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1、1編輯課件HIV/AIDS: Are you at risk?2編輯課件Learning aims:1.To learn basic information about what HIV/AIDS is.2. How it is contacted and how to protect oneself from getting the disease. 3. Your attitude towards AIDS and AIDS patients. HIV/ AIDS : ARE YOU AT RISK?3編輯課件Step1:Warming Up-Quiz Q1. Does HIV only

2、affect gay people?A. yes B. No Q2. Which region has most people living with HIV/ AIDS? Africa B. Europe C. USA D. AsiaQ3. Which people cant be infected with HIV? Married man B. girls C. children D. no oneQ4. Men get AIDS more easily than women. Q5. It is very likely that you will die if you develop

3、AIDS. Are you at risk?TF編輯課件4Step 1:Warming up red ribbon編輯課件520世紀世紀80年代末,美國的一些藝術家用年代末,美國的一些藝術家用紅紅絲帶絲帶來默默悼念身邊死于艾滋病的同伴們。來默默悼念身邊死于艾滋病的同伴們。后來,許多關注艾滋病的愛心組織、醫(yī)療后來,許多關注艾滋病的愛心組織、醫(yī)療機構、咨詢電話紛紛以機構、咨詢電話紛紛以“紅絲帶紅絲帶”命名。命名。紅絲帶紅絲帶逐漸成為呼喚全社會理解、關愛艾逐漸成為呼喚全社會理解、關愛艾滋病病毒感染者及病人的滋病病毒感染者及病人的國際性標志國際性標志。 It is the symbol of red

4、ribbon編輯課件6 World AIDS Day:December,1st編輯課件7 Part1. (Para._?_) Part2 (Para._?_) Part3 (Para._?_)Read text and divide the text into three partsWhat is AIDS and the spreading waysMeasures to stop it spreadingSome misunderstandings Step2: While reading Step2: While reading 1-23-45編輯課件8 1. Whats a virus

5、? What can it cause? 2. How does HIV affect peoples health? 3. What is the difference between AIDS and HIV? 4.How does HIV transmit among people? 5. Is there a cure for AIDS and HIV at the moment?Part1.AIDS and the spreading ways編輯課件9A virus is a very small living thing. Whats a virus? What can it c

6、ause?It can cause disease.A virus is a very small living thingthat can cause disease.編輯課件102. How does HIV affect peoples health? weakens a persons immune system and eventually it damages the immune system so much that the body can no longer fight disease.HIV virus編輯課件113. What is the difference bet

7、ween AIDS and HIV? HIV is a virus. AIDS is the stage of theillness caused by HIV.HIV is a virus, while AIDS is the stage of the illness caused by HIV.編輯課件124.How is HIV spread among people?5. Is there a cure for AIDS and HIV at the moment?HIV is spread through blood or sexual fluid.incurableHow to s

8、top the deadly disease編輯課件13Part2. Measures to stop it spreading1. Do not share needle with anyone else.2. Condom Measures:編輯課件14Part3.Some misunderstandings 15編輯課件1. Only bad people get AIDS. 2. I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV. 3. HIV

9、is spread through blood or sexual fluid. AIDS QuizFFT16編輯課件4. People who have not injected drugs do not need to get tested for HIV. 5. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick.FF編輯課件17PracticeStep3: After readingStep3: After reading編輯課件18 In order to get with AIDS, we should away from _.

10、 notinfectedkeepdrugs1.為了不感染艾滋病,我們要遠離毒品。為了不感染艾滋病,我們要遠離毒品。編輯課件19 We should show the AIDS our love and warm of looking down them. 2. 不要瞧不起愛滋病患者,相反,要不要瞧不起愛滋病患者,相反,要給與他們愛和溫暖給與他們愛和溫暖。patientsinsteadupon/on 編輯課件20 peace Lets help other and live .3.讓我們互相幫助,和睦相處。讓我們互相幫助,和睦相處。eachin編輯課件21 4. 每年都有很多人死于愛滋病。每年都

11、有很多人死于愛滋病。 year, many people die AIDS. Every of 編輯課件22 5.艾滋病是一種無法醫(yī)治的病,其是由艾滋病是一種無法醫(yī)治的病,其是由病毒引起的,可以傳染。病毒引起的,可以傳染。AIDS, an disease, is caused by a virus, is . incurablewhichinfectious編輯課件23Put the 5 sentences into a good order1.In order not to get infected with AIDS, we should keep away from drugs.2.We should show AIDS patients our love and warm instead of looking


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