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1、1關(guān)于 400 字英語(yǔ)美文摘抄欣賞學(xué)生通過(guò)大量的經(jīng)典美文閱讀能夠開(kāi)闊自己的視野,通過(guò)經(jīng)典的美文閱讀可以增加文化積淀和思想內(nèi)涵,通過(guò)經(jīng)典美文導(dǎo)讀可以陶冶 情操,提高素養(yǎng)。整理了 400 字英語(yǔ)美文,歡迎閱讀!One of the most important habits in life is to feed your mi nd withpositive men tal food. Remember, you are very susceptible to thesuggested in flue nces in your en vir onment, whether radio, telev

2、ision,newspapers, magazines, billboardsor conversations with other people. Your mind is your most importa nt andprecious asset. You must protect it and keep it clean, clear and focusedon what you want, rather than allow ing it to be polluted by the n egative influe ncesaroundyou.生活中最重要的習(xí)慣之一就是要經(jīng)常為自己補(bǔ)

3、充積極的精神食 糧。要記住,你對(duì)周?chē)沫h(huán)境非常敏感,無(wú)論是收音機(jī)、報(bào)紙、電視、 雜志、廣告或與他人的對(duì)話(huà),都會(huì)對(duì)你產(chǎn)生很大影響。你的心靈是你 最重要和珍貴的資產(chǎn),你必須盡力保護(hù),維持其純凈清明。同時(shí)要專(zhuān) 注于自己向往的事物,不受消極因素的影響。Refuse to watch terror or trash on television. Refuse to read about allthe murders, robberies, rapes and tragedies in2the n ewspapers. Refuse to liste n to en dless hours of min

4、dless radiocomme ntary on all the problems in the moder n world. Refuse to en gagein en dless conv ersati ons with people about all the political and socialproblems in your n ati onorcom muni ty. Keep your mind clea n, clear, positive and free.拒絕收看電視渲染的暴力和色情,拒絕閱讀報(bào)紙上有關(guān)謀殺、搶 劫、強(qiáng)奸的報(bào)道,拒絕收音機(jī)里滔滔不絕的無(wú)意義時(shí)事評(píng)論,

5、拒絕參 與對(duì)于政治和社會(huì)的無(wú)休止辯論。保持你的心靈純凈、清明、積極且 自由自在。Not only do you become what you thi nk about, but alsoyou become what you feed into your mind on a regular basis.If you want to be positive, optimistic and happy, continually feed yourmind with positive books and articles, positive audio learning programs,posi

6、tive in put and in formati on from other experts in your field, andpositive conversations with other optimisticgoal-orientedpeoplewho are going somewherewith their lives.你是自己思想的產(chǎn)物,也是心靈食糧的產(chǎn)物。如果你希望自己積 極、樂(lè)觀(guān)、 快樂(lè), 必須為自己補(bǔ)充“心靈維他命”, 這包括積極的書(shū) 籍和文章、積極的語(yǔ)音課程節(jié)目、專(zhuān)家的專(zhuān)業(yè)知識(shí)分享,或是經(jīng)常與 樂(lè)觀(guān)的人溝通對(duì)話(huà)。400 字英語(yǔ)美文篇二 Healthy and Fit

7、3健康有活力The first goal com mon to all of us is health and en ergy. Weall want to be healthy and fit, to have high levels of en ergy andto live free of pain and ill ness. Today, with the in credible advances inmedical scienee, the quality of our health and fitn ess, and our lifespa n, islargely determ

8、ined by desig n, not by cha nee. People with excelle nthealth habits are far healthier, have more en ergy, and live Ion ger andbetter tha n people who have poor health habits.人生的第一個(gè)大夢(mèng)就是身體健康、精力充沛。每個(gè)人都希望自己 健康,遠(yuǎn)離病苦病痛、精神舒暢、活力無(wú)窮。今天的醫(yī)學(xué)發(fā)達(dá),人類(lèi) 可以藉由良好的規(guī)劃和調(diào)理,活得更健康、更長(zhǎng)久。有良好生活習(xí)慣 的人,比起那些糟蹋自己身體的人,能活得更健康、精力更旺盛。Excel

9、le nt Relati on ships人際關(guān)系良好The sec ond goal that we all have in com mon is to enjoy excelle ntrelati on ships-i ntimate, pers onal or social-with the people we like andrespect, and who like, love and respect us in tur n. Fully 85% of your happin ess will be determ ined by the quality of your relati

10、on ships at eachstage, and in each area, of your life. How well you get along with people,and how much they like, love and respect you, has more impact on thequality of your life tha n perhaps any other factor.4人生的第二大夢(mèng)就是完美的人際關(guān)系,與親人、朋友和同事,以 及社會(huì)上一般人融洽相處、互動(dòng)良好。我們愛(ài)且尊敬他人,而他人也 愛(ài)且尊敬我們。人們?cè)谌魏我粋€(gè)人生階段或居住在任何一個(gè)地區(qū)是

11、否 覺(jué)得幸福快樂(lè),其中有百分之八十五取決于融洽的人際關(guān)系。你與他人相處的情形,他人是否喜歡你、愛(ài)你、尊重你,構(gòu)成了你是否覺(jué)得 幸??鞓?lè)的關(guān)鍵因素。Do What You Love從事自己喜歡的工作The third com mon goal is to do work that we enjoy, to doit well, and to be well paid for it. You want to be able to getand keep the job you want, to get paid more and promoted faster. Youwant to earn t

12、he very most that is possible for you at each stage of yourcareer, whatever you do.人生的第三個(gè)大夢(mèng)就是做自己喜歡的工作,而且表現(xiàn)出色、薪酬優(yōu)厚。每個(gè)人都希望從事自己喜歡的行業(yè),擁有喜歡的工作、獲得升 遷、領(lǐng)取豐厚薪水和獎(jiǎng)金。不論從事哪一個(gè)行業(yè),每個(gè)人都希望在每 一個(gè)職場(chǎng)階段盡量賺取更多財(cái)富。Achieve Finan cial In depe ndence財(cái)務(wù)獨(dú)立The fourth goal we all have in com mon is to achieve financial5independence

13、.You want to reach the point in life where youhave eno ugh money so that you n ever have to worry about money aga in.You want to be completely free of financial worries. You want to be able toorder dinner in a restaura nt without using the price listi ngs to determ inewhat you want to eat.人生的第四個(gè)大夢(mèng)就是

14、達(dá)到財(cái)務(wù)獨(dú)立。 你希望能賺取相當(dāng)數(shù)量的財(cái)富,一輩子都無(wú)須為錢(qián)煩惱。走進(jìn)任何一家餐廳,你可以隨心所欲 第點(diǎn)餐享用,而無(wú)須留意價(jià)目表上的數(shù)字。以上四大夢(mèng)想您完成了多少呢?不管怎樣,還是要記住那句話(huà):If you can dream it, you can achieve it!敢于夢(mèng)想,就能實(shí)現(xiàn) !400 字英語(yǔ)美文篇三 John and Bobby joined a wholesale compa nytogther just after graduati on from college the same year. Both workedvery hard. After several yea

15、rs, however, the boss promoted Bobby to theposoti on of man ager but Joh n remainedan ordinary employee. Johncould not take itanymore,ten deredhisresig nati onto the boss andcompla ined the boss did not know how to delegate and did not value hardworking staff, but only promoted those who flattered h

16、im 。約翰和博比同年大學(xué)畢業(yè)后,被同一家批發(fā)公司錄用。他們二人 工作都很努力。然而,幾年后,老板提拔博比為部門(mén)經(jīng)理,而約翰還 是一名普通員工。約翰再也無(wú)法忍受,沖動(dòng)之下寫(xiě)了一封辭職信,并6抱怨老板不會(huì)用人,不重用那些敬業(yè)的員工,只提升那些奉承他的人。The boss knew that Joh n worked very hard for the years.He thought for a mome nt and said, "Tha nk you for yourcriticism, but I have a request. I hope you will do on

17、e more thing for ourcompany before you leave. Perhaps you will cha nge your mind and takeback your resig nati on.&qu ot;老板知道這幾年約翰工作確實(shí)很努力。他想了一會(huì)兒說(shuō):“謝謝你對(duì)我的批評(píng)。但是我只有一個(gè)請(qǐng)求,我希望在你離開(kāi)之前再為公司 做一件事情?;蛟S到時(shí)你會(huì)改變決定,收回辭呈?!盝ohnagreed. The bossasked him to go and find outanyoneselli ng watermel onin the market. John

18、went andreturnedsoon. He said hehad found out a man sellingwatermel on. The boss asked how much per kg? Joh n shook hishead and went back to the market to ask and returned to inform the boss$1.2 per kg 。約翰答應(yīng)了。 老板讓他去市場(chǎng)找到一個(gè)賣(mài)西瓜的人。約翰去了并很快回來(lái)。他說(shuō)他找到了一個(gè)賣(mài)西瓜的人。老板問(wèn)他每公斤多少錢(qián)?約翰搖搖頭,回到市場(chǎng)去問(wèn),然后又回來(lái)告訴老板每公斤1.2 美元。Boss t

19、old Joh n to wait a sec ond, and he called Bobby tocome to his office. He asked Bobby to go and find anyone selingwatermelon in the market. Bobby went, returned and said, boss, only one7person selling watermelon. $1.2 per kg,$10 for 10kg, he has inven tory of 340 mel ons. On the table 58 melons,every melon weights about 2 kg, bought from the South two days ago,they are fresh and red, good quality。老板讓約翰等一會(huì)兒,這時(shí)他把博比叫到辦公室。他讓博比去市 場(chǎng)找到一個(gè)賣(mài)西瓜的人。博比去了,回來(lái)之后說(shuō):“老板,只有一個(gè)賣(mài)西瓜的人,每公斤 1.2 美元,每 10 公斤賣(mài) 10 美元。這個(gè)人一共 有 340個(gè)西瓜,其中 58 個(gè)放在貨架上,每個(gè)西瓜重約 2 公斤,都是 兩天前從南方運(yùn)來(lái)的,新鮮,紅瓤,質(zhì)量好?!盝ohn was very impresed a


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