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1、1、境外填表常用詞匯姓 family name, surname名 first name, given name性別 sex, gender男、女male, female國籍nationality, country of citizenship護照號passport number原住地country of origin前往國destination country登機城市city where you boarded簽證簽發(fā)地city where your visa was issued簽發(fā)日期dateof issue出生日期dateof birth, birthdate年、月、日year, mo

2、nth, day偕行人數(shù)number of accompanying people簽名signature官方填寫official use only職業(yè)occupation護照passport簽證visa登機、啟程embarkation登岸disembarkation商務(wù)簽證business visa觀光簽證tourist visa2、在機場航站、終點站terminal入境大廳arrival lobby出境大廳departure lobby登機門號碼gate number登機證boarding card, boarding pass機場稅airport tax登機手續(xù)辦理處check-in co

3、unter海關(guān)申報處customs service area貨幣申報currency declaration免稅商品duty-free items大號、中號、小號large, medium, small紀念品 souvenir行李 baggage, luggage托運的行李checked baggage行李領(lǐng)取處baggage claim area隨身行李carry-on baggage行李牌baggage tag行李推車luggage cart退稅處tax-free refund3、在飛機上盥洗室、廁所lavatory, washroom, toilet, W.C. (water close

4、t), rest room男廁men s, gent s, gentlemen s女廁women s, lady s使用中 occupied空閑 vacant男(女)空服員steward (stewardess)機內(nèi)免稅出售in-flight sales4、錢幣兌換外幣兌換店currency exchange shop匯率 exchange rate旅行支票traveler s check手續(xù)費 commission銀行買入價webuy (bid)銀行賣出價wesell (ask)5、在酒店入住登記手續(xù)check-in客房服務(wù)room service退房(時間) check-out (time

5、)前臺 front desk, reception酒店大堂lobby咖啡館 coffee shop服務(wù)員 , 侍者 waiter電話叫醒服務(wù)wake up call, morning call6、日常用語你好,很高興認識你。(How do you do, I m glad to meet you.)你好,我也很高興認識你。(How do you do, Glad to meet you, too.)很高興認識你。(It s nice meeting y.o)u請問你叫什么名字?(May I have your name, please?)我能試穿一下嗎?(May I try it on?)多少

6、錢?(How much?)請把菜單給我。(Please show me the menu.)干杯! (Cheers! Bottoms up!)我迷路了,您能告訴我怎么回飯店嗎?(I m lo st Could you do me a favor to find my hotel?)你能幫我拍照嗎?(Could you take a picture for me?)非常感謝。(Thank you very much.)不客氣。(You re welcome.)讓我們保持聯(lián)系。(Let s keep in touch.)我怎樣能跟你聯(lián)絡(luò)上?(How can I get in touch with

7、you?)我將會盡我最大努力。(I ll do my best.)請稍等一下。(Wait a moment please.) 飛機上英語(出示登機證給服務(wù)人員) 我的座位在那里?Where is my seat?我能將手提行李放在這兒嗎?Can I put my baggage here ?是否可替我更換座位?Could you change my seat, please?我是否可將座位向后傾倒?(向后座的乘客說)May I recline my seat?我是否可抽煙?May I smoke?需要什么飲料嗎?What kind of drinks do you have?機上提供那些飲料?

8、What kind of drinks do you have?咖啡、茶、果汁、可樂、啤酒和調(diào)酒。We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktails.晚餐想吃牛肉、雞肉或是魚?Which would you like for dinner, beef, chicken or fish?請給我加水威士忌。Scotch and water, please.請給我牛肉。Beef, please.我覺得有些冷(熱 )。I feel cold (hot).請給我一個枕頭和毛毯。May I have a pillow and a blanket, pl

9、ease?機上有中文報紙或雜志嗎?Do you have any Chinese newspapers (magazines)?我覺得有些不舒服,是否可給我一些藥?I feel a little sick, Can I have some medicine?還有多久到達倫敦?How much longer does it take to get to London?這班班機會準時到達嗎?Will this flight get there on time?我擔(dān)心能否趕上轉(zhuǎn)機班機。I m anxious about my connecting flight.請告訴我如何填寫這張表格?Could

10、you tell me how to fill in this form? 行李遺失我在何處可取得行李?Where can I get my baggage?我找不到我的行李。I can t find my baggage.這是我的行李票。Here is my claim tag.是否可麻煩緊急查詢?Could you please check it urgently?你總共遺失了幾件行李?How many pieces of baggage have you lost?請描述你的行李。Can you describe your baggage?它是一個中型的灰色紳耐特皮箱。It is a m

11、edium- sized Samsonite, and it s gray.它是一個上面系有我名牌的大型皮制黑藍色行李箱。It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag . It s dark blue. 它是一個茶色小旅行袋。It s a small ovemight bag. It s light brown.我們正在調(diào)查,請稍等一下。Please wait for a moment while we are investigating.我們可能遺失了幾件行李,所以必須填份行李遺失報告。We may have lost some baggag

12、e so we d like to make a lost baggage report.請和我到辦公室。Would you come with me to the office?多快可找到?How soon will I find out?一旦找到行李,請立即送到我停留的飯店。Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you ve located it.若是今天無法找到行李,你如何幫我?How can you help me if you can t find my baggage today?我想要購買過夜所需的用品。I d lik

13、e top urchase what I need for the night. 入境英語麻煩請給我你的護照。May I see your passport, please?這是我的護照。Here is my passport / Here it is.旅行的目的為何?What s the purpose of your visit?觀光(公務(wù)、學(xué)習(xí))。Sightseeing (Business、 Study).在哪個學(xué)校?Which University?學(xué)習(xí)什么課程?What course will you take?預(yù)計在英國停留多久?How long will you be staying in the UK?預(yù)計停留約1 年。I plan to stay for about 1 year.我只是過境而已。I m just passing through.今晚即動身前往日內(nèi)瓦。I a


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