



1、精選范本重點復習總結(jié)Unit 4:單詞職業(yè): teacher student doctor(Dr.)policeman bus driver worker 老師 學生 醫(yī)生 男警察 公共汽車司機 工人家人:family father mother brother sister me家庭 爸爸 媽媽 兄弟 姐妹 我國家: China 中國 Canada 加拿大形容詞 :tall short old young 高的 矮的 年老的 年輕的其他:man 男人 woman 女人生日:birthday cake birthday gifts birthday party Happy birthday!

2、生日蛋糕 生日禮物 生日聚會 生日快樂句型1 This is my _.(father mother brother sister family)2 We live in China. We live in Canada.We are a happy family. I love my family. I love you.3 How old are you? I am _ years old.(two three four five six seven eight nine ten)4 Happy birthday to you! Thank you. 或者 Thanks.This gift

3、 is for you. How nice!5 I dont feel good. I cant go to school today. I feel good now.Lynn sees a doctor. 琳去看醫(yī)生。 Is Lynn sick? 琳生病了嗎?表格我你他她它我們你們他們主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey形容詞性物主代詞myyourhisherouryour賓格meus我用am 你用are, is連著他她它,單數(shù)is,復數(shù)areI amYou are He is a She is a It is aWe are They areMy name is. Your na

4、me is His name is Her name isUnit 3:單詞身體: body head face hand foot(feet) arm leg hair eye ear 身體 頭 臉 手 腳 胳膊 腿 頭發(fā) 眼睛 耳朵 nose mouth shoulder stomach finger knee toe tail鼻子 嘴 肩膀 胃 手指 膝蓋 腳趾 尾巴形容詞:hot cold warm cool happy sad left right 熱的 冷的 溫暖的 涼爽的 高興的 傷心的 左邊的 右邊的句型1 How do you feel? I feel hot .或I am

5、hot .(hot cold warm cool happy sad)2 Touch your head. Clap your hands.摸摸你的頭。 拍拍你的手。 Stamp your foot. Wave your arm. Shake your leg. 跺跺你的腳。 揮揮你的胳膊。 搖搖你的腿。 3 What is it? It is a . It is an .(以a e i o u 開頭的單詞, ear eye arm ) 4 Show me your left hand.5 This is warm. 這是 That is cool. 那是 6 Are you Okay? No

6、, I am sick. Lets see a doctor.What is the matter? My head hurts. I hurt my head.7 Look at me. Me, too.8 My eyes are black. I walk to school.I have a tail. That is great!疑問詞 what what is what colour how how many how old 什么 是什么 什么顏色 怎么樣 多少 多大以Am Is Are 開頭的句子可以用Yes 或No回答。Are you okay? No,I am sick.Uni

7、t 2:單詞colour: red yellow blue green orange black white brown顏色 : 紅色 黃色 藍色 綠色 桔黃色 黑色 白色 棕色red紅yellow黃 blue藍色像海洋green綠purple紫pink粉紅畫女郎orange橘黃是橘子black黑white白brown棕色像座房friend window door朋友 窗戶 門26個英文字母配詞:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii apple book cat door eraser fish girl hand ice creamJj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Q

8、q Rr Ss Ttjuice kite lake mouth nose orange pencil queen ruler school tea U u Vv Ww Xx Yy Zzumbrella vegetables window X-ray yellow zoo 句型1 This is She is my friend. He is my friend. 朋友2 Open the window. 打開窗戶 Close the window.關(guān)上窗戶Open the door. 打開門 Close the door. 關(guān)上門3 What colour is it? It is green

9、.What colour is O? It is red. 4. Point to red.指著紅色。5 Find a friend.找朋友。Now we are good friend.現(xiàn)在我們是好朋友。疑問詞 what what is what colour how how many how old 什么 是什么 什么顏色 怎么樣 多少 多大以Am Is Are 開頭的句子可以用Yes 或No回答。Are you okay? No,I am sick.Unit 1:單詞number :one two three four five six seven eight nine ten數(shù)字 一

10、二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十boy girl teacher book chair desk school男孩 女孩 老師 書 椅子 桌子 學校pen pencil ruler crayon pencil box鋼筆 鉛筆 尺子 蠟筆 鉛筆盒人物:Li Ming Jenny Danny李明 珍妮 丹尼1 Whats your name? My name isWhats her name? Her name isWhats his name? His name is2 This is a boy. This is a girl. This is a teacher.3 How are you? Im fine, thanks.4


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