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1、Lesson 95 A fantasy純屬虛構(gòu)Text When the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock. He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.'What has happened' she asked. 'How did your clothes get into such a mess''A fire extinguisher, my dear,' answe

2、red the Ambassador drily. 'University students set the Embassyon fire this morning.''Good heavens!' exclaimed his wife. 'And where were you at the time''I was in my office as usual,' answeredthe Ambassador. 'The fire broke out in the basement. I went downimmediate

3、ly, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisherat me. He thought I was on fire.I must definitely get that fellow posted.'The Ambassador's wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat.'And how can you explain that' she ask

4、ed.'Oh, that,' said the Ambassador. 'Someone fired a shot through my office window. Accurate, don't youthink Fortunately, I wasn't wearing it at the time. If I had been, I would not have been able to gethome for lunch.'【課文翻譯】當艾斯卡羅比亞國的大使回到家吃午飯時,把他的夫人嚇了一跳.他面色蒼白,衣服也搞得不成樣子.“發(fā)生了什么

5、事”她問,“你的衣服怎么搞得一塌糊涂”“滅火器弄的,親愛的,”大使冷冷地回答,“今天上午大學(xué)生們放火點著了大使館.”“天??!”他的夫人驚叫,“那你當時在什么地方”“我和往常一樣,在辦公室里,”大使回答說.“地下室突然著火,我當然馬上下去了 .但那個傻瓜霍斯特把滅火器對準了我.他認為是我著火了 .我一定要把那個家伙打發(fā)走.”大使夫人繼續(xù)提出問題,她突然又發(fā)現(xiàn)丈夫的帽子上有個洞.“那么你對那又作何解釋呢”她問 .“那個嘛,”大使說,“有人向我辦公室窗戶開了一槍.真夠準的,是不是幸虧我當時沒戴帽子.如果真戴著它,我現(xiàn)在就不能回家來吃午飯了 .”New words and expressions 生詞

6、和短語fantasy n.幻想故事ambassador n.大使Escalopia n. 艾斯卡羅比亞(虛構(gòu)的國名)shot n.子彈【生詞講解】【單詞講解】【單詞講解】1. fantasyn. 幻想故事the world of fantasy 幻想的世界fantastic( 1) adj.空想的a fantastic plan空想的的計劃( 2) adj.極好的、美妙的eg: The night view of the bay is even more fantastic.在海灣的夜景更是妙不可言。fantasticallyf?n't?stik ?li adv. 空想地 , 非常地2

7、. ambassador n. 大使、使節(jié)embassy 大使館;ambassadress 女大使、大使夫人the British Ambassador Tokyo 英國駐東京大使the Chinese Ambassador to Great Britain中國駐英大使3. frightfuladj. 可怕的,令人吃驚的a frightful accident可怕的事故frightfully ?fraitfuli adv. 可怕地;非常frightened 'fraitnd adj. 受驚的be frightened to do sth 害怕去做某事eg: She was very f

8、rightened to look down from the top floor of the building.她從那棟建筑物的頂樓往下看時, 感到很害怕。be frightened that 害怕.eg: The boy was frightened that would get lost.那個男童害怕會迷路熄滅extinguish v.put out 撲滅 extinguish a cigarette熄滅香煙extinguish the light 關(guān)掉 ( 燈或爐火); 熄滅5. drily adv. 冷淡地,枯燥無味地dry adj. 干的 , 干燥的 , 干旱的 , 口渴的 ,

9、枯燥的adj. 禁酒的 , (指幽默)裝成正經(jīng)的, ( 酒等 ) 不甜的dryness 名詞 n. 干燥 、冷淡 ; 不和氣、枯燥6. embassy n. 大使館the American Embassy 美國大使館legation 公使館 , 使節(jié)的派遣; consulate ?k? nsjulit n. 領(lǐng)事館7. heaven1) n.天國,天堂 <-> hellgo to heaven 升天、死; angels in heaven 天堂里的天使2) 上帝 the will of Heaven 神意、天命eg: Heaven helps those who help them

10、selves . 上帝保佑那些自我?guī)椭娜恕?) 天空 (對應(yīng) earth ) the starry heavens星空in the western heavens 在西邊得天空eg: Good Heavens !天哪!8. basement n. 地下室cellar (儲藏酒的)地下室eg: He lives in the basement of the apartment house.他住在公寓房子的地下室。base1 ) n. 底部、根基、山麓the bass of a building 建筑物的地基; the base of a mountain 山麓2) n. 基地、根據(jù)地an ai

11、r base空軍基地get to first base獲得初步的成功9. definitely ?definitli1 ) adv. 肯定地、明確地、確定地eg: I can t tell you definitely whenI will come.我不能肯定地告訴你我什么時候來。eg: I ll d efinitely be at home before six.我一定會在六點前回家。2 ) (用于回答中)正確、正是那樣是的一個肯定的回答 Can you go alone 你可以一個人去 Definitely .definite1) adj. 一定的eg: His school work

12、was not up to the definite standard .他的作業(yè)沒能達到一定的標準。2) adj. 確定的、確實的a definite answereg: It is definite that he is wrong.他確確是錯誤了。define di ?fain1) v.給.下定義eg: It s hard to define this word .這個詞很難下定義。2) 界定eg: My duties are not well defined.我的職責(zé)沒有被很好的界定。eg: The river defines a border between the two coun

13、tries .這條河界定了兩國之間的邊界。10. post1) v. 派任 2 ) n. 地位、職位在公司身居要職hold an important post in the companyremain at one s post 留任eg: He got a post as a diplomat.他獲得外交官的職務(wù)。11. shot1 ) n. 子彈eg: The gun is out of shot.槍沒子彈了。2 )n. 開槍、發(fā)射、射擊eg: He had a shot at the goose. = He took a shot at the goose 他射擊那只鵝。eg: He f

14、ired three shots.他開了三槍。eg: We heard shots in the distance.我們聽到了在遠處槍聲。a shot in the dark 猜想、瞎猜、臆想have a shot at 嘗試、試試看shot1) v. 射擊、開槍(shot 、 shot )eg: He was shot in the arm.他被射中手臂。eg: He shot at a wild duck, but missed it .他朝著一只野鴨射擊, 但沒射中。shoot 射中eg: He shot a deer. 射殺了一頭鹿shoot at 向.射擊shoot2) v. 發(fā)芽、

15、生枝、伸出eg: The trees are shooting out fresh green leaves.這些樹長出了鮮綠的綠葉。shoot out one s tongue ( 突然 ) 伸出舌頭shooter 射手 ; shooting 射擊【課文講解】1. When the Ambassador of Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock. Escalopia 虛構(gòu)的國名Utopia 烏托邦 (Sir Thomas More 著烏托邦一書中描寫的理想國) get a shock 大吃一驚shock1) ) n.

16、 沖擊、震蕩eg: There shocks of the earthquakes were felt last night .昨晚感覺到三次地震的震動。eg: This shock of the explosion shook the building .爆炸沖擊震動了這座樓。2) 精神上的打擊eg: The news was a great shock to us.這個消息對我們很大的震撼。3) 電擊get an electric shock 遭電擊2. He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state.'What h

17、as happened' she asked. 'How did your clothes get into such a mess' get into such a mess 搞得亂七八糟in a mess 亂七八糟; in a terrible mess 一塌糊涂make a mess of it 把事情搞得一團糟eg: What a mess !多亂?。?. 'A fire extinguisher, my dear,' answered the Ambassador drily.'University students set the E

18、mbassy on fire this morning.'X set .on fir e 放火 set on 攻擊、襲擊eg: The robber set on her in a back street.劫匪在僻巷攻擊她。'Good heavens!' exclaimed his wife. “天啊!”他的夫人驚叫,Good heavens! 天??!eg: My God ! eg : Dear me ! eg : Goodness me !天啊!4. 'And where were you at the time''I was in my of

19、fice as usual,' answered the Ambassador.as usual = as before向往常一樣than usual = than before 比往常5. 'The fire broke out in the basement. “ break out 爆發(fā),突然出現(xiàn);逃脫,逃走eg: Fire broke out during the night.夜間突然發(fā)生了火災(zāi).eg: War broke out in 1939.1939 年爆發(fā)了戰(zhàn)爭。break out of sth 強行逃出某處eg: Several prisoners broke

20、 out of the jail.有幾名囚犯越獄了.6. I went down immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me. aim at 瞄準eg: He aimed at the bird, fired and missed.他 ( 用槍 ) 瞄準目標開火, 卻未打中.7. He thought I was on fire.I must definitely get that fellow posted.X get sb posted 把派往另一個職位post v. 郵寄; p

21、ost a letter 寄信 ; post a parcel 郵寄包裹 fellow1) 男人、家伙、老兄eg: He is a pleasant fellow.他是個有趣的家伙。eg: Poor fellow !可憐的家伙eg: What a fellow !好家伙!2) 同事、同伴eg: She is playing with her schoolfellows.她跟同學(xué)們一起玩。eg: He is kind to his fellows.他對同事們很友好。 fellowship 伙伴關(guān)系、友情8. The Ambassador's wife went on asking que

22、stions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat.'And how can you explain that' she asked.'Oh, that,' said the Ambassador.'Someone fired a shot through my office window.Accurate, don't you think正常語序:Don t you think it was accurate accurate ?kjur ?t a. 正確無

23、誤的;準確的,精確的inaccuratein ?kjurit a. 不準確的an accurate report of the affair事情的正確報導(dǎo)你的表是否準確eg: Is your watch accurate9. Fortunately, I wasn't wearing it at the time.If I had been, I would not have been able to get home for lunch.'冰 完整句:If I had been wearing that hat 【關(guān)鍵詞組摘錄6. as usual1. return home

24、 for lunch7. break out2. get a shock8. aim at3. in a frightful state9. go on doing sth4. get into such a mess,10. fire a shot through5. set sth on fire11. get sb posted【Key structures 1 . 一般將來時eg: I am going to travel by air.我要乘飛機旅行be going to do 將要去(做)、打算eg: You will enjoy yourself if you travel by

25、 sea .如果你乘船去將會玩得盡興。will do 要做(一般將來時)eg: He is arriving tomorrow .他明天就到達了be doing現(xiàn)在動作2 .被動語態(tài):eg: After having been instructed to drive out of town, he began to acquire confidence.當叫我將車駛出城外時,我開始有了信心。Exercise :用正確動詞填空:1) ' What has happened / happened (happen) ' she asked .' How did your cloths get (get) into such a m


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