



1、我一直都相信世上沒有“絕對的圣人”或“十足的惡棍”。 2009 年 4 月在美國上演的紀錄片泰森向公眾講述了美國著名拳擊手邁克 ?泰森一一一個被視作 “野獸”的男人一些不 為人知的故事 , 也還了世界一個真實的泰森他黯淡的童年,他焦躁的青春期 , 他輝煌的拳壇生涯,他奢靡的私生活,他的暴戾,他的孤獨還有他的善良影片沒有為泰森套上“圣人” 的光環(huán) , 抑或“惡棍”的罵名 , 而是像一雙手輕輕地撫慰片中的主角 ; 又像一個寬容的局外人 , 敘述一段有血有淚的悲情往事 MacTyson is our deepest, most intimate encounter yet with Mike Tys

2、on a guided tour through his2)checkered life with the former 3)prizefighter acting as his own 4)narrator. With the filmmaker, James Toback, the famous and at times infamous Tyson gets to tell his complicated, uneasy life story his way. But though this movie tells us muchabout Tyson, it reveals infin

3、itely more about our own internal contradictions.We also destroy the things we love, repeat mistakes and dance like 5)MuhammadAli around the truth in our most 6)candid moments. It ' s just that Tyson does it more 7)spectacularly or8)disastrously than most.Caught in the 9)primeval glare of a man

4、who admits he'd visualize punching holes through his opponent ' s heads, we ' re 10)riveted. This is our one-on-one with the 11)Minotaur, the monster, Iron Mike. But as Tyson spills everything beyond the camera, he becomes inconveniently human. And that 's what makes James Toback 

5、9;s film so powerful. We' re as moved as we are appalled.We 12)feel for the shy, 13)asthmatic kid who was robbed and beaten up in the 14)mean streets of Brooklyn. We tear up at his account of Cus D' Amato, the 15)hard-bitten, 16)soft-centered coach who took him out of 17)juvie and into the 1

6、8)ring. D' Amato turned him pro. Gave him self-esteem. But never lived to see Tyson become world champion at 20. Whocould not be moved at the way Tyson 19)stifles sobs as he tells this story?Yet, what do we do with the Tyson who served three years in jail for the rapeof Desiree Washington? (He c

7、alls her a “ 20)wretched 21)swine of a woman.” ) Whochewed off a portion of 22)Evander Holyfield' s ear in that infamous 23)title 24)bout?(Holyfield 25)head-butted him illegally, so he got mad. He 26)blacked out, too.) Who claims he was 27)burning up with 28)gonorrhea after a 29)liaison with a 3

8、0)hooker when he won the 31)WBC title? And what are we to 32)make of this utterance:“ Myinsanity is my only sanity” ?This man ' s a nightmare when the mood hits.Toback is clearly in Tyson' s camp. The only negative 33)testimony from the34)aggrieved women in his life amounts to a 35)Barbara W

9、alters interview in whichthen-wife Robin Givens describes Tyson as manic, depressive, abusive, scary. (“ Ican' t believe Robin Givens was saying all those lies about me. ” Tyson says.)As for Tyson 's 36)indiscretions, assaults and 37)imbroglios, we're to see them as part of a redemptive

10、arc. Tyson' s been lost ever since his beloved mentor passed away, forever 38)slithering on the 39)slippery slope between his best and worst impulses. Hence the downward 40)spiralof 41)predatory 42)womanizing, drug and drink43)binges and 44)licentious spending. Hence his inevitable losses and st

11、umbles. Hence everything.He' s turning things around. Proud father of six kids. Looks forward toa grandchild. Toback slices and stylizes these bits in his own way, inserting 45)archival 46)footage from the ring and combining 47)split-screen images of the subject ' s 48)hulking presence with

12、audio track that overlaps and repeats Tyson ' s 49)intermittently self-aware words.本文為全文原貌未安裝PDF瀏覽器用戶請先下載安裝原版全文Wewantto believe Tyson has 50)come to terms with his mistakes; that he' s a changed man.What we get, instead, is a distressing glimpse into the soul of a haunted, angry, bitter man

13、whose inability to truly grasp his role in the equation of his mistakes has caused 51)untold tragedy to himself and many around him. For all his 52)candor, 53)lurid honesty and tortured self-analysis, Tyson reveals only one thing: There are few things more54)fraught with 55)myopia than our own recko

14、ning of ourselves.And as he mentions his rising debts over and over again, we wonder: Did he recently arrive at this moral 56)epiphany in his life, or does this 57)art-house howl of the heart help the debt-strapped former heavyweight in other ways? Tyson draws no conclusion about the former heavywei

15、ght champion who's as famous for his 1992 rape conviction, except that he' s a 58)potent puncher and a damaged man.Attached to our negative impressions, however, there' s always a 59)nagging60)asterisk. We realize this movie isn' t about the redemption of Mike Tyson. It's about h

16、is 61)i neon testable hopeless ness an extreme version of our own. Tysonremains as62)poignantly humanas he is mortifying. He affects us, despite everything.影片泰森 讓我們前所未有地走近邁克 ?泰森, 深入了解他。 片中, 這位前職業(yè)拳擊手親 自擔當旁白者 ,帶我們回顧他迂回的人生路程。 與制片人詹姆斯 ?托拜克合作 , 這位聞名遐邇也 曾一度臭名昭著的拳王泰森得以用他的方式講述他復雜而曲折的一生。然而, 盡管這部片子告訴了我們很多關于泰森

17、的事 , 但其實它更多地反映出我們每個人內(nèi)心的矛盾面。我們也毀壞我們珍愛的東西 , 重蹈覆轍 , 就是在最真我的時刻也像拳王穆罕默德?阿里那樣還繞著真相躲閃。泰森只是做得更極端或者是說比大多數(shù)人都做得更慘烈。他承認自己曾想象用鐵拳打穿對手的腦袋 , 他那怒目中閃現(xiàn)的原始的沖動震懾了我們。 這 是我們與“人身牛頭怪” 、“巨獸”、“鐵人邁克” ( 編者注 :這三個都是泰森的外號 )的一對一 接觸。但當泰森于鏡頭外傾吐一切時 , 他人性的一面才好不容易顯露出來。 而這正是詹姆 斯?托拜克的電影其震撼所在。在驚駭?shù)耐瑫r , 我們也被打動了。聽他說到自己小時候在布魯克林貧民區(qū)那些窮街陋巷遭劫并被打得鼻

18、青臉腫時, 我們對當時那個害羞且患有哮喘病的孩子的同情油然而生。 聽他講述恩師古斯 ?達馬托這位內(nèi)柔外剛 的教練把他從少管所領出來并帶他走上拳擊擂臺的故事時 , 我們都感動得流淚。 達馬托一手將 他訓練成專業(yè)拳手 ,并讓他自信起來。 但當泰森二十歲在世界拳壇封王時 ,古斯?達馬托卻未能 看到那一天。在泰森抑制著啜泣講述這段經(jīng)歷時 , 誰能不為之動容 ?然而 ,我們又該如何看待一個因強奸蒂希爾?華盛頓而入獄三年的泰森 ?(他稱她是“卑鄙的賤女人” ) 一個在一場臭名昭著的冠軍爭奪中咬下對手伊萬德?霍利菲爾德部分耳朵的泰森?(霍利菲爾德違規(guī)用頭頂撞他 , 所以他被激怒了。他后來也因為頭部受到撞擊而

19、昏厥了 )一 個在獲得 WBC冠軍時聲稱自己在搭上一名妓女后備受淋病煎熬的泰森?我們要怎樣解讀這個言論 : “瘋狂是我唯一的清醒狀態(tài)” ?這個人情緒一發(fā)作 , 就很可怕。托拜克顯然是站在泰森一邊的。片中唯一一段對他的負面指證來自他生命中一位憤憤不 平的女子他當時的妻子羅賓?吉文斯。她在接受芭芭拉 ?沃爾特斯采訪時 , 形容泰森狂躁而抑郁 ,??诔鰫貉远屓丝謶?。 (“我無法相信羅賓 ?吉文斯會這樣誹謗我。 ”泰森說。 )對于泰森的狂妄輕率、 暴力行為和是非糾葛 , 我們將在影片中看到它們是其救贖過程中的 一部分。自從他深愛的恩師去世以后 , 他就迷失了方向 , 游走在至善與至惡兩種極端的本性之 間。從此, 他沉湎于女色 ,濫用藥品 ,狂歡暴飲 ,揮霍無度 ; 事業(yè)上他無可避免地連連遭遇滑鐵盧 躑躅不前 ; 所有不好的事都降臨到他頭上


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