



1、如皋中學(xué)高二英語第八模塊第一單元語言點(diǎn)(教師)Unit one The writtenworldWelcome to the unit1. If you were asked to recommend a book to a friend, what book would you choose? (Pi)知識(shí)點(diǎn)回顧:recommend vt.推薦;建議(1)推薦;介紹recommend + n. 推薦recommend + n. / pron.(間賓)+ n.(直賓)向推薦recommend + n. / pron.( 直賓)+ to + n.(間賓)向推薦recommend + n. / p

2、ron. + as 推薦某 人擔(dān)任(某職務(wù))(2)建議,勸告recommend + doing 建議做recommend + n. / pron. + 不定式 建議某人做recommend + that 從句(should + 動(dòng)詞原形)友情提醒:表示“堅(jiān)持,建議,要求,命令”等意義的動(dòng)詞,其后的賓語從句中的 謂語常用“ (should) +動(dòng)詞原形”。這類 動(dòng)詞的字頭記憶口訣是:I DROPCAPSinsist, demand, desire, request,require, order, propose, command, ask, advise, prefer, suggest。跟蹤練

3、習(xí): The doctor recommended that I _stay_ (stay) a few more days in hospital. It is suggested that a lawyer be sent for (send for) immediately.你能推薦一些有關(guān)這個(gè)學(xué)科的新書給我嗎?Can you recommend me some new books on the subject?醫(yī)生勸病人接受他的忠告。The doctor recommended the patient to take his advice.2. Do you think that e-

4、books will ever replace books in print? (P 1)歸納拓展:replace取代,替代,替換;放回原處,退換,賠償replace = take the place of 取代,代替replace by / with 以替代、替換in place of = in one 's place 代替take one's place = take the place of 代 替give place to sb. / sth. 為某人、某物所 取代,讓位于 跟蹤練習(xí):所有的書都必須放回到書架上。All the books must be replac

5、ed on the shelves. 我用新輪胎換了舊輪胎。I replaced the 01d tyres with new ones.的。Nothing can take the place of the familyhe had 10st.Welcome to the unit 短語歸納:listen tomusicforentertainmentin their spare timerecommenda book toyour friendin printReading: Appreciatingliterature1. the language used in them is qui

6、te different from the language used today. (line 6-7)它們當(dāng)中所運(yùn)用的語言與現(xiàn)在人們所運(yùn)用的語言大不相同。句法分析本句為簡單句,used in them為過去分詞短語作定語過去分詞短語作定語:單個(gè)的過去分 詞通常作前置定語,而分詞短語作定語常 后置,相當(dāng)于一個(gè)定語從句。He is an advanced teacher. 他是個(gè)先進(jìn) 老師。The play performed by the students wasa great success.=The play which was performed by the students was

7、 a great success.由學(xué)生們表演的那個(gè)戲劇獲得了巨大 成功。巧辯異同:過去分詞、現(xiàn)在分詞的被動(dòng)式與不定式的被動(dòng)式作定語的區(qū)別這三種形式作定語,主要是體現(xiàn)在動(dòng)作發(fā)生的時(shí)間上(1)過去分詞表示的動(dòng)作或是在謂語 動(dòng)詞所表示的動(dòng)作之前發(fā)生,或是沒有一 定的時(shí)間性,即表示被動(dòng)關(guān)系。(2)現(xiàn)在分詞的被動(dòng)式作定語時(shí)表示 的動(dòng)作正在發(fā)生或是與謂語動(dòng)詞所表示的 動(dòng)作同時(shí)發(fā)生。(3)不定式的被動(dòng)式作定語時(shí),表示一個(gè)未來的動(dòng)作試翻譯并比較下列句子: 你讀過狄更斯寫的小說嗎?(在謂語動(dòng)詞所表示動(dòng)作之前發(fā)生)Have you read the novels written by Dickens?他是一個(gè)被

8、所有人愛戴的人。(沒有時(shí)間性,只表示被動(dòng))He is a man loved and respected by all.聽!正在演唱的這首歌很受學(xué)生 的歡迎。Listen! The song being sung is very popular with the students.將在明天會(huì)議上討論的問題非常重要。The question to be discussed at tomorrow ' smeeting is a very important one.2. Many people do not read them because they think they are ol

9、d-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today. (line 8-10)許多人不讀這 些書,因?yàn)樗麄冋J(rèn)為這些書已經(jīng)過時(shí)了, 讓人厭煩,并且和現(xiàn)實(shí)生活沒有聯(lián)系。句法分析本句為復(fù)合句,because引導(dǎo) 原因狀語從句。 old-fashioned復(fù)合形容詞的構(gòu)成:形容詞詞干 +名詞-ed middle-aged 中 年 的 cold-blooded 冷血的形容詞詞干 +形容詞詞干 red-hot 熾熱的dark-blue深藍(lán)色的形容詞詞干 + 現(xiàn)在分詞ordinary-looking 相貌平平的 funny-lookin

10、g 樣子滑稽的形容詞詞干 + 過去分詞 ready-made 現(xiàn)成的,制作好的 clean-washed洗得干凈的副詞詞干+現(xiàn)在分詞或過去分詞 hard-working 勤勞的 deep-stuck名詞詞干 +形容詞詞干 life-long 終身的snow-white 雪I名詞詞干 +現(xiàn)在分詞/過去分詞 peace-loving 熱愛和平的man-made人造的數(shù)詞詞干 +名詞-ed /名詞-形容詞three-legged 三條腿的 four-year-old4歲的 have nothing to do with 與沒有聯(lián)系 have something to do with與有聯(lián)系他總是說與

11、那個(gè)事故沒有關(guān)系但實(shí)際 上他與那個(gè)事故是有關(guān)系的。He always says that he has nothing to do with the accident but in fact he has something to with it.用下列短語的真確形式填空care nothing for 對滿 不在乎for nothing 免費(fèi) make nothing of 不了 解think nothing of 對滿不在乎 nothing but只是 nothing like 什么 也比不上;完全不像 He cares nothing for money.(不在 乎錢) She got

12、the tickets for nothing.( 免 費(fèi)) I could make nothing of (不了解) what he said. She is nothing but (只是)a child. The dress is nothing like ( 完全不同) the one they advertised. He thinks nothing of (認(rèn)為不算啥)a twenty-mile walk.3. a modern adaptation of Charles Dickens'snovel Great Expectationsappeared in cine

13、mas.根據(jù)狄更斯的小說遠(yuǎn)大前程改編的現(xiàn)代版的電影出現(xiàn)在電影院里。(Line 15)adaptation n. a film or play that was first written in a different and new situations 改 編,改寫單詞積累adapt vt.使適應(yīng);改編;vi.適 應(yīng) adaptable adj.適應(yīng)性強(qiáng)的短語鏈接adapt oneself to使自己適應(yīng) adapt sth. to 使某事物適應(yīng),適合 adapt A for B 改建,改造 adapt from 根據(jù)改編adapt-as 把改寫為有些動(dòng)物學(xué)會(huì)了很快適應(yīng)氣候的變化。Some

14、animals learn to adapt themselves to the changes of weather quickly.我將改變我的教學(xué)方法以滿足新生的需 要。I w川 adapt my teaching methods to meet the need of the freshmen.巧辯異同adapt, adjust, fit, suit 與 match它們都有"適應(yīng)”的意思。(1) adapt是指修改或改變,是某物或某人 做些改變以適應(yīng)新條件。(2) adjust是指借正當(dāng)?shù)呐袛嗷蚴炀毜募?巧調(diào)整調(diào)節(jié)以使兩者互相適應(yīng)。你把望遠(yuǎn)鏡調(diào)節(jié)到適合你的目光后, 你才能看得

15、見。You can t see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.fit指大小適合。這鞋你穿正好。Theshoes fit you well.(4) suit多指合乎要求、口味、性格等情 況。眾口難調(diào)。No dish suits all tastes.(5) match指大小、色調(diào)、形狀或性質(zhì)等相 配或相稱。紅上衣與綠褲子不相配。A redjacket doesn't match green trousers.跟蹤練習(xí)Have you adaptedin a different country?A. to l

16、ive B. to living C. living D. in living 達(dá)爾文解釋了生物對環(huán)境的適應(yīng)現(xiàn)象。4. Pip ' sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip. (Line 30)皮普的姐姐幾乎沒有好 言好語,但喬卻是一個(gè)善良淳樸的人,他 寧可死也不愿看到皮普受任何傷害。 would rather do than do輕松歸納(1) would rather do sth

17、.寧愿做某事;(2) would rather not do sth.寧愿不做某 事;(3) would rather后接從句時(shí),從句中用虛 擬語氣(用過去式表示現(xiàn)在或?qū)淼脑竿?用過去完成式表示過去的愿望);(4) would rather do sht.1 than do sht.2 寧愿 做某事1不愿做某事2 /與其做某事 2,不 如做某事1 ;(5) prefer to do rather than do 喜歡我寧愿聽我的 MP3 ,而不愿聽 CD。Rather than listen to a CD, I would rather enjoy my MP3.與其座公共汽車,不如走路

18、。I would rather walk than take a bus.我寧愿你明天來,而不是今天來。I would rather you came tomooow than today.友情提示(1) rather than表示"而不是",指兩者之 間排除一個(gè);instead of也有此意,但因 of 為介詞,instead之后只能跟名詞,代詞和 動(dòng)名詞,而rather than之后幾乎可以接所 有的詞類;other than 不同于rather than,它的意思 是"除了",相當(dāng)于 except;or rather的意思是"確切地說&q

19、uot;。跟蹤練習(xí) -Shall we go skating or stay at home? Which do?A. do you rather B. would you ratherC. will you rather D. should you rather To enjoy the scenery, Irene would ratherspend long hours on the train travel by air.A. asB. toC. thanD. while It was owing to luck judgment the driver succeeded in avo

20、iding an accident.A. better than; when B. rather than; thatC. other than; when D. more than; which 改錯(cuò): My son prefers to play footballrather than to read books. come to(1)表目的他 是來道 別的。 He came to say goodbye.(2)后常跟 understand, know , realize 之類的動(dòng)詞,表示“經(jīng)過一個(gè)變化過程才發(fā)生某事”你會(huì)慢慢懂得這一點(diǎn)的。You 'll cometo unders

21、tand it.(3)意為“總共,共計(jì),達(dá)到數(shù)目”死亡人數(shù)總計(jì)達(dá) 300多人。The deaths came to over 300.(4) come to sb.發(fā)生在某人身上;使想 起當(dāng)你努力工作時(shí),成功就會(huì)降臨你。Success will come to you when you work hard.(5) come to a conclusion / decision 作出 結(jié)論/決定我也許作出了錯(cuò)誤決定。I might havecome to a wrong decision.(6) come to an end 結(jié)束 會(huì)議即將結(jié)束。 The meeting is coming to

22、 an end.5. Excited by his move to London, Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life. (Line 41)搬到倫敦后,皮普非常興奮,他迫不 及待的要開始新生活。can hardly wait to do sth.迫不及待要做某事杰克迫不及待要回家。Jack can hardly wait to go home.= Jack can t wait to go home.6. Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estella s love. (Line 4

23、6)皮普決心成為一位紳士并贏得伊莎貝 拉的愛情。be bent on下定決心吉姆似乎決心成為一名音樂家。Jim seems bent on becoming a musician.輕松jza納 表示決心的短語還有: makeadecision,determine to do sth.bedetermined to do sth., make up one's mind to do sth.7. the author tries to convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view. (Reading strategy line

24、1) 作者竭力說服讀者接受某種特定的觀點(diǎn)。convince v.使信服短語率it接convince sb. of sth. / that 使信服persuade sb. of sth. / thatconvince sb. to do sth.說服某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. / into doing sth. / out of doing sth.說服某人做/不做某事 8. The best part of the story is when Pip makes the acquaintance of the man who gives him his fortu

25、ne. (P5 Part E last line)這個(gè)故事最精彩的部分是皮普結(jié)識(shí) 了那個(gè)贈(zèng)送他財(cái)產(chǎn)的男子。acquaintance n. U 相識(shí),結(jié)識(shí)短語鏈接make one's acquaintance = make the acquaintance of sb. 結(jié)識(shí)某人cut / drop one's acquaintance 與某人絕 交 gain acquaintance with 得以熟知acquaint v. 使相識(shí), 告知 acquaint sb. with 使某人了解我懂一點(diǎn)法語,但不精通。I have some acquaintance with Fren

26、ch, but I don' know it well.他是我的老相識(shí)。He is my closest acquaintance.跟蹤練習(xí)Mary is not a, just a (an).A. friend; acquaintancesB.acquaintance; friendC. friend; acquaintanceD.acquaintance; friendReading: Appreciate Literature 短語歸納:(翻譯并熟記)文 學(xué)欣賞 appreciate literature與今天的生活沒有任何關(guān)系have nothing to do with li

27、fetoday在當(dāng)今世界占有一席之地have a place inthe world today發(fā)表小說, 每次一章 publish novels one chapter at a time在 舞 臺(tái) 上 上 演 perform on stage以 為 背 景 set in (be set in)霧是危險(xiǎn)和不確定性的象征mist is asymbol of danger and uncertainty這筆錢使他不用為經(jīng)濟(jì)問題擔(dān)憂the fortune sets him free form financial worries迫不及待做某事 can hardly wait to do sth.淺薄

28、的缺點(diǎn) the shortcomings of being shallow對有偏見 _ having prejudice against一心想要成為一名紳士 be bent on becoming a gentleman一部小說的重要部分 an important partof a novel一篇具有說服力的文章a persuasive essay說服讀者接受某種特定的觀點(diǎn) convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view認(rèn)為是 see as他吝嗇的姐姐 his mean sister 相識(shí) make the acquaintance o

29、fWord PowerI.重點(diǎn)詞匯:1.main adj.主要的,重要的。這是我到這兒來的主要目的。This is the main purpose of my coming here.【用法搭配】主樓: main building 主要 工作: main business主句: main clause 主 要課程; 主菜: main course 干線: main line 大路:main road【練習(xí)】1.Rice is our (主食) (main food )2.What is the (主菜)a meal? (main course of)2. divide vt&vi 分

30、,劃分 divide funds 分 配資金 divide mails分揀郵件注意區(qū)分 separate【練習(xí)】1。那條河在河口附近分岔。2 .他把大蛋和小蛋區(qū)分開來。3 .那個(gè)單詞有兩種不同的意思。4 .請不要讓這樣的小事使我們 分開。5 .我們在拐角處分手了。Key: 1.The river divides near its mouth 2. He separated the big eggs from the small ones. 3.the word has two separate meanings.4. Please don't let such a small matt

31、er divideus. 5. We separated at the corner.【改錯(cuò)】 Twenty is divided by ten makes two.(去才 is)II.短語 focus on對。予以注 意;把。當(dāng)作興趣中心【練習(xí)】1 .討論集中在三個(gè)主要問題上。The discussion focused on three main problems.2 .把注意力集中在你的工作上。Focusyour attention on your work.3 .他發(fā)現(xiàn)很難將他的注意力集中在一件 事情上。He finds it hard to focus his thoughts on

32、 one thing.4 . Do you know the(焦點(diǎn))ofthe trouble. (focus)5 . Only by your attention what you are learning can you learnit well.A. focus ; on B. pay; on C. focusing;on D. paying; onIII.詞語辨析1. Kind, sort, type, pattern, shape, form, style.(1)總的來說kind和sort用法是相同的, 只是kind較正式。sort多用于口語和商業(yè) 用語,另外,sort有時(shí)含有輕蔑的

33、意思。常 見詞組有:A kind/sort of, this kind of, that kind of, all kinds of, many kinds of, different kinds of, various kinds of,等,of后面的名詞多用 單數(shù),且不用冠詞。(2)說某一種類的東西常用of a kind的結(jié)構(gòu)Eg.他們都是一類的。They are all of akind.我喜歡這種玫瑰花。I like roses of thiskind. roses of this kind=such rose(3)表示同種類的。What kind/sort ofbook do you

34、 like? What kind/sort of man is he?(4) sort含有輕蔑的意思。Eg. How did you get this sort of idea into your head?你的腦子里怎么會(huì)有這種想 法?(5) form指較抽象的形式,也指物質(zhì)結(jié) 構(gòu)的形狀。Eg. Ice, snow and steam are all different forms of water.(6) style指文體、風(fēng)格、寫作方式、衣 服款式What do you know about the Norman style of architecture?諾曼底式的建筑風(fēng)格你了解 多少

35、?(7) pattern 指典型,模型 This is a sentence pattern.這是個(gè)句型。He has a pattern wife. 他有個(gè)模范妻(8) 8) shape指形狀,夕卜形。Have theshape of the letter U.呈 U 字形rocks of various shapes 各種形態(tài)的 巖石。In the shape of 呈。的形狀, 以。形式They showed us politeness in the shape of a banquet.他們設(shè)宴對我們表示禮待?!揪毩?xí)】What s your (血型)? (blood type)Gram

36、mar1. He is raised in a place with other children who also have no parents.Raise:(1) “養(yǎng)大,帶大”He had to raise his children on a small income.他得靠微簿的收入來撫養(yǎng)子女。The baby was raised on milk. 這嬰兒是用牛 奶養(yǎng)大的。(2) “飼養(yǎng),種植”他們靠養(yǎng)蠶等增加了收入。They increasedtheir income by raising silkworms and so on.在這個(gè)地區(qū),人彳門飼養(yǎng)牛羊/種小麥。Inthis

37、region, people raise cattle and sheep/wheat.(3“提出”你為什么不在會(huì)上提出這個(gè)問題?Whydidn't you raise the question at the meeting?(4) “籌集;募集”他們?yōu)檫@個(gè)計(jì)劃籌集資金遇到了很大的困難。They had much /great difficulty in raising money for the project.(5 )“提高,提升" raise one's voice/hand/head提高某人 的 嗓音 /舉手/抬raise the priceof提高。的價(jià)格T

38、he worker (raise) to a higher position. (was raised)2. Oliver was abused by his new master.Abuse: “虐待;凌辱,”“濫用;舌L用”(1)奴隸主有權(quán)任意打罵、甚至殺害奴 隸。The slave-owner had the right to beat, abuse or even kill slaves at will.Stop abusing the old horse.(2)我把照相機(jī)借給你,你可別瞎用。I 'lllend you my camera but don 't abus

39、e itAbuse one's authority(power) 濫用職權(quán)(權(quán)力)(3)絕不能允許他們?yōu)E用職權(quán)They should never be allowed to abuse their authority and position.(4)不要這樣工作,否則會(huì)把身體搞垮 的。Don't abuse your health by workinglike that.3. care about "在乎;在意;對。關(guān) 心”(1)這位黑人領(lǐng)袖說,他唯一關(guān)心的是黑 人得到公平待遇。The black leader said that the only thing he

40、cared about was justice for his people.(2)他只想到自己,不關(guān)心別人。He thinks only of himself; he doesn't care about other people.(3)你怎么想不關(guān)我的事。I don't careabout what you think.(4)你不怕丟掉工作嗎?Don't you careabout losing your job?【辨析】care about;和care for前者為“在乎;在意;對。關(guān)心”,后者表不' "喜歡;對。感興趣”(1)上周我讀了那首詩,

41、不過我一點(diǎn)也不喜 歡。I read the poem last week but I didn 't care forit at all我不太喜歡騎自行車,我寧愿步行。I don't care for riding on a bike very much; I would rather go on foot.4. pressure vt.“對。施加壓力;強(qiáng)迫”Pressure sb. to do sth. Pressure sb. intodoing sth.他們強(qiáng)迫他釋放囚犯。They have pressuredhim into freeing the prisoners.

42、他被迫立即做出決定。 He was pressuredinto making a decision immediately.n. “壓力;壓迫”(1)公眾輿論的強(qiáng)大壓力迫使他辭職了。The strong pressure of the public opiniondrove him from office.(2)我們正努力給政府施壓修改法律。We are trying to put pressure on the government to change the law.(3)由于工作上的壓力,他不能來參加晚會(huì)。He couldn't come to the party because

43、 of pressure of work.5. resist vi.&vt.A: “抵抗;抗拒”(1)他們奮力抵抗,但是垠失了大量的兵力和槍支。They resisted desperately but lost a largenumber of guns and men.(2)敵人抵抗不住都紛紛逃命了。The enemy couldn 't resist any longer and ranfor their lives.(3)我頂住了他們想要影響我的所有企圖。I resisted all their attempts to influence me.(4)這是一種耐高溫的盤

44、子。It's a kind of glass plate that resists heat.B: “忍??;抵制;禁不住要”常用于否 定句,后接動(dòng)名詞。(1)她情不自禁地拿他的光頭開玩笑。She couldn't resist making jokes about his baldness.(2)他覺得要克服購買這些書的欲望是困 難的。He found it hard to resist buying these books. (3)在那些場合她總?cè)滩蛔∫?。She could hardly resist laughing on those occasions.6.deserv

45、e "應(yīng)得(獎(jiǎng)懲等)” “值得(注 意等)”(1)這個(gè)問題值得我們注意。This question deserves our attention.(2)他受到了應(yīng)得的懲罰。He got the punishment he deserved (3)這些看法值得認(rèn)真考慮。These views deserve serious consideration.(4)我工作做得不多,不應(yīng)當(dāng)受到這樣的 表揚(yáng)和榮譽(yù)。I have done so little and I don 't deserve such praise and honour.【注意】deserve后接動(dòng)名詞的一般式時(shí),

46、其主語與動(dòng)名詞之間在邏輯上是被動(dòng)關(guān) 系,如用不定式,應(yīng)使用被動(dòng)式。類似的 詞還有 need, want, require.(1)我感覺到像那樣的人是值得照料的。I feel a man like that deserves looking after. (2)他覺得自己不應(yīng)得那么大的榮譽(yù)。He felt that he didn 't deserve to be given such a great honor(3)他們應(yīng)該被好好對待。They deserved to be well treated.【注意】deserve后接不定式的一般式時(shí),主語執(zhí)行不定式表示的動(dòng)作。(1)她應(yīng)當(dāng)贏,

47、因?yàn)樗亲顑?yōu)秀的。She deserved to win because she was the best.(2)凡有足夠勇氣選這門課程的學(xué)生 一定能獲得成功。Students brave enough to attempt the course deserve to succeed.短語歸納:(翻譯并熟記)1 .分為兩個(gè)主要的種類be dividedinto main categories2 . 在暢銷書名單中 on the best-sellers3 .記實(shí)文學(xué) non-fiction4 .(音樂,風(fēng)俗,戲劇,書 籍。)的流行 be popular5 .(衣服,頭發(fā),裝飾品。) 的 流行

48、be in fashion6 .小說中的主要人物 the main character of the novel7 .經(jīng)歷一個(gè)異常的童年時(shí)代 experience a abnormal childhood.8 . 被趕出了貧院be thrown out ofthe workhouse9 .成為一個(gè)殘忍的主人的奴仆 become a servant to a cruel master10 .受到某人的虐待 be abused by11 . 被警 察抓住 get caught by the police12 . 被帶到法庭 be taken to court13 . 改造某人 reform sb1

49、4 . 一個(gè)藏身之地 a hiding place15 . 這本小說的主題 the major themeof the novelTask-Project1. emphasis n. (C; U) (pl. emphases)強(qiáng)調(diào),重點(diǎn)They put emphasis on developing nuclear power.他們把重點(diǎn)放在發(fā)展核動(dòng)力上。用法拓展:emphasize(-ise) vt.強(qiáng)調(diào),加強(qiáng)語氣;重讀emphasize the importance of something強(qiáng)調(diào)某事的重要性emphasize repeatedly 反復(fù)強(qiáng)調(diào)emphasize sth. to

50、sb.向某人強(qiáng)調(diào)某事2. homemade adj.自制的;家里做的;國產(chǎn)的They all like the delicious homemade cakes.他們都喜歡這自制的美味蛋糕。拓展:形容詞/名詞+過去分詞構(gòu)成復(fù)合形容詞ready-made 現(xiàn)成的man-made人造的new-born 新生的warm-hearted 熱心腸的water-covered被水覆蓋的3. spin(1)vi.旋轉(zhuǎn);將(棉花或羊毛)紡成(線 或紗)She spent her days spinning.她整天在紡線。She spun the wool into thread.她把羊毛紡成紗線。He spu

51、n the coin on the table.他把硬幣放在桌上旋轉(zhuǎn)。(2)旋轉(zhuǎn)The dance ended with a dramatic spin.這場舞蹈以一陣激動(dòng)人心的旋轉(zhuǎn)結(jié) 束。4. swiftly 迅速地He finished the task swiftly.他迅速地完成了那項(xiàng)任務(wù)。5. pin vt.(用別針)別??;(用針)釘 ?。还套。粔鹤ou can pin your notice up on the noticeboard.你可以把通知釘在布告板She pinned the brooch on her coat.她把胸針別在衣服上。6. talent n. (C;U)才能,稟賦;天才She shows great artistic talent.她表現(xiàn)出卓越的藝術(shù)才華。Van Gogh was a painter of great talent.凡高是一個(gè)天才畫家。He is looking for a way to use his talents.他盼望有機(jī)會(huì)能一展所長。He is agreattale


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