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1、Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note??紗卧~、高頻短語和寫作句式1 .??紗卧~必背1. scenen (戲劇)一場;現(xiàn)場;場面;景色When he came on the scene , everything came to an end.當他到場時,一切都結束了??焖匍W記behind the scenes 在幕后;在后臺on the scene 在現(xiàn)場,當場appear/come on the scene 到場;出現(xiàn)2. permit vt.&vi.許可;允許;準許 n .通行證;許可證;執(zhí)照They are not permitted to go th

2、ere with their father.他們沒有被允許和父親一起去那兒??焖匍W記(1)permit doing sth允許做某事permit sb to do sth允許某人做某事permit sb sth 允許某人某事(2)permission n. 允許; 準許; 許可3. ahead adv . 在前;向前;提前I have a very busy day ahead of me.擺在我面前的是忙碌的一天??焖匍W記look ahead 向前看;展望未來ahead of 在前面;領先ahead of time 提前4. fault n.過錯;缺點;故障He is always find

3、ing fault with my work.他總是對我的工作百般挑剔??焖匍W記find fault with.挑剔;對吹毛求疵at fault 有錯;有責任5. spot vt.發(fā)現(xiàn);認出 n.斑點;污點;地點Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house.鄰居們發(fā)現(xiàn)有煙從這所房子里冒出來。He bought the car on the spot.他當場就買下了那輛汽車。快速閃記spot sb doing sth 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人正在干某事on the spot 當場;在現(xiàn)場;到現(xiàn)場6. account vi.& vt.認為;說明;總計有

4、n .說明;理由;計算;賬目The police asked him to give a brief account of what had happened.警察讓他簡要說明一下發(fā)生的情況??焖匍W記on account of 由于,因為on no account 決不(置于句首時,句子用部分倒裝)o account/take account of考慮到I, 體諒,顧及7. seek vt .& vi .(sought , sought) 尋找;探索;尋求I am always seeking to improve my teaching method.我一直設法改進我

5、的教學方法。快速閃記seek after/for 尋找;尋求;追求seek help/advice/assistance 請求幫助/征求意見/請求援助seek out 找出;搜出seek to do sth ( 相當于try to do sth)打算/試圖做某事8. contrary n .反面;對立面 adj .相反的;相違的His opinion is contrary to mine.他的看法與我的看法相反??焖匍W記be contrary to 與相反;相違背9. amount n.數(shù)量 vi.合計;共計;接近People in disaster areas have had a lar

6、ge amount of help from people all over the world.災區(qū)人民得到了全世界人們的大量幫助。The cost amounted to £ 250.費用共達250 英鎊。 n .U( 謂語動詞用單數(shù))n .U( 謂語動詞用復數(shù))快速閃記a(large/small) amount of(large/small) amounts ofamount to. 共達;合計10. manner n.禮貌;舉止;方式He was walking in a rather unnatural manner.他走路的樣子很不自然??焖匍W記in a . .manne

7、r 以的方式it is bad/good manners to do sth做某事沒有/有禮貌注意:當manner 意為“方式;方法;舉止;態(tài)度”時常用單數(shù)形式;當它意為“禮貌,禮儀;習俗”時常用復數(shù)形式。n .高頻短語必會1. bring up 撫養(yǎng);培養(yǎng);教育;提出His new suggestion was brought up at the meeting.他的新建議在會上被提出來了??焖匍W記bring about 引起;導致;造成bring down 使 (飛機)降落;使倒下;降低;減少bring in 帶進來;賺得;有收入bring out 取出;說出;闡明;出版2. by acc

8、ident 偶然;無意中;不小心I ran into an old friend in the street by accident.我在街上偶然碰見一位老朋友??焖匍W記(1) 同義詞:by chance(2) 反義詞:on purpose/by design有意地(3)by no accident 絕非偶然by mistake 錯誤地3. go ahead 前進;(用于祈使句)可以;往下說Go ahead! We are all listening to you carefully.往下說!我們都在認真聽你說??焖匍W記go by 經(jīng)過;時間流逝go against 違背go through

9、瀏覽;翻閱;遭受;用完;仔細檢查go over 復習;檢查go on 發(fā)生,繼續(xù)下去4. stare at 盯著看;凝視Everyone in the room turned to stare at her.屋里的每個人都轉過來盯她??焖匍W記stare sb down/out 盯得人局促不安stare sb into silence 用眼睛瞪得某人啞口無言stare sb up and down 上下打量某人5. account for 導致;做出解釋He couldn't account for being absent from the meeting.他不能對缺席會議做出解釋。6

10、. on the contrary 與此相反;正相反My grandma is not sick ; on the contrary , she's in very good condition. 我奶奶沒有生病;與此相反,她健康極了??焖匍W記to the contrary 有相反情況,相反的(地 )7. take a chance 冒險He is just taking a chance to walk on such a thin rope.他在這么細的繩子上走,完全是在冒險快速閃記have a chance to do sth 有機會干某事8. as for 關于;至于As fo

11、r me , I shall not return there either.至于我,我也不會回到那兒去。9. 速閃記as to 至于,關于,就而論in/with regard to 至于,關于川.寫作句式必學1. Well , towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.嗯,夜晚來臨的時候,我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被一陣強風刮進了海里。2. The next morning I'd just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a sh

12、ip.第二天早上,我正感到絕望的時候,一艘船發(fā)現(xiàn)了我。3. And it was the ship that brought you to England.正是那艘船把你帶到了英國。4. Well , it is well known that Americans like to eat a lot.嗯,美國人喜歡吃很多,這是大家都知道的。5. Indeed , sir, I hope you'll come here whenever you like .真的,先生,我希望您隨時光臨IV.短文語法填空,然后背誦短文,熟記本單元的重點詞匯。Sailing HomeThis novel

13、was about an unbelievable1_ genuineadventure . Its author was awhen he was wander ing on thepavement near the bay enjoying the seascenes, he _3_(lose) his moneyand passport that he kept in anenvelope . So he went to theembassyto seekhelp , but the ambassadorwith rude _4_(manner) didn'tpermit his

14、 staff to help though hebowed tohim._5_(stare)at his impatientface , he understood that _6_ was thefaultof his skin colourblack businessmanwho _2_(bring)up in America. In 1956,he visited Africa , his birthplace . One daythat account ed for their refection. So he decided totake a chance to sail on a

15、small boat home.He met a large amount ofdifficulty but was never stopped.On the contrary ,7 (difficult) pushedhim to go ahead harder. Three months _8_(late), he was spot ted by a ship by accident . He washe9 rags indeed .A maid evenscream ed when bringing him asteak and pineappledessert . Aboardearn

16、ed his passage by working as a barber and got home finally.As for the name of his novel,he couldn'tthink of a better one _10_ thephrase“Go Ahead答案 1. but 2. was brought 3. lost 4.manners 5. Staring 6. it 7. difficulty 8. later 9. in 10. than必修3Unit3同步??贾R點練習I .單句語法填空1. 一 Jack can't concentra

17、te on his lessons recently.一 Yes, that might account_for_his low score in the last test.解析:句意:一一最近杰克不集中精力學習。一一是的,這可能是他上次考試得分低的原因。account for. “解釋,是的原因”符合句意。2. The realization of the Chinese dream won't affect dreams of other countries._On_ the contrary, it helps them realize their own dreams.解析:

18、句意:中國夢的實現(xiàn)不會影響其他國家的夢想,相反地,這會幫助他們實現(xiàn)夢想。由句意可知,選on thecontrary ,意為"相反地"。3. Whenever. I have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start.解析:考查讓步狀語從句。句意:無論何時我要進行演講,在開始前我都會極其緊張。4. Exactly when the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565.解析:本題考查名

19、詞性從句的引導詞。句意:馬鈴薯是在什么時候被引進到歐洲的不確定,但是可能是在1565年左右。分析結構可知,此處是主語從句的引導詞。根據(jù) but并列句中的關鍵詞 around 1565可以知道,此處表示“時間”,故要用 when引導主語從句。5. The professor thought that the idea the young engineer brought _up_ was worth considering.解析:句意:教授認為那位年輕的工程師提出的想法值得考慮。分析句子結構可知,“the young engineer '是定語從句,修飾先行詞the idea ,且根據(jù)句

20、意可知,bring up"提出"符合句意。6. 一 What will we do tomorrow?It is unclear whether the meeting will go _ahead_ as planned.解析:句意:一一我們明天做什么?一一尚不清楚會議是否會按計劃舉行。go ahead 進行,符合句意。7. “Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea." This is what my mother used to tell me.解析:本題考查名詞性從句的引導詞。句意:“每次你吃甜東西,喝點綠茶。

21、”這是過去媽媽經(jīng)常對我說的話。分析結構可知,此處考查的是表語從句的引導詞。從句缺少tell的一個賓語,用 what引導。8. There is much chance _that_ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.解析:There is much chance that.為常用句型,意為"很有可能"。 that引導的從句說明chance的內容,等同于同位語從句。9. I found Jane _seated(seat) at the desk, _doing_(do) her homework c

22、arefully.解析:句意:我發(fā)現(xiàn)簡坐在桌旁認真地做作業(yè)。seat為及物動詞,用法為 be seated 或seat oneself ,所以Jane后可接seated 或sitting 作賓補;doing her homework carefully是現(xiàn)在分詞短語作伴隨狀語。10. . 一 Could I use this dictionary?一Just go_ahead_.It's a spare one.解析:本題考查情景交際。句意:“我能用一下這本詞典嗎?” “,這是多余的一本?!备鶕?jù)"It's a spareone."可知,后者應該是同意前者使用

23、這本詞典。just go ahead 意為"用吧",表示同意,符合語境。11. . There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, _staring_(stare) atthe night sky.解析:本題考查非謂語動詞。句意:沒有什么能比躺在草地中央凝視著夜空讓人感到更高興的事兒了。根據(jù)句中的 on my back 可知,lying的動作由“我”發(fā)出,而 stare的邏輯主語也是“我”,“凝視夜空”的動作由“我”主 動發(fā)出,故用現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語,表示伴

24、隨。12. . Even the best writers sometimes find themselves _10st_(lose) for words.解析:考查非謂語動詞。句意:即使最好的作家有時發(fā)現(xiàn)自己無以言辭。be lost for words“說不出話來”。然后結合“find +賓語+賓語補足語”結構可知,止匕處用 lost作賓語補足語。13. . Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with _patience_ (patient).解析:句意:每當我出錯時,老師總是耐心地給我指出。with patien

25、ce耐心地。14. Born into a family with three brothers, David was brought _up to value the sense of sharing.解析:本題考查動詞短語在具體語境中的應用。句意:生在一個有三個兄弟的家庭里,戴維被教育要珍惜分享意識。 bring up "教育,撫養(yǎng)”。15. . He seems to be giving the impression that he didn't enjoy himself in Paris._On_ the contrary, he hada wonderful ti

26、me.on the contrary”正相反解析:句意:他好像是在給人一個印象:他在巴黎玩得不快樂。正相反,他玩得很開心n .完成句子1 . A poor woman dressed _in_rags_(衣衫襤褸 )and shaking with cold was struggling on a lonely road,while the merciless rain was beating her without pause.2 . When wandering in the strange city, he met one of his old classmates _by_accide

27、nt/chance_(偶然).3 . The businessman put _a_large amount/sum of money_(一大筆錢)in the envelope carelessly.4 . Once you are determined to cut down on smoking, _on_no_account_(絕不)should you give up halfway.5 . _As_for_( 關于)the water pollution, the local government has taken action to deal with it and befor

28、e long you will find the river clean again.6 .不管我們做什么,我們應該顧及到國家的利益。_Whatever we_do_, we ought to take into account the interests of the state.7 .與許多人想像的正想反,這位畢業(yè)生來這兒不是為了追求名譽與金錢,而是為了追求生命的真正價值。_Contrary to_ what many people thought, the graduate came here not to _seek_fame_ or money but the true value

29、of life.8 .確實,為了還清債務,這些年他們日夜不停地工作,這就是他們?yōu)槭裁纯雌饋砗苌n老的原因了。Indeed, they worked hard day and night these years in the hope of paying off all their debts, which accounted foj their aged look.9 .眾所周知,吃太多脂肪和含糖食品容易使人變胖。_It_is_wellknown that eating too much fat and sugary food makes one put on weight easily.10

30、.李醫(yī)生建議我多吃膳食纖維,避免無限制地吃含糖小食品。工 is_ Doctor Li _that/who advises me to add more fibre to my diet and avoid eating sugary desserts without limits.m.單句改錯1. They came on the scene , which a traffic accident happened.which where2. Weather permits, we will set off for the warehouse for some bargains._permits

31、 permitting3. Spotting shopping shoulder to shoulder with a girl, I felt very embarrassed.spotting spotted4. Born into a family with three brothers, David brought up to value the sense of sharing.brought 前力口 was5. I won't take chance on a July holiday in Britainit always rains._chance 前力口 a 或 ch

32、ance chances6. I often see some beggars in rag when I walk on the street, and I always offer them some food._rag ragsIV.教材原句1. At this moment, they see a penniless young man_wandering (wander) on the pavement.解析:考查“感官動詞+賓語+賓補”結構。結合語境可知賓語與wander之間為主動關系,且動作正在進行。2. It is Henry Adams, an American busine

33、ssman, _who/that is lost in London and does not know what heshould do.解析:考查強調句型,且強調的是“人”,作主語。3. You must come whenever you want and have_whatever_you like.解析:考查賓語從句,且從句中缺少賓語,結合語意可知答案。4. It's_amazing (amaze) how much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life.解析:考查詞形車專換及amazed與amazing 的區(qū)別。

34、修飾事物,意為“令人吃驚的",用 amazing。5. I did hear that the Bank of England_had issued (issue) two notes in this amount.解析:考查動詞時態(tài)。issue發(fā)生在“ did hear ”之前,故用過去完成時態(tài)。6. I'm so sorry, sir, so sorry , but I cannot change this bank note.解析:考查固定句式" I'm sorry, but.此結構中but不表示轉折,而是引出下文,進行解釋、說明7. Henry is

35、 surprised but the owner and the waiter are_shocked_(shock)解析:考查詞形轉換。此處填形容詞作表語,且表示主語自己“感到震驚”8. I wonder, Mr Adams, _whether/if you'd mind us asking a few questions.解析:考查賓語從句的引導詞。結合語意可知此處表示“是否”的意思,故填whether/if9. The fact is_that_I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, _which_accounts fo

36、r myappearance.解析:第一空考查表語從句,從句中不缺少句子成份,也不缺少語意,故填that ;第二空考查非限制性定語從句,且從句中缺少主語,先行詞指事物,故用which 。V .語篇填空HENRY: Oh, yes. Well, towards nightfall I found myself_carried(carry) out to sea by a strong wind. Itwas all my fault. I didn't know whether I could survive until morning. The next morning I'd

37、 just about given myself up for lost _when I was spotted by a ship.OLIVER: And_i匚 was the ship that brought you to England.HENRY: Yes. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts formy _appearance(appear) . I went to the American embassy_to_seek(seek) help, but.

38、(Thebrothers smile at each other.) RODERICK: Well, you mustn't worry about that. It's _an_ advantage.HENRY: I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, sir.RODERICK: Tell us, Mr Adams, what sort of work did you do in America?HENRY: I worked for a mining company. Could you offer® me som

39、e kind of work here?RODERICK: Patience, Mr Adams. _f_ you don't mind, may I ask you how much money you have? HENRY: Well, to be honest, I have_none.VI.話題寫作用本單元所學知識完成下列句子,并按照邏輯連成短文。1 .馬克吐溫,成長于美國中部的密蘇里州,是 19世紀美國最著名的作家之一。Mark Twain was one of the best known American writers in the nineteenth century and_was brought up in Missouri in the middle part of the United States.2 .他的家鄉(xiāng)在密西西比河河畔,馬克吐溫在那里度過了他的童年。成年后,起初未經(jīng)父親同意,他冒險在密西


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