英語課堂用語 (4)_第1頁
英語課堂用語 (4)_第2頁
英語課堂用語 (4)_第3頁
英語課堂用語 (4)_第4頁




1、英語課堂用語Its time for class.上課時間到了。Lets begin our lesson.我們開始上課。Stand up, please!請起立!Good morning, boys and girls!大家早上好!。Good morning, teacher!老師早上好!Good afternoon, class!同學們下午好!Good afternoon, teacher!老師,下午好!Sit down, please.請坐。Have you got anything to report to the class, monitor?班長,你有什么向班級匯報的嗎?Who i

2、s absent today?今天誰缺席了?Is everyone here?都出席了嗎Are you a new pupil?你是新同學嗎?Allow me to introduce myself, please.請允許我自我介紹一下。Where are you from?你從那里來?How did you spend your Sunday?星期天你是怎么過的?We had a picnic.我們?nèi)ヒ安土?。We had a very good time.我們玩得很痛快。What time is it now?現(xiàn)在幾點了?Its ten past eight.八點十分了。Open the w

3、indow, please.請打開窗戶。Please shut the door. It is very cold today.今天很冷,請把門關上。Leave the window open, please.請開著窗戶。How are you?你好嗎?Fine, thank you ,and you?很好,謝謝!你呢?Im fine too.我也很好。Whats your name?你叫什么名字?Be quiet, please.請安靜。Silence, please.請安靜。Stop talking.不要講話了。Dont talk any more.不要在講話了。Who is on dut

4、y today?誰值日?You have done your duty very well.你值日生工作做得很好。Where is the chalk?粉筆在哪?In the drawer.在抽屜里。Next time please put the eraser and chalk on the teachers desk before class.下次上課前請把黑板擦和粉筆放在老師書桌上。May i come in?我可以進來嗎?Yes, please.請進。I am sorry I am late.請原諒我遲到了。Please excuse me for coming late.請原諒我來

5、晚了。Dont be late next time.下次別遲到了。Please come early next time.下次早點來。Get up early in the morning, please.早上請起來得早一點。Have you finished your homework?作業(yè)作完了嗎?Hand in your homework, please.請交作業(yè)。Monitor, have you collected all the homework?班長,作業(yè)收齊了嗎?Yes, here it is.收齊了,這就是。No, not yet.還沒收齊。Some of us havent

6、 finished yet.有些同學還沒有做完。I am sorry I didnt do my homework.請原諒我沒做家庭作業(yè)。Take out your homework, please.請把你們的家庭作業(yè)拿出來。I am sorry I have left my homework at home.很抱歉我把作業(yè)忘在家里了。May I hand in my homework tomorrow?我可以明天交作業(yè)嗎?You must hand in your homework on time.你們必須按時交作業(yè)。Hand it in after class.下課后交來。Make it

7、up after school.放學后補交。I will bring it with me next time.我下次帶來。Youve done your homework very well.你的作業(yè)做得很好。Your handwriting is excellent.你的字寫得很好。Have you all prepared your lessons well?你們的功課準備好了嗎?I will see how well you have prepared your lessons for today.我看看你們今天的功課準備得怎么樣。Lets have a review of Lesso

8、n 5.我們復習一下第五課。Id like to give you a quiz about some phrases in Lesson 5.我想檢查一下第五課中的幾個詞組。We have studied Lesson8. Now let me check up on you a little.我們已經(jīng)學了第八課,我來檢查一下。Huang Ping and Wang Min, come to the front, please.黃平和王敏,請到前面來。Heres a picture for you. Look at it.這有一張圖片,請看。Ill ask you some question

9、s.我要問你們幾個問題。OK, class, say these sentences again, please.好,同學們,把這些句子再說一遍。Very good, go back to your seat, please.很好,請回到你們座位上去。Lets look at the blackboard.我們看黑板。Is her sentence correct?她的句子對嗎?No, the word order is wrong.不,詞序不對。Good! You have done a good job.很好,你背得很好。You did quite well on the first tw

10、o paragraphs, but you didnt recite the last two paragraphs. But you didnt recite the last two paragraphs smoothly.你前兩段背得還好,但后兩段背得不熟練。You didnt recite well this time. Try to do better next time.這次背得不好,希望下次背得好些。Yes, no problem.沒問題。Lets say the numbers from 1-100.讓我們讀一下數(shù)字1-100。Please write down the num

11、bers 1-20.請寫出數(shù)字1-20。How many boys are there in your class?數(shù)一數(shù)你們班有多少男生?One, two, three-There are twenty boys in our class.1,2,3-我們班有20位男生。Lets discuss Excercises 1 and 3 in Lesson 9.我們討論一下第九課中的練習1和練習3。Whats the weather like today?今天的天氣怎么樣?Its fine.今天天氣很好。Nice weather, isnt it?今天天氣真好,是嗎?No, its windy.

12、不,今天有風。What should you say in this situation?在這種場合下你們應該怎么說?How do you explain this word?你怎么解釋這個詞?In English or in our own language?用英語還是用自己的語言解釋?You have to explain it in English.你必須用英語解釋。Who can translate this sentence into Chinese?誰能把這句話譯成漢語?What do you think about Gao Fengs translation?你覺得高峰的翻譯怎么

13、樣?Whats wrong with Gao Fengs translation?高峰的翻譯有什么錯誤?Please take out a piece of paper. Lets have a dictation.請拿出一張紙,我們聽寫。I am reading it for the last time now.我現(xiàn)在讀最后一遍。Check your dictation.檢查一下你的聽寫。We are going to have a new lesson today.今天我們學習新課。First well study five new words and then look at the d

14、ialogue.我們先學習5個生詞,然后學習對話。Stop talking, please.不要講話了。Dont be noisy!安靜下來。What do you think it is ?你認為它是什么?Lets play this game.我們玩這個游戲。Let me teach you an English song.我教你們一首英文歌曲。Can you guess what it is?你能猜出它是什嗎?Open your books to page 10.把書翻到第10頁。Lets start from where we left off yesterday.讓我們接著昨天的講。

15、Lets begin at the 12th line.我們從第12行開始。Close your books.把書合上。Think it over想想看。.Think for a while.想一會兒。Try again.再試試看。Now you are going to read the text one by one.現(xiàn)在你們輪流讀課文。Its your turn now, Li Jun.李軍,該你了。Lets go on to the next sentence.現(xiàn)在讓我們看下一句。What am I holding?我拿的是什么?Say after me, apple.跟我說“appl

16、e。Whats the date today.今天是幾號?Its the eleventh of October.今天是10月11號。What day is today?今天星期幾?Its very kind of you to help me.您幫助我真是太好了。Thank you very much indeed.真是太感謝您了。You are welcome.沒關系。Sure.沒關系。Once more, tape recorder.再說一遍,“磁帶錄音機”。1Lets listen to the portrait of a Teacher.我們聽一下“老師的畫像”。What did y

17、ou hear?你聽到什么了?What did the father and his son do that Saturday afternoon?那個星期六下午他們父子做了什么?On their way back home, what did the father tell his son?在回家的路上,那個父親告訴兒子什么了?What do you think of the readers pronunciation?你覺得朗讀者的發(fā)音怎么樣?Her pronunciation is very clear and correct.她的發(fā)音既清晰又正確。Any other opinions?還有別的意見?Ill begin by asking you some questions on yesterdays lesson.我先問你們


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