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1、項目名稱 挪威:人與自然組長:程然然組長:程然然組員:張宇晴組員:張宇晴 楊雨鑫楊雨鑫 李昌昌李昌昌 張張 雨雨 周周 運運一、項目實施的目的和意義目的:通過實踐,進一步了解和掌握旅游資料的英譯技巧,提高同學的英語學習熱情和社會實踐能力。意義:旅游英語的使用不僅能直接反映一個城市國際化水平的高低,更能反映一個城市的品位。通過學習、了解和掌握旅游英語英譯技巧,提高英語學習熱情和社會實踐能力。二、項目實施內容和擬解決的關鍵問題1. 項目實施內容我組成員通過網(wǎng)絡,報刊等途徑搜集旅游英語的相關資料,做好讀書筆記和學習心得,并將所得的理論知識運用到旅游資料的英譯實踐中,真正做到在實踐活動中學習,深刻體會

2、旅游英語的語言特點及其英譯所需的翻譯技巧。2. 擬解決的關鍵問題(1)了解規(guī)范旅游資料在信息傳達和文化交 流中的意義(2)體會旅游英語的語言特點(3)掌握旅游資料的英譯技巧三、項目實施方案和解決問題的方法 a.通過查閱相關書籍、報刊等,對旅游資料的英譯有整體性的把握。 b.小組內分工合作,對收集的旅游資料進行英譯。 c.將翻譯過程中出現(xiàn)的問題進行編號和分類,并形成書面報告。 d.通過小組成員討論,進一步解決存在疑異的問題。 e.在老師的指導下,幫助改正譯文中的欠妥之處,并形成書面報告。四、項目化內容展示(張宇晴) 挪威,北歐國家,位于斯堪的納維亞西部。這股長的東部邊界與瑞典。挪威接壤的芬蘭和俄

3、羅斯的東北部,和斯卡格拉克海峽以南,與丹麥的另一邊。挪威擁有廣闊的海岸線,在北大西洋和巴倫支海。它有一個總面積385252平方公里,人口5109059人。【試譯】A Nordic country, Norway is situated at the west of Scandinavia Peninsular, bordering Sweden to the east, Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak Strait to the south, with Denmark on the other side and a

4、n extensive coastline. It faces the North Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea. It covers an area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,109,059 people. 【參考譯文】Nordic countries, Norway is located west of Scandinavia. It shares a long eastern border with Sweden. Norway is bordered by Finland

5、 and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak Strait to the south, with Denmark on the other side. Norway has an extensive coastline, facing the North Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea. It has a total area of 385,252 square kilometers and a population of 5,109,059 people . 【分析】原文翻譯簡潔明了,將挪威地理位置的東

6、西南北進行合譯,顯得文章凝練有素。在英漢句式方面作對比,即英語重“形合”,漢語重“意合”,從句式的形狀看,英語為樹狀,漢語為竹狀。 這個國家保持相結合的市場經(jīng)濟和普遍的醫(yī)療保健和社會保障體系全面北歐福利模式。挪威有石油,天然氣,礦產(chǎn),木材,海鮮,新鮮的水儲量豐富,水電。挪威被認為是一個最發(fā)達的民主國家和國家的正義的世界。它被歸類為民主指數(shù)是世界上最民主的國家。 【參考譯文】The country maintains a combination of market economy and a Nordic welfare model with universal health care and

7、a comprehensive social security system. Norway has extensive reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber, seafood, fresh water, and hydropower. Norway is considered to be one of the most developed democracies and states of justice in the world. It was classified as the worlds most democrati

8、c country by the Democracy Index. 【試譯】The country focuses on in combination with market economy, a Nordic welfare model with universal health care and a comprehensive social security system. Norway is abundant with resources, mainly petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber, seafood, fresh water, and

9、 hydropower. Norway is considered to be one of the most developed, democratic and justified in the world. It was classified as the worlds most democratic country by the Democracy Index. 【分析】原參考譯文,句式多樣化,采取長短句互補相結合的方式,使旅游資料生動形象展現(xiàn)游客面前。旅游文體是書面語與口語的結合,是為了傳達信息,爭取顧客,所以一般來說,旅游英語的句子比較簡短易懂,但有時為了體現(xiàn)景點的形象性、特色和美感

10、,也會出現(xiàn)簡單句與復合句、長句與短句及小句并用的情況,這就使文章顯得錯落有致。在這里英語和漢語的區(qū)別在于英語里常用后置定語或定語從句,狀語的位置也是在主謂語之后,由此造成句子結構頭小尾大。而中文則是狀語總放在謂語或句子主體的前邊,定語無論長短都在中心詞之前,其結果形成頭大尾小的獅子頭形狀。 (程然然) 提起挪威,讓人想起的是地球北端的一片極地風光。歐洲的最北端叫做拉普蘭,它位于挪威北部邊界,包括斯堪的納維亞半島的北部和俄羅斯的一小部分。當?shù)厝吮环Q作薩米人,自古以漁獵為生。甚至在今天,他們仍然過著與自然共生共存的生活。 【試譯】1 When it comes to Norway,traveler

11、s may have a concept of an extreme land of absolute north. The extreme north of Europe is known as Lapland that is located on the Norwegian borders including the northern part of Scandinavia and a small portion of Russia. The native people is the Sami who traditionally live on hunting and fishing. N

12、owadays they still live a harmonious life with nature. 【參考譯文】1 In the unconscious of a traveler, Norway evokes a concept of an extreme land, of absolute north. The extreme north of Europe is known as Lapland, a land that straddles the Norwegian borders to include the northern part of Scandinavia and

13、 a small portion of Russia. The native population is the Sami who live traditionally from hunting and fishing, in symbiosis, even if nowadays in a technological version, with their environment. 【分析】比試譯1中“when it comes to”這一表達,參考譯文1中的“in the unconscious”更突出強調一種無意識行為,是一種自然流露的情感,又如參考譯文中“evoke”一詞是喚起某種感情

14、、記憶或形象之意,較試譯中“have”一詞更能傳神達意,起到吸引讀者的作用。在旅游資料的翻譯中,喚起受眾是至關重要的,我們要在切合旅游資料的情況下傳遞信息,誘導行動。 挪威首都奧斯陸人口不足五十萬,它的城市文化給人們帶了強烈的凝聚力,人們有了一種與自然和諧相處的責任感。這種凝聚力源自他們的歷史,并且得到了發(fā)揚和光大。 【試譯】Oslo ,the capital of Norway, has a population of barely half a million. The city enhances so strong cohesion that people have a high deg

15、ree of responsibility for the harmony with the nature. The strong cohesion was born 2 in their past and was cultivated in a great height of development. 【參考譯文】The capital of Norway, Oslo, has a population of barely half a million. The city ensures the necessary administrative and cultural cohesion o

16、f a people who have a very strong sense of harmony with the nature, born 2 in their distant Viking past and proudly cultivated throughout the years. 【分析】參考譯文1 in their distant Viking past運用了增譯。增譯,即適當增加字面信息,由于地域不同、歷史文化不同,兩個民族間對同一事物的理解也存在一定差異,對原文中一些帶有原語文化色彩和歷史的重要信息,可以增加解釋性翻譯。Skiing (張雨)賀美科倫滑雪臺是奧斯陸的標志建

17、筑之一。挪威人與自然的親密關系造就了挪威人的單純和不羈。他們對人體藝術大膽而由衷的追求,使他們與自然景觀融為了一體。 【試譯】The Holmenkollen ski-jumping board is one of the most symbol of Oslo. The close relationship that Norwegians have with nature makes them open and uninhibited with respect to nudity. Their pursuit of human art is so bold and sincerely tha

18、t it make them 1 blend with the natural landscape. 【參考譯文】The Holmenkollen ski-jumping board is one of the most famous symbols of Oslo. The fundamental relationship that Norwegians have with nature makes them open and uninhibited with respect to nudity. Here, the human body is displayed with spontane

19、ity and directness, like one of the many natural elements that 1 blend in with the landscape. 【分析】原文翻譯中“與自然景觀融為一體”譯為“blend in with the landscape”,這里的“blend in with” 意為“與十分協(xié)調”,例如,“蟾蜍已經(jīng)變色,和新的環(huán)境融為一體”翻譯成“The toad had changed its color to blend in with its new environment”。相比“blend in” 和 “blend with”,“bl

20、end in”作“融入”,“blend with”是混合之意,所以本文用“blend in with” 更加準確。 市政廳廣場前,阿克爾碼頭俯瞰著海灣。如今,它已經(jīng)變成了步行街、購物中心和娛樂區(qū)。但最引人注目的仍然是峽灣中的聲聲海浪和沐浴在日光下的片片輕舟。 【試譯】In front of the city hall square, Aker Quay overlooks the bay, Now, it has become a pedestrian street, shopping centers and entertainment district. 2 But the most str

21、iking is still the sound of sea wave and the boats bathed in the light of the summer. 【參考譯文】In front of the square of the City Hall, the Aker Quay that overlooks the fjord has been attractively restructured and turned into a walk, a shopping centre and an entertainment area. 2 But the grand spectacl

22、e is still the beating of the waves of the sea and the boats bathed in the golden light of the summer. 【分析】試譯 2 中將原文中的“聲聲海浪”翻譯成“the sound of sea wave”明顯是字對字的翻譯,而參考譯文“the beating of the waves of the sea”中的“beating”一詞傳神又準確地表達了原文之意,在旅游資料的翻譯時,我們應注意避免按照原文逐字進行翻譯,才能更好地向游客傳達旅游景點的魅力所在。 (周運)阿克斯胡斯城堡充分展現(xiàn)了奧斯陸與自然

23、之間的融洽,絕對值得再多看一眼。從北到南可以領略到挪威自然的概貌。穿越茂密的松樹林和沿海的湖泊和峽灣后,出現(xiàn)在面前的將是雷鳴的瀑布、奔流的山溪和冰川旁邊的坦途。 【試譯】1 Akershus Castle demonstrates the harmony between Oslo and nature definitely ,and it worth another glance. 2 From north to south you can experience the Norwegian nature overview. 3 After having gone through dense p

24、ine forests and coastal lakes and fjords, he appeared in front of thundering waterfalls, rushing mountain streams and glaciers smooth next. 【參考譯文】1 Another look at the fortress of Akershus, which once again demonstrates the harmony of the city with nature, is all the more worthwhile. 2 3 The itinera

25、ry from north to south is a compendium of Norwegian nature: thundering waterfalls, rushing mountain streams and roads that run along glaciers, after having gone through dense pine forests and coastal lakes and fjords. 【分析】對于旅游英語的翻譯,要在忠實原文的基礎上,根據(jù)實際情況,采取一些技巧,同時也要注意避免一些經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的問題。如 1 句的試譯有硬譯的現(xiàn)象,而參考譯文中則運用從

26、句,調整了單詞語序,讀起來更加通順流暢。參考譯文將 2 3 兩句譯成一句話,合理運用冒號,引出下文內容,在旅游英語中非常合適。而試譯則譯得像中式英語。 挪威的內陸地形崎嶇,近三分之一被樹木覆蓋。盡管緯度很高,挪威的海洋氣候卻是十分濕潤,它受來自墨西哥灣的暖洋流影響,沿海終年不結冰。 【試譯】4 Norways rugged inland terrain , nearly one-third is covered in trees. 5 Despite the high latitude , the Norwegian maritime climate is very humid , it is

27、 subject to influence from the Gulf of Mexico s warm ocean currents , coastal formation of sea ice . 【參考譯文】4 The interior of the country is incredibly rugged and almost one third of it is covered in trees. 5 Despite its northern latitude, the Norwegian climate is essentially maritime and damp, becau

28、se it is influenced by the mitigating action of the warm Gulf Stream, originating from the Gulf of Mexico, which flows up the coast preventing the formation of sea ice. 【分析】在45兩句的翻譯中,參考譯文合理運用連詞,句子符合英語表達習慣,而試譯則容易出現(xiàn)語法錯誤和句子不通順。 (李昌昌)卑爾根,挪威東南港城,布滿了許多顏色鮮艷的小房子,它們屬于漢薩聯(lián)盟的德國商人們。數(shù)次大火之后,卑爾根仍然保持了中世紀港口和商業(yè)中心的原來面貌

29、。聯(lián)合國教科文組織把它列入了世界文化遺產(chǎn)名錄予以保護。 【試譯】Bergen, the southeast of Norway City, filled with many colorful small house, which belonged to the Hanseatic League German businessmen. 1 In spite of several fires, Bergen remains the original appearance of a medieval port and commercial center. 2 UNESCO declares that

30、 put it in the list of World Cultural Heritage to be protected. 【參考譯文】Bergen, a port lying in the southeast of the country, is crowded with brightly colored houses, which belonged to German traders of the powerful Hanseatic League. 1 Despite several fires, the area maintains the atmosphere of the ol

31、d port and Commercial City from the Middle Ages. 2 UNESCO recently declared it a World Heritage Site and included it in the list of monuments that are to be preserved. 【分析】在1中,一些表示歷史時間或者城市的英語翻譯要用專有名詞和大寫,例如“Commercial City”、“Middle Ages”一些詞匯大小寫的正確處理有助于突出重要、關鍵信息。在2中,采用加注的方法,先說明世界文化遺產(chǎn)“World Heritage Si

32、te”,后面的分句中用it來替代,突出其重要作用。 卑爾根市中心有一個大公園。整個公園幾乎被一個八角湖所覆蓋,它周圍聚集了市內主要的博物館。市內最美麗的遺跡賀美科倫位于卑爾根堡的城墻之內,這座13世紀的哥特式建筑,原是在卑爾根掌控北海海上貿易的時期為聚會和接待客人而修建的。 【試譯】There is a big park in the center of Bergen ,covered mostly by an octagonal lake, around which ,lie the major museums. 3 Holmenkollen ,the most beautiful monu

33、ment with the city, lies in the walls of Bergens fortress, the thirteenth Century Gothic architecture,whose original purpose is to have a meet and greet guests ,when Bergen controlled North Seas maritime trade. 【參考譯文】There is a large park in the center of Bergen, which is taken up almost completely

34、by an octagonal lake, around which, lie some of the principal museums in the city. 3 The Hakonshallen, the most beautiful monument in the city, lies within the walls of Bergens fortress. The great 13th century Gothic hall was built for the parties and the receptions in the days of the citys control

35、over trade in the North Sea. 【分析】在3中,與試譯采用一句特長句相比,參考譯文則運用直譯的方法,提煉出原文的主題,把漢語的并列句譯為復雜句,使文章簡練、活潑。分譯含有多層意思的漢語長句,使關系更清晰,更符合英語的表達。(楊雨鑫)在觀景臺上能看到卑爾根、海灣及周圍蔥蔥群山最好的風光。在這兒,我們將由衷的對挪威人尊崇自然的獨特方式而感嘆。 【試譯】From the belvedere, you can get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding 1 leafy mountains. We sincerely admire Norwegians for their unique way of respecting the nature.【參考譯文】You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surround


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