1、Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEMu 背景知識背景知識 汽車的排氣系統(tǒng)功能主要是排放汽車尾氣。構(gòu)造上細分為汽車的排氣系統(tǒng)功能主要是排放汽車尾氣。構(gòu)造上細分為 尾氣管(尾氣管(The Tailpipe) 消音器(消音器(The Muffler) 排氣歧管(排氣歧管(The Exhaust Manifold and Header) 集氣管(集氣管(Manifold to Exhaust Pipe Gaskets) 排氣管(排氣管(Exhaust Pipe Hangers) 這幾大主要部件。這幾大主要部件。 Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM The exhaust sy
2、stem carries exhaust gases from the engines combustion chamber to the atmosphere and reduces, or muffles, engine noise. Exhaust gases leave the engine in a pipe, traveling through a catalytic converter and a muffler before exiting through the tailpipe.譯文:譯文:排氣系統(tǒng)將來自發(fā)動機燃燒室的廢氣排放到空排氣系統(tǒng)將來自發(fā)動機燃燒室的廢氣排放到空氣中
3、去,并減小或消除發(fā)動機噪音。廢氣從發(fā)動機排出,氣中去,并減小或消除發(fā)動機噪音。廢氣從發(fā)動機排出,經(jīng)過排氣管道通過催化轉(zhuǎn)換器和消聲器,最后通過尾管經(jīng)過排氣管道通過催化轉(zhuǎn)換器和消聲器,最后通過尾管排到大氣中去。排到大氣中去。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM1.The TailpipeThe tailpipe is a long metal tube attached to the muffler. It sticks out from under the body of a car, at the rear, in order to discharge the exhaust ga
4、ses from the muffler of the engine into the air outside the car.譯文:譯文:尾管是與消聲器相連的長長的金屬管,它從汽尾管是與消聲器相連的長長的金屬管,它從汽車車身后部伸出,將來自發(fā)動機消聲器的廢氣排到汽車車車身后部伸出,將來自發(fā)動機消聲器的廢氣排到汽車以外的大氣中去。以外的大氣中去。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM2.The MufflerExhaust gases leave the engine under extremely high pressure. If these gases escaped dire
5、ctly from the engine, the noise would be tremendous. For this reason, the exhaust manifold sends the gases to a muffler where they go through metal plates, or tubes, with a series of holes. The pressure of the gases is reduced when they pass through the muffler, so they go out of the tailpipe quietl
6、y.譯文:譯文:廢氣在高壓下離開發(fā)動機。如果這些廢氣直接從發(fā)廢氣在高壓下離開發(fā)動機。如果這些廢氣直接從發(fā)動機排出,將會產(chǎn)生巨大的噪音。因此,排氣歧管將廢氣送動機排出,將會產(chǎn)生巨大的噪音。因此,排氣歧管將廢氣送到消聲器,廢氣通過有著許多孔洞的金屬盤或管道。當(dāng)廢氣到消聲器,廢氣通過有著許多孔洞的金屬盤或管道。當(dāng)廢氣通過消聲器,壓力被減小,這樣廢氣就可以安靜地排出尾管。通過消聲器,壓力被減小,這樣廢氣就可以安靜地排出尾管。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM2.The MufflerThe muffler is made of metal and is located underneat
7、h the body of a car. Its connected between the tailpipe and the catalytic converter.譯文:譯文:消聲器由金屬做成,位于汽車車身下面。它與消聲器由金屬做成,位于汽車車身下面。它與尾管和催化轉(zhuǎn)換器相連。尾管和催化轉(zhuǎn)換器相連。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEMThere are two types of muffler design. One type uses several baffled chambers to reduce noise. The other type sends the gase
8、s straight through perforated pipe wrapped in metal or fiberglass. This type of muffler is designed for the purpose of reducing backpressure and, consequently, makes slightly more noise.譯文:譯文:有兩種形式的消音器設(shè)計。一種是采用一些擋有兩種形式的消音器設(shè)計。一種是采用一些擋板隔腔來減小噪音,另一種是將噪音直接送到由金屬或板隔腔來減小噪音,另一種是將噪音直接送到由金屬或玻璃纖維包裹的多孔管道中。這種消音器的設(shè)
9、計是用來玻璃纖維包裹的多孔管道中。這種消音器的設(shè)計是用來減小背壓,從而減小噪音。減小背壓,從而減小噪音。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEMThe muffler quiets the noise of the exhaust by muffling the sound waves created by the opening and closing of the exhaust valve. When an exhaust valve opens, it discharges the burned gases at high pressures into the exhaust
10、pipe, which is at low pressure. This type of action creates sound waves that travel through the flowing gas, moving much faster than the gas itself (up to 1400 mph) that the muffler must silence. 譯文:譯文:消聲器通過消除打開和關(guān)閉排氣門產(chǎn)生的噪音消聲器通過消除打開和關(guān)閉排氣門產(chǎn)生的噪音來減小排氣噪音。當(dāng)排氣門打開,它排出高壓的燃燒氣來減小排氣噪音。當(dāng)排氣門打開,它排出高壓的燃燒氣體至低壓的排氣管。這
11、個動作產(chǎn)生聲波,在廢氣中傳播,體至低壓的排氣管。這個動作產(chǎn)生聲波,在廢氣中傳播,并且速度要比廢氣本身速度更快(達到并且速度要比廢氣本身速度更快(達到1400英里每小英里每小時)。這個噪音是消音器必須要消除的。時)。這個噪音是消音器必須要消除的。 Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEMIt generally does this by converting the sound wave energy into heat by passing the exhaust gas and through perforated chambers of varied size. Passing i
12、nto the perforations and reflectors within the chamber forces the sound waves to dissipate their energy.譯文:譯文:消音器一般將廢氣通過不同尺寸的多孔腔室,消音器一般將廢氣通過不同尺寸的多孔腔室,從而將聲波能轉(zhuǎn)換為熱能。廢氣通過腔室的孔洞及其在從而將聲波能轉(zhuǎn)換為熱能。廢氣通過腔室的孔洞及其在腔室內(nèi)的反射可以消耗聲波的能量。腔室內(nèi)的反射可以消耗聲波的能量。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEMCar manufacturers are experimenting with an el
13、ectronic muffler, which uses sensors to monitor the sound waves of the exhaust noise. The sound wave data are sent to a computer that controls speaker near the tailpipe. The system generates sound wave 180 degrees out of phase with the engine noise. 譯文:譯文:汽車生產(chǎn)商正在實驗一種電子消聲器,它使用汽車生產(chǎn)商正在實驗一種電子消聲器,它使用傳感器來
14、檢測排氣噪音聲波。聲波信號被送到計算機,傳感器來檢測排氣噪音聲波。聲波信號被送到計算機,控制尾管附近的揚聲器來產(chǎn)生一個與發(fā)動機噪音控制尾管附近的揚聲器來產(chǎn)生一個與發(fā)動機噪音180度度反相的聲音。反相的聲音。 Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEMThe sound waves from the electronic muffler collide with the exhaust sound waves and they cancel each other out, leaving only low-level heat to emerge form the tailpipe.譯文:
15、譯文:來自電子消聲器的聲波與排氣噪音聲波相撞,來自電子消聲器的聲波與排氣噪音聲波相撞,互相抵消,只將較少的能量由尾管排出?;ハ嗟窒?,只將較少的能量由尾管排出。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM3.The Exhaust Manifold and HeaderThe exhaust manifold, usually constructed of cast iron, is a pipe that conducts the exhaust gases from the combustion chambers to the exhaust pipe. It has smooth cu
16、rves in it for improving the flow of exhaust. 譯文:譯文:排氣歧管一般由鑄鐵做成,將廢氣由燃燒室送排氣歧管一般由鑄鐵做成,將廢氣由燃燒室送到排氣管。排氣歧管內(nèi)有著光滑的表面,這是為了提高到排氣管。排氣歧管內(nèi)有著光滑的表面,這是為了提高廢氣的流動。廢氣的流動。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM3.The Exhaust Manifold and HeaderThe exhaust manifold is bolted to the cylinder head, and has entrances for the air that is
17、injected into it. It is usually located under the intake manifold. A header is a different type of manifold, it is made of separate equal-length tubes.譯文:譯文:排氣歧管使用螺栓連接在氣缸蓋上,有著供空排氣歧管使用螺栓連接在氣缸蓋上,有著供空氣噴入的通道。它同樣位于進氣歧管的下面。集氣管是氣噴入的通道。它同樣位于進氣歧管的下面。集氣管是另一種形式的歧管,它由許多獨立等長的管道組成。另一種形式的歧管,它由許多獨立等長的管道組成。Chapter 6
18、 EXHAUST SYSTEM4.Manifold to Exhaust Pipe GasketsThere are several types of gaskets that connects the exhaust pipe to the manifold. One is a flat surface gasket. Another type uses a ball and socket with springs to maintain pressure. This type allows some flexibility without breakage of the seal or t
19、he manifold. A third type is the full ball connector type, which also allows a little flexibility.譯文:譯文:有幾種類型連接排氣管和歧管的墊圈。一種是平面有幾種類型連接排氣管和歧管的墊圈。一種是平面墊圈。另一種使用球鉸式墊圈,使用彈簧來保持壓力,它可墊圈。另一種使用球鉸式墊圈,使用彈簧來保持壓力,它可以在不破壞密封和歧管的條件下允許產(chǎn)生一定的變形。第三以在不破壞密封和歧管的條件下允許產(chǎn)生一定的變形。第三種是全球式接頭墊圈,它也允許產(chǎn)生少量的變形。種是全球式接頭墊圈,它也允許產(chǎn)生少量的變形。Chap
20、ter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM5.Exhaust Pipe HangersHangers hold the exhaust system in place. They give the system flexibility and reduce the noise level. The hanger system consists of rubber rings, tubes and clamps.譯文:譯文:排氣管吊耳將排氣系統(tǒng)固定住,并且使得排氣系統(tǒng)排氣管吊耳將排氣系統(tǒng)固定住,并且使得排氣系統(tǒng)有一定的靈活性和減小噪音級別。吊耳系統(tǒng)由橡膠圈,管子有一定的靈活性和減小噪音級別。吊耳系
21、統(tǒng)由橡膠圈,管子和夾具組成。和夾具組成。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM6.Exhaust PipeThe exhaust pipe is the bent-up or convoluted pipes underneath a car. Some are shaped to go over the rear axle, allowing the rear axle to move up and down without bumping into the exhaust pipe, some are shaped to bend around under the floor o
22、f the car, connecting the catalytic converter with the muffler. 譯文:譯文:排氣管彎曲盤旋于汽車底部。一些排氣管布置在后排氣管彎曲盤旋于汽車底部。一些排氣管布置在后軸上,這樣后軸上下跳動就不會撞擊到排氣管,一些盤旋彎軸上,這樣后軸上下跳動就不會撞擊到排氣管,一些盤旋彎曲于汽車底盤上,連接催化轉(zhuǎn)換器和消聲器。曲于汽車底盤上,連接催化轉(zhuǎn)換器和消聲器。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM6.Exhaust PipeExhaust pipes are usually made out of stainless steel, s
23、ince the high heat conditions involved with the muffler system will cause rust.譯文:譯文:由于消聲器的高溫環(huán)境容易產(chǎn)生銹,所以排氣管一由于消聲器的高溫環(huán)境容易產(chǎn)生銹,所以排氣管一般采用不銹鋼做成。般采用不銹鋼做成。Chapter 6 EXHAUST SYSTEM7.Dual Exhaust SystemThe advantage of a dual exhaust system is that the engine exhausts more freely, thereby lowering the backpre
24、ssure, which is inherent in an exhaust system. With a dual system, a sizable increase in engine horsepower can be obtained because the breathing capacity of the engine is improved, leaving less exhaust gases in the engines at the end of each exhaust stroke. This, in turn, leaves more room for an ext
25、ra intake of the air-fuel mixture.譯文:譯文:雙排氣系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)勢就是發(fā)動機能夠更自由地排氣,雙排氣系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)勢就是發(fā)動機能夠更自由地排氣,因此可以降低排氣系統(tǒng)固有的背壓。裝有雙排氣系統(tǒng)的發(fā)動因此可以降低排氣系統(tǒng)固有的背壓。裝有雙排氣系統(tǒng)的發(fā)動機可以獲得相當(dāng)大的功率提升,這是因為發(fā)動機進氣的能力機可以獲得相當(dāng)大的功率提升,這是因為發(fā)動機進氣的能力得到了改善。每次排氣沖程末端,更少的廢氣被留在發(fā)動機得到了改善。每次排氣沖程末端,更少的廢氣被留在發(fā)動機內(nèi),從而給發(fā)動機吸入可燃混和氣留下更多的空間。內(nèi),從而給發(fā)動機吸入可燃混和氣留下更多的空間。Chapter 6 EXHA
26、UST SYSTEMExercise1 Carbon monoxide (CO) also increases the rate at which the photochemical smog is formed by speeding up the conversion of nitric oxide (NO) to nitrogen dioxide.一氧化碳也增加了光化學(xué)煙霧形成的幾率。因為一氧化碳促進了一氧化氮向二氧化氮的轉(zhuǎn)變。2 Oxide of sulfur were initially ignored in the exhaust system, since the sulfur content of gasoline as a fuel is less than 1/10 of 1 percent. Because of this small amount, it was felt that it contributed very little to the overall pollution problem. However, the
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