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1、犯罪類crimes:搶劫:Robbery; plunder1犯罪類crimes:傷害:injury;murder2犯罪類crimes:盜竊:Theft、shoplifting3犯罪類crimes:毒品Drugs,on drugs/ take drugsdrug-trafficking4犯罪類crimes:綁架Kidnapkidnapper5犯罪類crimes:勒索Blackmail6犯罪類crimes:團(tuán)伙:GangTattoo7犯罪類青少年Youthadolescentyoung peopleteenageryoungsterjuniorMinor青少年犯罪 juvenile delinqu

2、ency 行為不良,違法犯罪;失職,怠工行為不良,違法犯罪;失職,怠工youth crime8犯罪類違法(犯罪)的人:criminaloffenderLaw-breakerfelon feln(重罪犯)violator重罪:felony小罪:minor crime/ light crimeProperty crime 財(cái)產(chǎn)犯罪Violence crime 暴力犯罪9犯罪類懲罰:punishmenttreatmentpenaltysentence retribution嚴(yán)厲的harshseverestrictlengthy10犯罪類 投入監(jiān)獄put into prison 社區(qū)服務(wù)Communi

3、ty service再教育:rehabilitation rih,blten, re-education工作培訓(xùn):job training咨詢:Counseling11CRIME u法制與犯罪類主題出現(xiàn)頻率大概在每年法制與犯罪類主題出現(xiàn)頻率大概在每年2-4次左右,屬于頻率較低題型。次左右,屬于頻率較低題型。u備考建議:備考建議: 掌握專有詞匯掌握專有詞匯 熟悉常出話題熟悉常出話題 積累相關(guān)話題素材積累相關(guān)話題素材 經(jīng)典論題1.青少年犯罪的成因和懲罰 (juvenile delinquency/ youth crime)What are the causes of juvenile delinq

4、uency and how shouldthey be punished?In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished?131109131109 young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. Do you agree o

5、r disagree?很多年輕人有一種反社會(huì)行為,原因是什么,如何解決?學(xué)生在學(xué)校不當(dāng)行為的原因和解決方法? Commit crime Commit crime punishpunish經(jīng)典論題2. 懲罰罪犯的手段 punishment of crimeuSome people think sending criminals to prison is not an effective way to deal with them. Education and training are better. To what extent do you agree?uSome people think l

6、awbreakers should be sent to prisons while others claim they should be made to work in communities. Discuss both and give your own opinion. sendto prison , criminal education and training work in communities真題2012.05.122012.05.12 Today prison is the most common solution for crime. But some people th

7、ink that it would be a more effective way to provide them with better education to prevent them from becoming criminals. Do you agree or disagree?130216=090917 130216=090917 Some people think that all the lawbreakers should be taken into the prison, while others believe that there are better alterna

8、tives, (for example, doing some work or learning some skills in the community). Discuss both views and give your opinion.lawbreakersthe most common solutions for crime經(jīng)典論題 2. 懲罰罪犯的手段 punishment of crimeuSome people think to lower the crime rate, criminals should be given longer terms/sentences in pr

9、ison. Others, however, think there are other better ways to reduce crime. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.uSome people believe that there should be fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for

10、 committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.是否應(yīng)該廢除死刑?降低犯罪的最佳方法是延長監(jiān)獄邢期嗎?刑滿釋放人員再犯罪率很高,為什么,如何解決?你認(rèn)為罪犯應(yīng)該送到監(jiān)獄還是應(yīng)該做一些社區(qū)工作或?qū)W習(xí)一些技能?應(yīng)該根據(jù)犯罪動(dòng)機(jī)和具體案例量刑嗎?Lower crime rate Give longer term/sentence in prisonReduce crime Fix

11、ed punishmentCircumstance of Individual crimeMotivation for經(jīng)典論題3. 預(yù)防犯罪 crime prevention12.11.03=04.09.11=08.10.0412.11.03=04.09.11=08.10.04Many people are afraid to leave home because of crimes. Some Many people are afraid to leave home because of crimes. Some believe that believe that moremore acti

12、ons should be taken to prevent crimesactions should be taken to prevent crimes, but , but others feel little can be done.others feel little can be done. Discuss both views and give your Discuss both views and give your opinion.opinion.Unlike in most other countries, police in the UK do not commonly

13、Unlike in most other countries, police in the UK do not commonly carry guns.carry guns. Some people think it Some people think it leaves citizens unprotectedleaves citizens unprotected. But . But others think it others think it reducesreduces the overall violencethe overall violence in our society.

14、in our society. Discuss both sides of the view and giveDiscuss both sides of the view and give your opinion.your opinion. prevent crimes, leave citizen unprotected, reduce violence, increased crime經(jīng)典論題3. 預(yù)防犯罪 crime preventionMore and more measures to improve the security in large urban areas More an

15、d more measures to improve the security in large urban areas have beenhave been introduced in many countries because of introduced in many countries because of the increased the increased crimecrime. Do the benefits of. Do the benefits of these measures outweigh the drawbacksthese measures outweigh

16、the drawbacks2014.6.72014.6.7Some people believe that Some people believe that if a police force carries a gunif a police force carries a gun, it will , it will encourage encourage higher levels of violencehigher levels of violence in the whole society. To what in the whole society. To what extent d

17、o you agree or disagree?extent do you agree or disagree?延伸類題型延伸類題型是否應(yīng)該嚴(yán)懲違反交規(guī)者?城市中采取預(yù)防犯罪的措施,利大于弊嗎?個(gè)人如果為所欲為,社會(huì)就無法運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),你同意嗎?犯罪是世界問題,無法預(yù)防,你同意嗎?increased crime; higher level of violence論題論題1 1Juvenile delinquencyJuvenile delinquency(青少年(青少年犯罪)犯罪)known as juvenile offendingjuvenile offending, is participati

18、on in illegal behavior illegal behavior by minors (juveniles)by minors (juveniles)Increasing number of young Increasing number of young offendersoffendersHigher rate of youth crime Higher rate of youth crime Lets discuss青少年犯罪Q1:What are thecausescausesof juvenile delinquencyQ2: How shouldthey be pun

19、ishedthey be punished? Q3: How to crack down the rate of crack down the rate of youth crimesyouth crimes?Q1: What are thecausescausesof youth crime教養(yǎng)方式:parenting style縱容的:Permissive溺愛的:IndulgentConflict 疏忽的:neglectful監(jiān)督:Supervision霸道的,專制的authoritarian,rtern 22Family factors that may have an influenc

20、e on offending include: the level of parental supervision, the way parents discipline a child, particularly harsh punishment, parental conflict or separation, criminal parents or siblings, parental abuse or neglect, and the quality of the parent-child relationship.Q1: What are the causes of youth cr

21、ime家庭教育u家長不盡責(zé):溺愛,專制u家庭關(guān)系不和諧,父母有矛盾u 家庭暴力,家庭犯罪parenting -Dysfunctional family conditionsuindulgent parenting-affirmative enablement of misbehavioruauthoritarian parenting- Lack of respect- harsh discipline and refusal to justify discipline on any basis other than because I said so“udomestic violence a

22、nd crime,physical and psychological abuse neglectful parenting-a lack of monitoringQ1: 句子練習(xí)孩子很有可能在家里面有很少的監(jiān)督。Children are likely to have less supervision at home.2. 父母監(jiān)督的缺少被認(rèn)為是青少年犯罪的一個(gè)影響The lack of parental supervision is thought as an influence on youth crimes.3. 其他可能導(dǎo)致一個(gè)青少年犯罪的因素包括低下的社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)地位,糟糕的學(xué)校表現(xiàn)。

23、Other factors that may lead a teenager into juvenile delinquency include low/ poor socioeconomic status and poor school performance犯罪類同齡人:peer group26Q1: What are the causes of youth crime2. 學(xué)校教育 法制教育缺失 學(xué)校暴力,欺凌 學(xué)業(yè)失敗-學(xué)習(xí)壓力過大,競爭,學(xué)習(xí)不感興趣 同伴壓力Schoolinguabsence of moral and legal education uSchool bullying

24、, school violenceuStudy pressure- exam-oriented education /heated competition/ school failure/poor academic performanceuPeer pressure-have some friends who are involved in delinquent activities. 寫句子1. 學(xué)??梢运茉炷贻p人的機(jī)會(huì)和自我價(jià)值感Schools can shape youths sense of opportunities and self-worth2. 完不成作業(yè),學(xué)習(xí)成績不好就會(huì)導(dǎo)致

25、低自尊心,被疏遠(yuǎn)或者無價(jià)值的感覺。The failure to complete homework and poor performance may create low self- esteem and the feeling of alienation or worthlessness.3. 那些在學(xué)校表現(xiàn)差的孩子很有可能行為失當(dāng),因?yàn)閷W(xué)習(xí)成績差,不留戀學(xué)校和對(duì)教育的低期望值,這些都加大了犯罪的幾率。Those children with poor performance are likely to misbehave because of a bad academic accomplis

26、hment and a low attachment to school , which both increase crime rate. Q1: What are the causes of youth crime3. 社會(huì)環(huán)境媒體不良信息對(duì)家庭教育和學(xué)校教育缺乏重視,缺乏引導(dǎo) 不爭取的道德,價(jià)值觀social environmentuFrequent exposure to harmful (violent, pornographic)information in the media/ content on the Internet.ulack of support to familie

27、s and neighborhoods, real or perceived inaccessibility to services, lack of leadership in communities, uImproper outlook of life and value placed on children - a strong desire for material wealth and luxury lifestyles- be tempted to commitQ1: What are the causes of youth crime4. 經(jīng)濟(jì)原因 貧窮 缺乏教育機(jī)會(huì)Econom

28、ic factorsu poverty u Have no access to educational opportunities5. 5. 青少年心理發(fā)展原因 容易沖動(dòng) 自制力差 辨別是非能力較差adolescent psychologyu a high degree of impulsiveness and hyperactivity;u low self-control-poor anger managementu too immature to distinguish right from wrong.翻譯下列句子1. 青少年犯罪率以一個(gè)驚人的(alarming) 速度在增長2. 年齡

29、在12到17的年輕人的犯罪率在2005年和200年間增長了3%。3. 研究顯示那接受足夠父母監(jiān)督的孩子不大可能參與犯罪活動(dòng)。4. 青少年犯罪增長的一個(gè)因素可以被歸咎于(be attributed to)他們的家庭教育5. 媒體里的色情或者暴力內(nèi)容經(jīng)常給青年造成極大的負(fù)面影響。6. 有低智商的孩子更容易在學(xué)校做壞事,這可能會(huì)提高offending得機(jī)會(huì)。7. 孩童時(shí)期的同伴排斥(Peer rejection)也是青少年犯罪的一個(gè)大的預(yù)示。8.不穩(wěn)定的社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì) (Socioeconomic instability)經(jīng)常和持續(xù)的失業(yè)以及低收入相連,這能提高年輕人在犯罪活動(dòng)中的參與度。Q2Q2: Sh

30、ould young offenders be Should young offenders be punished the same as adults?punished the same as adults?真題解析u131109131109 Young people who commit serious crimes, such as robbery or violent attacks should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?參考思路:同意:(換位思考,最

31、好受害者、公眾、犯罪者都有涉及)1. 受害者及其家人、朋友的訴求;2. 公眾的安全感需要確保,防止再次犯罪3. 嚴(yán)厲的懲罰對(duì)于其他年輕人起到震懾作用1. solacecomfort the victims to ensure the justice.2. prevent the criminals from recommitment,especially the habitual criminals to avoid damage to the outside world. 3. the deterrent effects may warn the potential criminals fr

32、om committing crimes. 不同意:1. 青少年本身不成熟2. 監(jiān)獄生活對(duì)他們的身心發(fā)展不利3. 監(jiān)獄里面的伙伴都是犯罪分子,有可能對(duì)他們進(jìn)行負(fù)面的引導(dǎo)。4. 監(jiān)獄經(jīng)歷給他們出獄之后的生活留下不良記錄和影響Minors are yet to approach their maturityMinors are yet to approach their maturity, and their crimes, albeit serious, should be punished with the consideration of their young age. Bad livin

33、g conditions in jail is a kind of torment to their relatively physical and psychological conditions. Minors are exposed to more sophisticated criminals and crimes, which may aggravate juvenile delinquency.The experience of jail life may exert adverse effect on their future prospects for this record.

34、Q3: how to reduce youth reduce youth crimescrimes?Join hands in minimizing the rate of youth crimes.Family parenting: discipline, regulations, respect, care, supervision, right world outlook, decent values School: enrich students life; build up confidence; provide life planning guidance; psychologic

35、al guidanceSociety: the strict supervision of the media and information exposed to the young; financial support for the education and living; Topic 2經(jīng)典論題:Some people think sending criminals to prison is not an effective way to deal with them. Education and training are better. To what extent do you

36、agree?Some people think lawbreakers should be sent to prisons while others claim they should be made to work in communities. Discuss both and give your own opinion. 變異:Prisons are useless for crime problems and education is a better solutionsolution. Do you agree or disagreedisagree with this statem

37、entstatement?Q2: how should they be punished?社區(qū)服務(wù)/再教育rehabilitation/ re-education?監(jiān)獄服刑? Which side are you on?uCriminals should be put into prison.Criminals should be put into prison.Or Or uCriminals should provided with Criminals should provided with Rehabilitation programs.Rehabilitation programs.

38、43Community serviceis performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public or its institutions. Performing community service is not the same as volunteering, since it is not always done voluntarily.it is often offered to small-time offenders as an alternative to fines or jail time

39、. rehabilitation programproperty crimes such as vandalism or shopliftingFor:教育(re-education)、培訓(xùn)(training)、心理輔導(dǎo)(psychological counseling)they can master some skills to support themselvesearn their breadmake a living to integrate back into communitiesthey can make contribution to the society to repair

40、 their mistakes. creates a sense of accomplishmentpromotes self-confidence and self-esteem Q2: how should they be punished?監(jiān)獄服刑commit violent crimes such as sexual assaultslt; slt or robbery; repeated violent offenders) be sentenced to prison/ serve prison terms deter them from further violent offen

41、ces.causes many of them feel remorseful rmsf()l for their crime. Sending criminals into prison?commit violent crimes such as sexual assaultslt; slt or robbery; repeated violent offenders) For:預(yù)防罪犯再犯罪,尤其是慣犯 prevent the criminals from recommitment especiallyin particularparticularly the habitual crimi

42、nals罪犯在監(jiān)獄的行為受到監(jiān)控不會(huì)對(duì)外界造成傷害。The criminals behaviors may be closely monitored and would not cause damage to the outside world. 撫慰受害者, 維護(hù)正義solacecomfort the victims 有震懾作用,可以警示潛在的犯罪人the deterrent effects may warn the potential criminals from committing crimes. Crime prevention加強(qiáng)自我保護(hù)意識(shí)Raise/ improve the a

43、wareness of self-protection should be enhanced 鼓勵(lì)受害人報(bào)案encourage the victims to report a case to security authorities,同時(shí)設(shè)法消除受害人擔(dān)心報(bào)復(fù)的心理meanwhile, approaches should be adopted to clear the fear of reprisal 完善法律體系perfectbetter legal system. Especially, betterment should be done to the Criminal Law and C

44、riminal Procedure Law, which may basically guarantee the life right and property right 加大法制宣傳enlarge the scope of legal advocating make more and more people to known law better. As a case in point, some related authorities and organizations could take some efforts to promote peoples legal awareness and encourage them to combat social evils. 再犯罪的原因51.Nowada


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