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1、英語學(xué)習(xí)講義2019屆高三年級(jí)第二次模擬考試英 語第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)聽下面5段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最 佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對(duì)話后,你都有10秒鐘的時(shí)間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對(duì)話僅讀一遍。()1. What color is the sofa?A. Brow n.B. White.C. Blue.()2. What meal are the speakers about to eat?A. Breakfast. B. Lu nch.C. Dinner.()3. H

2、ow many players will play the game?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.()4. What will the man n eed to do duri ng the holiday?A. Write papers. B. Play basketball. C. Take a vacatio n.()5. What does the woma n ask the boy to wash?A. His han ds. B. His plates. C. His clothes.第二節(jié) 洪15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)聽下面5段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)

3、話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè) 小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回答第6、7題。()6. Who is the man most likely to be?A. A tourist. B. A tour guide. C. A French chef.()7. How will the speakers travel around the city?A. By bus. B. By train. C. By car.聽第7段材料,回答第

4、& 9題。()8. What animal is the woman most likely looking at?A. A cat. B. A dog. C. A rabbit.()9. Where does the con versatio n take place?A. In a pet store. B. In a pet cli nic. C. In a zoo.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題。()10. What is the relati on ship betwee n the speakers?A. Stran gers.B. Schoolmates. C. Tea

5、cher and stude nt.()11. How does Neil get to school on most days?A. By walki ng with his frien ds.B. By getting a ride from his mother.C. By riding the school bus with his classmates.()12. What is the most difficult for Neil?A. En glish.B. Science. C. Physical educati on.聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。()13. What

6、are the speakers mainly talk ing about?A. A job they have to take.B. A project they have to do.C. A class they have to atte nd.()14. What does the woma n thi nk of CAPP?A. It will be boring.B. It will be helpful. C. It will be difficult.()15. What is the woma n's best quality?A. She is reliable.

7、 B. She is creative. C. She is hard-work ing.()16. Where will the man probably vol un teer?A. At a TV statio n.B. On a con struct ion site.C. At a sport ing goods store.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。()17. Where are the stude nts told to eat duri ng lun ch?A. I n the gym. B. On the court. C. I n the cafeteria.()

8、18. When will the math exams be held this year?A. On Wed nesday. B. On Thursday. C. On Friday.()19. Who will give an in troducti on on Tuesday?A. An athlete. B. A headmaster. C. The PE teacher.()20. Why are pare nts remin ded to arrive early for the con cert?A. To find a place to park. B. To get a p

9、lace to sit. C. To take pictures.第二部分英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)第一節(jié)單項(xiàng)填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)請(qǐng)認(rèn)真閱讀下面各題,從題中所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。()21. The engin eer is thought to be capable and modest, so his promoti on to man ager is apopular .A. achieveme nt B. appo in tme nt C. commitme nt D. employme nt()22. I cannotwhat I

10、have done to annoy Jessica.No worries. She is kind of sen sitive.A. turn out B. make out C. put out D. leave out()23. The girl is so grateful whe never she remembers my brother and meherfrom the icy water.A. to have saved B. to save C. sav ing D. saved()24. Have you read the book Life and Death Are

11、Wearing Me Out by Mo Yan,that won him the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature?A. the one B. one C. those D. ones()25. We have already discussed this pla n , so n ext we should spare no effortto carry it out.A. at length B. at random C. at ease D. at best()26. Jenny is beco ming slimmer and slimmer.It is

12、said that she hired a fitn ess in structor last year andsin ce.A. is work ing out B. worked outC. has bee n work ing outD. had worked out()27. The scie nee competiti on is a good opport un ity to show stude ntscreativitycan add new value to their school life.A. where B. whether C. how D. whe n()28.

13、I would not be seeing the film Green Book nowme up in time.A. were Kathy not to pick B. had Kathy not pickedC. if Kathy has n't pickedD. if Kathy did n ot pick()29. Emphasis on quantity of growth overlooked gaps in the quality, manyaspects of the social services n eglected.A. havi ng left B. to

14、be leavi ng C. to have left D. leavi ng()30. Thanks to Chin ese people's hard work and wisdom, China hasinto thesec ond largest economy.A. evolved B. slipped C. exte ndedD. shaped()31. More competitive high- tech enterprises are investing in Nantong Central InnovationDistrict, which will result

15、i n econo mic growth.A. susta in able B. adaptable C. recyclable D. cha ngeable()32. Why are some brands more popular than others the products are ofsimilar quality?A. as though B. even if C. so that D. in case()33. The teacher often gives his stude nts a brief pause in classthey can take inwhat he

16、has taught.A. why B. whe nC. who D. which()34. Professor Li is wan ted on the phone. Where is he?I saw him coming, but i n a minu te, he.A. will disappear B. has disappeared C. disappears D. disappeared()35. How was your evening?We went to Joe's and had. We really enjoyed ourselves.A. a white el

17、epha nt B. a square mealC. a sacred cow D. the salt of the earth第二節(jié)完形填空(共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)請(qǐng)認(rèn)真閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。I did my first marathon at 25. I'd _36_running to get fit and thought I'd give it a go. Istarted too fast, found it very painful but _37_to fini sh.Then, seve n ye

18、ars ago, I went to a talk by some one who had just done the Sahara desert race. I felt so _38_. rve always wan ted to do someth ing _39一 . I registered for the 2007 Sahara marath on. My _40_was shock ing and I was two stone (12.7 kg) overweight, but _41 _bdpaid the £ 3, 000 deposit, I knew ther

19、e was no going back.On my first five- mile run, I kept pretending my shoelaces( 鞋帶)needed tying just so I could _42 . But I kept _43-until I was doing 30, then 40 miles. People assumed I found it easy bythen I did n't. I just lear ned to push through the _44_ .But nothing can truly prepare you f

20、or running in desert temperatures. As the _45 _always looked the same, the distanee never seemed to get any shorter. _46_ , I was never bored I was too focused on reaching the checkpoints, and the water waiting there. Blisters(水泡)were un avoidable the 4Z gets everywhere. At ni ght, the doctors treat

21、i ng us would _48themoff with kni ves.In the follow ing days, my feet would be hurtin g. I kept telli ng myself could n't _49 If I quit,the pain would stop, but I knew I would _50 it for the rest of my life. Fin ally, I fini shed. Any suffering you experienee is overridden( 壓倒)by the sense of 51

22、 at the end.It's been a long progression, from being a(n) _52 slacker(懶蟲)to _53_ I am now. rve lost 10lb (4.5 kg) of body fat, but gained a lot of _54 I have a better body now tha n atany point in my life. Anyone can do this. I'm not superhuma n, I'm just _55_.()36. A. en ded up B. take

23、n up C. give n up D. backed up()37.A.hated B. refusedC.struggledD. offered()38.A.in spiredB. boredC. pan ickedD. con fused()39.A.stra ngeB. ordinaryC. secretD. extreme()40.A.fitnessB. heightC.stre ngthD. wisdom()41.A.until B. onceC. unl ess D. while()42.A.wait B. stopC. complai nD. drink()43. A. dro

24、pp ing off B. tripp ing over C. buildi ng up D. slow ing dow n()44.A.tension B. shame C. fearD. pain()45.A.surro undingsB. volun teersC. san dstorms D. athletes()46. A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Otherwise()47.A.sandB. water C. grass D. rubbish()48.A.tearB. strike C. knock D. slice()49.A.fa

25、ilB. run C. bear D. cry()50. A. treasure B. regret C. forget D. appreciate()51. A. bel onging B. failure C. equality D. achieveme nt()52.A.proudB. braveC. unfitD. un frie ndly()53.A.whichB. whe nC. whereD. why()54.A.time B. muscleC. reputati on D. support()55.A.learned B. con siderate C.determ inedD

26、. fortun ate第三部分閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)請(qǐng)認(rèn)真閱讀下列短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。London ZooSet in the heart of Regents Park, London Zoo provides a great day out with a family friendly atmosphere. It has been entertaining visitors of all ages with a collection of over 80, 000 ani mals as well as some fa

27、n tastic shows and in teractive experie nces for over 150 years.From the classic penguin feedi ng time to the in sightful talks held in an authe ntic livi ng rain forest there really is someth ing for every one to enjoy. There are fun and games in the kid's zone in clud ing a range of special ex

28、hibits desig ned to be as in formative as they are exciting. Children are free to explore a treetop village, a secret underground world and the “ Touch Zone ” which provides a safe environment for them to in teract with all of thei favourite creatures.There is so much to do at London Zoo you may str

29、uggle to fit it all into one day! Your ticket in eludes priority entry access at no extra cost givi ng you more time to see one of the city's premier attracti ons.Importa nt In formatio n* Disabled Access: Wheelchair access is available throughout the park; however, as theZoo contains a lot of l

30、isted buildings some have minor restrictions.* Parking space subject to(取決于 )availability. Only valid in conjunction with a paid for Zoo entry ticket.* Last admissi on is one hour before clos ing time.* Some animal exhibits may close up to 30 minutes before closing time.()56. Accord ing to the adver

31、tiseme nt, London Zoo .A. provides an ideal place for families to hold talks in an rainforestB. comb ines en terta inment and in teractive experie nces with creaturesC. offers unlimited access to premier attractions with a little more chargeD. caters to the curiosity of childre n with guided explora

32、ti on and in teract ions()57. It can be lear ned from the passage that .A. visitors will be admitted to the zoo at their convenienceB. drivers shall get parking space with a paid entry ticketC. late comers may miss some of the ani mal exhibitsD. wheelchair users can have access to any buildingBWe al

33、l have defining moments in our lives meaningful experiences that stand out in our memory. Many of them owe a great deal to cha nee: a lucky encoun ter(相遇)with some one whobecomes the love of your life. A new teacher who spots a tale nt you did n't know you had. These moments seem to be the produ

34、ct of fate or luck. We can't control them.But is that true? Not necessarily. Defining moments shape our lives, but we don't have to wait for them to happen. We can be the authors of them. It is possible to create defining moments if we un dersta nd more about them. Our research shows that th

35、ey all share a set of com mon eleme nts. We start by ask ing: why do we remember certa in experie nces and forget others? In the case of big days, such a weddings, the answer is pretty clear it's a celebration that is grand in scale and rich in emoti on. No surprise that it's more memorable

36、tha n a maths less on. But for other experie nces in life from holidays to work projects it's not so clear why we remember what we do.Con sider an experime nt in which participa nts were asked to submerge( 浸入)their hands for 60 seconds in buckets filled with 14 °C water. (Remember 14 °

37、C water feels much colder than 14 °C air.) They were the n asked to submerge their hands for90 sec onds in stead of 60, but duri ng thefinal 30 sec on ds, the water warmed up to 15 C . The participa nts were the n give n a choice: would you rather repeat the first trial or the sec ond?Psycholog

38、ists have explained the reasons for this puzzling result. When people assess an experie nee, they tend to forget or ignore its len gth. In stead they seem to rate the experie nce based on two key mome nts: the best or worst mome nt, known as the peak, and the ending.In the participa nts' memorie

39、s, what stood out for them was that the Ion ger trial en ded more comfortably than the shorter one. So when we assess our experiences, we don't average our minu te- by- minute feeli ngs. Rather, we tend to remember flagship mome nts: the peaks, the pits( 低 谷)and the tran siti ons. What we don

40、9;t remember are the bits in betwee n sometimes there is little to disti nguish one week from the n ext.Partly this is because there may be only a dozen moments in your life that show who you are those are big defi ning mome nts. But there are smaller experie nces, too, in the con text of a memorabl

41、e holiday, roma ntic date or work achieveme nt. Once we un dersta nd how we remember certa in mome nts and why, we can start to create more mome nts that matter.()58. How does the author un dersta nd defi ning mome nts?A. We can create defining moments in our lives.B. Defining mome nts are just out

42、of our con trol.C. No similarities exist betwee n defi ning mome nts.D. Defining mome nts con sist of smaller experie nces.()59. We can lear n from the experime nt that .A. the striking moments are more likely to be rememberedB. the length of an experience determines our memory of itC. it is meanin

43、gful to disti nguish the bits in betwee n flagship mome ntsD. all the comp onents of an experie nce should be equally remembered()60. What would probably be discussed in the follow ing part of the text?A. What to prepare for life's trials. B. Why to create defi ning mome nts.C. Whom to owe our g

44、ood fates to. D. How to create life's big mome nts.CAustralia n magpies can un dersta nd what other birds are say ing to each other, a new study has found.The research, published in the journal Animal Behaviour, says the magpie has learned the meanings of different noisy miner calls and essentia

45、lly eavesdrops(偷聽)to find out which predators( 食肉動(dòng) 物)are n ear.Noisy miners a small, native honeyeaterhave different warning calls for ground- based and aerial(飛行的)predators. By playing both kinds of recording to a series of wild magpies, researchers observed the magpies raising their beaks(喙)to the

46、 sky, or dropping their heads to the ground.Researchers attracted the magpies with cheese, the n played the no isy miner calls, videotap ing the results.As a control, they also rolled a large orange ball towards the magpies to see how they ordinarily tilted( 傾斜)their beaks to ground threats, and thr

47、ew the ball to see how they reacted to aerial threats.The researchers recorded an average maximum beak an gle of 29 degrees for the throw n ball, and an average maximum of nine degrees whe n it was rolled.The miners' aerial warning caused an average maximum beak angle of 31 degrees, and the grou

48、nd warning caused an average maximum of 24.One of the study's authors, Dominique Potvin, said the magpies showed an ast onishing level of in sight.Magpies and mi ners broadly face the same types of predators and the two freque ntly live in the same ecosystem.Potvi n said this had en couraged the

49、 magpies' lear ned behaviour.“ Magpies are gen erally found on the ground and no isy miners are gen erally found up in trees.It pays for the magpie to pay attention to somebody who has a better view of predators than they do. ”She said it was un clear whether other birds could do the same, but i

50、t was highly likely other magpies around Australia already did.“ Magpies are a pretty smart group. We're not sure if they're learning this from other magpies or if they're figuri ng it out on their own, but the ability is there.”As part of the experime nt, researchers also played a third

51、 call: a com mon, non-warning callfrom a crims on rosella. They found the magpies did not resp ond.Potvin said that we had been actively exploring animal cognition( 認(rèn)知)research. "It's a good piece of the puzzle, ” Potvin said.“ Looking at the social relationships between species that live i

52、ncom mun ities.()61. What have the researchers found about Australia n magpies?A. They can un dersta nd other bird calls.B. They can com mun icate with no isy mi ners.C. They have a special prefere nee for cheeses.D. They have the ability to warn the predators.()62. How did the researchers get their

53、 findin gs?A. By calculating the beak angles of aerial and ground predators.B. By compari ng the magpie and the miner resp on ses to threats.C. By monitoring the magpie responses to the miner warning calls.D. By recording the magpie louder scream for other birds' attention.()63. The magpies'

54、 cog niti on can help them .A. have a better view of the predators tha n the minersB. better protect themselves from the pote ntial threatsC. cooperate with other birds to drive away the predatorsD. live in harm ony with other birds in the same ecosystem()64. We can lear n from the passage that .A.

55、the magpies are smart lear ners of other birds' behaviourB. it's likely that other birds have developed the same abilityC. the findings have clarified the relati on ships betwee n speciesD. a lot more rema ins to be explored about ani mal cog niti onDUN scholars have calculated that within t

56、he next 10 years the degradation(退化)of farm andgrassland could turn 50 million people into migrants. Another UN agency calculated that in the last 25 years, ano ther 3% of the pla net's forests had bee n burned or cut dow n.Once you have read Gaia Vince's book, you start to register the scal

57、e of change in a fast-changing world. Adventures in the Anthropocene holds a mirror up to humanity and says: look what you have done to the world, the only world you will ever have.The Anthropocene the Age of Man is a proposed new name for the quaternary(第四紀(jì)) period that we now live in, and it inclu

58、des what has come to be called the Great Acceleration, in which duri ng the last 65 years, whatever huma ns did, they did it faster and more effectively, and on a greater scale, while_at_the_ _same_time_ reproducing_ more=_and= dying_ much_ less.Did it take 50 , 000 years to reach a population of one billion? Just in the last 10 years, another billio n people appeared on the pla net, and by the end of this c


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