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1、定語從句之“介詞+which/whom”的定語從句練習(xí)一 用適當(dāng)?shù)摹敖樵~+which/whom”填空:1. There i s a rocket motor the d i rect i on ofthe sate I I ite can be changed.2. What does a househo I d I ook I i ke you have oneparent who has to work, or two parents who are work i ng fu I Ht ime3. A country * s capacity to produce wealth depen

2、ds upon many factors,have an effect on one another.4. Th i s i s the gun the hunter shot the ante I opee5. The athIetes he wi I I compete come from Greeceand Czech Repub I ic.6. He' I I never forget the day he was admitted tothe 01ympic Games for the f i rst time.7. A great number of cu I tura I

3、 re I ics have been found in a v i I I age there are Iots of old temples.8. The guitar Dave composed our f i rst hit is in a music museum.9. The musicians we have great interest toured Europe with us.10. The sun gives us heat and I ight,we can' t I i ve.11. The student we were talking i s the be

4、ststudent in our class.12. I' I I never forget the day she said good-bye to me.13. Who can give me the reason he hasn' t turned up yet14. He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows, hadn' t been cIeaned for at least a year.(大司,分窗戶)15. The man you shook hands just now i s ourheadmaster.1

5、6. The room my fami I y I i ve used to be a garage.17. Did you find the pen I wrote just now18. Did you find the paper I wrote my Ietter二句型轉(zhuǎn)換:Iive in a house, whose windows are made of glass.They I ive in a house,are made of glass.has two daughters, and both of them are col lege students.He has two

6、daughters,are co I I ege students.has hundreds of isIands, the Iargest of which is Ta i Wan.China has hundreds of isIands,the largest i s Ta i Wan.4. Can you think of a situation where this word is usedCan you think of a situation this word isused5. China has a lot of famous wr iters and Lu Xun is o

7、ne of them.China has a lot of famous wr iters, one is Lu Xun.三選擇題:1. Human facia I expressions differ from those of animals in the degree they can be control led on purpose.A. with whichB. to whichC. of whichD. for which2. Last week, on I y two peop I e came to I ook at the house, wanted to buy it.A

8、. none of themB. both ofthemC. none of whomD. neither ofwhom3. Er ic recei ved tra in ing in computer for one year, he found a job i n abig company.B. afterA. after thatwhichc.afteritD.after thi s4. The gent I eman you to I d me yesterday proved to be a thief.A. whoB.about whomC. whomD.with whom5. H

9、e was educated at the I oca I high schooI, he went on to BeijingUniversity.A. after whichB. afterthatC. in whichD. in that6. It is reported that two schooIs,are being built in my hometown, wi I I open next year.A. they both B. whichboth C. both of themD. both of which7. George Orwe I I was Er ic Art

10、hur, wrote many pol i t ica I noveIs and essays.A. the rea I name B. what his rea I name C. his rea InameD. whose rea I name8. Anyway, that evening, I' II tell you more about Iater, I ended up staying at Rachel' s pI ace.A. whenB. whereC.whatD. wh i ch9. What surpr ised me was not what he sa

11、id but he said i t.A. the wayB. i n the way that C. i n thewayD. the way which10. Lucki Iy, we' d brought a road map without we would have Iost our way.A. i t B. thatC. th i sD. wh i ch11. The Engl i sh pI ay my students acted at the New Year' s party was a great success.A. for whichB. atwhi

12、chC. in whichD. on which12. Recent Iy I bought ananc i ent Ch i nese vase,was veryreasonable.A. Which pr iceB. the pr iceof whichC. itspr iceD. the pr i ceof whose13. The two thingsthey feItveryproud were Jim' s go Idwatch and Della' sha i r.A.about wh i chB.of wh i chC.whichD. for which14.

13、She i s ateachermuchknowledge,muchcan beI earned.A.whoB.thatC. fromwhichD.fromwhom15.haveboughttwoba I I pens,writesA. none of wh i chB. neither of whichC. none of themD. neither of them16. The journey around the wor Id took the oId sai lor nine months, the sailing time was226 days.B. duringbetween

14、the twoB.A. of whichwhichC. from whichD. for which17. i s reported i n the newspapers, ta I ks countr i es are maki ng progress.A. 11AsC. ThatD. What18. . There was time hated to go to school .B . a;D. the ;stands near Iy atheA . a; thatwhenC. the; thatwhen19. There are two bui I dings , hundred fee

15、t high .AIargerB. the larger of themthatthelargeronetheIarger of wh ich20. Playing tr icks on others iswe shouldneverdo.A.anyth i ngB.someth i ngC.everyth i ngD.noth i ng21. I worki n a bus i nessa I mosteveryone i s waitingforgreatchance.A.howB.whichC.whereD. that22.i s often thecase, wehave worked

16、 out theproduct i on pI an.A. WhichB. WhenC.WhatD.As23. The factory produces ha I f a mi I I ion pa i rs of shoes every year , 80% are so I d abroad . A. of which B. whichof C. of them D. of that24. The Engl i sh p I ay my students acted at the New Year1 sparty was a great success.A. for which B. at

17、 which C. in which D. on which25. There were di rty marks on her trousers she had wipedher hands.A.whereB.whichC.whenD. that26. Amer i can women usua I I y i dent i fy the i r best f r i end as someone they can taIk frequent Iy.A.whoB.asC. about whichD.with whom27. Is that the smaI I town you often

18、refer toRight, just the one you know I used to work for years.A. thatB. whichC . whereD.what28. Many peopIe who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes peop Ie wereeaten by the tiger.A. i n whichB. bywhichC. whichD. that29. Her s i ster has become a I awyer,

19、 she wanted to be.A. whoB. thaC whatD. wh ich30. The p I ace the br i dge i s supposed to be built shou I dbe thecross-r i vertraffic i s theheav i est.A.which;whereB. atwhich; whichC.atwhich;whereD. which; inwhich31. The schoo I s themse I ves admit that not a I I chi Idren will be successfuI in the jobs they are be


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