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1、2008年全國職稱英語等級考試理工類(B級)試題第1部分:詞匯選項(第1-15題,每題1分,共15分)下面每個句子中均有1個詞或短語畫有底橫線,請為每處畫線部分確定1個意義最為接近的選項。1 She found me very dull A dirty B sleepy C lazy D boring2 The President made a brief visit to Beijing A short B working C formal D secret3 He was persuaded to give up the idea A mention B accept C consider

2、 D drop4 Jack consumes a pound of cheese a day A eats B drinks C buys D produces5 Mary just told us a very fascinating story A strange B frightening C difficult D interesting6 Its a gorgeous day anyway. A lovely B cold C normal D rainy7 Her life is becoming more diverse A generous B humorous C varie

3、d D romantic8 Foreign military aid was prolonging the war A broadening B worsening C extending D accelerating9 She was unwilling to go but she had no choice A unable B indecisive C ready D reluctant10 She is slenderwith delicate wrists and ankles A sick B weak C slim D pale11 With immense reliefI st

4、opped running A some B enormous C little D extensive12 The scientists began to accumulate data A collect B handle C analyze D investigate13 Jack eventually overtook the last truck A hit B passed C reached D led14 Sometimes it is advisable to book hotels in advance A possible B profitable C easy D wi

5、se15 The reason for their unusual behavior remains a puzzle A fact B mystery C statement D game第2部分:閱讀判斷(第1622題,每題l分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7個句子,請根據短文的內容對每個句子做出判斷:如果該句提供的是正確信息,請選擇A;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息,請選擇B;如果該句的信息文中沒有提及,請選擇C。The Need to Remember Some people say they have no memory at all:I just cant remember a thing

6、! But of course we all have a memoryOur memory tells us who we areOur memory helps us to make use in the present of what we have learnt in the past In fact we have different types of memoryFor example, our visual memory helps us recall facts and placesSome people have such a strong visual memory,the

7、y can remember exactly what they have seen,for example,pages of a book,as a complete picture Our verbal(言語的)memory helps us remember words and figures we may have heard but not seen or written:items of a shopping list, a chemical formula, dates,or a recipe With our emotional(情感的)memory,we recall sit

8、uations or places where we had strong feelingsperhaps of happiness or unhappinessWe also have special memories for smell, taste, touch and sound,and for performing physical movements We have two ways of storing any of these memoriesOur short-term memory stores items for up to thirty secondsenough to

9、 remember a telephone number while we dialOur long-term memory, On the other hand, may store items for a lifetimeOlder people in fact have a much better long-term memory than short-termThey may forget what they have done only a few hours ago,but have the clearest remembrance(記憶)of when they were ver

10、y young Psychologists tell us that we only remember a few facts about our past,and that we invent the restIt is as though we remember only the outline of a storyWe then make up the detailsWe often do this in the way we want to remember them,usually so that we appear as the heroes of our own pastor m

11、aybe victims needing sympathy(同情)16 Visual memory helps us recall a place we have been to A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned17 Visual memory may be used when we read a story A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned18 Verbal memory helps us read words we have never heard A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned19 Emotion

12、al memory is used when we perform physical movements A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned20 Animals do not have a long-term memory A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned21 Long-term memory is more important than short-term memory A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned22 Generally we remember only a few facts about the

13、 pastA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意與完成句子(第2330題,每題l分,共8分)下面的短文后有2項測試任務:(1)第2326題要求從所給的6個選項中為第25段每段選擇1個最佳標題;(2)第2730題要求從所給的6個選項中為每個句子確定1個最佳選項。The Supercomputer Network1Recently, ten laboratories run by governments in different parts of the world have become linkedTheir computers have been c

14、onnected so they can talk to each otherThis may not seem very dramatic news,but it is the beginning of a development that will increase the power of the Internet tremendously2The Internet is an interconnected(互聯)system of networks that connects computers round the world and facilitates the transmiss

15、ion and exchange of informationThe way that you use the Internet is by accessing this networkThis depends on the power that your system allows you to useThe power of your computer is responsible for how fast you can download(下載)files, how much data you can store,etcIf your computer is old and slow,a

16、ccessing the information can be very difficult3The new development in information technology has been called the grid(網格技術),and it will be a network of computers that are linked together。The grid will work in a different way from the Internet, enabling you to get the power of the biggest computers i

17、n the world on your computerAccessing the information will no longer depend on the power of your computerThe idea is that while you access information, you will also have access to the power of the bigger computer stations.40ne advantage of this revolutionary idea is that geographical location will

18、become irrelevant. The grid will decide which are the best parts of a worldwide network to do the job you wantThis means that you may be accessing a computer in Japan to solve a problem in Alaska5The grid can be compared to having an efficient personal assistantYou can give your assistant a task and

19、 he will do it for youThe assistant will do the preliminary research, collect the data, compare them and decide on the best course of action by accessing any of the computer centres in the grid that happen to have the relevant informationAll you have to do is assign the task, sit back and wait6At pr

20、esent, possible applications of the grid in scientific research are being exploredWhile it has taken about fifteen years for Internet use to become widespread, experts believe that the grid could be up and running for private individuals far more quicklyScientists working on grid projects are convin

21、ced that it will be as widely used as the web in the next ten years 23 Paragraph 2 24 Paragraph 3 25 Paragraph 4 26 Paragraph 5 A How does the grid work? B Power sharedC Just make a request D Limitations of present Internet useE Distance is not a problemF A new era for the Internet27Traditionally th

22、e power of your computer determines how fast you can access 28The grid will enable you to get on your computer the power of in the world29The grid would be like ,who can perform your tasks efficiently30It is believed that the widespread use of the grid will become possible in the next .A the bigger

23、computer stationsB the advantageC ten yearsD informationE your personal assistantF fifteen years 第4部分:閱讀理解(第3145題,每題3分,45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道題。請根據短文內容,為每題確定1個最佳選項。第一篇Sunspots Its not surprising that sunspots(太陽黑子)were observed by ancient astronomers(天文學家)The largest sunspots on the sun can be seen wit

24、hout a telescopeIt was not until the invention of the telescope(望遠鏡)in the early l7th century,however,that systematic studies of sunspots could be undertakenThe great astronomer Galileo was among the first to make telescopic observations of sunspots Sunspots are regions of extremely strong magnetic

25、fields(磁場)found on the suns surfaceA sunspot has a dark central core known as the umbraThe umbra is surrounded by a dark ring called the penumbra,where the magnetic field spreads outwardSunspots appear dark because they are giving off less radiationThey are cooler than the rest of the suns surface S

26、unspots are frequently observed in pairs or in paired groupsThe members of a spot pair are identified as the leading spot and the following spotThey are identified by their position in the pair in terms of the direction in which the sun rotates(旋轉) The number of sunspots at any one time variesA larg

27、e spot group may consist of as many as 10 groups and 300 spots across the sunThe number of spots changes in a fairly regular pattern called the sunspot cycleThe largest number occurs about every 11 yearsAt sunspot minimum,there are at most just a few small spotsThe average lifetime of an individual

28、spot group is roughly one solar rotation, which is about 25 daysThe most persistent large spots, however, can survive for two to three months31Careful observations and systematic studies of sunspots A were made by ancient astronomersB started in the early 17th century C were made by Galileo onlyD co

29、uld be made without a telescope32Sunspots are cooler than the rest of the suns surface because A they produce less energy B they are buried in the sun C they are far away from magnetic fieldsD they are close to magnetic fields33The leading spot and the following spot are the names of A two large sun

30、spots B a large spot and a small spot C the two spots in a spot pairD the central core and the ring around it34If an intense sunspot activity had occurred in 1857, the next one would have been in A 1858 B 1862 C 1865 D 186835In the last paragraph the word persistent meansA important B effective C en

31、during D visible第二篇Where Have All the Bees Gone?Scientists who study insects have a real mystery on their handsAll across the country, honeybees are leaving their hives(蜂巢)and never returningResearchers call this phenomenon colony-collapse(群體癱瘓)disorderIt is reported that 25 to 40 percent of the hon

32、eybees in the US have vanished from their hives since last fallSo far, no one can explain whyColony collapse is a serious concern because bees play an important role in the production of about one-third of the foods we eatAs they feed,honeybees spread pollen(花粉)from flower to flowerWithout this proc

33、ess,a plant cant produce seeds or fruitsNow,a group of scientists and beekeepers have teamed up to try to figure out whats causing the alarming collapse of so many coloniesThey hope to find out whats contributing to the decline and to prevent bee disappearance in the futureIt could be that disease i

34、s causing the disappearance of the beesTo explore that possibility,Jay Evans,a researcher at the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)Bee Research Laboratory, examines bees taken from colonies that are collapsing We know what a healthy bee should look like on the inside, and we can look for

35、physical signs of disease, he saysAnd bees from collapsing colonies dont look very healthy Their stomachs are worn down, compared to the stomachs of healthy bees, Evans saysIt may be that a parasite(寄生蟲)is damaging the bees digestive organsTheir immune(免疫的) systems may not be working as they shouldM

36、oreover, they have high levels of bacteria inside their bodiesAnother cause of colony-collapse disorder may be certain chemicals that farmers apply to kill unwanted insects on crops,says Jerry Hayes,chief bee inspector for the Florida Department of Agriculture. Some studies,he says,suggest that a ce

37、rtain type of insecticide (殺蟲劑)affects the honeybees nervous system and memory. It seems like honeybees are going out and getting confused about where to go and what to do, he saysIf it turns out that a disease is contributing to colony collapse,bees genes could explain why some colonies have collap

38、sed and others have notIn any group of bees there are many different kinds of genesThe more different genes a group has,the higher the groups genetic diversitySo far scientists havent determined the role of genetic diversity in colony collapse,but its a promising theory,says Evans36What is the myste

39、ry that researchers find hard to explain? A Honeybees are flying all across the country B Half of the honeybees in the US have died C Honeybees are leaving their hives and do not return D Honeybee hives are in disorder37Researchers are seriously concerned with the phenomenon of colony-collapse disor

40、der because A honeybees help produce one-third of the foods we eat B parasites on bees may spread everywhere C honeybees cannot find enough food elsewhere D honeybees feed on flowers38Which of the following is a possible cause of the colony-collapse disorder? A Population explosion B Decreasing numb

41、er of flowers around C Genetically modified products D Diseases and chemicals39Which of the following explanations is given by Jerry Hayes to the phenomenon? A Bee-keepers do not understand the honeybees behavior B A certain type of chemical destroys the honeybees nervous system C Honeybees are infe

42、cted by unwanted insectsD Some crops are poisonous to the honeybees40The word diversity in the last paragraph meansA variety B makeup C disorderD distinction第三篇A Tale of Scottish Rural LifeLewis Grassic Gibbons Sunset Song(1932)was voted the best Scottish novel of all time by Scotlands reading publi

43、c in 2005Once considered shocking for its frank description of aspects of the lives of Scotlands poor rural farmers, it has been adapted for stage, film,TV and radio in recent decadesThe novel is set on the fictional estate of Kinraddie, in the farming country of the Scottish northwest in the years

44、up to and beyond World War lAt its heart is the story of Chris, who is both part of the community and a little outside itGrassic Gibbon gives us the most detailed and intimate account of the life of his heroine (女主人公)We watch her grow through a childhood dominated by her cruel but hard-working fathe

45、r; experience tragedy(her mothers suicide and murder of her twin children); and learn about her feelings as she grows into a womanWe see her marry, lose her husband, then marry againChris has seemed so convincing a figure to some female readers that they cannot believe that she is the creation of a

46、manBut it would be misleading to suggest that this book is just about ChrisIt is truly a novel of a place and its peopleIts opening section tells of Kinraddies long history, in a language that imitates the places changing patterns of speech and writingThe story itself is amazingly full of characters

47、 and incidentsIt is told from Chris point of view but also from that of the gossiping community, a community where everybody knows everybody elses business and nothing is ever forgottenSunset Song has a social theme tooIt is concerned with what Grassic Gibbon perceives as the destruction of traditio

48、nal Scottish rural life first by modernization and then by World War lGibbon tried hard to show how certain characters resist the warDespite this, the war takes the young men away, a number of them to their deathsIn particular,it takes away Chris husband, Ewan TavendaleThe war finally kills Ewan, bu

49、t not in the way his widow is toldIn fact,the Germans arent responsible for his death,but his own sideHe is shot because he is said to have run away from a battleIf the novel is about the end of one way of life it also looks aheadIt is a Sunset Song but is concerned too with the new Kinraddie, indee

50、d of the new European worldGrassic Gibbon went on to publish two other novels about the place that continue its story41 What is Sunset Song mainly about? A The First World War B The beauty of the sunset C The new European worldD The lives of rural Scottish farmers42 Which statement is NOT true of Ch

51、ris? A She is the heroine, of Sunset Song B She had a miserable childhood C She is the creation of a manD She married only once43 What is the opening section of the novel mainly concerned with? A The climate of Kinraddie B The history of Kinraddie C The geography of Kinraddie D The language spoken i

52、n Kinraddie44 Who killed Chris husband, Ewan? A His own troops B The French army C The GermansD The Russian soldiers45 The word Sunset in the title of this novel most probably meansA the end of the heroines life B the end of the storyC the end of the traditional way of lifeD the end of the day第5部分:補

53、全短文(第4650題,每題2分,共10分)下面的短文有5處空白,短文后有6個句子,其中5個取自短文,請根據短文內容將其分別放回原有位置,以恢復文章原貌。Rising Tuition in the USEvery Spring, US university administrators gather to discuss the next academic years budgetThey consider faculty salaries,utility costs for dormitories,new building needs and repairs to old onesThey r

54、un the numbers and concludeit seems, inevitablythat,yet again,the cost of tuition must go upAccording to the USs College Board,the price of attending a four-year private university in the US rose 81 percent between l993 and 2004 (46)In 2005 and 2006,the numbers continued to riseAccording to universi

55、ty officials, college cost increases are simply the result of balancing university checkbooks. Tuition increases at Cedarville University are determined by our revenue needs for each year, said the universitys president,Dr BIII BrownStudent tuition pays for 78 percent of the universitys operating co

56、stsBrowns school is a private university that enrolls about 3,100 undergrads and is consistently recognized by annual college ranking guides like US News and World Reports and The Princeton Reviews (47)Tuition at private universities is set by administration officials and then sent for approval to the schoo


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