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1、Unit 2Whats the matter?溫故知新(課前預(yù)習(xí)類訓(xùn)練).Match the phrase with the proper picture.(把所給的短語和相應(yīng)的圖片連起來。)A.have a backacheB.have a headacheC.have a stomachacheD.have a coughE.have a coldF.have sore eyesG.have a sore throatH.have a toothache答案:1.C2.H3.G4.E5.D6.F7.B8.A.Please go through the text and find the w

2、ords or expressions that mean the same as those below.(預(yù)習(xí)課文并從中找出下列漢語表達(dá)的相應(yīng)英文表達(dá)。)1.看醫(yī)生/牙醫(yī)2.感冒3.患牙痛4.患頭痛5.發(fā)燒6.躺下休息7.喝大量水8.喝熱蜂蜜茶9.有壓力10.累了11.保持健康12.在另一方面13.你應(yīng)該上床睡覺。答案:1.see a doctor/dentist2.get/have a cold3.have a toothache4.have a headache5.have a fever6.lie down and rest7.drink lots of water8.drink h

3、ot tea with honey9.be stressed out10.get tired11.stay healthy12.on the other hand13.You should go to bed.一鼓作氣(課中強(qiáng)化類訓(xùn)練)Exercises for new words(生詞專練).Spell out the word according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根據(jù)句意和提示完成單詞。)1.Whats the m?I have a h.2.I cant speak English,because I have a sore t.3.He

4、eats too much,he has a s.4.My mother has a toothache.She has to see the d.5.You should drink hot tea with (蜂蜜).答案:1.matter;headache2.throat3.stomachache4.dentist5.honey.Write down the proper English words of the parts of the body in the boxes.(在方框里寫出身體部位的英語名稱。)答案:1.head2.eye3.hand4.foot5.leg6.nose7.

5、stomach8.mouthExercises for phrases(短語專練).Complete the sentence with the proper phrase in the box.(用方框里適當(dāng)?shù)亩陶Z完成句子。)1.People who are too and angry may have too much yang.2.I exercise every day in order to(為了) .3.I have a toothache,I should .4.Jim has a sore throat,the doctor asks him to .5.If you have

6、 a fever,you should and .6.The little boy had a stomachache,he should not .7.It is healthy for a child to and get up early every day.答案:1.stressed out2.stay healthy3.see a dentist4.drink tea with honey5.lie down and rest;drink lots of water6.eat anything7.go to bed earlyExercises for function items(

7、交際用語專練).Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.(重新排列下列句子,使之成為完整的對(duì)話。)1.For two weeks.2.Good morning,whats the matter with you,young man?3.How long have you been like this?4.Do I need to take some medicine?5.I am not feeling well,something is wrong with me.6.Thank you

8、very much.7.No,just eat less meat,eat more fruits and do more exercise.8.You are welcome.9.Let me examine you carefully.Oh,you have nothing serious.答案:2 5 3 1 9 4 7 6 8Exercises for grammar(語法專練).Multiple choice(單項(xiàng)填空)1.If you have a cold,you should .A.see the dentist B.drink cold water C.drink hot t

9、ea D.feel well答案:1.C根據(jù)句意,感冒應(yīng)該多喝熱茶水。2.I have a .I cant eat anything.A.toothacheB.sore eyeC.sore armD.sore back答案:A因?yàn)椴荒艹詵|西,可能是牙痛。3.She has a sore throat.She should drink water.A.manyB.some of theC.lots ofD.a lot答案:C水是不可數(shù)名詞,lots of 可修飾不可數(shù)名詞。4.Sarah is not well.She has a cold.A.feelB.feelsC.feelingD.to

10、feel答案:C固定短語be feeling well。5.Nancys father has a cold.A.badB.veryC.goodD.well答案:Ahave a cold 是感冒,重感冒用bad修飾。6.David has a sore tooth.We can also say David has a .A.stomachacheB.toothacheC.backacheD.headache答案:B考查牙痛的表達(dá)法。7.I am not feeling very well.I want to eat .A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.coffe

11、e答案:C因?yàn)槲柑?所以應(yīng)是不想吃什么,coffee不能用eat作動(dòng)詞。8.I surf the Internet very long hours.So I have sore .A.legsB.armsC.noseD.eyes答案:D由于上網(wǎng)時(shí)間長,導(dǎo)致眼睛疼,所以選擇D。9.Mr.Li,Im always feeling tired.You should try to every day.A.exerciseB.eat ice-cream C.play chessD.eat junk food答案:A感覺累應(yīng)該鍛煉。10.Sarahs mother cant make supper.Bec

12、ause she has a sore .A.earB.toothC.noseD.hand 答案:D從前句不能做飯可知她手疼即 have a sore hand。Sentence structure training(句子結(jié)構(gòu)專練).Rewrite the sentence without changing the meaning.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換。)1.I feel terrible.I am very .2.Whats wrong with you?(1)Whats with you?(2)Whats with you?3.I have a headache.I have in my .4.I

13、 hope to be better soon.I hope I soon.5.He has dinner after his mother comes back.He have dinner his mother comes back.答案:1.feeling;not well2.the trouble/the matter3.a pain;head4.feel better5.doesnt;until快樂時(shí)光Between two voyagersSmoking is not allowed in this compartment,sir.Am I smoking?But you have

14、 your pipe in your mouth.Can that prove anything?You see,I put my feet in the shoes and I dont walk.兩個(gè)旅客之間的對(duì)話這節(jié)車廂不準(zhǔn)吸煙,先生。我吸煙了嗎?可是你嘴里叼著煙斗。這能證明什么?你看,我把腳放在鞋里,我卻沒走路。再接再厲(課后鞏固類訓(xùn)練)Elementary exercises(基礎(chǔ)題).Circle the right words or phrases.(圈出使用正確的單詞或短語。)1.A:He has(tired/a fever).B:He should(see a doctor/

15、see a film).2.A:Toby has(a sore eyes/a sore neck).B:He should(drink lots of water,close eyes and rest).3.A:I have a(fever/toothache).B:You shouldnt(lie down and rest/eat more icecream).4.A:I m not feeling(well,bad).B:You should(exercise more,take some medicine).5.A:I have a sore(foot,throat).B:You s

16、hould(drink more water,play basketball).答案:1.a fever;see a doctor2.a sore neck;close eyes and rest3.fever;eat more icecream4.well;take some medicine5.throat;drink more water.Complete the dialogue with proper words.(用適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~完成對(duì)話。)A:Whats the1 2Tony?B:He has a3leg.A:Oh,Im4 to hear that.Im5that he cant6t

17、o the sports show.B:But he likes it very much.He needs help.A:Well,he should see a7 earlier and rest well.B:I think so.A:I8 he feel9soon.B:Lets go and10 him.答案:1.matter/trouble2.with3.sore4.sorry5.afraid6.go/come7.doctor8.hope9.better10.seeIntegrated exercises(綜合題).Unscramble the sentences.(連詞成句。)1.

18、a cold,have,a fever,I,and2.should,down,rest,lie,and,you3.feeling,I,not,am,well4.a,dentist,see,should,maybe,you5.have,do,a,you,cold?6.for,shouldnt,anything,he,eat,24 hours7.important,eat,to,a balanced diet,its8.he,toothache,a,does,have?答案:1.I have a cold and a fever.2.You should lie down and rest.3.I

19、 am not feeling well.4.Maybe you should see a dentist.5.Do you have a cold?6.He shouldnt eat anything for 24 hours.7.Its important to eat a balanced diet.8.Does he have a toothache?.Reading comprehension(閱讀理解)If you go into the forest with friends who are older than you,stay with them.If you dont,yo

20、u may get lost.If you get lost,this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.Dont try to find your friendslet them find you.You can help them to find you by staying in one place.There is another way you can help your friends or other people to find you.Give them a signal(信號(hào)) by shouting

21、 three times.Stop.Then shout three times again.Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep up the shouting,always three times together.Then the people who hear you will know that you are not just making noise for fun.They will let you know that they have heard your signal.They will give two

22、 shouts.When a signal is given twice it is an answer to a call for help.If you dont think you will be found before nights comes,get some branches(樹枝).Try to put them together so that they make a little house.Cover up the holes with branches that have lots of leaves.Make yourself a soft bed with leav

23、es and grass.What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water?You should leave your little branch house to look for a river.Dont just walk away.Make a trail(痕跡) for yourself so you find your way back.Do this by picking off small branches and dropping them as you walk.文章中提到迷路時(shí)需要做的幾件事及原因,請(qǐng)根

24、據(jù)提示寫出要做的事或原因。答案:1.Sit down and stay where you are.2.Shout three times./Give friends a signal by shouting three times together.3.A signal given twice is an answer to a call for help.4.You cant be found before nights./You will not feel cold in the forest at night.5.Make a trail(by picking off branches and dropping them as you walk).Link to test(模擬鏈接).Complete the dialogue with proper sentences.(用適當(dāng)?shù)木渥油瓿蓪?duì)話。)2010陜西模擬 (At Mr.Whites office in a middle school)A:Hello!1?B:Speaking,please.A:Im Peters mother.Id like to ask for a leave for my son.B:2


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