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1、1. A break in the continuity of the skin by a wound or injury of any kind, may be followed by serious infection. 1。一個打破連續(xù)體的皮膚傷口或任何形式的損傷,可能是其次是嚴重感染。2. Having a permanent, uncorrectable physical defect does not mean that a person is without health if he or she has made a positive and effective adaptat

2、ion to it. 有一個永久性的,不能修復的物理缺陷并不意味著一個人沒有健康,如果他或她有一種積極的、有效的適應它。3. Enzymes are complex proteins which act as catalytic agents, that is, they increase the speed of chemical reactions without being changed themselves.。酶是復雜的蛋白質,作為催化代理,也就是說,他們提高化學反應速度沒有改變自己。If we are familiar with 4.certain signs which may

3、be indicative of early cancer, they could be reported immediately before the conditions can spread.。4.如果我們熟悉某些跡象可能表明早期癌癥,他們可以立即報告在條件可以傳播。5. Atoms are inconceivably small particles that form the building blocks of matter, the smallest complete units of which all matter is made. 5。原子是不可思議地小粒子,形成物質的構建模

4、塊,最小的完成單位的所有物質都是由。6. Even in disease, the body is quite remarkable in attempting to right what is wrong and compensate for it. 6。即使在疾病、身體是相當驚人的,在試圖對什么是錯誤的和彌補它。7. Because the early microscopes lacked high resolving power, many species of microorganisms were unknown. 7。由于早期缺乏高分辨率顯微鏡,許多種類的微生物是未知的。8. We

5、 should be aware of cosmetics that purportedly aid the skin in breathing, since the skin simply does not breathe. 8。我們應該意識到化妝品,據稱援助皮膚呼吸,因為皮膚完全不呼吸。9. Bones serve as the major reservoir into which calcium is deposited or from which it is withdrawn. 9。骨頭作為主要的儲集層,鈣沉積或從它撤回。10. Muscles that are little exe

6、rcised are readily to become flabby. 10。肌肉鍛煉很容易成為小松弛。1. Sarah Kliff doesn't like his cooking to be enhanced by artificial flavor. 1。莎拉Kliff不喜歡他的烹飪是增強了人造香料。2. The troops were in a vulnerable position, completely exposed to attack from the air. 2。軍隊在一個脆弱的位置,完全暴露在空氣中的攻擊。3. The Minister of Health co

7、untered the opposition's claims about health service cuts by saying that the government had increased spending in the country. 3。衛(wèi)生部長反駁反對派的關于衛(wèi)生服務的削減,說政府增加支出的國家。4. The classical signs of acute inflammation are pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function. 4。經典的急性炎癥的跡象是痛苦、熱、發(fā)紅、腫脹和功能喪失。5. Af

8、ricas latest drought has had a devastating effect on its rural population. 5。非洲最近的干旱已經造成了毀滅性的影響在其農村人口。6. Bread, potatoes, pasta and rice are all high in carbohydrates. 6。面包、土豆、米飯和面食都是高碳水化合物。7. There are usually several years between exposure to the virus and the onset of the illness. 7。通常有幾年之間接觸病毒和疾

9、病的爆發(fā)。8. Scurvy is a deficiency disease which you can get if you dont eat enough Vitamin C. 8。壞血病是一種營養(yǎng)缺乏病,你可以得到如果你不吃足夠的維生素C。9. The famous artist tried to bolster her confidence by telling her that she had a special artistic talent. 9。著名的藝術家試圖增強她的信心,告訴她,她有一種特殊的藝術人才。10. Elderly patients find soluble as

10、pirins easier to take than the ones you have to swallow whole. 10。老年患者發(fā)現可溶性阿司匹林容易拿的比那些你必須整個吞下。1. Sulphur dioxide is a pollutant and a major contributor to acid rain. 1。二氧化硫是一種污染物和主要貢獻者酸雨。2. It is desirable that all the applicants should be computer-literate for this job. 2。它是可取的,所有的申請者應具備計算機技能做這項工作。

11、3. He hated to think of her in so much pain and covered his ears to hide her groans . 3。他討厭去想她那么痛苦,捂住耳朵隱藏她的呻吟。4. These experiments show conclusively the connection between smoking and cancer. 4。這些實驗結論吸煙與癌癥之間的聯系。5. It was such a hot night that he had a cold shower to refresh himself. 5。這是一個炎熱的晚上,他有一個

12、冷水浴來刷新自己。6. Restaurants may be closed down if they fail to keep up to minimum standards of hygiene. 6。餐廳可能會關閉,如果他們不能保持到最小的衛(wèi)生標準。7. He was roused from his sleep at some dark hour by his mother begging him to go downstairs to help her. 7。他被叫醒睡在某個黑暗的小時由他的母親勸他下樓來幫助她。8. Ginseng (人參) has been used for over

13、 4,000 years in the Orient as a restorative and preventive remedy. 8。人參(人參)已經使用了4000年的東方作為恢復性和預防補救。9. Tiredness, loss of appetite, lack of energy and sleeping problems are classic symptoms of depression. 9。疲勞、食欲不振、乏力、睡眠問題是典型的抑郁癥的癥狀。10. Among particularly susceptible children, the disease can develop

14、 at a very young age. 10。在特別敏感的孩子,這種疾病可以開發(fā)在一個非常年輕的年齡。1. “Traumatic brain injury" means an acquired impairment to the neurological system resulting from an insult to the brain. 1?!皠?chuàng)傷性腦損傷是指神經系統(tǒng)獲得的損傷,造成一種侮辱到大腦。2. As a result of all these limitations on holding a sensor on both adults and infants,

15、the sensor can be dislodged by patient movement. 2。由于所有這些持有限制一個傳感器在兩個成年人和嬰兒,傳感器可以通過病人運動運走。3. The authors wanted to examine differences in children's perception and possible changes in attitudes with cognitive maturity. 3。作者想要檢查孩子的感知差異,可能與認知成熟度態(tài)度的變化。4. People with autism are more prone to adverse

16、 reactions to some medications, including some anti-inflammatory drugs and some antibiotics. 4。自閉癥患者更傾向于一些藥物不良反應,其中包括一些消炎藥和一些抗生素。5. Recently, concerns about an apparent increase in the prevalence of autism in the general population have been prominent in the press. 5。最近,一個明顯的擔憂增加孤獨癥的患病率在普通人群已經突出在新聞。

17、6. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder refers to a range of problem behaviors associated with poor attention span. 6。注意缺陷多動障礙是指一系列的問題行為與貧窮相關的注意力。7. If the disease natural history follows adenoma-carcinoma theory, annual transition rate from adenoma to carcinoma is 2.20%. 7。如果疾病自然歷史遵循腺瘤癌理論,每年從腺瘤

18、癌轉移率,是2.20%。8. A new and more virulent Salmonella is more pervasive in the food supply than the older version. 8。一個新的、更致命的沙門氏菌是在食品供應更加普遍比舊版本。9. The initial boy that I treated was the most severe case, others were less severe and some were not autistic, but had hyperactivity. 9。最初的男孩,我治療的情況最嚴重,有的則不那么

19、嚴重,一些沒有自閉癥,但有多動癥。10. For some children with ADHD for whom stimulant medication is not suitable, a subsidy for the cost of treatment with atomoxetine may be available. 10。對于一些兒童多動癥的興奮劑藥物為誰是不適合的,補貼的費用可治療以1。1. Changes in the body with age make the elderly more susceptible to complications caused by ind

20、ividual drugs and their interactions. 1。隨著年齡的增長身體的變化使老年人更容易受到個別藥物引起的并發(fā)癥及其交互作用。2. Scientists have not yet unraveled every detail of how genes work. 2??茖W家們尚未解開基因如何工作的每個細節(jié)。3. Two weeks ago she had finished her internship at St Pauls Hospital in Vancouver. 3。兩個星期前她已經完成她的實習在圣保羅醫(yī)院在溫哥華。4. Normal everyday s

21、ymptoms such as headache and fatigue are now more easily interpreted as signs of disease or ill health. 4。正常的日常癥狀,如頭痛和疲勞現在更容易解釋為疾病或健康不佳的跡象。5. Advertising is a potent force in showing smoking as a socially acceptable habit. 5。廣告是一個強大的力量在展示吸煙作為一種社會可以接受的習慣。6. When food supplies are exhausted, the cells

22、 aggregate tightly together and form a multicellular fruiting body. 6。當食品供應面臨枯竭,細胞聚集緊密結合在一起,形成多細胞的子實體。7. He had his visionrestored by surgical operation. 7。他有他的visionrestored通過外科手術。8. It is a disease which mainly afflicts individuals between 30 and 50 years of age. 8。它是一種疾病,主要影響個人30至50歲。9. Doctors b

23、elieve that many chronic diseasesfrom high blood pressure to heart disease and even some cancerscan be warded off with a few sensible changes in lifestyle. 9。醫(yī)生們認為許多慢性疾病的高血壓心臟病,甚至一些癌癥可以被擋住了幾個合理的生活習慣改變。10. These are related to illiteracy, poor sanitation , crowding, poverty, and unrest in the region

24、and individual countries. 10。這些都與文盲、惡劣的衛(wèi)生條件、擁擠、貧窮和動蕩的地區(qū)和個別國家。1. This natural oil is a good moisturizer, but it's best to use products containing olive oil only on arms and legs as they may clog facial pores. 1。這種天然油脂是一種良好的濕潤劑,但最好使用含有橄欖油只能在胳膊和腿會堵塞面部毛孔,所以。2. The earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Ric

25、hter scale caused terrible havoc in the epicenter. 2。了里氏7.3級的地震造成了可怕的毀壞在震中。3. The bad news that the sports meeting will be called off due to the looming avian influenza epidemic dampened their spirits. 3。壞消息,運動會將會被取消由于迫在眉睫的禽流感疫情抑制了他們的精神。4. This information, which is very valuable, may shed light on

26、the mystery. 4。這一信息,這是非常寶貴的,可能揭開謎團。5. Fatty fast-food diets combined with morbid lifestyles dominated by televisions and computers could mean kids will die tragically young. 5。脂肪含量過高的快餐飲食結合病態(tài)的生活方式由電視和電腦可能意味著孩子會悲慘地死年輕。6. The North waged war on the South, for the reason that the southern states secede

27、d from the Union and formed the Confederacy. 6。北方發(fā)動對南方的戰(zhàn)爭,因為南方各州脫離聯邦政府,形成了聯盟。7. People with sedentary jobs generally need to eat less than those in very active occupations. 7。人與久坐的工作一般需要吃不到那些在非常積極的職業(yè)。8. Our directors make the decisions, but its the managers who have to execute them. 8。我們的導演做出的決定,但這是

28、經理人必須執(zhí)行它們。9. The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, an organ, or a part to function normally is because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion . 9。減少容量或完整生物體的能力,一個器官或部分函數通常是由于過度的刺激或長時間的努力。10. In between the harvests, a series of technical improvements was made, includin

29、g: segregating sewage from process waste-water. 10。之間的收成,一系列的技術改進,包括:離析污水從過程污水。1. Noninvasive tests refer to those that generally do not invade the integrity of the body, such as echocardiography or electrocardiography. Cardiac catheterization, on the other hand, in which catheters are introduced th

30、rough blood vessels into the heart, is an example of an invasive test. 1。非侵入性測試是指,一般不侵入身體的完整性,如超聲心動圖和心電圖。心導管,另一方面,介紹了導管通過血管進入心臟,是一個例子,一個侵入性測試。2. The chaos after a power cut in the hospital underscores how dependent we have become on computer. 2。停電后的混亂在醫(yī)院突顯出我們變得有依賴電腦。3. In the report it was disclosed that neither pilot nor controller had experience of the radar


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