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1、 .外研版初中英語1000個單詞分類記憶方法1. countries(國家)China ( Chinese); Japan ( Japanese); America/ the USA ( American); France( French/ Frenchman); Australia (Australian); Germany (German); England/ the UK ( English/ Englishman); Canada ( Canadian); Brazil (Brazilian); India ( Indian); Russia ( Russian)2. colors(顏

2、色)blue, green, red, brown, white, black, yellow, purple, pink, orange, gray/ grey, blonde, fair(白皙的), light(淺色的), dark(深色的)3. Animals(動物)chicken, hen, dog, pig, horse, cat, bird, elephant, tiger, panda, monkey, mouse ( mice), lion, butterfly, insect, spider, koala, snake, sheep (sheep), wolf (wolves

3、), cow, duck, rabbit, giraffe4. Sports(運動)basketball, soccer (football), baseball, volleyball, tennis, ping-pong ( table tennis), badminton, running, jumping, swimming, dancing, skating, walking5. Clothes(服裝)sweater, coat, jacket, trousers, shorts, shoes (sports shoes), socks, shirt, T- shirt, cap (

4、hat), skirt, dress, blouse, gloves, scarf6. months(月份)January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December7. Weeks(周)Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, weekend, weekdays(工作日), school days, school nights8. Jobs(職業(yè))student, teach

5、er, driver, doctor, dentist, nurse, worker, singer, artist, scientist, cook, policeman, policewoman, writer, reporter, farmer, basketball player, actor, actress, waiter, waitress, engineer, pilot, pianist, violinist, musician, magician, banker, general9. Body(身體)hair, eye, mouth, nose, ear, tooth (t

6、eeth), head, hand, shoulder, arm, face, heart, stomach, leg, foot ( feet), knee, back10.Relatives(親屬)grandparents, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, parents, sister, brother, daughter, son, cousin, aunt, uncle, friend, wife, husband, pen friend, classmate11. Food(食物)noodles, dumpling, fish,

7、egg, chicken, meat, beef, mutton, rice, ice-cream, salt, vegetables, tomato, potato, carrot, cabbage, bread, junk food, cake, mooncake, hamburger, sandwich, potato chips, sugar, biscuit, honey, butter, porridge, pizza, onion12. Drinks(飲料)water, tea, coffee, milk, juice, green tea, black tea, coke, c

8、ola, orange, beer(啤酒), wine(葡萄酒)13.(形狀)round, circle, square14.Vehicle(交通)bus, train, bike, plane, car, subway, boat, ship, taxi, motorbike15. Fruit(水果)apple, orange, banana, grape, strawberry, pear, watermelon16. Weather(天氣)sunny (fine), rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy, hot, cold, warm, cool, wet17. Fe

9、elings(感覺)happy, unhappy, sad, mad, crazy, proud, nervous, worried, uneasy, bored, interested, surprised, excited, relaxed, scared, satisfied(感到滿意的), disappointed(感到失望的), moved, cruel, angry18.Direction(方向)under, on, in, left, right, in front of, behind, next to, near, across, from, across from, bet

10、ween. and., beside, over, north, east, south, west19. Diseases(疾?。﹊ll, toothache, stomachache, backache, headache, flu, fever, cold, cough, sore throat, sore back20. Subjects(學(xué)科)Chinese, math, English, science, history, physics, chemistry, music, art, computer, P.E. geography, Japanese, French, poli

11、tics (政治), biology(生物)21. (餐具)chopsticks, fork, bowl, plate, cup, knife, glass, bottle, dish, scoop, pot, napkin22. building(建筑)hospital, school, post office, library, supermarket, cinema (movie theater), bank, house, room, museum, park, zoo, garden, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, playground, gy

12、m(體育館)23.furniture(家庭用具)TV, table, chair, sofa, bed, desk, radio, fridge, bookcase, clock, telephone, mobile phone, camera, tape player, CD player, handbag, backpack24.(樂器)piano (pianist), violin (violinist), guitar, drum, erhu, (musician)25. Rooms(房間)kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, classro

13、om, lab/laboratory, restroom, meeting room, study(書房),music room26.學(xué)習(xí)用品pen, pencil, pencil-box, bag, schoolbag, backpack, book, textbook, notebook, dictionary, eraser, ruler, knife, pencil-sharpener(卷筆刀)27.人稱代詞I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them28.物主代詞my, your, h

14、is, her, its, our, your, their, mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs29.指示代詞this, that, these, those30.反身代詞myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves31.不定代詞some (something, somebody, someone), any (anything, anybody, anyone), nothing, nobody, no one, eve

15、rything, everyone, everybody, all, each, both, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, either, neither, other(s), another, none, one32.不可數(shù)名詞water, news, money, advice, weather, milk, bread, meat, information, tea, rice, beef, medicine, air, soup, mutton, sugar, salt, honey, butter, coffee, cotton, silk, st

16、eel, 33.既可數(shù)又不可數(shù)的名詞time( C:次數(shù),倍數(shù);U:時間),work (C:作品;U:工作),paper (C:報紙,試卷;U:紙),chicken(C:雞;U:雞肉),fish(C:魚;U:魚肉),glass(C:玻璃杯,眼鏡;U:玻璃)34.形容詞(1) ful: beautiful, careful, thankful, wonderful, helpful, meaningful, hopeful, useful, colorful(2) ous: delicious, famous, dangerous, serious, humorous(3) ly: lovely

17、, friendly, ugly, lonely, silly, daily (4) less: careless, meaningless(5) y: sunny, rainy, windy, snowy, happy, healthy, noisy, lucky, salty, sleepy, (6) ed: tired, interested, excited, relaxed, bored, surprised, scared, moved, worried ing: tiring, interesting, exciting, relaxing, boring, surprising

18、, moving (7) al: personal, traditional, educational, international, classical, musical, environmental, natural, (8) 其它:fat, thin, sweet, free, sour, crispy, quiet, cute, clever, smart, good, fine, cool, nice, poor, rich, blind, angry, warm, comfortable, hard, crowded, dead, difficult, dirty, clean,

19、tidy, foreign, funny, loud, polite, safe, special, active, alone, clear, enough, heavy, easy, lazy, empty, fresh, handsome, important, necessary, strange, shy, long, short, big, small, wide, far, old, young, tall, hard-working, outgoing,其中early, late, fast, straight, high, well既是形容詞,又是副詞35. 介詞to, fo

20、r, of, at, about, in, on, from, as, after, between, behind, across, through, before, around, over, with, without, under, up, by, near, beside, along, 36. 動詞be, make, write, remember, forget, help, begin, start, say, speak, tell, talk, need, look, have, take, bring, arrive, reach, ask, call, collect,

21、 cry, smile, laugh, discuss, decide, enjoy, fly, give, grow, teach, wait, sing, hear, sound, listen, buy, cost, spend, pay, die, draw, exercise, hang, hope, wish, keep, knock, learn, move, plant, point, believe, think, taste, touch, travel, become, choose, feed, follow, hate, improve, invent, join,

22、leave, lend, borrow, relax, repair, ring, save, share, smoke, win, lose, eat, allow, decide, avoid, 37. 短語動詞cut up, cut down, cut off, put up, put down, put off, put on, give up, give away, turn on, turn off, turn up, turn down, call up, call back, wake up, take off, take out, cheer up, hand in, han

23、d out, look up, mix up, pick up, work out, write down, use up, eat up, fix up38. 序數(shù)詞1. first, second, third 2. fourth, sixth, seventh. 3. fifth, twelfth 4. eighth, ninth 5. twentieth, thirtieth 6. twenty-first39. 其它名詞meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, corner, king, queen, meeting, message, neig

24、hbor, newspaper, wall, accident, death, adult, question, problem, answer, attention, candle, danger, safety, fact, gift, present, hall, joke, noise, pleasure, poem, temperature, ticket, address, band, birthday, sun, moon, cloud, dream, earth, competition, e-mail, environment, factory, forest, friendship, future, government, group, habit, meter, kilometer, nature, score, sky, pool, symbol, treasure, team, way, 40.不規(guī)則級別變化man


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