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1、(一) 字母篇一、 按順序二、 按發(fā)音分類:元音字母有5個:Aa , Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu(1) Aa Hh Jj Kk (2)Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv (3)Ii Yy (4)Oo(5)Uu Qq Ww (6) Rr (7) Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz三、字母及含有此字母的單詞:A-a -apple B-bbook C-ccat D-ddesk E-eegg F-ffish G-ggirl H-hhand I-iice-cream J-jjuice K-kkite L-lleg M-mmouth N-nnose O-oorange P-ppanda

2、 Q-qqueen R-rrabbit S-sswan T-ttigerU-uumbrella V-vvest W-wwindow X-xbox Y-y-yellow Z-zzebra(二)詞句篇一單元重點詞句 單詞:1.早餐breakfast 2.午餐lunch 3.正餐dinner 4. 蛋egg 5. 面包bread6. 魚;魚肉fish 7.蔬菜vegetable 8.米飯rice 9.雞肉chicken 10.蘋果apple 11.橘子;橙子 orange 12.汁;液;果汁juice 13.牛奶milk 14.咖啡 coffee 15.飲料drink 16.一些some 17.請p

3、lease 18.饑餓hungry 19.想要would like 句子:(1)-Lets have breakfast. (我們吃早餐吧?。?-OK.(好?。。?2)表達喜好:I like. I dont like (我喜歡我不喜歡)I like eggs. I dont like bread.(我喜歡吃雞蛋,但我不喜歡吃面包。)(3)-Do you like fish?(你喜歡吃魚嗎?) - Yes, I do.(是的,我喜歡。) No, I dont.(不,我不喜歡。)(4)-Whats for lunch?(午餐吃什么?) -Rice and vegetables.(米飯和蔬菜。)(5

4、)-Would you like a drink? (你想喝一些飲品嗎?)-Yes, please. (好的?。?-No, thank you.(不,謝謝?。┒卧攸c詞句 單詞:1.毛衣sweater 2.帽子cap 3.外套coat 4.襯衫shirt 5.太;過于too 6.小的small 7.令人滿意的;絕妙的 cool 8.美好的;可愛的 lovely 9.愛love 10.不是isnt (is not) 11.誰的whose句子:(1 )-I have a new sweater. (我有一件新毛衣。) -Its lovely.(真好看?。?2)-Is this your cap?

5、 (這是你的帽子嗎?) -Yes, it is.(是的) No, it isnt.(不是)(3)-Whose coat is this ? (這是誰的外套?) -Its Jennys.(是珍妮的。) Its my coat.(是我的外套。)三單元重點詞句 單詞:1.動物園zoo 2.老虎tiger 3.熊貓panda 4.大象elephant 5.熊bear 6.兔子rabbit 7.猴子monkey 8.去go 9.是的;好的yeah 10.這些these 11.那些those 12.他們;她們;它們 they 13.他們是;她們是;它們是theyre(they are) 14.這么;那么s

6、o 15.大的big16.看見;看到see 17.能;能夠;會can句子:(1)-Whats this? (這是什么?) -Its a tiger.(這是一只老虎。)(2)-What are these ? (這些是什么?)- -Theyre rabbits.(它們是兔子。)(3)-What are those? (那些是什么?) -Theyre monkeys.(它們是猴子。)(4)-How many pandas can you see? (你能看到多少只熊貓?)-Twenty. (20只) Twenty pandas.(20只熊貓。) I can see twenty pandas.(我

7、能看到20只熊貓。)四單元重點詞句 單詞:1.家home 2.客廳living room 3.餐廳dining room 4.臥室bedroom 5.廚房kitchen 6.在里 in 7.在上面on 8.在下面under 9.在后面behind 10.歡迎welcome 11.美麗的beautiful 12.我們we 13.讀;朗讀read 14.看電視watch TV 15.在哪里where16.知道;了解 know 17.床bed 18.門door句子:(1)-Welcome to my new home.(歡迎到我家來!)This is my new home.(這是我的新家。) -I

8、ts beautiful.(真漂亮。)(2)-We have a big living room.(我們有一個大客廳。) -Its nice.(真好看。)(3) I read in the bedroom.(我在臥室讀書。)I watch TV in the living room.(我在客廳看電視。)I have dinner in the dining room.(我在餐廳吃飯。)(4)-Wheres Li Ming?(李明在哪里?) -Hes behind the desk.(他在門后面。)(5)-Wheres Jenny? (珍妮在哪里?) -Shes in the bedroom.(

9、她在臥室。)(6)-Wheres the monkey?(猴子在哪里?)- Its in the tree.(在樹上。)(6)-Is he in the kitchen? (他在廚房嗎?)-Yes, he is.(是的,他在。) No, he isnt.(不,他不在。) (7)-Is Jenny in the bedroom? (珍妮在臥室嗎?) -Yes, she is.(是的,她在。)No, she isnt.(不,她不在。)五單元重點詞句 單詞:1.學(xué)校school 2.辦公室office 3.實驗室lab 4.操場playground 5.圖書館library 6.房間room 7.美

10、術(shù)art 8.音樂music 9.第一first 10.第二second 11.第三third 12.樓層floor 13.唱歌sing14.繪畫draw 15.這里here句子:(1)-Is this the library?(這是圖書館嗎?) -Yes, it is. (是的。) No, it isnt. (不是。)(2)-Where is the classroom?(教室在哪里?) -Its on the second floor.(在二樓。)(3)We draw in the art room.(我們在美術(shù)教室畫畫。) We sing in the music room.(我們在音樂教室唱歌。) We read in the library.(我們在圖書館讀書。)六單元重點詞句 單詞:1.起床get up 2.上學(xué)go to school 3.回家go home 4.上床睡覺go to bed5.點鐘oclock 6.時刻;時候time 7.現(xiàn)在now 8.準備好的ready9.天;日子day 10.三十thirty 11.課;班級class 12.


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