 房號room number 現(xiàn)金cash 發(fā)票invoice 白粥plain porridge熱牛奶 Hot Milk豆?jié){ Soya-bea

4、n milk酸奶Yoghurt法汁French dressing千島汁Thousand island dressing油醋汁vinaigrette甜玉米Sweet corn 培根bacon 火腿片 ham早餐腸sausage黃瓜cucumber胡蘿卜carrot番茄tomato洋蔥onion青椒/柿子椒green pepper芹菜celery紫白菜red cabbag綠菜花/花椰菜broccoli土豆potato蘑菇 mushroom南瓜pumpkin蘆筍asparagus包心菜/白菜cabbage茄子eggplant芝士粉cheese powder蒜garlic黑胡椒black pepper

5、咖喱粉curry powder味精gourmet powder過敏allergic淡light(thin)濃thick常用句型1) Room Service,may help you?送餐服務(wù),有什么可以幫您?.Would you please bring me some breakfast?請為我送來一份早餐,好嗎?.At what time would you like your breakfast?您希望什么時候把您的早餐送來?.A Continental breakfast or American breakfast?是要歐式早餐還是美式早餐?.With coffe

6、e or tea?需要咖啡還是茶?For how many people,please?請問要幾個人的送餐?.I will bring it up right away. 我馬上把它送上來。.Good morning,here is the Continental breakfast you ordered.早上好,這是您點的歐式早餐。.Would you like to have something else besides the Continental breakfast?除了歐式早餐,你還想要點別的嗎?.Would you please sign

7、 the bill?請您在帳單上簽名好嗎?.Thank you,enjoy your breakfast please,good-bye. 謝謝,請慢用,再見。.It wont take long to prepare for your breakfast. 您的早餐不會用太長時間準(zhǔn)備。.It will take 20minutes to prepare for your lunch.您的午餐需要20分鐘時間準(zhǔn)備。.I would like some lunch now.我想現(xiàn)在進(jìn)午餐。.It is Room Service here. 這是送餐服務(wù)。.Shall I pour yo

8、u some coffee now?我可以為您倒一杯咖啡嗎?.Your food and drinks will be sent up in a few minutes.您要的食品和飲料過幾分鐘就會送上去。.It will be up right away.馬上送上去。.I will send someone up with your breakfast immediately.我馬上叫人把您的早餐送上來。.Our Room Service starts serving at 7 0clock.送餐服務(wù)從7點開始。.I am sorry,we dont start serving l

9、unch until 11am.對不起,我們要上午11點菜開始提供午餐服務(wù)。.Is there anything else that you want?您是不是還要點別的什么?.The room service menu is on the back of the door/送餐服務(wù)菜單掛在門后。.Its my wifes birthday today,Id like to order a cake.今天是我太太的生日,我想訂一個蛋糕。.We have different sizes,7inches,9 inches and 11 inches,which do you p

10、refer?我們有不同尺寸的蛋糕,有7英寸的,9英寸的和11英寸的,你想要那一種?.When shall I send the food to your room?什么時候給您送進(jìn)房間?.Can I have my breakfast brought to the room?我可以在房間用早餐嗎?.Of course。What would you like to have?當(dāng)然可以,您想吃些什么?.Some porridge,some fried eggs and some toast with jam and butter. 一些麥片粥,一份煎雞蛋,一份烤面包和一些果醬、黃油。.How ma

11、ny eggs and how would you like them done?您要幾個雞蛋?幾成熟?.What do you want to drink,tea or coffee?您想喝點什么?茶還是咖啡?.Could you bring me a glass of milk and a boiled egg?你能給我拿一杯牛奶和一個煮雞蛋嗎?.Do you want to pay cash or sign the bill?您想付現(xiàn)金還是在帳單上簽字?.Please sign your name and room number on the bill.請您把您的姓名

12、和房號簽在帳單上。2、訂餐服務(wù)說明1、Breakfast to be served from 6:30 to10:00 AM. Lunch dinner served from 11:00 AM to 21:00 PM. Chinese food form11:00am to 24:00pm2、Room sevice is available 24hs a day.3、You may dial 6677 then ask for room service.4、There is service charge for 15% for room sevice.1、Which kind of juic

13、e would you prefer,Grapefruit juice or orange?2、How would you like eggs,how would like steak3、Would you like ham or Bacon with your eggs客房送餐經(jīng)典對話一AGood morning ,room service May I help youB I'd like to have a meal in my room.ACertainly Sir. We offer two types of breakfast, American and Chinese. W

14、hich one would you preferBWhat does American breakfast haveAfried egg, toast with butter ,coffee or tea and so onBThat would be fine,I will take it. I'd like a white coffee(加牛奶的咖啡) with two sugars,please.A I see.May I have your name and room number,please, For how many people,pleaseBSure,one per

15、son It's Jafoson Black in room 8506.ALet me confirm your order. Mr Jaferson Black in room 1506, American breakfast,white coffee with two sugars.Is that rightBExactly.AYour order will be ready soon. Thank you for calling.二A: Room Service. 這里是客房送餐服務(wù) May I help you?B: Id like to have two hot roast-

16、beef sandwiches and a large pot of coffee sent up to my room right now. 請馬上送兩份熱牛肉三明治和一大壺咖啡到我的房間。A: No problem, sir. 沒問題。May I have your name and your room number,sir?請問先生尊姓大名,住幾號房間?B: This is Bob Jackson, room 2216. 我是鮑勃杰克遜。住2216房間。A: Good. Ill be up in a couple of minutes. 好的,我馬

17、上送過來。B: Bring us some sugar and cream. 請帶點糖和奶油。My wife doesnt like black coffee(不加奶和糖的咖啡).我太太不喜歡濃咖啡(或純咖啡;原味咖啡)。 (Knock at the door) 敲門 Come in, please. 請進(jìn)。A: Herere the snacks you ordered, Mr. Jackson.你要的點心來了。B: Thank you. Can I have it charged to my account? 可以記在我的帳上嗎?A: Ce

18、rtainly, sir.當(dāng)然 Would you sign here, please? 請你在這兒簽個名。Anything else I can do for you? 還有什么可以為你們效勞的?B: Do you have different styles of breakfast for room service?你們的客房送餐服務(wù)還供應(yīng)其他品種的早餐嗎?A: Yes, we serve Continental breakfast, American breakfast and Chinese breakfast.是的,我們供應(yīng)的早餐有歐式、美式和中式三種。B: Pretty good.很好 What time do you begin your service in the morning?送餐服務(wù)早上幾點開始Tomorrow well be out very early. 明天我們一大早就要出去的。A: We usually start from half past six.


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