已閱讀5頁,還剩35頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、第二篇 主題語境分類篇好詞、好句、好篇、學校生活40 / 35循規(guī)蹈矩之中 “熟記頭腦風暴過程 “串聯(lián) ”學習過程:analyze vt.分析; assignment n作業(yè);creativity n. 創(chuàng)造性 comprehension n理 解;explanation n.解釋;achievement n成績,成就,功績;diploma n.畢業(yè)文憑,學位證書 ;qualification n. 資格;scholarship n 獎學金高 頻 短 語學典禮;photography club 攝影 俱樂部;social practice社會實踐 考試評估:cheat in the exam考

2、 試作弊 ;fail the exam 考試不及 格;get high/full marks 得高分/ 滿分 ;make up the exam 補考; pass/get through the exam 通過 考試教學過程 :ask for leave 請假 ;beabsence席;attitude 態(tài)度 education 教育;effort 努名 力experience經(jīng)歷,經(jīng)驗;graduation畢業(yè),畢業(yè)典詞 禮;permission許可,允許 progress進步;speech演核講;outline提綱,要點apply 申請,應用;debate辯論;discuss討論;follo

3、w 跟 instruction n.教導,指導;動隨,理解;offer 提供;praise 表揚;refer 參考,查閱;require ;presentation n呈現(xiàn);summarize詞需要;admit招收,接納,承認;hesitate猶豫vt.概括,總結(jié)學習結(jié)果:形absent缺席的,不在的;brief簡短的;confident自信容的;patient有耐心的;present出席的,在場的詞校園活動 :after-school activities課外活動 ;graduation ceremony畢業(yè)典禮;opening ceremony開hand sth. in(to sb/)S交

4、/上交某物(給某人);put forward 提 出;participate in參力口;keep sth. up仆斷練習以)保持某事 物,堅持下去;keep up with跟上,保持同步,與并駕齊目區(qū);make preparations for為做準備;be occupied with忙于;make up one s mind出決定;keep.in mind 記 住;keep/maintain a balance between 持和之間的平衡;be enthusiastic about對充滿熱情;jointhe team 加入到隊伍中 ;be invited to 被邀請absent fr

5、om 缺席 ;drop out of the school 輟學;skip the class 逃課1 .(2017 W 匕京)After a heated discussion, we agreed on making a video to record our experiences at schoo經(jīng)過熱烈的討論,我們同意制作一段視頻來記錄我們的學校生活。2 .(2017 北京)The students and teachers shared a great time. That surely gave us a great sense of achievement學生和老師們分享著這一

6、輝煌時刻,這無疑給我們一種巨大的成就感。3 .(2017 天津)I m very busy with my lessons now, for the College Entrance Examination, which is very important to me, is coming.我現(xiàn)在忙于功課,因為(大學)入學考試就要到來,它 對我來說十分重要。4 .(2016d 匕京)A week before Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for

7、a greener earth.在地球日前的一個星期,我們學校周圍張貼了海報, 號召我們加入到綠色地球的行動中去。經(jīng) 5.(2015 廣東)Our class also has problems of its own, of which the most obvious one is the 典 students laziness班也有自身具有的問題,其中最明顯的是學生的懶惰。旬6.(2015 湖南)As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my式 teacher before

8、 my classmate蚱為學生,我可以告訴你沒有什么比老師在同學面前表揚我 更好的了。7 .(2015 湖南)As a result, it was his encouragement that led to my succe琳果,正是他的鼓勵 促成了我的成功。8 .Firstly, as a student, the most important thing is to study, so it is necessary for all of you to build an effective method in your study.首先,作為一名學生,最重要的是學習,因此你們所有 人

9、都有必要找到有效的學習方式。9 .We are/feel honoured to have you here in our English Week Activities.您能來參加我們的英語周活動,我們深感榮幸。10 .With so many new things to learn, I was overcome by fear and was at a loss what to dot必目范文(2018課標全國H )你受學生會委 托為校宣傳欄英語天地”寫一則 通知,請大家觀看一部英文短片 Growing Together,內(nèi)容包括:1.短片內(nèi)容:學校的發(fā)展;這么多東西要學,我感到恐懼,不

10、知道該做什么。用適當?shù)脑~匯或句式完成下面短文并背誦NoticeDear schoolmates,It is a great honor 1(代表)our schoolto inform you that we ll invite you to see an English short2.放映時間、地點;3.歡迎對短片提出意見。(它是關于我們學校發(fā)展的).汪忠:We have arranged that the short film will be on show1.詞數(shù)100左右;from 16:00 to 17:00 3.film named Growing Together, 2.貫。I

11、5.頭腦風暴過程串聯(lián)”和諧的人際關系:accompany vt.陪同, 陪伴;appreciate vt 欣賞,感激;associate vt.聯(lián)系,交往;consult vt.請教,商量; cooperate vi 合作;enthusiastic adj 熱情 的;merciful adj.寬大的,仁慈的; precious adj珍貴的;respect vt.& n.尊 重;share vt.分享,共同使用;sincere adj. 真誠的不和諧的人際關系:barrier n.屏障,障 礙;blame vt.責備,指責;bother v.打擾, 麻煩;complain v. 抱怨;cond

12、emn vt. 譴責,指責,宣判;conflict n.沖突;fight2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連 我們學校劇院)tomorrow. Don t 4.(錯過參加的機會)this collective activity.hope you can give us some valuablesuggestions about the short film. Please give your feedback in time and contact us 6.(在你方便的時候).Students Union答案 1.to be on behalf of/to represent 2.which

13、is about the development of our school 3.at our school theater 4.miss the chance of taking part in 5.do 6.at your convenience/when it isconvenient for you二、人際關系循規(guī)蹈矩之中熟記”apology 道歉,歉意;argument爭論,辯論; comfort 安慰,慰藉;congratulation 祝賀,恭 賀;consideration 考慮 favour (美 favor) 恩惠, 幫助;greeting問候,致意;harmony融洽,和

14、 睦;invitation 邀請,請?zhí)?sympathy 同情 apologize道歉,謝罪;argue爭辯,爭論; communicate溝通,傳達(感情、信息等); disagree不一致,持不同意見;embarrass使窘 迫,使尷尬 forgive 原諒,寬恕;misunderstand 誤會,誤解;persuade說服,勸說;quarrel爭吵, 吵架;trust相信,信任,信賴;improve提 高;miss想念admirable值得贊賞的,可欽佩的;consideraten.& v.打架,打斗;hurt n.& v.傷形 體貼的friendly友好的;grateful感激的,表示

15、 害;tolerance n忍受容 感謝的;harmonious和諧的;modest謙虛的,謙詞 遜的 ;polite 有禮貌的,客氣的;reliable 可信賴的 ,可依靠的communicate with 與交流;be concerned about和諧的人際關系 :be on good terms、 關心,掛念;be in harmony with與和諧相處;be高with sb.與某人關系好;haveinready to help others樂于助人;fit in 與合得頻、上 、common有共同之處;make up和解來;depend/rely on 依靠,相信,信賴;feel

16、encouraged短不和諧的人際關系:be bored with厭by 被鼓舞;get along 相處融洽;keep one s一語一 煩;be fed up with 受夠了;be to blameword/promise 守信用,遵守諾言;put up with 忍受 ,、對負有責任;break up絕交,分手容忍;sharewith與分享1 .(2015 陜西 )I would appreciate it if you could give me a kind consideration. 如果你能考慮 我,我將不勝感激。2 .(2015重慶 )If you could provid

17、e more information, I would be grateful. 如果你能提供更多 的信息 ,我將不勝感激。3 .(2015 陜西)I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your expectations.我相信我一定不會辜 經(jīng) 負您的期望。典 4.(2015 廣東)The most obvious problem with our class is lack of interaction and teamwork 句 們班級最明顯的問題是缺乏溝通和團隊精神。式 5.(2015湖南 )After learning what situ

18、ation I was in, my teacher, Michael encouraged me to step out of trouble bravely and confidently得知我的情況后,我的老師Michael鼓勵我勇敢自 信地走出困境。6 .(2014重慶 )I suggest we should communicate with our friends face to face instead of sending text messages so that we can maintain our friendshi秋建議我們應該與朋友面對面交流而 不是發(fā)送信息,以便能

19、夠保持我們的友誼。經(jīng) 7.Time permitting, I expect to have more spare time to spend with my friends so that we can典 have a better relationship寸間允許的話,我希望有更多的業(yè)余時間和朋友一起度過,這樣我 句 們的關系會更好。式 8.On behalf of our school, I would like to express our warm welcome to you.我代表我們學 校向您表示熱烈的歡迎。9 .Feeling quite sorry for that, I

20、begin to think about what to do to help 由于對這件事情感到十分抱歉,我開始考慮做些事情來幫忙。10 .Not until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior school did I realize the importance of cooperating with others.直到高中時我被選為班長我才意識到與他人合作的重要性。(2017天津)假設你是李津,與你以前的外籍教師Mrs. Green 一直保持聯(lián)系。近日她來信詢 問你的近況,請根據(jù)以下提示給她回復一封郵 件。(1)簡要介紹自己的學習

21、和生活;(2)告知你已成為八月底在津舉辦的第十三屆 全運會的志愿者,并介紹為此所做的準備(如 深入了解天津等);(3)希望她有機會重訪天津。必注意:背(1)詞數(shù)不少于100;范(2)可適當加入細節(jié),使內(nèi)容充實、行文連貫;文(3)開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。參考詞匯:第十三屆全運會the 13th NationalGamesDear Mrs. Green,I m so glad to hear from you.Yours,Li Jin用適當?shù)脑~匯或句式完成下面短文并背 誦Dear Mrs. Green,1 m so glad to hear from you.I m writing1.(告訴你我

22、近來的生活和 學習).I am very busy with my lessons now, for the College Entrance Examination, 2 (它對我很重要),is coming. Every day, I have to spend most of my time studying. As a result, I don t have enough time to take exercise. What s worse, I don t 3. (和父母、朋友充分交流).By the way, I am now a volunteer for the 13th

23、National Games, which will be held at the end of August in Tianjin. In order to be a qualified volunteer, I have to 4.(提高自我)by reading some books about Tianjin so as to know more about it.I 5.(十分想念你)!Will you please pay a visit to Tianjin again so that we may meet again?Looking forward to seeing you

24、 a secondtime.Yours,Li Jin答案 1.to tell you something about my life and study in recent days 2.which is very importantto me municate a lot with my parents or friends 4.improve myself 5.miss you very much、語力學習循規(guī)蹈矩之中熟記”頭腦風暴過程串聯(lián)”學習過程:classify vt.將分類;dictation n.聽寫;drill n.& v.訓I練,操 練;enlarge vt擴大;enrich

25、 vt.使豐富; practise v練習;pronounce vt發(fā)音; recite vt.背誦;rete11Vt.復述;scan vt.瀏 覽;skim v.略讀;spell vt.拼寫;translate v.翻譯學習結(jié)果:abundant adj豐盛的,充裕 的;accurate adj準確的,精確的;exact adj.精確的,確切的;excellent adj.極好 的,優(yōu)秀的;perfect adj.完美的極好 的;precise adj準確的,精確的 確切 的;standard adj標準的;wonderful adj. 精彩的,令人驚嘆的學習過程:English learn

26、ing experience 英語學習經(jīng)驗;improve one s ability of.提高某人的能力;memorize asmany words as you can 量多記單 詞;practise one s oral/spoken English 練習某人的口語學習結(jié)果:o把翻譯correction 改正;course 過程,課程;culture 文 化;difficulty 困難,費力explanation解釋,說名 明;grammar 語法;knowledge 知識,學問; 詞 shortcoming 缺點,短處;speech 演講;target目標;

27、vocabulary 詞匯,詞匯表;weakness弱核點,缺點,不足心absorb吸收,使全神貫注accomplish完單 動 成;accumulate積累,積聚;explain解釋,說詞 詞 明;grasp理解,領會;master精通,掌握;overcome克服,解決different不同的,有差異的;dificult困難的,不 形 易相處的;fluent流利的,流暢的;puzzled迷 容 惑的,困惑的;specific明確的,具體的,獨特 詞 的;total總的,完全的;weak不擅長的,能力弱的;puzzling令人迷惑的because of由于,因為;come up with 想出

28、,提、 出;develop one s interes游某人的興趣;enlarge/expand one s vocabitery某人的詞 匯量;form the habit of reading 養(yǎng)成閱讀習慣;have a good command/knowledge o麻通;insist on 堅 持;keep/bearin mind t 己住;learnby heart背誦,記住;100k up查閱;make use of利用,使用;upto到達(某數(shù)量、程度等);refer to/consult a成;pick up (偶然)得到,聽到,學會dictionary 查字典;set/tak

29、e/write/note down寫下 色己下1 .(2017 課標全國 I )Poetry of the Tang Dynasty is a symbol of traditional Chinese literature playing an important part in Chinese culture, so it s necessary for you to have a goodknowledge of it. 唐詩是中國傳統(tǒng)文化的象征,在中國文化中起到舉足輕重的作用,因此你有必要精通唐詩。2 .(2015 天津)I m very glad that there are so

30、many American students loving Chinese;高 興有這么多美國學生喜歡漢語。3 .(2015 四川 )Speaking and listening are of great importance for language learning, by which you are sure to make great progres說和聽對于語言學習來說很重要,通過說和聽你肯定會 取得巨大進步。4 .(2015天津 )Actually, to help you learn Chinese well, we will donate 300 books which are

31、 all about Chinese history to your clas故際上,為了幫助你們學好漢語,我們將要給你們班級捐 經(jīng) 贈 300本關于中國歷史的書籍。典 5.(2015湖北 )If we are in the habit of raising doubts as to whether what we are told is true, we 旬 can find the correct answer and learn more;1果養(yǎng)成質(zhì)疑別人告訴我們的事情是否正確的 式 習慣 ,我們就能找到正確答案并學到更多。6 .(2015 四川 )Learning Mandarin t

32、akes time, so if you want to learn it well, you should spend much time practicing Mandarin every day學習普通話會花費時間,所以,如果想要學好它,你 應該每天花很多時間練習說普通話。7 .Today, more and more English words find their way into the Chinese language. Some people support it while others do not.當今,越來越多的英語單詞出現(xiàn)在漢語中。 有些人支持,然而有 些人反對。8

33、.I couldn t memorize the new words;nor could I spealkisEhnfgluently. 我記不住這些生詞 , 也不能流利地講英語。9 .It is my honour to be here to share my opinions on what to learn in senior high school with you.能在這兒和大家一起交流高中學習什么的看法,我感到十分榮幸。必目范文(2017課標全國I ) 假定你是李華,正在 教你的英國朋友Leslie學習漢語。請 你寫封郵件告知下 次上課的計劃。內(nèi)容 包括:1 .時間和地點;2 .內(nèi)

34、容:學習唐詩;3 .課前準備:簡要了 解唐朝的歷史。汪忠:1 .詞數(shù)100左右;2 .可以適當增加細 節(jié),以使行文連貫。用適當?shù)脑~匯或句式完成下面短文并背誦Dear Leslie,,d bettemfoertnsoimreI am writing to tell you my plan for the coming Chinese lesson. I decided to teach you poetry of the Tang Dynasty in Room 101, Building 1 at 8 am on Wednesday, 1(它將要持續(xù)兩個 /4日寸).Poetry of the

35、 Tang Dynasty is a symbol of Chinese traditional literature and plays an important part in Chinese culture, so it necessary for you 2.(精通它).Besides, in order to learn poetry of the Tang Dynasty well, you about the Tang Dynasty before class.Would you tell me if it s convenient for you?Furthermore, 3.

36、 (當你遇到迷惑不解的問題時),don t hesitate to turn to me.Yours,Li Hua答案 1.which will last two hours 2.to have a good knowledge of it 3.when you meet with some puzzling questions四、文化習俗循規(guī)蹈矩之中熟記”activity 活動;ancestor 祖先;belief 信條,信名 念;caution 謹慎,小心;ceremony典禮,儀詞 式;custom習慣,習俗,風俗習慣;result結(jié)果,效 果;symbol 象征;tradition 傳

37、統(tǒng), believe 相信;concern 關心;inform 告訴,通、 知;mean 懇思是;remind 提醒,使記起;remove詞, 人,核移動,拿走心單詞 ancient古代的;attentive留心的;awkward 令人 尷尬的,使人難堪的;casual漫不經(jīng)心的,非正形 式的;cautious小心的,謹慎的;fascinating魅力 容 無窮的;familiar熟悉的;particular特殊的,個 詞 別的;relevant有價值的,有意義的;silent無聲頭腦風暴過程串聯(lián)”節(jié)假 日活動:celebration n.慶祝;decorate vt.裝飾,修飾;feast

38、n.盛 宴,宴會,(宗教的)節(jié)日;get-together n.(親友等的)聚會;treat v.招待,款待 節(jié)假日用品:balloon n.氣球;candle n. 蠟燭;decoration n裝飾品;firecracker n鞭炮;firework n.煙火,煙花;flame n. 火焰,光輝場所:counter n.柜臺,結(jié)賬處;stand n. 貨攤;store n 商店:supermarket n超市的;traditional傳統(tǒng)的;typical典型的,有代表性 的,特有的場所:antique shop古玩店;chain store連鎖店 ;checkout counter/ca

39、shier desk attend a ceremony出席儀式;be familiar with 熟悉,收銀處;shopping mall/center 購物中通曉;broaden one s horizon闊視里手;culture shock心高 文化沖擊 ;dress up 盛裝 ,打扮 ;date back to/date from節(jié)假日相關活動 :celebrate an頻 追溯到 ;follow a custom 遵循習慣 ;in memory of 為anniversary慶祝周年紀念;celebrate短 了 紀念;make a brief introduction to 對做

40、the festival 慶祝節(jié)日 ;exchange gifts語 簡單介紹 ;pass down from generation to generation交換禮物 ;family reunion 家人團一代代傳下來;show sb. sth向某人展示某物;have a圓;give sb. a warm welcomed 烈歡迎 better understanding of.更好地了解某人;on special occasions!合;the opening ceremony 開幕式1.(2015 天津 )With these books, I hope that you can kno

41、w more about Chinese history and culture.通過這些書籍,我希望你能更多地了解中國的歷史和文化。2.As middle school students, we re not familiar with foreign cultures, while Chinese culture isn t fit to appear in an English newspape為中學生,我們不熟悉外國文化,而中國的文化 也不適合出現(xiàn)在英語報刊中。3.I hope you can help the students in our class to learn more a

42、bout western culture, which can increase understanding and help build good relationships between u我希望你能幫助我們經(jīng) 班的同學更多地了解西方文化 ,這能增進我們之間的理解并有助于建立我們之間良好的典 關系。句 4.The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of the eighth month of our Chinese lunar式 calendar. 中秋節(jié)在中國農(nóng)歷的第八個月的 15 日。5.In addition to these tradit

43、ional activities, we have a wide range of choices such as travellingand visiting our relatives or friends. 除了這些傳統(tǒng)的活動外 ,我們還有很多的選擇,比如旅游和拜訪親戚或朋友。6.Beijing is a lovely city with a long history, where you can see ancient and modern cultures.北京是一個擁有悠久歷史的美麗的城市,在那里你會看到古代文化和現(xiàn)代文化。7.I felt very pleased and exc

44、ited, for this was the first time I had ever talked with a foreigner in English, and I did give him a little help.我感到很高興 也很興奮,因為這是我第一次用英語和外國人講話,并且我確實給了他一點幫助。8.The reason why I have been longing to go to America is that I want to experience American culture, which is believed to be the most diverse i

45、n the worl映直渴望去美國的原因是我 想去體驗被認為是世界上最多元化的美國文化。選用適當?shù)脑~匯或句式完成下面短文并背誦Dear Terry,I am delighted when receiving your letter, asking 1J(你應該注意什么樣的風俗)when visiting a friend. Here(2018課標全國I )假定你是李華,are my tips for you.你的新西蘭朋友 Terry將去中國First of all, bear in mind that 2.朋友家做客,發(fā)郵件向你詢問有(你最好按時到達)or some time earlier

46、 than the關習俗。請你回復郵件,內(nèi)容包括:appointed time, 3.必1 .到達時間;(這很重要)to show your politeness. Additionally, 4.2 .合適的禮物;(為了表示敬意),you might as well bring an appropriate3 .餐桌禮儀。gift, like some fruits. Most importantly, it s vital tl注意:(你應注意餐桌禮儀).For instance, never speak with1 .詞數(shù) 100 左右;your mouth full of food,

47、which may be similar to your2 .可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連 own custom.貫。In brief, 6.(入鄉(xiāng)隨俗).I do hope you will have great fun at your friend s home.Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案 1.what customs you should pay attention to 2.you had better arrive punctually/on time3 .which is of great significance 4.to be respectful/to

48、show your respect 5.you should mindyour table manners 6.do as the Chinese do when in China五、興趣愛好循規(guī)蹈矩之中 “熟記 ”collection 收藏品 ,收集物 ;delight 快樂 ,樂事;entertainment 娛樂;habit 習慣;intention名 打算 ,計劃,意圖;interest 興趣 ;pleasure 高興 ,詞 愉快 ;preference 偏愛 ,愛好 ;talent 天才 ,天核賦;temptation引誘,誘惑;tendency 傾向,偏心好,性情 ;willing

49、ness 意愿 ,愿望單collect 收集 ,搜集 ;dislike 不喜愛,厭惡;intend詞動想要 ,打算;prefer 較喜歡 ;realize 認識到,實詞現(xiàn);tend往往會,常常就形 delighted 高興的,快樂的;pleasant 令人愉快容 的 ;pleased 高興的 ;similar 相似的 ;strange 奇詞 怪的 ,陌生的;willing 樂意的,愿意的apart from 除之外,止匕外;be accustomed tc3 慣于;be addicted to 對上癮;be crazy about高 對著迷;be interested in對感興趣;cheer

50、頻 up 感到高興,感到振奮;develop an interest in短 在方面發(fā)展興趣;feel like想要;get/be used to語 習慣于;give up 放棄;have a taste for對感興趣;have/show an interest in 對有興趣;in one頭腦風暴過程 “串聯(lián) ”娛樂休閑 cooking n.烹飪;drawing n.繪 畫 ;enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的 ;hobby n. 業(yè)余愛好戶外活動:exploration n.探險;gardening n.園藝;jogging n.慢跑;sailing n.航 海;travellin

51、g n.旅游收藏:treasure n金銀財寶,財富;variety n.不同種類;possess vtW,擁有;worth adj.有的價值,值(錢); worthless adj沒有價值的,沒用的; precious adj寶貴的,珍貴的娛樂休閑:abandon oneself toK迷于;be keen on喜歡;chat online在線聊天 戶外活動 :go camping 去野營 ;go hiking 去遠足 ;rock climbing 攀巖 收藏:be popular with受的歡迎;cultivate one smind某人的情s操;have an eye for對有鑒賞力

52、spare time在某人的業(yè)余時間;take up學著做1 .(2017天津 )In order to be a qualified volunteer, I have to improve myself by reading some隊 books about Tianjin so as to know more about i偽了成為名合格的志愿者 ,我不得不閱讀經(jīng) 一些關于天津的書籍,了解更多的相關信息來提高自己。典2 .(2015 課標 n )We ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing ga

53、mes,句、 which we hope will make them happy我們也將花一些時間一起唱歌、跳舞、玩游戲 ,我們式希望這些有趣的活動會讓他們感到高興。3 .(2015 d匕京)If you are interested in it, let me know and I ll send yo墳more informatio你對此感興趣,告訴我,我會發(fā)給你更多信息。4 .As students, you d better choose the activities which interest you and SUifcyOUt,你 們最好選擇那些你們感興趣并適合你們的活動。1

54、.I enjoy my hobby. It is my hobby that offers me an opportunity to do something interesting and creative. Meanwhile, it provides me with pleasur覦享受著我的愛好 ,它給我提供個 做趣事、做有創(chuàng)意的事情的機會,同時它還讓我快樂。6 .The reason why most people like traveling is that they can feel the beauty of nature and breathe the fresh air a

55、t the same tim許多人喜歡旅游是因為他們可以感受大自然的美 ,同 時也可以呼吸新鮮的空氣。7 .Nothing in the world can delight me so much as reading original workstti:界上沒有什么比 閱讀原著更令我高興。8 .My favorite hobby is reading books and newspapers, which has become a necessary part of my daily life.我最喜歡讀書看報,這已經(jīng)成為我日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。9 .In view of practic

56、al need of society, there are more and more people interested in learningEnglish.鑒于社會的實際需要,越來越多的人對學習英語感興趣用適當?shù)脑~匯或句式完成下面短文并背誦某中學生英文報正舉辦“TheThe Season I Like BestSeason I Like Best的征文活動, 請用英文寫一篇短文投稿,內(nèi)容 應包括:必1.你最喜歡的季節(jié);背 2.你喜歡該季節(jié)的兩條理由(如: 范氣候、景色、活動、感受) 文 汪思:1 .詞數(shù)100左右;2 .題目已為你寫好;3 .行文連貫,語篇完整;4 .文中不得透露個人真實

57、信息。Among the four seasons in a year, 1(夏天是我最喜歡的季節(jié) ),which makes me free, excited and energetic.When the summer vacation comes every year, 2(我們可以做所有的事情)that we can t do during our school time, 3.(例如)going shopping with friends, swimming in warm water and even hiking and camping in the deep valleys, all of which, I think, 4.(帶 給我充分的 自 由


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