1、車身車間工藝流程培訓車身車間工藝流程培訓Body Shop Plant ME7/12/2012目錄目錄 Contents1Overview 概述概述Technologies 工藝介紹1Layout and Process 車間布局及生產流程232Overview 概述概述1課程目的:課程目的: 知道知道Overview 概述概述1Overview 概述概述1Overview 概述概述1 通常我們所說的汽車制造四大工藝指的是:沖壓焊裝(車身)涂裝(油漆,噴涂) 總裝。一般來說,在汽車制造工廠,這四大工藝分別對應四大車間或工廠。 在焊裝車間,沖壓成型的鈑金件通過夾具固定其相對位置,主要使用電阻焊機
2、焊接并組拼成完整的白車身。然后通過輸送系統(tǒng)送往涂裝車間,焊裝的工藝便完成。 焊裝車間的主要工藝過程可以理解成類似搭積木的過程。對于轎車我們一般稱為5大片(分總成):底板總成,左右側圍,頂棚,門蓋(車門及發(fā)動機蓋,行李箱蓋)。 焊裝車間使用的工藝技術主要有:電阻點焊,MAG/MIG焊,螺柱焊,螺母焊,涂膠,門調(建付),表調(鈑修)等。CF11生產線分布Paint Shop涂裝車間Under-bodyDoorMounting/Metal FinshMain LineBody SideRightBody SideLeftStartOverview 概述概述1StartStartJuili瑞利 CT
3、SO荻原 目錄目錄 ContentsOverview 概述Technologies 工藝介紹1Layout and Process 車間布局及生產流程車間布局及生產流程232.1 車間布局車間布局2.2 工藝流程工藝流程JulieCTSO Qoros 288m120m98m2.1 車間布局車間布局Juili UBBS/LFinishMLBS/R2.1 車間布局車間布局StartStartStart2.2 工藝流程工藝流程UBUB Respot2.2.1 UB0102.2 工藝流程工藝流程2.2.1 UB010LayoutPanel buildWelding spotTime chart2.2
4、工藝流程工藝流程2.2.2 SFO 0202.2 工藝流程工藝流程2.2.2 SFO 020LayoutPanel buildWelding spotTime chart2.2 工藝流程工藝流程2.2.3 FR060MLML respot2.2 工藝流程工藝流程LayoutPanel buildWelding spotTime chart2.2.3 FR0602.2 工藝流程工藝流程2.2.4 MF040FL2.2 工藝流程工藝流程LayoutPanel buildWelding spotTime chart2.2.4 MF040Overview 概述Technologies 工藝介紹工藝介紹
5、1Layout and Process 車間布局及生產流程23點焊是在局部區(qū)域利用電流所產生的熱量和兩電極的壓力來連接兩枚或是兩枚以上板件的一種焊接方法點焊是利用電阻熱來熔化金屬,電阻熱是由通過高電流經過板件所產生的焊件組合后通過電極施加壓力,利用電流通過接頭的接觸面及鄰近區(qū)域產生的電阻熱進行焊接的方法稱為電阻焊。通過電阻熱來熔化金屬,形成熔池,熔池冷卻后形成熔核。 Welded Sheets of MetalWeld nugget熔核生成3 工藝介紹工藝介紹3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 點焊點焊Resistance Spot Welding in Action點焊的
6、實際操作3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Resistance Spot Welding in Action點焊的實際操作3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Squeeze time加壓時間Weld time焊接時間Hold time保持時間Off time放開時間Nugget Founded熔核形成Nugget Cooling熔核冷卻Welding Finished焊接完成Resistance Spot Welding Process點焊的焊接過程Squeeze Time: Pressure of the electr
7、odes is applied to the metal電極緊靠鈑件開始加壓;Weld time: Current flows through the electrodes while pressure is held. Resistance heat ofthe material being welded forms weld nugget.電極加壓的同時電流通過電極,電阻熱使得金屬熔化并形成熔核;Hold Time: Current is stopped while pressure on the material is still applied. It gives thenugget
8、time to cool down.不通電流,但是電極仍施加壓力,熔核開始冷卻;Off Time: Pressure is released.壓力漸減3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Resistance Spot Welding Process點焊的過程T: Time in s 時間以秒計時 I: Current電流P: Welding Pressure焊接壓力0T1: Squeeze Time 加壓時間 before Welding Time通電前時間T1 T2:Welding Time 焊接時間T2 T3: Hold Time冷卻時間T2 T4: O
9、ff Time減壓時間t1: Electrifying first cycle第一個通電周期t2: Electrifying second cycle第二個通電周期Pressure壓力Current電流T (s)P (N/m2)T1T20T3I /A0t1 t2 9000A-9000A2000 N/m2Squeeze time加壓時間Weld time焊接時間Hold time保持時間Off time減壓時間3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊24Spot Welding Parameters點焊的焊接參數(shù)The determination of appro
10、priate welding parameters for spot welding is a very complex issue. A small change of one parameter will effect all the other parameters. This, and the fact that the thickness of sheet is gradually increasing, makes it difficult to design a welding parameter table, which shows the optimum welding pa
11、rameters for different circumstances. However, this table shows target values for the welding parameters.為點焊設定一個適當?shù)暮附訁?shù)是個很復雜的問題,一個參數(shù)的微小變動都將影響其他焊接參數(shù)以下表格是隨著鈑厚的逐漸增大而設計出的焊接參數(shù)表,它表示在不同的焊接條件下的焊接參數(shù)但是,下面的表格僅僅是焊接參數(shù)的目標值3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊25Not GoodWelding Defects 焊接缺陷Disjunction 斷裂OKNot GoodDi
12、sjunction斷裂Half nugget 半點OKHalf nugget半點Not GoodSpots too close點距太近OKOKNot GoodSurface splattering expulsion表面有飛濺物Surface splattering expulsion表面有飛濺物Spots too close點距太近,If spots are too close only the first spot is fixed since the current during welding flows through the first spot. 造成分流3.1 Resistan
13、ce Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Causes for Defects 引起缺陷的原因The gun setting angle is wrong. 持槍角度不正確There is a gap between two steel plates. 板件間有間隙The surfaces of the parts are dirty. 零件表面有污漬The electrode tip is dirty. 電極頭有污漬The welding force is too small. 焊接壓力過小The squeeze time is too short. 加壓時間過短The welding
14、 current is too large. 焊接電流過大n The welding current is too low. 焊接電流過小 n The welding time is too short. 焊接時間過短n The welding force is too large or too small. 焊接壓力過大或過小n The diameter of the electrode tip end is too large. 電極頭的直徑過大n The gun setting angle is wrong. 持槍角度不正確n The electrode tip is not coole
15、d enough. 電極頭沒有充分冷卻n The welding current is diverged.焊接電流分流 n The secondary cable is broken. 二級電纜損壞n The part fitness is wrong. 零件組立錯誤Causes for Surface Splattering and Expulsion引起表面飛濺物的原因引起表面飛濺物的原因Causes for Sheet Separation鈑件分離的原因鈑件分離的原因3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Avoiding Welding Defects
16、By Operator 操作者避免焊接缺陷的方法2.The electrode arm must not touch the panels to avoid current diverging.電極臂不要觸到鈑件以防止電極臂不要觸到鈑件以防止焊接電流分流焊接電流分流1.The electrode caps should be vertical to the panels.保持電極與鈑件垂直保持電極與鈑件垂直3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Avoiding Defects缺陷的防止The electrode arm must not touch the p
17、anels to avoid current diverging when the divergencehappens, there is not enough current to go through the spot part, so there is not enough heatproduced to melt mantel. 電極臂不應觸到板件以避免電流分流電極臂不應觸到板件以避免電流分流(當有分流時當有分流時,就沒有足夠的電流通過焊點就沒有足夠的電流通過焊點,也就沒有足夠的熱量也就沒有足夠的熱量使金屬充分熔化使金屬充分熔化).Touch觸及觸及Diffluence分流分流Gun
18、焊槍焊槍Diffluence分流分流Gun焊槍焊槍 Touch觸及觸及3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Avoiding Welding Defects 焊接缺陷的防止 The centers of the upper electrode and the lower electrode must be in point. 必須保證兩電極頭對中Not Good錯誤錯誤3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Resistance Spot Welding Equipment 點焊設備 NFB Beam 橫梁橫梁Transform
19、er 變壓器變壓器Power supply電源電源Trip mechanism 導向機構導向機構Timer conductor控制器控制器Overhead rail導軌導軌 Hanger吊繩吊繩Spring balancer彈簧平衡器彈簧平衡器Hanger吊繩吊繩Electrode tip 電極頭電極頭X-gun 槍槍Cable電纜電纜No Influence cable無感電纜無感電纜C-gun 槍槍3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Resistance Spot Welding Equipment點焊設備Beam 橫梁橫梁Transformer 變壓器
20、變壓器Cable電纜電纜Overhead rail導軌導軌 Hanger吊繩吊繩 No Influence cable無感電纜無感電纜Spring balancer彈簧彈簧平衡器平衡器 C-gun C槍槍3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Timer Conductor withe Remote Control時間控制器和遙控裝置時間控制器和遙控裝置Timer Conductor控制器Circuit board電路板電路板High voltage area高壓區(qū)高壓區(qū)Connect to power supply 電源連接電源連接Connect to tra
21、nsformer 變變壓器連接壓器連接Silicon-controlled rectifier可控硅可控硅3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Transformer變壓器Transformer變壓器變壓器3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Welding Guns焊槍Welding Guns with incorporated transformer一體化焊槍一體化焊槍C Guns型槍型槍X Guns型槍型槍Guns used for manual welding operation用手工操作的焊槍用手工操作的焊槍Robo
22、ts use guns with incorporated transfomer機器人用焊槍是和變壓器連接在一起的機器人用焊槍是和變壓器連接在一起的The two most commonly used types of welding guns are the direct acting type, known as aC-type gun, where the operating cylinder is connected directly to the moving electrode, andthe X-type where the operating cylinder is remot
23、e from the moving electrode, the force being applied to it by means of a lever arm. 這兩種焊槍是最經常使用的焊槍,一個為型槍,它的工作汽缸是直接連接在移動電極上;一個為型槍,它的工作汽缸與移動電極距離比較遠,是由控制杠臂對電極施加壓力3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Manual Welding and Welding Robot手工焊接和機器人焊接Gun used for welding operation with robot用機器人對焊槍進行操作用機器人對焊槍進行操作
24、3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Structure of a X Gun X型焊槍的結構X GunX型槍型槍3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊During Usage Electrode Tips get worn out. In order to keep the requiredelectrode tip/ face dimensions and therefore to keep the necessary welding quality electrodetips need to be dressed. 當電
25、極頭被損耗時,為了保證電極頭的尺寸和保證焊接品質,必須打磨電極頭 Electrode Tip Dressing 電極頭的打磨Electrode tip must be dressed電極頭必須被研磨電極頭必須被研磨New electrode tip 新電極頭新電極頭Tip dresser研磨機研磨機 Cutter刀具刀具 Second-cut flat machinists file中細度的平挫中細度的平挫 Must not be used after exceeding limit電極頭超出極限標記電極頭超出極限標記后禁止實用后禁止實用3.1 Resistance Spot Welding
26、電阻點焊電阻點焊Electrode Tips 電極頭16 cap tip 16 cap tip 12 cap tip 12 cap tip 3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊The Cooling System of Portable Spot Welding Guns 便攜式點焊槍的冷卻系統(tǒng)AASection A-A斷面斷面A-ADrain hole 排水管排水管Feed water pipe 進水管進水管Feed water pipe進水管進水管 Drain hole 排水管排水管Feed water 進水進水Drain排水排水Arm電極臂電極臂3.1
27、 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊Binding of Hoses管的包扎帶Rubber binder橡膠包扎帶橡膠包扎帶 Water hose 冷卻水管冷卻水管Air hose 氣管氣管Rubber binder 橡膠包扎帶橡膠包扎帶No influence cable無感電纜無感電纜 Cooling water passage冷卻水路冷卻水路Cable電纜電纜 Canvas and rubber帆布和橡膠帆布和橡膠Rubber橡膠橡膠3.1 Resistance Spot Welding 電阻點焊電阻點焊MAG WeldingMAG焊MAG (Metal A
28、ctive Gas) welding is a kind of gas protecting welding which uses an active gas (CO2 : Argon=2:8) as the protecting gas. During the welding process it meltsthe main metals and welding wire through arc burning. The metals are connected with an atomic union after cooling.MAG焊(混合氣體保護焊)是一種用氧化性氣體作為保護氣(二氧
29、化碳:氬氣=2:8)的一種焊接方法。在焊接過程中,它通過電弧燃燒來熔化金屬和焊絲,使金屬在焊縫冷卻時達到原子間的結合。3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊MAG Welding in Body Shop 在焊裝車間MAG焊的使用3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊MAG Welding Process MAG焊的過程焊的過程The principle of MIG/MAG welding is that a metallic wire is fed through the welding gun and melted in an arc. The wire serves the d
30、ual purpose of acting as the current-carrying electrode and the weld metal filler wire. Electrical energy is supplied by a welding power source.MIG/MAG焊的原理是用可以熔化的焊絲作為電極,并有氣體作為保護的電弧焊。焊絲供給有著雙重目的,既可以為電極傳輸電流也為焊縫提供填充金屬. 供給的電能是由焊接電源提供的.A shielding gas that flows through the gas nozzle protects the arc and
31、 the pool of molten material. The shielding gas is either inert (MIG) or active (MAG). In this context, an inert gas is one that does not react with the molten material. Active gases, on the other hand, participate in the process between the arc and the molten material. Argon containing a small prop
32、ortion of carbon dioxide or oxygen is an example of an active gas.從焊槍噴嘴中流出的保護氣對電弧和熔池金屬進行保護保護氣有可能是惰性氣體(MIG)或是活性氣體(MAG).在這個過程中,惰性氣體不會和熔敷金屬發(fā)生化學反應,相反,活性氣體會與熔敷金屬進行化學反應.加入少量氧化性氣體的目的,是在不改變或基本上不改變惰性氣體電弧特性的條件下,進一步提高電弧穩(wěn)定性,改善焊縫成形和降低電弧輻射強度等。活性氣保護氣體,是有氬氣加少量的CO2或O2組成的。3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊MAG Welding Equipment MA
33、G焊的設備 Power source equipment電源裝置電源裝置Protecting gas cylinder保護氣體儲存罐保護氣體儲存罐Remote controller遙控裝置遙控裝置 Wire feeder送絲裝置送絲裝置MAG brazing torchMAG焊的銅噴嘴焊的銅噴嘴3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊MAG Welding Equipments MAG焊的設備Power source equipment電源電源Remote controller遙控裝置遙控裝置Wire feeder送絲裝置送絲裝置MAG brazing torch焊的銅噴嘴焊的銅噴嘴3.2
34、MAG Welding MAG焊焊Mechanism of a Power Source Equipment 電源裝置Control panel控制面板控制面板溫度異常指示燈 電流顯示 “初期” “焊接” “收弧” 選擇按鍵 旋轉編碼器 電壓顯示 “點焊時間” “電壓顯示” “波形控制” 選擇按鍵 旋轉編碼器 選擇按鍵 焊接材質 焊絲直徑 焊接方法的選擇 控制方式選擇 一元化個別 選擇 氣體檢查按鈕 手動送絲按鈕 保險()送絲電機 3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊Remote Controller and Gas Regulator 遙控控制和氣體調整器Use for control
35、ling protection gass pressure and flux. 用來控制保護氣壓和流量用來控制保護氣壓和流量Pressure regulator壓力調整器壓力調整器Pressure gauge壓力計壓力計Flow meter流量計流量計Flow control knob流量控制按鈕流量控制按鈕Welding current control knob 焊接電流調整按鈕焊接電流調整按鈕Welding voltage control knob焊接電壓調整按鈕焊接電壓調整按鈕Use for micro controlling welding data.使用其對焊接參數(shù)進行微控制使用其對
36、焊接參數(shù)進行微控制 3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊MAG Welding Equipment MAG焊的設備Steel bottle for storing Argon gas.氬氣鋼瓶氬氣鋼瓶 Wire , welding material needs storage.焊絲,需要備品焊絲,需要備品Hand shield protects workers eyes from radiation.面罩用面罩用來保護工人的眼來保護工人的眼睛避免輻射睛避免輻射Contact tips are broken easily and therefore need storage. 導電嘴比較容
37、易損壞,因導電嘴比較容易損壞,因此應備存此應備存3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊Welding Parameters 焊接參數(shù) Wire電線:Silicon bronze wire硅銅焊絲- 0.8 ,1.0, 1.2 Gas氣體:Argon gas 氬氣70%,CO2 二氧化碳30%-10 L/min. Welding speed焊接速度: 300400mm/min.3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊Defect缺陷缺陷Explanation說明說明Effect結果結果 1.Not enough metal (wire) deposited沒有足夠的金屬(焊絲)把焊縫填滿1
38、.Quality of seam is bad 焊縫的質量差2.Too much metal (wire) deposited焊縫的填充金屬(焊絲)過多1.It takes a long time to finish welding .會占用更多的焊接時間。2. Causes deformation of metal. 引起金屬變形3.Waste of material浪費原料3. Blow hole 氣孔1.Quality of seam is bad焊縫的質量差2. Causes water leaking through seam. 會漏水Defects in MAG Welding M
39、AG焊的缺陷Groove凹槽凹槽hole in surface表面氣孔表面氣孔Blow hole氣孔氣孔3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊Defect缺陷Explanation說明Effect結果4.The gap between base metals is large板件間的間隙過大1.Quality of seam is bad.焊縫質量差2. Difficult to work with welded part.焊接后的零件不利于使用焊接后的零件不利于使用5. Deformation of material板件變形1.It takes a long time to finish
40、 welding.需要的焊接時間長Defects in MAG Welding MAG焊的缺陷Gap間隙間隙Dent凹凹Dent3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊Only in the correct range of angel the gas can protect the seam during the welding process. This causes blow holes.在焊接過程中,只有在正確的持槍角度范圍內完成焊接才能確保焊縫的質量,否則容易引起氣孔等焊接缺陷!Angle of Torch 持槍角度OKNGThe angle is out of extent.超出
41、正確范圍超出正確范圍The angle is suitable.正確的角度范圍正確的角度范圍3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊Length of the Wire Extension焊絲的伸長長度Too long太長NGOKIf the length of the wire is not correct too much or too little material is deposited during the welding process. This causes defects as described in the pages before.如果在焊接過程中焊絲的長度過長或過
42、短會導致熔覆金屬過多或太少,這個缺陷在前面已做了說明If the wire is too long it easily causes deformation of the welded material.如果焊絲伸長過長,就易引起焊接變形,燒斷.3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊Points to Be Checked Before Welding 焊接前的檢查工作Oil, rust, paint, moisture油污,鐵銹,余漆,潮濕Clean the gap stain清除縫隙的油污710 l/minOKNGChecks by Operator:操作者檢查事項If the arc
43、 is hardly burning, unstable or the wire feeding is bad the contact tip has to be replaced. 如果電弧幾乎不燃燒、燃燒不穩(wěn)定或是焊絲供給不良,就應該更換導電嘴.Spatter sticking of nozzle must be cleaned. 噴嘴上的飛濺應當及時的清除The welding speed is not to be too slow, otherwise the metal absorbs more heat and the distortion is too large. 焊接速度不能
44、太慢,否則金屬會吸收熱量而使金屬有的變形太大3.2 MAG Welding MAG焊焊In the Body Shop Sealers and glues are used for the following purposes:在焊裝車間,密封膠和粘著劑有以下用途:- corrosion protection防腐蝕- waterproofing防漏水- soundproofing隔音效果- reducing vibration減少振動- strengthening the body structure加強車體結構Sealer or glue materials which are used c
45、an be divided into hot sealer and cold sealer.The requirement for the sealer/glue is different in each part of the body, so the chemicalcontent of the sealers is also different. Some of the glues or sealers need heating upsince they can not be used in normal temperature.密封膠和粘著劑根據(jù)用途可分為熱膠和冷膠因為每個車體的部位對
46、膠的需求是不一樣的,所以膠的化學成份也是不一樣的。一些密封膠和粘著劑必須要加熱,因為其不能在正常 的溫度下使用。Sealer and Glue 密封膠和粘著劑3.3 Sealer and GlueSealers and Glues密封膠和粘著劑Structural Glue結構膠結構膠Anti-flutter Glue防振膠防振膠Sealer密封膠密封膠Exposy basedRubber based Strong union of two sheets of metals能使兩板件粘牢 - Parts are in contact用于連接部件 - Can be applied in comb
47、ination with spot welds 能夠應用于點焊連接Helps protect against corrosion具有抗腐蝕性 Prevents vibrations防振 - Parts do not touch each other directly 部件間不能直接接觸 Prevents water from passing though a seam防止水透過縫隙3.3 Sealer and GlueExample - Sealing Method for Floor Panels舉例底板的涂膠方法Sealer Gun膠槍膠槍Rear floor panel 后底板后底板3.
48、3 Sealer and Glue涂膠-實例3.3 Sealer and GlueStructure of a Sealer Machine 涂膠機的結構Hose膠管膠管To flow gun or metering valve到打膠槍或計量到打膠槍或計量閥閥 Pump泵泵Air regulator壓縮壓縮空氣調節(jié)器空氣調節(jié)器Air cock壓縮空氣閥壓縮空氣閥Handle把手把手Push button to lift up上升按鈕上升按鈕Hook掛鉤掛鉤Sealant and glue can 密封膠和粘著劑密封膠和粘著劑的儲存桶的儲存桶Discharge cock排出口開關排出口開關Air
49、 bleeder handle空氣排出空氣排出把手把手Follower plate從動橡膠板從動橡膠板Sealant& Adhesive密封劑粘合劑密封劑粘合劑3.3 Sealer and GlueSealer Machines 涂膠機 The sealer machine for hot sealer is different from cool sealer machine. It has a special unit for warming sealer and holding the temperature.熱膠機和冷膠機不同。熱膠機有一個特殊的裝置用于預熱膠并保持溫度。Sea
50、ler Machine for cold sealer or glueSealer Machine for hot sealer or glue3.3 Sealer and GlueGlueing with Spots涂點膠涂點膠General Operation 常規(guī)的操作There are two kinds of gluing operations: glueing with spots or glueing with seams.In DCVC only glueing with seams is used. 涂膠膠有兩種操作方式:涂點膠和涂線膠。在DCVC只采用涂線膠。Glueing
51、 with Seams涂線膠涂線膠Lever控制桿控制桿Sealer gun膠槍膠槍Nozzle噴嘴噴嘴Hose膠管膠管Seam線膠線膠Spots點膠點膠3.3 Sealer and GlueAmount of Glue for Sealing or Gluing Operation涂膠的位置或操作規(guī)范 the position of gluing must be correct 粘著劑的位置必須準確 the amount of glue must be suitable涂膠應適量!Not enoughglue/sealer用量過少用量過少Too muchglue/sealer用量過多用量過多
52、Correct amount適量適量The two panels do not adhere enough鋼板粘貼不充分Overflow溢膠3.3 Sealer and GluePosition of Glue for Sealing or Gluing Operation 涂膠的位置或操作規(guī)范Gaps間隙Gap間隙 the position of gluing must be correct 補膠的位置要正確 the amount of glue must be suitable 補膠的用量要適中!Gaps補膠有間隙補膠有間隙Correct position正確位置正確位置Wrong pos
53、ition錯誤位置錯誤位置Overflow溢出3.3 Sealer and GlueChanging Glue or Sealer Drum 更換密封膠桶和粘著劑桶1Turn the air cock off.將壓縮空氣閥關閉2Let the follower plate rise until it reaches the top end of the can pushing the button .按下按鈕讓從動橡膠板升到桶的頂端3Lift the pump .Hang the hook on the handle .升起 ,將掛鉤 掛在把手上.4Take out the empty can
54、 from the cart .將臺車上從空桶取走5Set the filled can to the cart.將滿的膠桶放在臺車上.6Take off the hook from the handle . Let the pump lower slowly. Fit the centers of the can and the follower plate.從把手上取下掛鉤 ,讓泵 緩緩將下,將從動橡膠板的中心和桶心對準.7Loosen the air bleeder handle and let the inside air discharge completely.松開空氣排出把手讓里
55、面的空氣完全排除8Tighten the air bleeder handle . 旋緊空氣排出把手9Turn the air cock on. The pump starts to work. After a while it stops.打開壓縮空氣開關閥,泵開始工作一會兒就停下來了.10(If the pump doesnt stop, loosen the discharge cock and let the inside air discharge discharging sealant or adhesive.)如果泵沒有停止,松開排出開關,讓里面的空氣排出,排出密封膠或粘著劑11
56、(Tighten the discharge cock )旋緊排出開關 3.3 Sealer and GlueWelding Robots in Action 焊接機器人在運行中3.4 Robot 機器人機器人Units of the Welding Robot 焊接機器人的組成單元Control Unit控制器控制器Mechanical Unit機械手機械手Tool工具工具e.g. Welding Gun例如:焊槍例如:焊槍3.4 Robot 機器人機器人Gun Jog Function an Pressure Process 示教盒控制面板焊槍漫步操作過程焊槍漫步操作過程通過安步進按鈕通過
57、安步進按鈕來操作焊槍的開來操作焊槍的開起、閉合并打點起、閉合并打點靠近靠近降低速度降低速度施壓施壓Tip 粘結檢測粘結檢測焊槍打開焊槍打開自動壓緊步驟自動壓緊步驟完整的操完整的操作過程作過程3.4 Robot 機器人機器人Gun Change Function 轉換焊槍功能 The gun Change function allows changing a certain amount of servo guns without powering off.焊槍的轉換功能在沒有關閉電源的情況下轉換伺服焊槍。3.4 Robot 機器人機器人Jig 夾具To ensure accuracy in p
58、roduction and correct positioning of the part during a production process step (e.g. during welding) jigs are used. Its function is both to set the final position of the part which is worked on in a station and also to check and verify its geometrical location. Therefore measuring instruments and se
59、nsors are fixed to the jig. 在生產過程中為了確保零件的擺放位置的準確性和產品的精確度,我們必須使用加工精準的夾具,并在夾具上安裝感應設備 3.5 Fixture 夾具夾具Components of Jig 夾具的構成1.1 Location pin定位銷1.2 Clamp 壓持板1.3 Locater 定位座1.4 Air cylinder 汽缸1.5 Air operated valve 氣壓閥1.6 Base底座1.7 Support 支撐塊 1.8 Electromagnetism valve switch電磁閥開關Clamp壓持板壓持板Location pi
60、n 定位銷定位銷Base底座底座Locater定位座定位座3.5 Fixture 夾具夾具 Air cylinder氣氣壓閥壓閥Throttle valve緊急停止按鈕緊急停止按鈕Support支撐塊支撐塊Clamp壓持板壓持板Components of Jig 夾具的構成1.1 Location pin 定位銷1.2 Clamp 壓持板1.3 Locater 定位座1.4 Air cylinder 汽缸1.5 Air operated valve 氣壓閥1.6 Base 底座1.7 Support 支撐塊 1.8 Electromagnetism valve switch 電磁閥開關3.5 Fixt
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