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1、12一般現(xiàn)在時:一般現(xiàn)在時:表示經(jīng)常性、習慣性的動作,也可表示經(jīng)常性、習慣性的動作,也可用于陳述真理、客觀事實。用于陳述真理、客觀事實。 When I was young, our teachers often told us that knowledge is power.2. He often comes late. 3. The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.4. Practice makes perfect.3一般過去時:一般過去時:是是與與“現(xiàn)在沒有聯(lián)系的時態(tài)現(xiàn)在沒有聯(lián)系的時態(tài)”,只強調(diào)過去只強調(diào)過去的事實,不強調(diào)與現(xiàn)

2、在的關(guān)系;語境中的過的事實,不強調(diào)與現(xiàn)在的關(guān)系;語境中的過去式常表示去式常表示“剛才剛才,曾經(jīng)曾經(jīng)”之意,之意,暗示現(xiàn)在已暗示現(xiàn)在已“不再這樣不再這樣”。表示對過去某時或某時期的表示對過去某時或某時期的動作或狀態(tài),或過去習慣的動作。動作或狀態(tài),或過去習慣的動作。 Your phone number again? I didnt quite catch it. He wrote many plays when he was at college.3. -Nancy is not coming tonight. -But she promised.4進行體:進行體:它具有暫時性、持續(xù)性、未完成性的

3、特點。它具有暫時性、持續(xù)性、未完成性的特點。現(xiàn)在進行時:現(xiàn)在進行時:表示此刻或現(xiàn)階段進行的動作。表示此刻或現(xiàn)階段進行的動作。過去進行時:過去進行時:用來表示過去特定的某一時刻正在發(fā)生或過用來表示過去特定的某一時刻正在發(fā)生或過去某一段時間內(nèi)持續(xù)發(fā)生的事情。去某一段時間內(nèi)持續(xù)發(fā)生的事情。5進行體:進行體: 一個長動作作為背景,被一個短動作打斷,長一個長動作作為背景,被一個短動作打斷,長動作往往用進行體,短動作用一般體。如:動作往往用進行體,短動作用一般體。如:My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself. The

4、reporter said that the UFO was traveling from east to west when he saw it. 表示動作的未完性、暫時性。如:表示動作的未完性、暫時性。如:I dont really work here; I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives. Selecting a mobile phone for a personal use is not easy task because technology is changing so rapidly.6 表示計劃、安排要做的

5、事。如:表示計劃、安排要做的事。如:Ive won a holiday for two days to Florida. I am taking my mum. What were you doing when Tony phoned you ? I had just finished my work and was starting to take a shower. 表示現(xiàn)在或當時發(fā)展中的或正在進行的情況。表示現(xiàn)在或當時發(fā)展中的或正在進行的情況。I first met Lisa 3 years ago. She was working at a radio shop at the time

6、. Hey, look where you are going! Oh, Im terribly sorry, I wasnt noticing. 7 進行時態(tài)與進行時態(tài)與constantly, always, forever連用,帶有感情色彩(如感嘆、驚訝、厭煩連用,帶有感情色彩(如感嘆、驚訝、厭煩等)。等)。Im always hearing strange things about him.He is always leaving things about.8下列幾類動詞不用進行時時態(tài)下列幾類動詞不用進行時時態(tài) 感知或感覺的動詞:感知或感覺的動詞:hear, see, seem, sme

7、ll, sound, look, feel等。等。 表示心理或情感的動詞:表示心理或情感的動詞:like, love, hate, prefer, wish等。等。 表示狀態(tài)存在的動詞:表示狀態(tài)存在的動詞:be, exist, remain, stay, 等。等。 表示占有或存屬關(guān)系動詞:表示占有或存屬關(guān)系動詞:have, own, belong, contain等。等。 表示思考、理解等心理活動的動詞:表示思考、理解等心理活動的動詞:believe, doubt, forget, know, remember, understand等。等。9現(xiàn)在完成時:現(xiàn)在完成時:表示表示過去過去的動作或狀

8、態(tài)對的動作或狀態(tài)對現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)在的影響或?qū)Φ挠绊懟驅(qū)ΜF(xiàn)在造成的結(jié)果。以現(xiàn)在時間為參照點?,F(xiàn)在造成的結(jié)果。以現(xiàn)在時間為參照點。Eg. He has served in the army for 5 years. He served in the army from 1952 to 1954.現(xiàn)在完成時常用的狀語有現(xiàn)在完成時常用的狀語有already, yet, never, before lately, recently, in the last / past few days / years (在過去的這幾天在過去的這幾天/年里年里),since then, up to now, so far, u

9、pon to now等等101. Although he has lived with us for years, he _ us much impression. A. hadnt left B. didnt leave C. doesnt leave D. hasnt left2. I in London for many years,but Ive never regretted my final decision to move back to China. A. lived B. was living C. have lived D. had lived 3. He _ footba

10、ll regularly for many years when he was young. A. was playing B. played C. has played D. had played 11過去完成時:過去完成時:表示表示過去的過去過去的過去,應有一個過去的時間做參,應有一個過去的時間做參點。點。Eg. She had been ill for a week before she came back. She has been ill for a week. (現(xiàn)在仍在生病)(現(xiàn)在仍在生?。┳ⅲ涸谧ⅲ涸赽efore或或after引導的時間狀語從句中可以引導的時間狀語從句中可以用一

11、般過去時代替過去完成時。用一般過去時代替過去完成時。After he left the room, a thief came in.We arrived home before it rained.121. All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness . Ahas grown Bis growing Cgrew Dhad grown2. My mind wasnt on what he was saying, so Im afraid I _ half of it. A. w

12、as missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed13注:表示愿望、打算一類的詞,如:注:表示愿望、打算一類的詞,如:hope, expect, mean, intend, want, think, suppose, want 等,等,其過去完成時表示過去未增實現(xiàn)的愿望或意圖。其過去完成時表示過去未增實現(xiàn)的愿望或意圖。如:如:I had hoped to see more of Shanghai. I had meant to help you, but I was too busy at the moment.I had thought you w

13、ould come tomorrow. 14現(xiàn)在完成進行時:現(xiàn)在完成進行時:表示動作過去發(fā)生,表示動作過去發(fā)生,持續(xù)持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在并到現(xiàn)在并有可有可能能繼續(xù)持續(xù)下去。繼續(xù)持續(xù)下去。Eg. The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. The CCTV has been broadcasting English programmes ever since 1977.15過去完成進行時:過去完成進行時:表示一個動作在過去某一時刻開始,一直持表示一個動作在過去某一時刻開始,一直持續(xù)到另一個過去時刻,也可能繼續(xù)持續(xù)下去。續(xù)到另一個過去

14、時刻,也可能繼續(xù)持續(xù)下去。Eg. Because he had not been doing his work well, he was fired.16將來時:將來時:表示即將發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài)。表示即將發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài)。1.一般現(xiàn)在時表將來的用法常用于談論時間表、節(jié)一般現(xiàn)在時表將來的用法常用于談論時間表、節(jié)目單或日程表上所安排好的事情,只限于少數(shù)動目單或日程表上所安排好的事情,只限于少數(shù)動詞如詞如begin, come, leave, go, arrive, start, stop, return, open, close等。等。The concert begins at 7:00 and

15、ends at 9:00.The train starts at 9 in the morning.172.在在if, unless, even if 引導的條件狀語從句中,引導的條件狀語從句中,在在when, before, until (till), as soon as, the moment, once 引導的時間狀語從句中,如果主句引導的時間狀語從句中,如果主句是將來時(往往出現(xiàn)是將來時(往往出現(xiàn)will / shall / can / must ),),從句用一般現(xiàn)在時表示一般將來時。(即從句用一般現(xiàn)在時表示一般將來時。(即“主將主將從現(xiàn)從現(xiàn)”)如:)如: Ill go with

16、you as soon as I finish my work. Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes.183. 進行時將來:表示計劃、安排要做的事。如:進行時將來:表示計劃、安排要做的事。如:Ive won a holiday for two days to Florida. I am taking my mum. What were you doing when Tony phoned you ? I had just finished my work and was starting to take a shower. L

17、adies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _.A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off194. be to do sth.表示按計劃或安排要做的事表示按計劃或安排要做的事When are you to leave for two days to New York?She is to get married next month.注:注:was/were to do sth.表示表示“命中注定要發(fā)生命中注定要發(fā)生的事的事”; was/wer

18、e to have done則表示未曾實現(xiàn)則表示未曾實現(xiàn)的計劃。的計劃。We were to have told you, but you were not in.204. be to do sth. 表示表示“指令指令”,相當于,相當于should, ought to, must, have to。例如:。例如: You are to report to the police. 你應該報警。你應該報警。 The books in this room are not to be taken outside. (The books in this room mustnt be taken out

19、side.) 這個室內(nèi)的書籍不得帶出室外。這個室內(nèi)的書籍不得帶出室外。 表示表示“想,打算想,打算”,相當于,相當于intend, want。例。例如:如:If we are to be there before ten, well have to gonow. 214. be to do sth. 用于第一人稱疑問句,表示征求對方意見。如:用于第一人稱疑問句,表示征求對方意見。如: What are we to do next? 在與在與be 連用的結(jié)構(gòu)中,連用的結(jié)構(gòu)中,see, find, congratulate 的不定式被動式有特殊的用法。的不定式被動式有特殊的用法。 The news

20、 is to be found in the evening paper. He is nowhere to be seen. You are to be congratulated. 應當向您表示祝賀。應當向您表示祝賀。 225. will/shall will的特殊用法:的特殊用法:可以用于表示事先未考慮可以用于表示事先未考慮過,即說話時臨時想到的。過,即說話時臨時想到的。Eg. -youve left the light on. -Oh, so I have. I will go and turn it off.236. be going to do sth. 表示表示意圖、打算或有跡象

21、意圖、打算或有跡象發(fā)生某事;但發(fā)生某事;但be going to 不能用于條件狀語從句的主句中。不能用于條件狀語從句的主句中。Eg. They are going to get married soon. Look at the dark clouds; its going to rain. If it is fine, were going to go fishing. ( )注:注:was/were going to do sth.表示過去將來或表示過去將來或表表示過去未曾實現(xiàn)的愿望或想法。示過去未曾實現(xiàn)的愿望或想法。-Alice, why didnt you come yesterday

22、?-I was going to, but I had an unexpected visitor.247. be about to do sth. when = be on the point of doing sth. when “即將做某事這時即將做某事這時”Eg. He was about to leave when the telephone rang.25將來進行時:將來進行時:表示將來某一時刻正在發(fā)生的動作;也表示將來某一時刻正在發(fā)生的動作;也可表示按計劃去做某事。可表示按計劃去做某事。1. She wont be able to come next week, because

23、she _ herself in Mount Tai then. enjoys B. will be enjoying C. is enjoying D. will have enjoying 2. -Did you write to Peter last month? -No, but I _ him this June. A. will be seen B. will be seeingA.C. will have been seeing D. will have seen26將來完成時:表示將來某一時刻已經(jīng)完將來完成時:表示將來某一時刻已經(jīng)完成的動作成的動作By the time he

24、finishes the part-time job, he _ much work experience. will gain B. will have gainedC. has gained D. had gained27約定俗成的句式結(jié)構(gòu):約定俗成的句式結(jié)構(gòu): (This) It is/was the first time that have done/had doneThis is the first time I have come here.It was the third time (that) he had made the same mistake. It was / had

25、 been + 一段時間一段時間 + sincehad doneIt was ten years since we had had such a wonderful time. (試比較:試比較:It is/has been + 一段時間一段時間+ sincedid)28約定俗成的句式結(jié)構(gòu):約定俗成的句式結(jié)構(gòu): be about to do/ be on the point of doing sthwhen意為意為“即將即將(這時)突然(這時)突然”I was about to go out when the telephone rang. be (was /were) + doing whe

26、n 意為意為“正正在干在干(這時)突然(這時)突然”。如。如They were reading when Tom shouted in pain. Hardly/No sooner haddonewhen/thandid 表示表示“剛剛剛剛就就”。Hardly (No sooner) had I got home when (than) the rain poured down. 29約定俗成的句式結(jié)構(gòu):約定俗成的句式結(jié)構(gòu): It will be/was + 一段時間一段時間 + beforedo/did.如:如:It wont be long before he succeeds. It w

27、as ten years before they met again. 30被動語態(tài):被動語態(tài):常用的九種被動語態(tài)形式常用的九種被動語態(tài)形式1、am / is /are done (一般現(xiàn)在時)(一般現(xiàn)在時)2、was /were done(一般過去時)(一般過去時)3、will /shall be done (一般將來時)(一般將來時)4、would be done (過去將來時)(過去將來時)5、am /is / are being done (現(xiàn)在進行時)(現(xiàn)在進行時)6、was /were being done (過去進行時)(過去進行時)7、has /have been done (

28、現(xiàn)在完成時)(現(xiàn)在完成時)8、had been done (過去完成時)(過去完成時)9、情態(tài)動詞、情態(tài)動詞 be done (情態(tài)動詞)(情態(tài)動詞)31被動語態(tài):被動語態(tài):That old man was often laughed at. The doctor has been sent for. Time must be made good use of. The plan ought to be put into practice as soon as possible. Bad habits have been done away with. 注:注: be seen /heard

29、/noticed /felt / watched /observed /made /had to do sth.Tom was made to recite those dull poems.32被動語態(tài):被動語態(tài):“get + 過去分詞過去分詞”也可以表示被動,此結(jié)也可以表示被動,此結(jié)構(gòu)比較口語化,如:構(gòu)比較口語化,如:She got married last week. He fell off the car and got killed. 33主動形式表被動意義主動形式表被動意義:1系動詞系動詞look, sound, feel, smell, taste, appear, seem,

30、go, prove, turn, stay, remain, become, fall, get, grow, keep + 形容詞形容詞/名詞構(gòu)成名詞構(gòu)成系表結(jié)構(gòu)。系表結(jié)構(gòu)。The steel feels cold. His plan proved (to be) practical. It has gone bad. 2表示開始、結(jié)束、運動的動詞。如表示開始、結(jié)束、運動的動詞。如begin, finish, start, open, close, stop, end, shut, run, move 等。等。Work began at 7 oclock this morning. The shop closes at 6 p.m. every day. 34主動形式表被動意義主動形式表被動意義:3表示主語的某種屬性特征的動詞。如表示主語的某種屬性特征的動詞。如read, write, iron, cut, drive, sell, wash, clean, wear, open, cook, lock, shut, dry, eat, drink。這類動詞。這類動詞一般不單獨使用,常用一個修飾語。一般不單獨使用,常用一個修飾語。如:如:This coat dries easily. 這種外衣容易干。這種外衣容易干。Nylon clea


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