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1、公司英語教育訓(xùn)練部: 常用術(shù)語Hon Hai CMM CEM IBSC PCEG CCBG CPBG ESBG SABGNWE鴻海Component module move Contract Manufaction service Internet Business Solution Center Personal Computer Enclosure group Connector&cable business groupCompetition business groupEnterprise system business group system assembly business gr

2、oupNet Work Enclosure機動組件整合合約委托代工國際互聯(lián)網(wǎng)應(yīng)用中心個人計算機外設(shè)事業(yè)群( FOXTEQ )鴻富錦事業(yè)群 系統(tǒng)組裝事業(yè)群NSENetwork system enclosureNSGNetwork system groupNFENetwork flexible enclosureFoxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun鴻準Stamping tool shop I 沖模一廠Stamping tool shop II沖模二廠Prototype workshop樣品中心Steel factory 裁剪廠PCE molding tooling workshop

3、PCE 塑模廠Hua Nan test and measurement center 華南檢測中心MPE mobile phone enclosureMPEMBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑廠MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 鎂合金Engineer standard 工標Document center (database center) 資料中心Design Center 設(shè)計中心Painting烤漆 (廠 ) Assembly 組裝 (廠 )Stamping 沖壓 (廠 )Education and Tr

4、aining 教育訓(xùn)練proposal improvement/creative suggestion 提案改善Technological exchange and study 技術(shù)交流研習(xí)會Technology and Development Committee 技術(shù)發(fā)展委員會BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩QCC Quality Control Circle 品質(zhì)圈計劃 執(zhí)行 檢查 總結(jié)品質(zhì)管理人員終點質(zhì)量管理人員PDCAPlan Do Check ActionDCC delivery control center 交貨管制中心3CComputer 計算機類產(chǎn)品Consumer

5、 electronics 消費性電子產(chǎn)品Communication 通訊類產(chǎn)品Core value (核心價值)Love 愛心Confidence 信心Decision 決心Corporate culture( 公司文化 )Integration 融合Responsibility 責(zé)任Progress 進步3T STRATEGYTime to market 及時切入生產(chǎn)Time to volume 及時大量生產(chǎn)Time to money 及時大量交貨FOUR CONTROL YSTEM 四大管制系統(tǒng)Engineering control system 工程管制系統(tǒng)Quality control

6、 system 質(zhì)量管理系統(tǒng)Manufacturing control system 生產(chǎn)管制系統(tǒng) Management control system 經(jīng)營管制系統(tǒng)7SClassification 整理 (sorting, organization)-seiri Regulation 整頓 (arrangement, tidiness)-seiton Cleanliness 清掃 (sweeping, purity)-seiso Conservation 清潔 (cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsu Culture 教養(yǎng) (discipline)-shitsukeSav

7、e 節(jié)約Safety 安全二:英文縮寫質(zhì)量人員名稱類QCquality controlFQCfinal quality controlIPQCin process quality control制程中的質(zhì)量管理人員OQCoutput quality control最終出貨質(zhì)量管理人員IQCincoming quality control進料質(zhì)量管理人員TQCtotal quality control全面質(zhì)量管理POCpassage quality control段檢人員QAquality assurance質(zhì)量保證人員OQAoutput quality assurance出貨質(zhì)量保證人員QEq

8、uality engineering質(zhì)量工程人員質(zhì)量保證類FAIfirst article inspection新品首件檢查FAAfirst article assurance首件確認CPcapability index能力指數(shù)CPKcapability process index模具制程能力參數(shù)SSQAstandardized supplier quality audit合格供貨商質(zhì)量評估FMEAfailure model effectiveness analysis失效模式分析FQC 運作類AQLAcceptable Quality Level運作類允收質(zhì)量水平S/SSample size

9、抽樣檢驗樣本大小ACCAccept允收REEReject拒收CRCritical極嚴重的MAJMajor主要的MINMinor輕微的Q/R/SQuality/Reliability/Service質(zhì)量 / 可靠度 /服務(wù)P/NPart Number料號L/NLot Number批號AODAccept On Deviation特采UAIUse As It特采FPIRFirst Piece Inspection Report首件檢查報告PPMPercent Per Million百萬分之一制程統(tǒng)計品管專類SPCStatistical Process Control統(tǒng)計制程管制SQCStatisti

10、cal Quality Control統(tǒng)計質(zhì)量管理GRRGauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability量具之再制性及重測性判斷量可靠與否DIMDimension尺寸DIADiameter直徑NNumber樣品數(shù)其它質(zhì)量術(shù)語類QITQuality Improvement Team質(zhì)量改善小組ZDZero Defect零缺點QIQuality Improvement質(zhì)量改善QPQuality Policy目標方針TQMTotal Quality Management全面質(zhì)量管理RMAReturn Material Audit退料認可7QCTools7 Quality

11、Control Tools品管七大手法通用之件ECNEngineering Change Notice工程變更通知(供貨商)ECOEngineering Change Order工程改動要求(客戶 )PCNProcess Change Notice工序改動通知PMPProduct Management Plan生產(chǎn)管制計劃SIPStandard Inspection Procedure制程檢驗標準程序SOPStandard Operation Procedure制造作業(yè)規(guī)范ISInspection Specification成品檢驗規(guī)范BOMBill Of Material物料清單PSPack

12、age Specification包裝規(guī)范SPECSpecification規(guī)格DWGDrawing圖面系統(tǒng)文件ESEngineering Standard工程標準CGOOChina GeneralPCE 龍華廠文件IWSInternational Workman Standard工藝標準ISOInternational Standard Organization國際標準化組織GSGeneral Specification一般規(guī)格部PMCProduction & Material Control生產(chǎn)和物料控制PCCProduct control center生產(chǎn)管制中心PPCProductio

13、n Plan Control生產(chǎn)計劃控制MCMaterial Control物料控制DCDocument Center資料中心QEQuality Engineering質(zhì)量工程(部)QAQuality Assurance質(zhì)量保證(處)QCQuality Control質(zhì)量管理(課)PDProduct Department生產(chǎn)部LABLaboratory實驗室IEIndustrial Engineering工業(yè)工程R&DResearch & Design設(shè)計開發(fā)部生產(chǎn)PCsPieces個(根,塊等 )PRSPairs雙(對等 )CTNCarton卡通箱PALPallet/skid棧板POPurc

14、hasing Order采購訂單MOManufacture Order生產(chǎn)單D/CDate Code生產(chǎn)日期碼ID/CIdentification Code(供貨商 )識別碼SWRSpecial Work Request特殊工作需求L/NLot Number批號P/NPart Number料號OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacture原設(shè)備制造PCPersonal Computer個人計算機CPUCentral Processing Unit中央處理器A.S.A.PAs Soon As Possible盡可能快的E-MAILElectrical-Mail電子郵件N/AN

15、ot Applicable不適用QTYQuantity數(shù)量I/Oinput/output輸入 / 輸出NGNot Good不行 ,不合格C=0Critical=0極嚴重不允許APPApprove核準 ,認可 ,承認CHKCheck確認ASSYAssembly裝配 ,組裝T/PTrue Position真位度5WIHWhen, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6MMan, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTHMan, Material, Money, Method, Time, How人力 ,物力 ,財務(wù)

16、 ,技術(shù) ,時間 (資源 )SQAStrategy Quality Assurance策略質(zhì)量保證DQADesign Quality Assurance設(shè)計質(zhì)量保證MQAManufacture Quality Assurance制造質(zhì)量保證SSQASales and service Quality Assurance銷售及服務(wù)質(zhì)量保證LRRLot Reject Rate批退率SPSSwitching power supply電源箱DTDesk Top臥式 (機箱 )MTMini-Tower立式 (機箱 )DVDDigital Video DiskVCDVideo Compact DiskLCD

17、Liquid Crystal DisplayCADComputer Aided DesignCAMComputer Aided ManufacturingCAEComputer Aided EngineeringPCBPrinted Circuit Board印刷電路板CARCorrection Action Report改善報告NGNot Good不良WDRWeekly Delivery Requirement周出貨要求PPMPercent Per MillionTPMTotal Production MaintenanceMRPMaterial Requirement PlanningOS

18、Operation SystemTBATo Be AssuredD/CDrawing ChangeP/PPlans & ProcedureEMIElectrical-Music IndustryElectrical Magnetic Interference RFIRead Frequency InputMMCMaximum Material ConditionMMSMaximum Material SizeLMCLeast Material ConditionLMSLeast Material SizeLEDlighting-emitting diode 發(fā)光二極管QBRQuarter Bu

19、siness RecordCIPContinuous improvement processFGIForecasted Goal InventoryCNCComputerized numeral controllerB2CBusiness to customerB2BBusiness to businessAVLApproved vendor listPOPProcedure of packagingEOLEnd of lifeVDCS Vender defect correcting sheet PDCSProcess defect correcting sheetGRNGoods rece

20、iving noteA/RAccounting receivableA/PAccounting payableline leader 線長 supervisor 課長 responsible departmen預(yù)責(zé)單位 Human Resources Department 人力資源部Head count 人頭數(shù)production department 生產(chǎn)部門planning department 企戈 部QC Section 品管課stamping factory 沖壓廠百萬分之一全面生產(chǎn)保養(yǎng)物料需計劃操作系統(tǒng)待定 ,定缺電子音樂工業(yè) 電子干擾讀頻輸入painting factory 烤漆

21、廠molding factory 成型廠administration/general affairsdept./總務(wù)部production unit 生產(chǎn)單位meeting minutes 會議記錄distribution department 分發(fā)單位subject 主題conclusion 結(jié)論decision items 決議事項三 :專業(yè)詞匯 通用類 president 董事長 operator作業(yè)員 position 職務(wù) general manager 總經(jīng)理 special assistant 特助 deputy manager |depjuti| =vice manager 副

22、理 deputy supervisor =vice supervisor 副課長 group leader 組長pre-fixed finishing date 預(yù)定完成 日Hood 上蓋broom掃把Color management 顏色管理base pan 基座mop拖把Visual management 目視管理bezel面板vacuum cleaner# 塵器production capacity 生產(chǎn)力riser card J 充卡rag抹布first count 初盤flat cable 排線garbage containers(first check初盤復(fù)棹TOP driver

23、cage 上磁架garbage can圾箱second count 復(fù)盤bottom driver cage 下磁架garbage bag圾袋second check 盤復(fù)核resin film樹脂膜liaison聯(lián)絡(luò)單quantity of physical inventoryraw materials 原料rags抹布second count復(fù)盤點數(shù)量materials 物料lamp holder 燈架physical inventory 盤點數(shù)量steel plate 車風(fēng)板to mop the floor 拖地physical count quantity 賬卸數(shù)量roll/coil

24、materialto clean a table 擦桌子difference quantity 差異量spare parts =buffer備品air pipe 氣管spare parts physical inventoryplastic parts 塑料件delivery deadline 交貨期list備品盤點清單sheet metal parts/stamping partsdie worker 模工cause analysi既因分析沖件production, to produce 生產(chǎn)waste materials 廢料material check list 物料檢查表equipme

25、nt 設(shè)備description 品名finished product 成品resistance 電阻specification 規(guī)格semi-finished product 半成品beacon警示燈model機種good product/accepted goods/coolant冷卻液work order 工令accepted parts/good part夏品crusher破碎機revision 版次defective product/non-goodclub car圖小大球車remark 備注 registration 登t己parts不良品plate電鍍registration c

26、ard 登 t 己卡disposed good瓢理品power button電源按鍵to control 管制warehouse/hubr 庫reset button 重置鍵apacking material 包材forklift 叉車ponsume, consumptio甯肖耗basket蝴蝶竺Workshop traveler 天車po notify 通知plastic basket膠筐trailer =long vehicle 拖板車to fill in 填寫flow chart流程窗體Hydraulic trolley 手壓布to collect, to gather 收集produc

27、tion tempo生產(chǎn)進度現(xiàn)狀hydraulic hand jack 油壓板車statistics 統(tǒng)計lots of production 生產(chǎn)批量casing = containerization 裝箱cosmetic inspection standardmanufacture procedure制程velocity 速度外觀檢驗規(guī)范to revise, modify 修訂patent專禾computer case計算機外殼(組to switch over to, switchto,coordinate 坐標件)switching over 切換supply and demandftp

28、ersonal computer enclosureengineering bottleneck, projectcareer cardMltH計算機機箱產(chǎn)品difficulty工程瓶頸barricade 隔板front plate 前板glove(s)手套carton box 紙箱oear plate 后板gto pull and stretch 拉深chassis |T ? si| 基座Band-Aid創(chuàng)可貼work cell/work shop 工作問mezel panel 面板industrial alcohol 工業(yè)酒精sub-line 支線bottleneck 瓶頸 fveo(模具

29、工程類plain die 簡易模pierce die 沖孔模forming die 成型模progressive die 連續(xù)模 stage die工程模 compound die 復(fù)合模 shearing die 剪邊模 riveting die 鉚合模 feature die 公母模 male die 公模 female die 母模 cavity 型控 母模 core模心公模 die change 換模 to fix a die 裝模 to repair a die 修模 punch set上模座 punch pad上墊板 punch holder 上夾板 stripper pad脫料背

30、板 up stripper上脫料板 upper plate 上模板 lower plate 下模板 die pad下墊板 die holder下夾板 die set 下模座 bottom block 下墊腳 bottom plate下托板(底板) upper supporting blank 上承板 upper padding plate blank 墊板 top plate上托板(頂板) top block 上墊腳 stripping plate 內(nèi)外打(脫料板)outer stripper 外脫料板 inner stripper 內(nèi)脫料板 lower stripper 下脫料板 punch

31、 沖頭insert 入塊 (嵌入件)deburring punch壓毛邊沖子 groove punch壓線沖子 stamped punc竹模沖子round punch 圓沖子special shape punch# 形沖子bending block 折刀roller 滾軸baffle plate 擋塊located block 定位塊supporting block for location定位支承塊air cushion plate 氣墊板 air-cushion eject-rod 氣墊頂桿 trimming punch 切邊沖子stiffening rib punch = stinger

32、加強筋沖子ribbon punch 壓筋沖子reel-stretch punch卷圓壓平?jīng)_子guide plate 定位板sliding block 滑塊sliding dowel block 滑塊固定塊die locker 鎖模器pressure plate =plate pinchffi 板 thickness gauge厚薄規(guī) cutting die, blanking die 沖裁模die block 模塊folded block 折彎塊sliding block 滑塊location pin 定位銷lifting pin 頂料銷die plate, front board 模板pad

33、ding block 墊塊stepping bar 墊條panel board 鑲塊to load a die裝上模具to unload a die 御模具active plate 活動板lower sliding plate 下滑塊板upper holder block 上壓塊upper mid plate 上中間板spring box 彈簧箱spring-box eject-rod 彈簧箱頂桿spring-box eject-plate 彈簧箱頂板 bushing block 襯套cover plate 蓋板guide pad導(dǎo)料塊pilot 導(dǎo)正筒trim 剪外邊pierce 剪內(nèi)邊po

34、cket for the punch hea卅鉤槽slug hole廢料孔radius半徑shim/wedge/heel/pad/spacer/gas ket 楔子torch-flame cut 火焰切割 set screw止付螺絲form block 折刀round pierce punch =die button圓沖子shape punch =die inse曲形子stock located block定位塊metal plate 鉞金miller 銑床grinder 磨床tolerance 公差score =groove 壓線sliding block 滑塊 lathe 車active

35、plate 活動板baffle plate 擋塊cover plate 蓋板groove punch壓線沖子 air-cushion eject-rod 氣墊頂桿 spring-box eject-plate 彈簧箱頂板capability 能力parameter 參數(shù)factor 系數(shù)driller 鉆床 set up die 架模height of die setting up 架模高度analog-mode device 類模器inner guiding post 內(nèi)導(dǎo)柱inner hexagon screw 內(nèi)六角螺車丁dowel pin 固定銷coil spring 彈簧lifter

36、 pin 頂料銷eq-height sleeves =spoo等高套筒pin 銷lifter guide pin 浮升導(dǎo)料銷guide pin 導(dǎo)正銷wire spring 圓線彈簧outer guiding post 外導(dǎo)柱stop screw 止付螺絲located pin 定位銷outer bush外導(dǎo)套press specification 沖床規(guī)格die height 閉模高度flow mark 流痕welding mark 溶合痕post screw insert螺紋套筒埋值self tapping screw 自攻螺絲stripper plate 脫料板piston 活塞hand

37、le mold 手持式模具flash mold 溢流式模具positive mold 擠壓式模具split mold 分割式模具die lifter 舉模器top stop 上死點bottom stop 下死點one stroke 一行程to continue, cont 連動沖壓類punch, press 沖punching machine 沖床hydraulic machine 油壓機jack 升降機decoiler 整平機manufacture management 制造管理stamping, press?中壓成型類well type 蓄料井insulated runner絕緣澆道方式h

38、ot runner熱澆道runner plat 澆道模塊valve gate 閥門澆口band heate壞帶狀的電熱器to grip(material) 吸料location lump, locating piece, location block 定位塊reset復(fù)位to file burr 銼毛刺embedded lump |inbed| |lmp|鑲塊stamping-missing 漏沖to tight a bolt 擰緊螺栓to loosen a bolt 擰松螺栓 punched hole 沖孔to cut edge =side cut =side scrap切邊to bendi

39、ng 折彎to pull, to stretch 拉伸 engraving, to engraved ER stamping 油印to stake 鉚合designing, to design 設(shè)計design modification設(shè)計修改成gauge(or jig)治具pedal 踩踏板stopper 阻擋器flow board 流水板torque 扭矩spline =the multiple keys 花鍵feeder送料機rack, shelf, stack 料架taker取料機to reverse material 翻料to load material 上料to unload ma

40、terial 卸料to return material/stock to 退料spindle 閥針spear head尖頭slag well 冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent 排氣道welding line 熔合痕quenching 淬火tempering 回火 annealing 退火 carbonization 碳化 alloy 合金tungsten high speed steel 鴇高速的 moly high speed stee作目高速 的 forming 成型 (抽凸,沖凸 )draw hole 抽孔 bending 折彎emboss凸點dome 凸圓semi-she

41、aring 半剪 stamp mark沖記號 deburr or coin 壓毛邊 punch riveting 沖壓鉚合 side stretch側(cè)沖壓平 reel stretch卷圓壓平groove 壓線stamp letter 沖字(料號) tick-mark nearside 正面壓印 tick-mark farside 反面壓印 extension DWG 展開圖 procedure DWG 工程圖die structure DWG 模具結(jié)構(gòu)圖scraped |sk? pid|報廢 scrape .用 刑 robot 機械手production lin e 流水線 packaging

42、 tool 打包機 packaging 打包eject pin 頂出針 knock pin 頂出銷 return pin 回位銷反頂針 sleeve套筒 stripper plate 脫料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate 澆道脫料板guide pin 導(dǎo)銷eject rod (bar)(成型機)頂業(yè)捧 subzero深冷處理three plate三極式模具runner system澆道系統(tǒng)stress crack 力電裂orientation 定向sprue gatel寸料澆口,直澆口nozzle 射嘴sprue lock pin 料頭鉤銷(拉料桿)s

43、lag well 冷料井side gate側(cè)澆口edge gate 緣澆口tab gate搭接澆口組裝類Assembly line 組裝線Layout 布置圖Conveyer流水線運輸帶Rivet machine 拉車丁機Rivet gun 拉釘槍Screw driver 起子Electric screw driver 電動起子Hydraulic machine 液壓機Pnautomation 自動化eo stake, staking, riveting 怫合uadd lubricant oil 加潤滑油amrgon welding 氬焊acylinder 油缸trobot 機械手iconve

44、ying belt 輸送帶烤漆類phosphate皮膜化成sviscosity 涂料粘度calkalidipping 脫脂rmain manifold 主集流脈eorganic solvent 有機溶劑demagnetization 去磁;消磁high-speed transmission 高速傳遞heat dissipation 熱傳rack 上料film gate 薄膜澆口flash gate 閘門澆口slit gate 縫隙澆口 fan gate 扇形澆口 dish gate因盤形澆口 diaphragm gate 隔膜澆口 ring gate環(huán)形澆口 submarine gate 潛入

45、式澆口 tunnel gate 隧道式澆口pin gate 針點澆口runner less 無澆道sprue less 無射料管方式long nozzle延長噴嘴方式spur澆口 ;溶 waste廢料transmission rack 輸送架to draw holes 抽孔bolt 螺栓 nut 螺母 screw 螺絲 identification tag 標示單 screwdriver plug 起子插座 automatic screwdriver 電動啟子to move, to carry, to handle搬運 be put in storage入庫 packing 包裝staker

46、= riveting machine 鐘合機 fit together 組裝在一起fasten 鎖緊 (螺絲 ) fixture 夾具 (治具 ) pallet/skid 棧板volatile 揮發(fā)性degreasel兌月旨rinse水洗alkaline etch 齡咬 desmot剝黑膜D.I. rinse 純水次Chromate銘酸處理Anodize 陽性處理 seal 封孔board 廣告牌sliding rack 滑料架to impose lines 壓線to compress, compressings 縮 character die 字模to feed, feeding 送料mat

47、erial change, stock change材料變更feature change 特性變更prepare for, make preparations for準備rotating speed, revolution 轉(zhuǎn)速 abnormal handling 異常處理barcode 條形碼barcode scanner 條形碼掃描儀fuse together 熔合fuse machine/heat stakes熔機 processing, to proces咖工 delivery, to deliver 交貨to return delivery to. to send deasily d

48、amaged parts1/損件 lstandard parts 標準件 ito lubricate 潤滑vspring 彈簧epare tools location/buffer 手工 給品倉spare molds location 模具備品倉 tox machine 自鉚機bacraped products報放品 disposed products理品 dismantle the die 折模 auxiliary function 輔助功能 theater band 加熱片tohermocouple 熱電偶derusting machine 除銹機 rdegate 打澆口edryer 烘干機tinduction 感應(yīng)induction light 感應(yīng)光response =reaction =interaction 感應(yīng)ram 連桿edge finder 巡邊器concave 凸convex 凹品質(zhì)類qualified products, up-to-gradeproducts 良品defective product


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