1、會(huì)計(jì)學(xué)1新視界大學(xué)英語綜合教程新視界大學(xué)英語綜合教程2_unit5Warming up Listen and underline any words or expressions which are different from what you hear.A: I didnt see you in class this morning.B: I wasnt there. I had a rough night, and was a bit too tired to come.A: Thats because you spend too much time partying. B: Not e
2、xactly, but I took some time off. I thought Id go running in the woods behind campus, you know. A: Sounds like an interesting thing to do.A: I didnt see you in class this morning.B: I wasnt there. I had a rough night, and was a bit too tired to come.A: Thats because you spend too much time partying.
3、 B: Not exactly, but I took some time off. I thought Id go running in the woods behind campus, you know. A: Sounds like an interesting thing to do.Warming upB: Well, it is, especially at this time of year. You never know what you might see or hear. Thats why I took my camera and started waiting, and
4、 because you have to be quiet I got down under a tree and, er A: Something happened?B: I must have fallen down a hole. The next thing I knew it was five oclock in the morning and all the birds were singing. The problem with hobbies like mine is that theyre too dangerous. I need to do something more
5、relaxing, like kung fu or mountain climbing B: Well, it is, especially at this time of year. You never know what you might see or hear. Thats why I took my camera and started waiting, and because you have to be quiet I got down under a tree and, er A: Something happened?B: I must have fallen down a
6、hole. The next thing I knew it was five oclock in the morning and all the birds were singing. The problem with hobbies like mine is that theyre too dangerous. I need to do something more relaxing, like kung fu or mountain climbing Warming upNow listen again and correct the information.Answer:1)party
7、ing studying2)running bird-watching3)camera type recorder4)down a hole asleep5)dangerous stressfulWarming upWhats your idea of: Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 2 an exciting hobby3 a boring hobby1 having a good time4 an unusual hobbyWarming upWatch the video of how a Western botanist found
8、Shangri-La. How do you spend your leisure time, do you also like traveling? Share your experience with the whole class.Warming up Look at the title of the passage and answer the questions.1 What kind of activities do you expect the passage to talk about? 2 What kind of style do you expect it will be
9、 written in?Now read the passage and check your answers.Skimming Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 74.TaskTaskSkimming Choose the best definition.A couch potato is someone who _. (a) doesnt like sports but is active in o
10、ther ways(b) takes no exercise, and spends their leisure time doing very little(c) enjoys doing energetic activities, but only at home(d) enjoys growing vegetables indoorsNow think of definitions for these things: 1 a leisure inactivity 2 a mouse potato 3 telly belly 4 mouse milesbSkimmingSkimming C
11、hoose the best way to complete the sentences.1 In the 19th century, British people had more time off than in earlier times and _. (a) they wanted to play more sports (b) they didnt want to do anything useful (c) they wanted to do something useful and feel fulfilled (d) they didnt want to do anything
12、 newcSkimming2 Leisure inactivities usually involve _. (a) very little contact with other people or physical activity (b) watching sport on TV (c) taking a day off work and staying at home (d) excessive amounts of time in front of a computer3 For a couch potato getting interested in a TV programme i
13、s unwise because _. (a) you wont use the remote control enough (b) you may run out of snacks and drinks (c) it may be your only day off in the week (d) you may make too much intellectual effortadSkimming4 The risks of being a couch potato are _. (a) minimal because potatoes are healthy (b) minimal b
14、ecause you are in your own home (c) real because you might put on a lot of weight (d) not as serious as the Oxford English Dictionary claims5 A mouse potato _. (a) spends a lot of time travelling the world (b) can exchange mouse miles for potato chips (c) replaces traditional leisure activities with
15、 computer- based entertainment (d) spends all their time insulting people in Internet chat roomsccLeisure inactivities or how to relax and do nothing譯文譯文Digging1 Centuries ago people didnt have much free time, because everyone was working too hard. In Britain in the 19th century, people had more fre
16、e time, but the Victorians thought relaxing and doing nothing was a sin. So to avoid temptation, they invented football and cricket. People took up more gentle leisure activities like bird-watching, and gardening, and it was even possible simply to watch a sport and be satisfied that you were actual
17、ly doing something useful.2 One instance of this is cricket, which is a peculiar game with weird rules, where nothing happens for five days, at the end of which the players often decide to call it a draw. And everyone playing or watching feels perfectly fulfilled by this non-event. Its a good exampl
18、e of what we now call a leisure inactivity.Digging3 Gradually over the years, leisure inactivities have involved even less interaction. In the 1990s a new leisure creature evolved, one who thinks that lying on the sofa watching sport or DVDs on the television is the most exciting inactivity they can
19、 manage. This is the couch potato. 譯文譯文Digging4 So who wants to be a couch potato? Well, as a matter of fact, many people do, and for very good reasons. Maybe its your one day off in the week, maybe you just got back from work or school. Maybe youre tired and just want to chill. For the couch potato
20、, every activity is too much trouble, and being idle is an art form.譯文譯文Digging5 How do you become a couch potato? Its easy. Sit down in a comfortable place, such as a nice soft chair, or . you knew it was coming . a couch. Dont sit on a potato. Make sure you have everything you need, things to eat
21、(especially potato chips no serious couch potato would eat anything else), drinks, magazines and a telly.譯文譯文Digging6 The most important piece of equipment is of course, the remote control. Without the freedom to change channels without moving from the couch, no couch potato would be worthy of the n
22、ame. In fact, watching TV without a remote control becomes dangerously like physical exercise, and probably should be avoided.譯文譯文Digging7 Now just start watching the telly. Change channels every ten seconds, and then move on. Try your best to lose concentration quickly, in order to maintain your st
23、atus as a couch potato. (Remember that you also have the attention span of a potato.) Finally, ask other people to do things for you, like get more food, or rent a movie. But be nice to them! If you arent nice, youll probably have to do it yourself.譯文譯文Digging8 But with every new trend, theres a rea
24、ction. British farmers were recently reported by the BBC to be angry at the use of the expression couch potato, because it gave the vegetable a negative image. Potatoes are inherently healthy, says the British Potato Council, and is organizing protests to demand the removal of couch potato from the
25、Oxford English Dictionary.9 So there you are! Couch potatoes are healthy.譯文譯文Digging10 Of course, for the true couch potato, there are inherent risks. Perhaps the greatest of these results from the lack of exercise, and is referred to by professional couch potatoes as telly belly. Some, however, see
26、 their telly belly as a mark of their commitment to their leisure inactivity, and wear it proudly over the top of their trousers. (Interestingly, this is a highly fashionable style known as a muffin top. Find out why next time youre in Starbucks.)譯文譯文Digging11 But time moves on, and in the 21st cent
27、ury we now have a version of the couch potato specially for the online activities on the computer. This is called the mouse potato. A mouse potato spends excessive amounts of time in front of a computer monitor, with the same absence of interest in the outside world as their older cousin, the couch
28、potato. Mouse potatoes are hooked on online games with other fellow potatoes around the world. 譯文譯文DiggingIn fact, leaving the computer not only lacks purpose but also risks a threat by some rival or more skilful mouse potato in a brighter time zone across the world. For time off, their routine incl
29、udes performing extensive Internet searches or participating in online chat rooms, leaving ill-informed and badly spelt opinions around the virtual world, causing offence or generally insulting ones intelligence.譯文譯文Digging12 For mouse potatoes with an aspiration for adventure, you can even travel t
30、he world and visit countries you might otherwise never see by going to CouchP. You can also find out how much time you spend on your computer by logging the distance your mouse travels. These are called mouse miles, and who knows, maybe one day you can exchange them for more potato chips at all good
31、 computer stores.譯文譯文Digging13 So with a minimum of effort you too can have your own leisure inactivity. Become a couch potato! Earn that telly belly! Train hard as a mouse potato, and earn mouse miles. Get started today. Theres so much time, and so little to do. 譯文譯文DiggingMain idea of the text1. b
32、ut the Victorians thought relaxing and doing nothing was a sin. (Line 4, Para 1)The work ethic was very strong in 19th-century England probably in response to the Industrial Revolution and dramatic increase in the British economy. Religion was also very strong, teaching that mans duty was to work an
33、d any wasted moments would have to be accounted for (作出解釋,說明) to God. Difficult sentences Difficult sentences 2. Maybe its your one day off in the week, (Line 3, Para 4)one day off: a day without work, or a day away from workDifficult sentences 3. Maybe youre tired and just want to chill. (Line 5, P
34、ara 4)Here, the informal use of the word “chill” is adopted to relax. The metaphor is that while work and being under stress is hot, relaxation is cool.Difficult sentences 4. For the couch potato, every activity is too much trouble, and being idle is an art form. (Line 6, Para 4)The writer is being
35、ironic and comparing the couch potato to a master of a difficult art, eg a dancer or opera singer etc.Difficult sentences 5. Sit down in a comfortable place, such as a nice soft chair, or you knew it was coming a couch. (Line 2, Para 5)Of course, a couch potato sits on a couch. You could predict the
36、 writer will say that before he does. you knew it was coming: This expression is used in light-hearted contexts when we state the obvious. Difficult sentences 6. Without the freedom to change channels without moving from the couch, no couch potato would be worthy of the name. In fact, watching TV wi
37、thout a remote control becomes dangerously like physical exercise, and probably should be avoided. (Line 2, Para 6)The writer creates an ironic effect through the use of exaggeration. The true couch potato is not supposed to move from the couch. So getting up, as people once had to do, to go over to
38、 the television to change channels would be against the entire couch potato lifestyle. It might even be too energetic for them and cause problems. Difficult sentences 7. Remember that you also have the attention span of a potato. (Line 5, Para 7)A potato, of course, does not have an attention span.
39、The writer is saying that a person who wants to be a couch potato must not concentrate on anything for long.Difficult sentences 8. But with every new trend, theres a reaction. (Line 1, Para 8)The writer is referring to the Third Law of Motion by Newton: For every action there is an equal and opposit
40、e reaction. So for every new trend or fashion, there is an objection or counter movement.Difficult sentences 9. Some, however, see their telly belly as a mark of their commitment to their leisure inactivity, and wear it proudly over the top of their trousers. (Line 5, Para 10)The couch potato wears
41、a bulging stomach as proof of his inactive lifestyle, and even feels proud of it, just like one might proudly wear a team or university T-shirt.Difficult sentences 10. Interestingly, this is a highly fashionable style known as a muffin top. Find out why next time youre in Starbucks. (Line 8, Para 10
42、)Peoples stomachs bulge over the tops of their trousers just as the edge of the muffin bulges over the top of the cake. The writer suggests anyone who does not understand what he means should go to a Starbucks and compare a man with a telly belly and muffins to understand. Difficult sentences 11. Mo
43、use potatoes are hooked on online games with other fellow potatoes around the world. (Line 8, Para 11)If you are hooked on something, you enjoy it very much and you want to do it as often as possible. The metaphor comes from the situation where a fish caught on a hook was unable to swim away.be hook
44、ed on: be addicted to somethingDifficult sentences 12. In fact, leaving the computer not only lacks purpose but also risks a threat by some rival or more skilful mouse potato in a brighter time zone across the world. (Line 10, Para 11)These computer addicts have no reason to leave the computer as th
45、ey have no other interests. It is difficult for them even to leave their computers at night, because the online games mouse potatoes played are international. By leaving the game and going to bed the player risks losing his position to players in other countries, for whom it is now morning. Difficul
46、t sentences 13. For time off, their routine includes leaving ill-formed and badly spelt opinions around the virtual world, causing offence or generally insulting ones intelligence. (Line 14, Para 11)The things they write are insulting to some groups of people, or so obviously untrue that the one who
47、 makes it must think the people who read it are stupid.Difficult sentences 14. These are called mouse miles, and who knows, maybe one day you can exchange them for more potato chips at all good computer stores. (Line 7, Para 12)The reference of mouse mile is to air miles which you can earn when you
48、buy an airline ticket. Its aim is to encourage you to be loyal to one airline and accumulate enough miles to get a free ticket or gift. leisure釋義釋義1a. (only before noun) relating to activities you do to relax or enjoy yourself (有關(guān)) 消遣娛樂的 例句例句The hotel offers a wide range of leisure facilities. 這家旅館提
49、供有各式各樣的娛樂設(shè)施。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句The football match is just a leisure activity, dont take it too seriously. 這個(gè)足球比賽不過是個(gè)娛樂活動(dòng),不要太當(dāng)真。 翻譯翻譯 All in all, however, childrens leisure time dropped from 40% of the day in 1981 to 25%. (Jun. 2003, CET-4, Reading Comprehension)真題真題釋義釋義2n. U activities you do to rel
50、ax or enjoy yourself 消遣;娛樂例句例句My busy schedule leaves little time for leisure. 我的日程安排太繁忙,沒什么時(shí)間消遣。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句You need to strike a proper balance between work and leisure. 你需要做到勞逸結(jié)合。 翻譯翻譯leisureinactivity釋義釋義n. U the state of not doing anything, not moving, or not working 不做任何事;不活動(dòng);不工作例句例句It w
51、as good to be home again after the enforced inactivity of the hospital bed. 以前我被迫躺在醫(yī)院病床上不能活動(dòng),現(xiàn)在回到家里感覺真好。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句The job entailed long periods of inactivity. 做這份工作需要長時(shí)間呆著不動(dòng)。 翻譯翻譯Cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they spend little time eating and are unlikely to be
52、attacked while they sleep. (Jan. 1994, CET-4, Reading Comprehension)真題真題釋義釋義例句例句I think its a sin to waste good food. 我覺得浪費(fèi)美食是一種罪過。翻譯翻譯WordsWords n. C, U an action, thought, or way of behaving that is wrong according to religious laws (宗教上的)罪,罪孽sin 例句例句Youve only got one life and its a sin to waste
53、it. 人的生命只有一次,浪費(fèi)生命就是犯罪。 翻譯翻譯peculiar釋義釋義1a. strange, often in an unpleasant way 古怪的;怪異的例句例句 A peculiar sound caught my attention.一個(gè)奇怪的聲音引起了我的注意。翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句翻譯翻譯This meat tastes peculiar. 這肉味道很古怪。 釋義釋義2a. especially true or typical of a particular person, thing, or situation 特別的;獨(dú)特的例句例句翻譯翻譯Words
54、Words例句例句This custom is peculiar to Scotland. 翻譯翻譯這個(gè)習(xí)俗是蘇格蘭特有的。 Water holds a peculiar fascination for children. 水對(duì)兒童來說有著一種特別的吸引力。 真題真題But if one man gives another man a 3-second-plus stare, he signals, “I know you”, “I am interested in you,” or “You look peculiar and I am curious about you.” (Jun. 1
55、996, CET-4, Reading comprehension )peculiarweird 釋義釋義a. strange and unusual, sometimes in a way that upsets you 奇怪的;古怪的例句例句He has some weird ideas about things. 他對(duì)事情有一些怪異的想法。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句Some of their clothes were really weird. 他們有些衣服很怪異。 翻譯翻譯couch potato 釋義釋義n. C someone who spends a lot of t
56、ime sitting at home watching TV 終日泡在電視機(jī)前的人例句例句A lot of kids today are overweight couch potatoes. 今天的許多孩子都體重超標(biāo),終日泡在電視機(jī)前。 翻譯翻譯WordsWordschill 釋義釋義1vi. (infml) to relax and stop being angry or nervous 放松一下例句例句Im just going to chill this weekend. 我這個(gè)周末就去放松一下。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句Chill out, Dad if we miss
57、this train theres always another one. 別擔(dān)心,爸爸。如果誤了這趟火車,總還有其他車。 翻譯翻譯釋義釋義2 v. if you chill food or drink or it chills, it becomes cold enough to be ready to eat or drink (使)變冷;冰鎮(zhèn)例句例句I want this wine to chill. 我想把這葡萄酒冰一下。翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句 Chill the fruit salad until serving time. 翻譯翻譯把水果沙拉冰鎮(zhèn)一下,吃的時(shí)候再拿出來
58、。chill creature 釋義釋義1n. C a person described in a particular way (以某種方式描述的) 人 例句例句The fairy is an imaginary creature. 神仙是想像中的人物。 翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句He is a creature of habit. 他是一個(gè)墨守成規(guī)的人。 翻譯翻譯釋義釋義2 n. anything that lives except plants 動(dòng)物例句例句翻譯翻譯WordsWordsDolphins are intelligent creatures. 海豚是很聰明的動(dòng)物。
59、例句例句翻譯翻譯He has great respect for all living creatures. 他對(duì)所有的生靈都很尊重。 creature Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as are all other animals on earth. (Sept. 2003, CET-4, Vocabulary and Structure )真題真題evolve 釋義釋義vi. when a type of animal or plant evolves, its physical form changes over a long
60、 period of time (生物) 進(jìn)化;演變例句例句翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句翻譯翻譯Maize evolved from a wild grass in Mexico. 玉米是由墨西哥的一種野草進(jìn)化而來的。 Darwin believed that we evolved from apes. 達(dá)爾文認(rèn)為人類是由猿進(jìn)化而來的。 idle 釋義釋義a. not doing anything, when there are things that you should do 閑著的;袖手旁觀的例句例句翻譯翻譯WordsWords例句例句翻譯翻譯An idle youth, a n
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