1、Greek CultureI. Fill in the blanks:1. European culture is made up of many elements, two of these elements are considered to be more enduring and they are the Greco-Roman(希臘羅馬的) element and the Judeo-Christian (猶太教與基督教的)element.2. Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century.3
2、. In the second half of the 4th century B. C., all Greece was brought under the rule of Alexander, king of Macedon.4. In 146 B. C. the Romans conquered Greece.5. Revived in 1896, the Olympic Games have become the worlds foremost amateur sports competition.6. Ancient Greeks considered Homer to be the
3、 author of their epics.7. The Homer's epics consisted of_ Iliad and Odyssey . 8. The Iliad deals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece, led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy.9. The Odyssey deals with the return of Odysseus after the Trojan war to his
4、 home, island of Ithaca.10. The representation form of Greek Democracy is _ citizen-assembly._(公民大會)11. Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece, two are still admired by readers today: Sappho and Pindar.12. Sappho was considered the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece.13. Pindar is best kn
5、own for his odes celebrating the victories at the athletic games, such as the 14 Olympic odes.14. The three great tragic dramatists of ancient Greece are Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.15. Aeschylus wrote such plays as Prometheus Bound, Persians and Agamemnon.16. Sophocles wrote such tragic pla
6、ys as Oedipus the King(俄狄浦斯王), Electra(伊萊克特拉(謀殺其母及其情人者), and Antigone. Oedipus complex(戀母情結(jié))and Electra complex(戀父情結(jié)) derived from Sophocles plays.17. Euripides(歐里庇得斯) wrote mainly about women in such plays as Andromache, Media, and Trojan Women.18. Comedy also flourished in the 5th century B. C. It
7、s best writer was Aristophanes, who has left eleven plays, including Frogs, Clouds, Wasps and Birds.19. Euripides _ is the first writer of "problem plays". 20. Herodotus(希羅多德) is often called “Father of History”. He wrote about the wars between Greeks and Persians.21. Thucydides(修西得底斯) des
8、cribed the war between Athens and Sparta and between Athens and Syracuse, a Greek state on the Island of Sicily.22. Pythagoras(畢達哥拉斯) was a bold thinker who had the idea that all things were numbers.23. Pythagoras was the founder of scientific mathematics.24. Heracleitus(赫拉克利特) believed fire to the
9、primary element of the universe, out of which everything else had arisen.25. The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.26. In the 4th century B. C., four schools of philosophers often argued with each other, they are the Cynics(犬儒學(xué)派), the Sceptics(懷疑論學(xué)派), the Epicur
10、eans(伊壁鳩魯學(xué)派), and the Stoics(斯多葛學(xué)派).27. Euclid(歐幾里得) is well-known for his Elements幾何原本, a textbook of geometry.28. To illustrate the principle of the level, Archimedes is said to have told the king: “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.”29. Greek architecture can be grouped into thr
11、ee styles: the Doric(多利安式)style which is also called the masculine style; the Ionic(愛奧尼亞式) style which is also called the feminine style; and a later style that is called the Corinthian(科林斯式) style.30. The Acropolis at Athens(雅典衛(wèi)城) and the Parthenon(萬神殿) are the finest monument of Greek architecture
12、 and sculpture in more than 2000 years.II. Choice1. Which culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B. C.?A. Greek Culture B. Roman CultureC. Egyptian Culture D. Chinese Culture2. In _ the Roman conquered Greece.A.1200 B. C. B.700 B. C.C.146 B. C. D. The 5th century3. Which of t
13、he following works described the war led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy?A. Oedipus the King B. IliadC. Odyssey D. Antigone4. Which of the following is NOT the plays written by Aeschylus?A. Antigone B. AgamemnonC. Persians D. Prometheus Bound5. Which of the following is NOT the plays written b
14、y Sophocles?A.Electra B.AntigoneC.Trojan Woman D.Oedipus the King6. Which of the following is the play written by Euripides?A.Antigone B PersiansC Electra D Medea7. Which of the following is NOT the greatest tragic dramatist of ancient Greece?A Aristophanes B EuripidesC Sophocles D Aeschylus8. Who e
15、ver said that “You can not step twice into the same river”?A Pythagoras B HeracleitusC Aristotle9. Who was the founder of scientific mathematics?A Heracleitus B AristotleC Socrates D Pythagoras10. Who is chiefly noted for his doctrine that “man is the measure of all things”?A Protagoras B Pythagoras
16、C Pyrrhon D EpicurusIII. Interpretation: 1. PlatoPlato was a very famous philosopher of ancient Greece, pupil of Socrates. Plato built up a comprehensive system of philosophy. He argued that men have knowledge because of the existence of certain general “ideas”, like beauty, truth and goodness. Only
17、 these “ideas” are completely real, while the physical world is only relatively real. For this reason, Platos philosophy is called Idealism, and Plato was called idealist.2. "Democracy" in ancient Greece 1)Democracy means "exercise of power by the whole people", but in Greece by
18、"the whole people" the Greeks meant only the adult male citizens. 2) Women, children, foreigners and slaves were excluded from Democracy. IV. Questions: 1. How did the Greek Culture originate and develop? 1) Probably around 1200 B.C., a war was fought between Greece and troy. This is the w
19、ar that Homer refers to in his epics. 2) Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C. A. The successful repulse(擊退) of the Persian invasion early in the 5th century. B. The establishment of democracy. C. The flourishing of science, philosophy, literature, art and histori
20、cal writing in Athens. 3) The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta. 4) In the second half of the 4th century B.C., Greece was conquered by Alexander, king of Macedon. Whenever he went and conquered, whenever Greek culture was found. 5) Melting between Greek culture and Roman c
21、ulture in 146 B.C., the Romans conquered Greece. 2. What is the great significance of Greek Culture on the later-on cultural development? There has been an enduring excitement about classical Greek culture in Europe and elsewhere rediscovery of Greek culture played a vital part in the Renaissance in
22、 Italy and other European countries. 1) Spirit of innovation The Greek people invented mathematics and science and philosophy; They first wrote history as opposed to mere annals; They speculated freely about the nature of the world and the ends of life, without being bound in the fetters(束縛) of any
23、inherited orthodoxy(正統(tǒng)的實踐活動、風(fēng)俗或信仰). 2) Supreme Achievement The Greeks achieved supreme achievements in nearly all fields of human endeavor: Philosophy, science, epic poetry, comedy, historical writing, architecture, etc. 3) Lasting effect A. Countless writers have quoted, borrowed from and otherwise
24、 used Homer's epics, the tragedies of Aeschylus and Sophocles and Euripides, Aristophanes' comedies, Plato's Dialogues, ect. B. In the early part of the 19th century, in England alone, three young Romantic poets expressed their admiration of Greek culture in works which have themselves b
25、ecome classics: Byron(拜倫)'s Isles of Greece(哀希臘), Shelley(雪萊)'s Hellas and Prometheus Unbound(解放了的普羅米修斯)and Keats(濟慈)'s Ode on a Grecian Urn(希臘古甕). C. In the 20th century, there are Homeric parallels in the Irishman James Joyce(喬伊斯)'s modernist masterpiece Ulysses. Roman Culture 1I.
26、Fill in the blanks.1. The burning of Corinth in 146 B. C. marked Roman conquest of Greece, which was then reduced to a province of the Roman Empire.2. The Roman writer Horace said: “Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive”.(大意是:征服者反而被被征服者所征服。) 3.In 27 B. C. Octavius(屋大維)took supreme power as
27、emperor with the title of Augustus(奧古斯都).4.The Romans enjoyed a long period of peace lasting two hundred years, a remarkable phenomenon in history known as the Pax Romana(羅馬的和平).5.In the 4th century, the emperor Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, renamed it Constantinople ( modern
28、 Istanbul ).6.In 476 the last emperor of the west was deposed by the Goths(哥特人) and marked the end of the West Roman Empire.7.The East Roman Empire collapsed when Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.8.Julius Caesar recorded what he did and saw in the various military campaigns he took part in a
29、nd these writings, collected in his Commentaries(高盧戰(zhàn)記), are models of succinct Latin.9.Virgil was the greatest of Latin poets and wrote the great epic, the Aeneid.10.The Pantheon is the greatest and the best preserved Roman temple, which was built in 27 B. C. And reconstructed in the 2th century A.
30、D.11. She-wolf is the statue which illustrates the legend of creation of Roman.II. Choice1. Who wrote, “I came, I saw, I conquered”?A. HoraceB. Julius CaesarC. VirgilD. Marcus Tullius Cicero2. The author of the philosophical poem On the Nature of Things(物性論) is _.A. VirgilB. Julius CaesarC. HoraceD.
31、 Lucretius(盧克萊修:羅馬哲學(xué)家、詩人)3.Which of the following is not Roman architecture?A. The ColosseumB. The PanthenonC. The Parthenon(巴特農(nóng)神廟)D. Pont du Gard(加德橋引水渠)Roman Culture 2I. Fill in the blanks. 1. The dividing range in the Roman history refers to _. 27 B.C. 2. "I came, I saw, I conquered." B
32、y _. Julius Caesar II.True or false statements 1. Euclid says "Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world". (×) Archimedes 2. Herodotus's historical writing is on the war between Athens and Sparta. (×) Greeks and Persians III. Interpretation 1. Pax Romana ( 羅馬的和平)In
33、the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions(羅馬軍團), it was known as Pax Romana IV. Questions IV. Questions 1. What is the similarity and difference between Greek culture and Roman culture 1) similarities: A. Both peoples had traditions r
34、ooted in the idea of the citizen-assembly. B. Their religions were alike enough for most of their deities to be readily identified, and their myths to be fused. C. Their languages worked in similar ways, both being members of the Indo-European language family. 2) differences: A. The Romans built up
35、a vast empire; the Greeks didn't, except for the brief moment of Alexander's conquests, which soon disintegrated. B. The Romans were confident in their own organizational power, their military and administrative capabilities. 2. What is the Rome historical background? 1) The history of Rome
36、divided into two periods: Before the year 27 B.C., Rome had been a republic; from the year 27 B.C., Octavius took supreme power as emperor with the title of Augustus and Roman Empire began. 2) Two centuries later, the Roman Empire reached its climax, marked by land area's extension: Encircling t
37、he Mediterranean. 3) Strong military power: the famous Roman legions(羅馬軍團). 4) In the Roman history, there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions, it was known as Pax Romana. 5) Another important contribution made by the Romans to European culture was Roma
38、n Law. 6) The empire began to decline in the 3rd century. A. In the 4th century the emperor Constantine (君士坦丁大帝) moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium(拜占庭). Renamed it Constantinople (modern Istanbul土耳其伊斯坦布爾). B. After 395, the empire was divided into East (The Byzantine Empire) and West C. In 47
39、6 the last emperor of the West was deposed by Goths and this marked the end of the West Roman Empire. D. The East Roman Empire collapsed when Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453. The Bible and ChristianityThe Old Testament Fill in the blanks:1. Among all the religions by which people seek to wo
40、rship, Christianity is by far the most influential in the West.2. Both Judaism and Christianity originated in Palestine the hub of migration and trade routes, which led to exchange of ideas over wide areas.3. Some 3800 years ago the ancestors of the Jews the Hebrews(希伯來人) wandered through the desert
41、s of the Middle East.4. About 1300 B.C., the Hebrews came to settle in Palestine, known as Canaan at that time, and formed small kingdoms.a) Canaan:迦南 (圣經(jīng)故事中稱其為上帝賜給以色列人祖先的"應(yīng)許之地",是巴勒斯坦,敘利亞和黎巴嫩等地的古稱)5. The king of the Hebrews was handed down orally from one generation to another in the form
42、of folktales and stories, which were recorded later in the Old Testament.6. The Bible is a collection of religious writings comprising two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament.7. The old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are first five books, called Pen
43、tateuch(摩西五書).8. When the Hebrews left the desert and entered the mountainous Sinai, Moses climbed to the top of the mountain to receive from God message, which came to be known as the Ten Commandments.9. Chronologically Amos is the earliest prophet in the Old Testament.a) Amos:阿摩司(前八世紀的希伯來先知)10. In
44、 Babylon in the 6th century B.C., the Hebrews, now known as Jews, formed synagogues to practice their religion.11. At the age of 30, Jesus received the baptism at the hands of John Baptist.12. Jesus spent most of his life in Galilee, where he apparently made a sensation.a) Galilee:加利利(巴勒斯坦北部一多山地區(qū))13
45、. Jesus of Nazareth((巴勒斯坦地區(qū)北部古城)拿撒勒) lived in Palestine during the reign of the first Roman Emperor Augustus.14. Jesus went with his disciples to Jerusalem for the Passover, but was betrayed by Judas.15. In 313 the Edict of Milan(米蘭敕令) was issued by Constantine I and granted religious freedom to all
46、 and made Christianity legal.16. In 392 A.D, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religions of the empire and outlawed all other religions.17. After Jesus died, St. Peter and St. Paul led the disciples of Jesus to spread gospel in the Mediterranean regions.18. By 300 A.D. each local chu
47、rch was called a parish(教區(qū)) and had a full time leader known as priest.19. Towards the end of the fourth century four accounts were accepted as part of the New Testament, which tells the beginning of Christianity.20. When as Jesus mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she wa
48、s found with child of the Holy Ghost21. Jesus went with his disciples to Jerusalem for the Passover(逾越節(jié)), but was betrayed by Judas and caught at the Last Supper.22. Christianityis by far the most influential in the West. 23. The Hebrews history was recorded in _ The Old Testament of the Bible. 24.
49、The New Testament is about the doctrine of Jesus Christ. 25. The story about God's flooding to the human being and only good-virtue being saved was recorded in Genesis, Pentateuch, the Old Testament, the Bible, which was known as Noah's Ark. 26. The Birth of Jesus was recorded in Matthew(馬太福
50、音). 27. The story about Jesus being pinned in the cross to death was known as The Last Supper. 28. The first English version of whole Bible was translated from the Latin Vulgate in 1382 and was copied out by hand by the early group of reformers led by John Wycliff. II Choice:1. Which of the followin
51、g is by far the most influential in the West?_A. Buddism B. Islamism C. Christianity D. Judaism2. The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of which are the first five books, called _.A. Exodus B. Commandments C. Amos D. Pentaeuch(摩西五書)3. Which of the following is NOT the
52、 content of the Ten Commandments?_A. Honour your father and your motherB. Do not commit suicideC. Do not desire your neighbours wifeD. Do not take the name of God in vain4. When in Babylon the Hebrews formed synagogues to practise their religion? _A. in 169 B.C. B. in the 4th centuryC. in 76 B.C. D.
53、 in the 6th century5. After the _ century Nestorianism reached China.A. sixth B. fifth C. second D. third(Nestorianism: 聶斯托里教;景教: 5世紀君士坦丁大主教 Nestorius 創(chuàng)立的) 6. Which of the following emperors made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other religions? _A. Theodosius B. Aug
54、ustus C. Constantine I D. Nero Caesar7. Which of the following emperors issued the Edict of Milan and made Christianity legal in 313? _A. Augustus B. Thedosius C. Nero D. Constantine I8. At the age of 30, Jesus Christ received the baptism at the hands of _.A. St. Peter B. St. Paul C. John Baptist D.
55、 John Wycliff9. By 1693, the whole of the Bible had been translated in _languages.A. 228 B. 974 C. 1202 D. 15410. The oldest extant Greek translation of the Old Testament is known as _.A. the Latin Vulgate B. the AristeasC. the “Authorized” D. the Septuagint()舊約圣經(jīng)的希臘文譯本)11. When printing was invente
56、d in the 1500s, the _ Bible was the first complete work printed.A. English B. Latin C. Aramaic D. Hebrew12. When did the standard American edition of the Revised Version appear? _A. 1885 B. 1611 C. 1901 D. 1979III. Interpretation: 1. The Old Testament The Bible was divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of God. The word "Testament" means "agreement", the agreement between God and Man. 2. Pentateuch The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important o
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