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1、高級英語(1)修辭格匯總.詞語修辭格(1) simile 明喻它根據(jù)人們的聯(lián)想,利用不同事物之間的相似點,借助比喻詞(如like, as等)起連接作用,清楚地說明甲事物在某方面像乙事物I wandered lonely as a cloud. ( W. Wordsworth: The Daffodils )我像一朵浮云獨自漫They are as like as two peas.他們兩個長得一模一樣。His young daughter looks_as red_as a rose.他的/、女兒面龐紅得象朵玫瑰花。 “Mama, Wangero said sweeta bird . Can

2、I have these old quilts? ” Hair is all over his head a foot long and hanging from his chinlike a kinky mule tail. My skin is like an uncooked (未煮過的)barley pancake. The oratorial (雄辯的) storm that Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malone blew up in the little court in Dayton swept like a fresh wind tho

3、ugh the schools I see also the dull (遲鈍的),drilled (訓練有素的),docile (易馴服的),brutish (粗野的)masses of the Hun soldiery ploddin g 沉重緩慢地走)on like a swarm(群)of crawling locusts (蝗蟲).(2) metaphor 暗喻暗含的比喻。A是B或B就是AAll the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely payers (WilliamShakespeare螯個世界是座舞臺,男男女女,演員

4、而已Education is not the filling of a pail 桶,but the lighting of a fire. ( William B. Yeats ) 教育不是注滿一桶水,而是點燃一把火。It is a vast (巨大的),sombre (,憂有B的)cavern (洞穴)of a room,Mark Twain - Mirror of Americamain artery (干線) of transportation in the young nation's heartThe Duchess of Croydon kept firm, tight

5、rein on her racing mind.Her voice was a whiplash (If睡電).We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air, until, with God ' s help, we have rid the earths fhOw and liberated its peoples from his yoke (枷鎖).(3) metonymy借代,轉喻用一事物的名稱來代替另一事物,當然這一事物與另一事物是有關聯(lián)的。The Wh

6、ite House has denied the report that more troops will be sent to Iraq.He lives by the pen.(二writing).他以寫作為生。He is too fond of the bottle (二drinking).他太貪杯了。 The Washington Post, in an editorial captioned "Keep Your Old Webster's" .his pen would prove mightier than his pickaxe (鎬)(4) syn

7、ecdoches以部分指代整體1. We are lack of hands. (hands 指代人手,勞動力)2. The case had erupted round my head. (head指代整個人)3. Or what of those sheets and jets of air that are now being used, in place of(t) old-fashioned oak and hinges .4. But neither his vanity nor his purse is any concern of the dictionary's (p

8、urse指代金 錢)(5) personification 擬人把物比喻成人。在修辭學上,擬人法是指把非人的東西(如動物、植物、物體、抽象概念等)當作人來描寫,并賦予它們以人的特性、外表及活動方式等。 The young moon lies on her back Every here and there, a doorway gives a glimpse of a sunljt日光照射的) courtyard, perhaps before a mosque or a caravanserai, where camels lie disdainfu lly至蔑的) chewing thei

9、r hay (干草) .to literature's enduring gratitude.(文學的持續(xù)感激) The grave world smiles as usual. Bitterness fed on the man.(痛苦為人類提供食物)(6) transferred epithet 移就修飾轉移把本應該用來描述甲事物狀態(tài)的定語去形容乙事物,而乙事物卻根本不具備這種性 質或功能。(轉移描述詞;移就修辭格) Darrow had whispered throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder The obese (極為月巴月半的

10、)body shook in an appreciative chuckle. I have been exhilarated by two days of storms, but above all I love these long purposeless days in which I shed all that I have ever been. (XSackville-West, No Signposts in the Se)a(7) hyperbole 夸張這是一種故意夸大其詞或言過其實(overstatemen審勺修辭手法,其特點是對表達對 象進行有違常識或不合邏輯的夸張性描寫,

11、以此來取得強烈的修辭效果。用數(shù)字,形容詞副詞最高級,全世界,虛擬語氣 The roadway is about twelve feet wide, but it is narrowed every few yards by little stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. It is a vast, sombre(憂郁的, 嚴峻的) cavern (洞穴) of a room so thick with dust of centuries. If Hitle門nvaded Hell and I would make at

12、 least a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons. I see the ten thousand villages of Russia where the means of existence is wrung so hardly from the soil, but where there are still primordial human joys, where maidens laugh and children play. .cruise through eternal boyhood and endl

13、ess summer of freedom. The trial that rocked the world His reputation as an authority on Scripture is recognized throughout the world."(8) oxymoron矛盾修飾法Parting is such sweet sorrow.( 別離是這樣甜蜜的凄濤 )a thunderous silence 無聲勝有聲a mournful optimist 悲傷的樂觀Dudley Field Malene called my conviction a, "

14、;victorious defeat.(9) euphemism 委婉語作為一種修辭格,Euphemism倭婉)指的是以較文雅、悅耳或溫婉的說法來代替粗 野、刺耳或直露的說法。它能借助語音、語法、詞匯及其他修辭手段,得體地表達 生活中那些使人尷尬、惹人不快、招人厭惡或令人恐懼的事物。其主要修辭作用是 在語言表達上減少刺激性和敏感性,從而起到一種緩沖或美化作用。英語委婉語數(shù)量眾多,其運用范圍涉及到社會生活諸領域,大致可概括為以下四個 方面有關疾病、殘疾、衰老、死亡的委婉語 a motley band of Confederate guerrillas whodiligently avoided

15、contact with the enemy. men's final release from earthly struggle(10) Irony 反語the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.反語用詞語表達與它們的字面意思相異或相反的用法 Thanks to his brilliant leadership, our company is now bankrupt.You are really good. You ruined e

16、verything. Hiroshimathe “l(fā)iveliest city in Japan until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century(11) sarcasm 諷刺a cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.是指用尖酸亥U薄的話對個人的缺 點、過失、社會的丑惡現(xiàn)象或黑暗面進行譏諷、挖苦,常是有意地傷害他人的感情,所以常含有較強的貶義。My friend the attorney-general says that John S

17、copes knows what he is here for," Darrow drawled. "I know what he is here for, too. He is here because ignorance and bigotry(固) are rampant, and it is a mighty strong combination. There is some doubt about that. a concept of how things get written that throws very little light on Lincoln b

18、ut a great deal on Life the Post ' s editorial fails to explain what is wrong with the definition, we can only infer from "so simple" a thing that the writer takes the plain, downright, man-in-the-street3高級英語(1)修辭格匯總attitude that a doo門s a door and any damn fool knows that(12) ridicule

19、 (嘲笑)有意激起對某人或某事的蔑視的笑或看不起的感情,通常指用一些不太善意的或看起來比較滑稽和夸張的語言對不良的或愚蠢的行為進行揭露和批評。 Bryan, ageing and paunchy, was assisted Resolutely he strode to the stand, carrying a palm fan like a sword to repel his enemies. Bryan mopped his bald dome in silence.(12) pun 雙關 DARWIN IS RIGHT - INSIDE. Benjamin Franklin:&quo

20、t;If we dbang t(b gether, we shall most assuredlyhangseparately ” (Peter stone and Sherman Edwards76)如果我們不能緊密地團結在一 起,那就必然分散地走上絞刑架。二、結構修辭格(13) parallelism 排比英語中Parallelism是并列使用兩個或兩個以上結構和功能相同的單詞、短語或句子來表達相似、相關或相連的事物。 We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air.

21、I see the Russian soldiers standing I see them guarding. I see the ten thousand villages. I see that small group that is our policy and that is our declaration We shall be fortified and encouraged in our efforts. We shall be strengthened and not weakened in determination and resources. Let us learn

22、the lessons already taught by such cruel experience. Let us redouble our exertions (14) repetition 重復重復使用同一個字眼或意思相近的詞,以達到強調(diào)的目的。 We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose. He has so long thrived and prospered. We will never parley, we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang.

23、 From this nothing will turn us-nothing.(15) anticlimax反高潮/突降(Climax層進法:逐漸增強達到頂點的修辭法I came, I saw, I conquered.)突降法:從有重大意義的內(nèi)容突然轉入平淡內(nèi)容Alas!Alas!What shall I do? I've lost my wife and best hat, too哎呀哎呀!我怎么辦呢? 我失去了妻子,又丟了最好的帽子!The duties of a soldier are to protect his country and peel potatoes.兵的職責

24、是保衛(wèi)祖 國和剝土豆皮。“Seldom has a city gained such world renown, and I am proud and happy to welcome you to Hiroshima, a town known throughout the world for 's-oysters .(16) antithesis 對比對照(或反對)是把意義相反的詞、短語、句子放在對稱的位置上,以表示事物、行 為、品德、條件、效果等相對立或對比的修辭格,以平行結構進行表達,從而突出 兩個事物的鮮明對比。它相當于漢語對偶中的反對。a) Any man or state

25、 who fights on against Nazidom will have our aid. Any man or state who marches with Hitler is our foeb) "The Christian believes that man came from above. The evolutionist believes that he must have come from belowc) .between what people claim to be and what they really are.d) .a world which wil

26、l lament them a day and forget them forever(17) rhetorical question 修辭疑問句e) Was I not at the scene of the crime?f) Who ever knew a Johnson with a quick tongue? Who can even imagine me looking a strange white man in the eye?g) In what conceivable way does our car concern you?三、音韻修辭格(18)頭韻法(alliteration)在文句中有兩個以上連結在一起的詞或詞組,其開頭的音節(jié)有同樣的字母或聲音,以增強語言的節(jié)奏感。h) as the fastest train in the worldslipped to a stopi) I felt sick, and ever since then they have been testing and treating me.j) Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience.k) .the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained s


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