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1、第一頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。1 There is a bird in the sky.2 There is some milk in the bottle. 3 There is some bread on the desk.4 There are some cars on the bridge.將下列(xili)句子變?yōu)榉穸ň銽here isnt a bird in the sky.There isnt any milk in the bottle.There isnt any bread on the desk.There arent any cars on the bridge.第二頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。

2、1 There is a bird in the sky.2 There is some milk in the bottle. 3 There is some bread on the desk.4 There are some cars on the bridge.將下列句子(j zi)變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句Is there a bird in the sky?Is there any milk in the bottle?Is there any bread on the desk?Are there any cars on the bridge?第三頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。第四頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。第五頁(yè),共6

3、3頁(yè)。Free Talk How to make the tea? What must I do at first?第六頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Step 1 Before making the teateakettleteapottea cups第七頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Step 2 Boil the waterDont over-boil it!第八頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。The kettle is boiling!put the kettle on the gas cookerwait ten minutesstep1step2step3第九頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Step 3 Shower them第十頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Step

4、 4 Put tea into itfill half of the teapot with tea leaves第十一頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Step 6 Fill up the teapot Fill up the pot with boiling waterWait for a little while again第十二頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。OK!第十三頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Story time第十四頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。 A story about Making tea 第十五頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Hurry up!Lesson 43第十六頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。第十七頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。/水壺(shu h)/茶壺(ch h)第十八頁(yè),共63

5、頁(yè)。boil/ /煮沸第十九頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。boil v.沸騰(fitng),開(kāi) What are you doing? I am boiling the eggs. boiling adj.正在沸騰(fitng)的 The boiling water. 沸騰(fitng)的水 boiled adj.煮過(guò)的 The boiled water. 已經(jīng)燒開(kāi)的水第二十頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。/1 of course /- /當(dāng)然(dngrn)2behind/在3 now現(xiàn)在(xinzi),此刻4 find/找到第二十一頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。 translation 當(dāng)然 水壺(shu h) 茶壺 在后面 現(xiàn)在 找到 沸

6、騰of courseskettleteapotbehindnowfindboil第二十二頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。 Listen to the tape and then answer these questions.第二十三頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。1 Can Sam make the tea?Yes, he can.2 Where is the tea?Its behind the teapot.3 Are there any cups in the cupboard?Yes, there are.4 Whats the matter with the kettle now?Its boiling.第二十四頁(yè),共

7、63頁(yè)。Listening and imitation第二十五頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Yes ,of course I can,Penny.第二十六頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Yes ,there is.第二十七頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Its over there,behind the teapot.第二十八頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。I can see the teapot,but I cant see the tea.第二十九頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。There it is!Ah yes,I can see it now.第三十頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Where are the cups?cupboard第三十一頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。PENNY:Can you fi

8、nd them?第三十二頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Hurry up,Sam!第三十三頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。第三十四頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。1 Can you make the tea , Sam? (P1)Yes, of course I can. (P1) Can you see it? (P4)I can see the teapot. (P4) I can see it now. (P5) Can you find them? (P7) I cant see the tea. (P4)第三十五頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。將句子(j zi)進(jìn)行分類(lèi)肯定句can 后面動(dòng)詞(dngc)的形式是什么?I can see the teapo

9、t. (P4)I can see it now. (P5)原形(yunxng)can后加動(dòng)詞的第三十六頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。否定句I cant see the tea. (P4)can如何(rh)變?yōu)榉穸ㄐ问??can后面(hu mian)加notcan not=cant第三十七頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。一般(ybn)疑問(wèn)句Can you make the tea , Sam? (P1)Can you see it? (P4)Can you find them? (P7) can所在的句子如何(rh)變?yōu)橐话阋蓡?wèn)句?將can由句中提到(t do)句首第三十八頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Yes, of course I can.

10、(P1) 肯定(kndng)回答:can所引導(dǎo)的句子如何做肯定與否定(fudng)回答?用什么(shn me)提問(wèn)用什么(shn me)回答否定回答:No,I cant.第三十九頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。can的用法(yn f)1 can是情態(tài)(qngti)動(dòng)詞2 can后接動(dòng)詞(dngc)的原形3 否定形式在can后加not, 縮寫(xiě)為 cant4 疑問(wèn)形式把can由句中提到句首5 用什么提問(wèn)有什么回答第四十頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。1 She can her book. A finding B finds C find D to find2 They can swim in the water.(否定句) They

11、 in the water.3 Tom can read the book.一般疑問(wèn)句 Tom the book?肯定回答(hud) ,he .否定回答(hud) , he . CcantswimCanreadYescanNocant第四十一頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。2 Is there any water in this bottle? (P2)be 的使用(shyng)第四十二頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。beisare名詞(mng c)說(shuō)算可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)(dnsh)不可數(shù)名詞量詞(lingc)說(shuō)算單數(shù)量詞名詞說(shuō)算可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)量詞說(shuō)算復(fù)數(shù)量詞第四十三頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。1 There a piece of cheese in

12、 the bag. A am B is C are2 There a bar of soap in the bag. A am B is C are3 There two loaves of bread in the bag. A am B is C are4 There three bottles of milk in the bag.A am B is C areBBCC第四十四頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Its over there. (P3)over there 在那里(n li)Eg:Look! My mother is over there.第四十五頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。1 There is a car

13、 the building.2 Lucy is sitting the car.A in front of B in the front of ABin front of 在范圍(fnwi)之外的前面in the front of 在范圍(fnwi)之內(nèi)的前面第四十六頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Hurry up! 快點(diǎn)Hurry ! You are late.A at B up C inB第四十七頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。Sum up第四十八頁(yè),共63頁(yè)。New words and expressions1 /- /2 /3 /4 / 5 / 6/7 / /of coursekettlebehindteapotnowfindboilLanguage Points1 can的用法(yn f)can后接動(dòng)詞(dngc)原形can的否定(fudng)形式為cant變一般疑問(wèn)句時(shí)把can提到句首2 in front of in the front of在范圍之外的前面在范圍內(nèi)的前面第四


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