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1、拿答案:2937748743文學(xué)英語(yǔ)賞析形考任務(wù)1Continuous Assessment 1 答案" 題目1: is an example of metaphor.: “ The windows wave violently in the wind. ”;“ Don t stand there like a tin of milk.”; “ Her eyes twinkled like stars.”; “ Her tongue is a sharp knife.” "" 題目2: contains an example of simile.: “ Her e

2、yes twinkled like stars. ”; “ My face is an open book. ”; “ The wind whistled through the trees. ”; “ Words pay no debts. ”"" 題目3: is an example of personification.: “ Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.”; “ He has a heart of stone. ”; “ Government of the people, by the people, for

3、the people shall not perish from the earth ”; “ Soon night will steal hours from the day.”"" 題目4: contains an example of assonance.: “ The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”; “ He was secret, self - contained, and solitary as an oyster. ”; “ Better late than never. ”; “ The best for l

4、ess. ”"" 題目5: is an example of parallelism.: “ Least said, soonest mended. ”;“ He has a heart of stone. Stay away from him. ”; “ Life is a journey, not a destination. Travel it well.”;“ Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.”"" 題目6: contains two examples of metaphor.: “ The N

5、egro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.; “ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. ”; “ We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.”; “ The street shone out, lik

6、e a fire in the forest.”"" 題目7: contains an example of simile.:“ The years have silvered her hair. ”; “ All the world s a stage, And all the men and women are merely players.; “ Her tongue is like a sharp knife. ”; “ My face is an open book. ”"" 題目8: contains an example of assona

7、nce.: “ United we stand, divided we fall. ”; “ Least said, soonest mended. ”; “ The sea is a hungry dog. ”;“ He just parrots what other students say. ”"" 題目9: contains an example of parallelism.:“ Life is a journey, not a destination.”; “ He has a heart of stone. Stay away from him. ”; “ T

8、he houses are cold, closed and unfriendly. ”; “ United we stand, divided we fall. ”"" 題目10: is an example of personification.: “ The houses are cold, closed and unfriendly. ”; “ He has a heart of stone. ”;“ Life is a journey. Travel it well.”;“ Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.”&q

9、uot;題目11: The proverb “ Lies have short legs” is an example of personification.題目12:“Suspicions amongst thoughts are like bats amongst birds.” is anexample of simile.題目13:“The runner peaked before the end of the race. ” is an example ofpersonification.題目14: The statement “ He was my North, my South,

10、 my East and West ” is agood example of assonance because it contains the repeated“ m” .題目15:“The life of Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles ofsegregation. ” contains examples of metaphor.題目16:“Don t stand there like a tin of milk.” is an example of assonance.題目17:“Her story is one of str

11、uggle, success and sadness.” is an exampleof alliteration.題目 18:“ The flowers nodded in the breeze. ” is an ex ample of personification.題目19:“Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley ofsegregation to the sunlit path of racial justice” contains examples of irony.題目20:“ Haste makes wa

12、ste. ” contains examples of alliteration andassonance.文學(xué)英語(yǔ)賞析形考任務(wù)3Continuous Assessment 3 答案"題目 1: 1. MATCH THE WORKS with their WRITERS.1)The Pearl; 2) _A Christmas Carol_; 3)_Jane Eyre_; _4)Lord of the Flies_; 5)_Heart of Darkness_ -> John Steinbeck; Joseph Conrad; Charlotte Bront?; Charles

13、 Dickens; William Golding"" 題目2: _Heart of Darkness _opens in what physical setting?: A boat on the Congo river.; A boat on the Thames River.; The company s offices in Brussels.; The Outer Station."" 題目3: What is the proper word that can be used to describe Scrooge at thebeginnin

14、g of _A Christmas Carol_?: Cool-headed.; Warm-hearted.; Miserly.; Brave"" 題目4: is the evil character in the novel _The Strange Case of Dr Jekylland Mr Hyde_.: Dr Jekyll; Mr Hyde; Mr Utterson; Frankenstein"" 題目5: In_ Lord of the Flies_, a group of boys survive during anuclear war.

15、: shipwreck; a storm; an air-crash; an earthquake"" 題目6: is a novel about the strength, endurance and cunningintelligence of one man pitted against the forces of nature.: _The Pearl_; _Lord of the Flies_; _Heart of Darkness_; _Old Man and Sea _"" 題目7: From which novel is the text

16、 taken?: _Heart of Darkness _; _ A Christmas Carol _; Lord of the Flies"" 題目8: Which of the following summarizes the method of characterisation?: Through the protagonist s thoughts.; Through the words of the others.; Through the narrator s exposition. "" 題目9: Scrooge is portrayed

17、 as in Paragraph 1.:rude but generous; a cold miser; warm-hearted and optimistic"" 題目10: The underlined sentence in paragraph 2 can be paragraphed as _: No beggars would ask him for even a tiny little money; No beggars would leave him alone; No beggars would seek his company "" 題

18、目11: Which of the following statements best summarizes the text?: The text creates a positive impression of Scrooge.; The text describes the physical features of Scrooge.; The text conveys the anti-social character of Scrooge."" 題目12: The text is taken from .: Heart of Darkness ; _The Pear

19、l_; _Lord of the Flies_"" 題目13: It is obvious that the three dealers .: conspired together to cheat Kino.; were not interested in Kino s pearl.; didn t know much about the shapes and sizes of pearls. "" 題目14: Which of the following is true of the third dealers?: He wanted to pay

20、Kino only after his clients had paid him; He just went through the prearranged plot with other buyers.s pearl." He was not interested in Kino” is closest in meaning to" 題目15: In context, the word "played: behaved playfully; conspired together to cheat ; bargain playfully"" 題

21、目16: The sentences in the last paragraph suggest that .: the dealers and the crowd became angry and they pushed Kino out of the shop; Kino s wife had a violent temper and tended to get angry easily; Kino was angry beyond words and was becoming violent in his anger "文學(xué)英語(yǔ)賞析形考任務(wù)6Continuous Assessm

22、ent 6 答案題目1: _MACBETH _IS_ _ WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE'S_ _WELL-KNOWN COMEDY.題目2: _The Crucible_ by Arthur Miller, concerns a real historical incident,involving witchcraft and an attack of mass hysteria.題目3: Lady Bracknell is a comic character created by Oscar Wilde in his play_The Importance of Being

23、 Ernest. _題目4:“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ” is a protest poem against racialdiscrimination.題目5: Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost are well-known American poets.題目6: In the poem “ Acquainted with the Night ” , the speaker expressed hisdistress at the death of his lover and bewilderment of the mea

24、ning of life.題目7: _The Old Man and the Sea _is one of Ernest Hemingway s bes t-knownshort stories.題目8: Pip is a character created by Charles Dickens in his novel _A ChristmasCarol_. _ _題目9: The novel _ The Heart of Darkness_ exposes the corruption, cruelty andgreed of the colonial system in Africa.題

25、目10:“I Have a Dream ” is a fam ous speech made by President Lincoln duringthe American Civil War." 題目 11: Usually works by starting a story at a point in the recentpast, then switching the action back to an earlier time, farther back in the past.: point of view; climax; coda; flashback"&qu

26、ot; 題目12: occurs when a writer repeats a particular grammatical orphonological pattern in close proximity.: pun; climax; alliteration; parallelism"" 題目13: can be established by describing the place where the actiontakes place, or the situation at the start of the story.: Point of view; Set

27、ting; Climax; Coda"" 題目14: is written to commemorate someone who has died.: An elegy; A limerick; A sonnet; An epic"" 題目15: A writer can show character by giving a physical description,through and through deeds.: climax; setting; dialogue; point of view"" 題目16: is an ex

28、ample of simile.: “ The windows waves violently in the wind. ”; " Her eyes twinkled like stars." “ Her tongue is a sharp knife. ”; " She has a heart of stone.""" 題目17: is an example of parallelism.:“All the world's a stage and all the men and womenaremerely players.

29、;“The street shone out, like a fire in the forest.”;“Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.”;“Government of the p eople, by the people,for thepeopleshallnot perishfrom the earth ”"" 題目18: contains an example of alliteration.: “ He was secret, self - contained, and solitary as an oyster

30、. ”; "Her eyes twinkled like stars." “ Soon, night will steal hours from the day.”; “ Her tongue is like a sharp knife.”"" 題目19: contains examples of metaphor.: “ United we stand, divided we fall.”; “ The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of m

31、aterial prosperity.; “ It was the best of t imes, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. ”; “ The street shone out, like a fire in the forest.”"" 題目20: is an example of personification.: “ All the world s a stage, And all the men and women are m

32、erely players.; “ Life is a journey. Travel it well.”; “ Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.”; “ The years have silvered her hair. ”"" 題目 21: In this text, the relationship between the man and the woman is thatof .: teacher and student; husband and wife; lawyer and client "&quo

33、t; 題目22: Proctor is not ready to .: testify against Elizabeth; help his neighbors; testify against Abigail."" 題目23: What does Proctor's line “ Elizabeth, your justice would freezebeer_._ ” reveal about histrue feelings?: Proctor is confused by whatElizabeth says; Proctor is upset and i

34、rritated by Elizabeth s extreme coldness.; Protor is jealous of Elizabeth because her friendship with lawyers."" 題目 24: From the dialogue between Proctor and Elizabeth, we can be sure : Proctor is secretly and madly in love with another girl.; Proctor is making up for his past neglect of E

35、lizabeth.; there is tension between Proctor and Elizabeth."" 題目25: In the text, Elizabeth is portrayed as .: self-disgusted and terrified; guilty and depressed; insistent and suspicious"" 題目26: The relationship between Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen is that of : employer and employ

36、ee; mother and daughter; estate owner and tenant"" 題目27: In this extract, Lady Bracknell is interviewing Jack Worthing on hissuitability as a possible .: live-in domestic helper; investment adviser; husband for Gwendolen"" 題目28: Why does Lady Bracknell prefer investments to ownin

37、g land?: She believes it is a safer source of income than investment.; She believes Land involves too many expenses during life, and is then taxed heavily after one s death.; She expects owning land can give her daughter a higher social position."" 題目29: Which of the following statement is

38、 true, according to the text?: Lady Bracknell uses highly exaggerated language and shifts from one topic to another abruptly.; Few of Lady Bracknell s questions focus on Jack Worthing s income, property and family connections.; Lady Bracknell prefers her daughter to marry a well-educated man, rather

39、than a well-connected men with plenty of money. "" 題目30: Lady Bracknell is portrayed as .: a snobbish woman; dedicated follower of fashion; a shrewd human resource manager"文學(xué)英語(yǔ)賞析形考任務(wù)7Continuous Assessment 7 答案題目1: _Hamlet_, _The Merchant _and _Macbeth, Othello _are 4 well-knowntragedi

40、es by William Shakespeare.題目2: The play _The Crucible _concerns a real historical incident, involvingwitchcraft and an attack of mass hysteria.題目3: Lady Bracknell is a comic character created by Oscar Wilde in his play_The Importance of Being Ernest._題目4:“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ” is a prote

41、st poem against racialdiscrimination.題目5: Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are well-known American poets.題目6: In the poem “ Acquainted with the Night ” , the speaker expressed hisdistress at the death of his lover and bewilderment of the meaning of life.題目7: _The Old Man and the Sea _is one of Ernes

42、t Hemmingway s best -knownworks.題目8: Scrooge is a character created by Charles Dickens in his novel _AChristmas Carol_.題目9: The novel _The Heart of Darkness _exposes the corruption, cruelty andgreed of the colonial system in Africa.題目10:“I have a dream ” is a famous speech made by President Lincoln

43、duringthe American Civil War." 題目 11: Usually works by starting a story at a point in the recentpast, then switching the action back to an earlier time, farther back in the past.: setting; flashback; climax; coda"" 題目12: occurs when a writer repeats a particular grammatical orphonolog

44、ical pattern in close proximity.: parallelism; alliteration; Coda; pun"" 題目13: can be established by describing the place wherethe action takes place, or the situation at the start of the story.: Point of view; Flashback; Climax; Setting"" 題目14: is the point in a play or novel wh

45、ere everything comes to ahead, where the maximum emotional reaction of the reader is created.: Alliteration; Allusion; Climax; Flashback"" 題目15: A writer can show character by giving a physical description,through and through deeds.: setting; point of view; climax; dialogue"" 題目1

46、6: is an example of simile.: “ She has a heart of stone. ”; “ Her eyes twinkled like stars. ”; “ Her tongue is a sharp knife. ”; “ The windows waves violently in the wind.”"" 題目17: is an example of parallelism.: “ He has a heart of stone. ”; “ Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.”; “

47、 Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth ”; “ Soon night will steal hours from the day.”"" 題目18: contains an example of alliteration.: “ He was secret, self - contained, and solitary as an oyster. ”; “ United we stand, divided we fall. ”; Bet

48、ter late than never.IIHer tongue is like a sharp knife." 題目19: contains examples of metaphor: “ The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.;“ The street shone out, like a fire in the forest.”; “ Her tongue is like a sharp knife. ”;“ It was

49、the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age ofwisdom, it was the age of foolishness. ” " " 題目20: is an example of personification.: “ Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.”; “ The years have silvered her hair. ”; “ My face is an open book. ”; “ All the world s a stage

50、, And all the men and women are merely players." 題目 21: In this text, the writer depicts character through .: what the characters say and how they say it; what the characters say; how the characters look"" 題目22: At the beginning of the text,Nick says to Marjorie “ _You knoweverything_. ” This line can reveal that .: Nick is proud of Marjorie s wide range of knowledge; Nick is accusing Marjorie of hiding her knowledge; Nick is irritated that his relationship with Marjorie is not going on


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