物流專業(yè)英語 UNIT 1_第1頁
物流專業(yè)英語 UNIT 1_第2頁
物流專業(yè)英語 UNIT 1_第3頁
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物流專業(yè)英語 UNIT 1_第5頁
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1、物流專業(yè)英語Module oneLogistics Management(物流管理) Modern Logistics(現(xiàn)代物流): Packing 裝包 Warehousing 入庫 Material handling 物料搬運 Inventory 盤存 Transport forecasting 運輸預測 Strategic planning 戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃 Customer service 客戶服務 The origin of logistics(物流的起源)u It originated from the early World War 1(第一次世界大戰(zhàn)).u It was first a

2、ssociated with the military(軍事).u It can trace back to the early American Independent War(美國獨立戰(zhàn)爭).u It was said that there was a very famous administrant official, Jonathan, help Washington rush out of the frustration. In 1905, Major Chauncey B. Baker said: that branch of the Art of war related to t

3、he movement and supply of armies is called logistics.(這種軍隊的移動和供給中體現(xiàn)出來的戰(zhàn)爭藝術(shù)就是“物流”) The term is still widely used in military(軍隊) and military type applications. In 1990, IN Iraq(伊拉克),a U.S. division could consume 5000 tons of ammunition, 555000 gallons of fuel, 300000 gallons of water, and 80000 meal

4、s. The definitions of Logistics(物流的定義) Logistics is an unique pipeline that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating(協(xié)調(diào)) the transport(運輸) and delivery(遞送) of products and service(服務) to the customers(顧客) the world wide. Logistics is the process of planni

5、ng,implementing and controlling the efficient,effective flow and storage of goods,services and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of meeting customer requirments. In Chinese Logistics Terms,logistics means the physical movement of goods from the supplier

6、 to the receiver. Logistics means having the right thing, at the right places, at the right time, which focuses on customer satisfactionFive Logistics Functions(物流的五個功能) Design, development, acquisition, storage, movement. of goods(商品). Design, development, management and maintenance of passengers s

7、ystem(乘客系統(tǒng)).Important Sentences(重點句子) Can I take you up a few minutes?我能占用你幾分鐘時間嗎?take up: 占用,占據(jù)I dont want to take up too much of your time. 我不想占用您太多的時間。The entire note takes up all of two pages.整個筆記寫了滿滿兩頁紙。 -Could you give me some information?您能為我提供些信息嗎?-With pleasure. 非常樂意。information 信息,消息Please

8、 tell me any information about Sarah.請告訴我與莎拉有關(guān)的任何信息。IT:information technology 信息技術(shù) I specialize in accounting and foreign trade.我的專業(yè)是會計與外貿(mào)。specialize in: 專攻, 以.為專業(yè)I specialize in English/ economics/engineering我的專業(yè)是英語/經(jīng)濟學/工程學foreign 國外的a foreign language 一門外語 Computer science is my weakness.計算機科學是我的弱

9、項/弱點。weak adj. 脆弱的,柔弱的,虛弱的weakness n. 弱點,缺點I would overcome any weakness, any despair, any fear.我會克服所有的軟弱,絕望和恐懼。 Thats exactly what I want to know.這正是我想知道的。 I was told that I could start from the very root of a supply chain.有人告訴我,我應該從供應鏈的最低層開始。 As a matter of fact, there is no fixed pattern of caree

10、r development.事實上,職業(yè)發(fā)展是沒有固定模式的。 By the way, have you had any internship in any logistics position.順便問下,你在物流公司實習過嗎? Logistics is an unique pipeline that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating(協(xié)調(diào)) the transport(運輸) and delivery(遞送) of products and service

11、(服務) to the customers(顧客) the world over.物流是一條獨特的全球性“管道”,它全天全年都在運營,規(guī)劃并協(xié)調(diào)好商品和服務的運輸及投遞,這樣的顧客遍布世界各地。 The career for a specific person is as unpredictable as the weather in England.人的職業(yè)就如同英國的天氣一樣難以預測。as.as. 像.一樣This film is as interesting as that one.這部電影和那部電影一樣有趣。 Your pen writes as smoothly as mine.你的

12、鋼筆書寫起來和我的一樣流暢。 Then you may be promoted to the position of a logistics engineer.然后,你就會升職成為物流工程師。promote 提升,提高,升遷promote economic growth 促進經(jīng)濟增長promote his second solo album 推廣他的第二張專輯 How long would it take before I am appointed as a business development director?要多久我才能被任命為業(yè)務發(fā)展總監(jiān)?how long will it take? 它將花費多長時間?It takes about 10 minutes. 大概花10分鐘。 Generally speaking, it depends on how diligent you are and how good the business is.總的來說,這取決于你有多勤奮,以及生意有多好。Generally speaking, parents love their children.一般說來, 父母愛他們的孩子.Generally speaking, the coldest weathe


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