1、大連市2016年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試試測一)注意事國:1,請在售膻術(shù)上作答,在泳卷上作齊無效*2,本試卷揮七大題.73小題,滿分11 J分,號撞時同打 分鐘,第I卷選擇題(共68分)I .單項填空(本題共12小國,每小題1分共12分1從各if所給的四個建項中選出即B埔人空門處的lit樣為事,L In China, schonI usually begins 8 UH in llw mnrninfi.A., forH. mCb ofD. under2. Unclr John coniinR to Dainn lorlay, 1 will rd to iritfftwith Mum.A. himH m
2、eCb youD. them3. You ilie ma I ch? Ntvt-r 幼” nd+ maybe you wl:1 win nvKt lime,A. I口Nt11 waichedC mi*sedIX enjoyed4. With thf help of the Internet . 1 bou薛hl the ticket ,A+ h&rdlyK properlyC deRrly>- rawly5V Supertnaii is strong and hravt?. He fly ihrmifili the sky and fi«ht bad people.A、
3、couldR mutC runD, miuhi6, Tony is phnnmg a thi year. He w?nts iq visit Xi *ati firsLA, mcclingIk tripC. p«nyD. rnntch7, Have you locked ihe frunl door?I think 配、hul IRd better 1At hurry upB. piay fitieiitiunC. gel upLX muke sure8f MrK Grcn feel* to flyh «h- ihe irain for ihr lonp journey.A
4、. oomforlsbleB. cxeiltdC* afraidD. rUax"& You+11 hnvr in prftdicc dnncin rvrry dayyou want to be goud al it.A whileB. soC ifD. ihuunliI CL There whh a new film on yesterday. Many people wen! io the.,A. cine meB. s 加 lion( itoreU- museam1 h the World Widr Fund fr>rrnnny wild animals jirr
5、sa、七乩A, Comp&redi withH. T laC, Instead afD. In addition io鼾1頁共1 0頁1 /10 12.Whi-re7K lhe nearest hu*piid?Oh*itSsi next to the prk.A* l*m Sorry.H. Nite to meet yotuC Wh a rnimu“!D. Exrijs me!I .究形填空(一)(本題共一小題,每小題1分供 丁分)間淡下陶制工理解總大總4丁從芥題所堆的四個選尊中送出可以埴入空白處的最佳透頂.! hsnk before you act OlliA moiht-r re
6、I urn rd from ihr 姆She wns very lired. Shr pul everythiiafi <m the kitchen lalde. Her 8-year-old Tom. was 13 her. wanted to tell her what 14 younger broi ht-r had donpr"Whdc you wrc uul mhuppiriij Tyler look hi” IN eind wrote on the wnlll He wraie on the new wallpaper you ji睜i hung up m tile
7、 living rcximr I told him you j,6 bf m£d at him (or ddu* ii AflAfeti.”The mol her frowned < 皴限I L *17 is your lit de brol her now?" "He 'y tH the ckwet (壁胡 L * She walkrd io ihe living riKjm where Tyler J BShe c.ilkd full name . 匕 opened the cbm. Tylt-r trembled( Si H with h
8、171;ra For the next trn minutes» she was 20 and shouieil abnut the expenivf wall pa per. She scolded(/b hhr* little boy withoul: rniy 21. The more she sJwuted, the mndder the 胃qlThen she headed W th中 livinp ruum ID .七1 what happened. Whtn w the 21,her eyrR flcjodtxi with inr.Ill said *1 loveand
9、 was 5urraundedi with a heeri,) |卜八出The wFill|hqier suiyixl. just a、ht- h und ii. 史 an rnipty picture * 'InElTiy/ |(fanjet rtl Mt1 huii around (her wrilitig. A rcndhdcT(槌也)fur rwryont - Uike the ?4 to rtFid the ha nd writing on ihe walkB,A.looking for ILwailing farc.worryinu nlaoulI>.thinking
10、 a bom14,A.hisH.herc.myD.yourIIA.rIhnne 苫IKscissor?c.enyonsrxerasers】。A.vrillKshouldc.mayD.would17.A.HowKWherec.WhatRWhy18.zhd11& isrkudc.livedT1waitedIS.A.since氏whilecuntilD.as20.A.-dIkliredc.diiMippointcdlD.ingry2LA.rrawnU.MgncrcareU,symbol22.boyB.waIIc.photoIXiwie23.A.withH.byconIXm力.A.advice
11、B.chiinccc.exampletxtime第2貝(共1。頁)7/10 閱讀理第 一 ”本質(zhì)共小題.每小題工分.共3分)兒網(wǎng)譴卜列題文.從備前所檢的四個選里中.送出最很選理。P3M41W 1Deaf Mr, Wfmg -1 wrile io invite you to be uur guest speaker al the School English Day an IS MayTM inv of my Mrhoomair will enirr ih< ccminR Si hool Speech Day. they need to harn how to recice poems a
12、r give short public speeches. We &re impressed by the books you have written on public speakinRP and we all know that you are very exprrirncrci in giving public Itriurf 講座).I uni surr our scboolmAi«# can*t waii io hear more about m&king nucces»ful public speeches.Cur School English
13、 Dny in from 9 n. m, tr> I I 配 m. n thv School Hdl. We would lir 瞿【al/ulf 嫌酒的)if you could share wilh Us your thaugit on * How to sprats to attract ailenricin*. We are tpcvtinR Hhnuv 500 studntIf yon w:mi to kftow murt about the? &rranmvist of tlir day, pleaac feel frw tu contact4聯(lián)系) me at 31
14、42 2277.小I look forwurd To seeing you on 15 Mtny.Yours jtinrcreljr,Eric PoonChairman uf the English Society25. Why Z Mr- W4nR inviied to ihr School nRlih Day7A. Been use lie ha« wriitt-n iiiMny btx>k$H. Bet*ause he is student< favorite teacher,C. BrcrtiiHr hr is cKpcricncrd in public tpAk
15、nig.D- BecauM he t.*. lhhI st Enftbsh pea kins,26. Mf. Wong is expected toit the School Englkh Day.A* inirtidiice him bookmB. give a lectureCh give bid Enslih JrsMtn1、share Immin用 rxperienoe27. Mr. Wong will mjimly talk about .At how ta he en English learnerB. how r« work with *rhoalmBteMCP how
16、 to make m succe&!*ful mpurchI how ip shftre ihoiaht wilh oihern2/ For more infornkAlimit Mr. Wong mn.A,常end 帝n emailB. search the ImernexC. *riic a ktirrD. tiukc a phone call郎貞(其1。頁)界 2Do you like ridin|g on 宵 iAtjte wheel? Have you ever won<irrcd whax ii would be like in »pend a m|(hv
17、on i lrge wheel? WelL you are not alone.A group of French ardiilcct*( 1£ K Ml) ire phnming to K build n 4*wat«r wheel hotel" an the banks of the River Seine. Kl'hc hotel look,like a very Large wheel fhr wh«l will bep*:iwtrtd by baltEnes nd charwcd by thr riirrFnlt 水流nf i hr r
18、iver. It will romplcic one full turn every hsilf an hour.rhr hotel i* goinn io haw 19 *miill rciomi. Each rm>m will have a l»iihroom« a totlet 七nd h tiHik nidur the fl&Dr to tell er t waste wntrT- Ihc views from I hr rooms will rhnnijr as ihf .icT muEca UndeT the 19 rootms, there wi
19、ll W s rf3iftuninit and b«r Gutjun romld m rir<ch( if 浦)ilnirflht?r 4i nihi |H-nt iniide tht *rmll rooni丸NLixin 比 lliirbirr* one of I he architecK, Mid that the hotel w-ould not just 林 ay in dne p-ice4 It would be moved lu a different site every six monlli5.heHrl will he made of wood. It wil
20、l lake Four ckty. lu nptiralr ii ur fir ii Uthcr. Is will be wry rjtsy to tranBpoin n by boat said. Maxime-1'ht ;iriharcts are now dtscussinp thf pi ah with the F re n r h KCivrrnment, I Jfficialsi 'n 員) from dirferrnt cities jainert m ihr diiissinn.44Like all ihe world* big ciliim Paria is
21、trying to make teller iw of ihr river. The watef tin tel is a very gucxl idea " *atd an official from Paris. "Tht- hotel will offer 汽 Xperia i way tu look al the ci1- 1 am cnnfidenl that it will mi tact maiiY tiiunis nnd locak.” 29. AccordinK io the pl«n» ihr*waitr wheel bosF wil
22、l A. *b、c a Loi of wairf ehergy& rnuve Aroutid. the riverC- keep turni.ng all the time1X have many large wheels30. If you sUy in ihc hotel. you can,Aa hftvt1 a ehunrr io 11MHm 泊 thr Rivr SeineH.仁叫 uy dil ft rent views as the hotel nxivtsC karn about the lifestyle of French prqpleD. trijcy drliei
23、ou* fotid from M nver fhr world31. The '*walier wheel hatel" will tfavel to a different place .A. tvrry half an. hour& every fnur dny>C every fight daysD. every Rix riMjnlh»32. From cht le?t paragrapht wt- can find.A. Francc g famous fur Lis way o( river water useH. fhi- "w
24、ater wheel hDiel* will be fiirihrr drvcloped( ihr Frrnirh govcmmeiit mhil with, the trchiiectsiI K t* official fffuin Prins eLowt intercsit in the planPaSMgr 3It WHS Almost the day endr Everyone was getting ready L&式丫史 from th« wurk.Just eh thit momeni, snuirthins was wrong with the machine
25、 in the piani ( V lp. So Jack stayed and went to chtck,Hy the time he finiwhrJ. it was lain. The Booth wen; Icx-ked and ihe Lighi-* were lurried oftTrapped(被闞住)inside the plant whole nighr without air and light. J ark was almost sure to die.Houtii pgyM. Suddenly he found Komt onr opening the door,Wa
26、s it a mgr!H奇跡印The Ruard entered iher? with s torch light and helpt <1 him to conic ouLOn the way back Jack aktd the guard, "Het* did you know that I wii> inside Who told 加u"" The guErd s號id, "Xobody. sir. We have 50 people aJI together. But y;m are the only one who aavs He
27、llo to me in I he morning and Bye in the evening. You hnd rtporitd in the morning, hui didn't go out 'l h?n made me o'-pickous. r,Never did Jack know I hat n. smnLl Resturc of gre«*tinR sfjmeutif would prove to be a IHewert救命幅¥)for him.Remember to >>reet when you mert som
28、eone, of course with a warm FE:h.W 叱 don* i knew; that m苜 y work 占 miracle in your h% it so.33, When others were tiling ready to leavr» JackA.wtrnt home ns usualBPwent to repiir the machineC.had h re*t Ly himselfD.closed doors and turned off light*34+ Jack wus trapped in ihe plant and nearly di
29、ed because*A.there was tic sir or hghlB.he kad nabcwly to talk luC.he had nothing to doD.there was no food or drink35, Which in TRUE according to thr pgsa耳史?A- Jack worked the hardest in the plani.Bl Jack had to report to the guard twice a dny.C. Jack whs the one to leave rhe plant every nishLD. Jac
30、k greetr<l the uard every marning and evening.35. What does the underlined word supicious* probably mean in ('hinrsr?A.傷心的 K失望的C疑心的D.恐懼的37. Which would he the beit title for (he pwwsanc?A. A clever gunrclR A miracle in your lifeC. A warm smileD. The importance ot greeting第三頁t共1。頁)B-隅讀知文.根據(jù)蚓文內(nèi)
31、科從所給的六個造坳中送出可口城入空臼處的最伴/3怕短文意超大整、連加.(仃割*為學(xué)余通膜)Pj收的忡J1atCfie b riw |*RRijiRe at LcvemDchaIl i.» gene rally agreed ihat immersiunl OtM X J1 i* » good way io karn a fore Pvopk who complrlrlyihenidrives in foreign rnvirnnmrnt ran km .1 JiewlanSUii£r quicklyv 38 It provides Irarnr* with a r
32、ekxmg Environment fur I -39 It iv *ici iRtlly 小 oreirnunhy wixh different types of people including language teachers« expertsIcarinrrs <vndt 率睫的 3ip<akcrsB CtiiTinniiiily mcml.i'f hr.gj ,11thother lrn nw R】t莉rh |jin|4UA|jrH by lffirning. pricticinK and r<nnmiariiefiiiinji.For lear
33、nerj;. they ir5t nb-Hrvp(觀察a conversation is perforniMl :nd k【n iht vocabulary uid grammar puFlfl* 40 O they am jusi conncc.1 with the nalive kbr Jin«gh virleik Tt'r* (nr ihern to receive immcdiRTr frfdhfickt ., tR)and develop their 、.ikir.弋 / killM.41 l.rjirn it foreign Imngu4cb (or frrr i
34、n imiive environnunL r| "'"- _-J - Ab .ivrmocha in 后uch fr« lanRiiARr Irrnin wehtii以B. Finally * they wntv down the correct answers nest to thtf mistakes.WhaiZ so special about thin weliMit?D. Sturt now wiih Uvermocha.E. Then they du thr txercisw 4ind wnl ibe answers to the n-utiv
35、r孰 So whn <p“h” EnR】/h in Livjnioch:第6血(其】©貫)A .情交際(本塞扶5小款,缶小踮2分,找10分)根據(jù)時店內(nèi).容從所給的七個選項中選出打以埴人空臼處的坡住選項,使對話內(nèi)容完螯1有胸胤為¥兔母以)(hi thr Tiiirket)Miirkt C worker-42Bctlj : Yes. I'd like 5nmp sausages, How much nre they?Murktl wnrktr: Twenty yuan a kilo. 43Bt'lty : Half a k:lo.Markvl wtrkrr
36、* OK. 44A kilo of beflns. pkne.Markvt wurlhtrr; Thal'】 be fifiet-n 了Hrity : < >h% ihr *Trawberrieu tonic frrsh. How much are ihry?Murkrl ker: I tn min a kdo.Bctly: Ont kiE pltas-e. 45Murkrt wurlrr: 3 Byr.Helly; Bye.A, Thank you.B. I hat *s too cheap,C, Ur:rv "s iliirty-five yuan,Il (f
37、cii 1 hi4rlp you?E. What else wyuld you like?F. How much is ii?G4 How much would you tike?第H卷非選擇題(共72分)V,完彩填空(二)(本第其16小題,每小題1分.共32分)A.用方框內(nèi)所給詞的適貨形式完成下列句子(每詞限用一次.有兩何為多余選項)be leaf earefiiHy you careful talk alone4 7. Birds u*c matl 7kk* nd tc make a home.48- Look? The driver 二 on ih? phone while drivin
38、g, Il Fs too4。. In ;仙,心* rhv day5 ftrr long ind wnrTi) in summer, but may cool an the tvenmgr50. Please fill out I he form as an j>ossibrF Try not io maki1 any51. Mary» do you want to do the project fill by?氏用方框內(nèi)所給詞的適當形式完成下面對話.每詞限用一次) probh&qi walk go fii exercisrBarbara: I wm tn srlinri
39、l by bu- in thr pm, and I (hd not feel fit. Su last month 1 decided t二 more 52 and started walking to srhool. I S3 to srhnnl for three week: now. 1 am gening a loi 54 nmi I fw! hhhicr. The 55 is all tny fnench tak the Im* 1l nrhool and i du not Kiave anyone to talk with on the way? Wh&1 ran I do
40、?Mr. Jackson: Walking has helped vhie hcakhM-r, 、,i why mil n*k 認 friend 56 Ko *choo on foot wnli you?閥讀下面初文在短攵的空格內(nèi)嬉人道節(jié)的詞使K內(nèi)容通項(把中格限填-同) The Mory of ice creamMany people think of ice rram as an American fond. Yet icc crpim really came from 57 . h iv said ihat in ihe late 1200s, Marco Polo »aw s
41、ome rich AAianw rating irr dishes. Hr t)ronghl thi> new dish to iirily. In Frunc. people<hc ice“ipL-更任法)and ma de ice cream.Ai fir*, ihe rrcipe was kept io be a 58 , They wanted it t口be u npecial dish fur nch people. By the lairice rre«m wan sold <11 over Europe HncAmerica. Some 3- Arn
42、rrii;ins lovrd ice < rram. <;2Tge Woshington wa> die first to buy i ptcial niackine for making it. Whtn Thomas Jefferson returned fn>m Franef, lir brought Al is cream recipe homr.Madison wife of Pn Mdenl James Madim. also hktd iov.r mt Hhd *he oficn served弓二 _ at I he White Hcmse. In fac
43、u a fanwih brand ( aftOice cream was evrn 61"Dolly二In the late 180Os> the ice cream industry 62 to grow, A new way of kerping ic cream fruzen(冰凍) had ben invented» so icc cre?«m makerx did noi have to worry about ic errtim nubiiriN融化卜您hyiiwr.第18頁(共1。頁)序號閱讀利(二H本取共5小BL每小解工分.共分)閱搜卜面短文
44、.根據(jù)墟文內(nèi)容,回答下列何題Pmnm 弦 5d)Courlney Dresiinig wse just 15 ycnrB> old when she joined a tcatn of space鏟/門> 土*/D Those scientists landed NAIM 美國航空航天局“ roboi roverP Spirits on ihc planet Mars. But this was. not Courtney+ s firl ndvcnCurr m spftce reftreh. When 和。用 in 普力/e 5 . Cotirtney amended the U
45、nited States Spfltw t amp in AbbsTna., Ever smcc then.耳h七 has decide ttj speiod her life txplluriii the univi2rsea H(*, Then Cmirtney entered n compel itioh la become h pari of the Si udnit a trona ml ProRFrite. After a at nf hard werk, interviews + and mctilhs of waitingr Courtney found oul ihui曾口亳 one of ihe 16 iiidimem who nunii' it out of 500 who sntunrd!1a CrjuniW wfi* in (XIH口no with NASA scirriiisis when Spirii landed on
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