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1、第一部分中考英語語法專題專題十六倒裝句英語句子的語序基本語序/自然語序(natural order):主語+謂語 + 賓語(subject + predicate+ object)I love English.倒裝1 (inversion)謂語+主語Here came the headmaster.依裝2 (inversion)助動詞/情態(tài)動詞+主語+動詞Never will I forgive you.倒裝句I句裝倒英語句子的自然順序是主語在前,謂語在后 (主語+謂語)。把謂語動詞放在主語之前 (謂語+主語),就叫倒裝結構。: 定全倒裝部分倒裝There is an apple on the

2、 tree.There lives an old man in the cottage.1. There be結構。另外,在此結構中可以用來代 替be動詞的動詞有:seem, happen, appear, live, rise, stand等。如:There stood a dog before him.There exist different opinions on this question. 蟹練習:1) a beautiful palacethe footof the hill.A. There stand; atB There stands; underC Stands ther

3、e; underThere stands; atThere goes the bell.Here lay a dog.2 (1).在以here、there now then等副詞開 頭的句子里。Here, There, Now, Then + come (be,goJie.run) +主語”結構。一個小男孩來這兒了。Here comes a little boy!公交車來了現(xiàn)在該輪到你了There comes the busNow comes your turn.注意:如果主語是人稱代詞,就不用倒裝,如: Here you are.There she comesThe runners went

4、 away. = Away went the runnersThe price goes up every day.=Jp goes the price every day.(2).表示方向的副詞out. in, up, downawav等置 于句首,要用全部倒裝。如果主語是人稱代詞,就 不用倒裝。如:White 先生進來了In came Mr. White.孩了們都站起來了 這個男孩走開了Up stood the children. Away went the boy.2) There. And herer goes the phone; she comesB. is the phone g

5、oing; is sheC does the phone go; does she comeD. the phone goes; come she3) Out, with a stick in his handA. did he rushB. rushed he he rushedD. he did rush4) from the top of the building whenthe policeman pointed the gun at him.A. Jumped down the robberB. Jumped the robber down、 Down jumped the robb

6、erD. Down the robber jumped A chair was behind the door. =Behind the door was a chair. A teacher is standing in the middle of the classroom.the middle of the classroom is standing a teacher.當表示地點的介詞詞組(如on the wall, under the tree, in front of the house, in the middle of the room等)在句首時,用全部倒裝。一個漂亮的湖位可

7、山腳下At (he fool of the hill lies a beautiful lake.兩個鎮(zhèn)子位于湖東部East of the lake lie two towns.樹底下正躺著一個受傷的戰(zhàn)士Under the tree is lying a wounded soldier.5) Near the churchcottage、 . was such an old B had a so oldC was such old aD is so an old部分倒裝部分倒裝是把be動詞、情態(tài)動詞、助動詞放 到主語之前。如果句子中沒有這些詞,要在主語之 前加助動詞do / does / di

8、d等,而把原來的謂語動詞 變成原形放在主語之后。 He can not only speak English,but also can speak French. =Not only can he speak English ,but also he can speak FrenchHe had no sooner got on the bus than it began to moveNosooner had he got on the bus than it began to move1.句首狀語為否定詞或半否定詞的句子。這類詞或短語主要有never, neither, nor, litt

9、le, seldom(很少 9 不常),hardly, not only, in no way(決不),at no time, few, not, no等勺我對他沒說一句話 Not a word did I say to him. 我從來沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)他如此的高興少INever have I found him so happy.關于我所說的話他一點也不在乎Little does he care about what I said.我不會游泳,他也不會I cant swim. Neither can he.他一上床就睡著了No sooner had he gone to bed than he fe

10、ll asleep鞏固練習:1) Hardlythe airport when the plane took off.A. I had arrived atB had I arrived had I reachedD. I had got to2) Have you ever seen anylhing like that before?No,anything like that beforeA. I never have seen B never I have seen 當 never have I seen D. I have seen3) She is not fond of cooki

11、ng,I.A. so am 芒 nor am C neither D do He is a teacher, so am I. The rain was so heavy that we had to stay at home=3o heavy was the rain that we had to stay 呂 at home.2so或so引導的短語放在句首,要部分倒裝。如我看這部電影了,她也看了I have seen the film, so has she.他說話聲音如此的大甚至連隔壁的人們都能夠聽到loudly did he speak that even people in the

12、next room could hear him.4) The doctor told Charlie to breathe deeply andA. so did Charlie(Charlie did soC Charlie does soD. did Charlie so5) So loudlythathear her clearly.A. did she speak; could everyone did she speak; everyone couldC she spoke; could everyoneD. she spoke; everyone could You can so

13、lve the problem only in this way.=Only in this way can you solve the problem.3only +狀語短語或狀語從句放在句首,要部分 倒裝。如:;Only by this means is it possible to explain it.(介詞 短語)_Only then did I realize the importance of math.(副詞) Only when he finished his work can he go to bed.(從 句)6)Only in this waymake progress

14、 in yourEnglish A. you嘗 can youC. you be able to D will you able to7)Only when the meeting wasovergo back to meet his friend.A. he couldas he able toB. he was able to D. was able to heHe didnt do his homework until his mother came back=Not until his mother came back did he do his homework.4Not until

15、放在句首,從句不倒裝,主句倒裝。如:他們直到上周才找到丟失的自行車云Not until last week did they find the lost bike.(簡單句)我兒子直到進入大學才意識到時間的重要性Not unlil my son had entered the university did he realize the importance of lime(復合句)9) Not until the early years of the 19th century know what heat is.A. man did B. man C. didnt man 譽y did man

16、10) Not until I began to workrealize howmuch time I had wasted.A. didnt I 帶心id IC. I didnt D. I He often goes to school late=Often does he go to school late.5 在以often, well, many a time, now and again 等方式或頻度副詞(短寤)開頭的句子中9要用部 分倒裝結構。如:Many a time has John given me good advice. 我們經常做那個測試。12) Many a time

17、swimming aloneA. the boy went did the boy goB went the boyD. did go the boy 1 “ Look ! Here 1) ”“Oh, thank God . Here”A. the teacher comes ; he comesB. comes the teacher; comes heC does the teacher come ; does he comeD comes the teacher; he comes 2. We waited and waited A we had been looking forward

18、 to.:A. Then came the momentB Then did the moment come C The moment then cameD Then was coming the moment3can you expect to get a pay riseA. With hard work B Although work hard C. Only with hard work D Now that he works hard 4. Only after ( to go to school.A. New China was founded ; he was ableB. wa

19、s New China founded ; was he ableC New China came into being ; was he able D. New China founded ;he was able 5 Little B about his own safety, though he was in great danger himselfA. does he care B did he careC he cares D he cared 6. Not until all the fish died in the river a how serious the pollution was A. did the villagers realizeB. the villagers realized C the villagers did realize D. didnt the villagers realize7. No sooner A to the cinemathe


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