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1、一 .Food 食物1. hamburger / burger (hamburgers / burgers) 漢堡2. rice 米飯3. noodles 面條4. sausage (sausages清腸5. hot dog (hot dogs) 熱狗6. pizza 比薩餅7. cake (cakes) 蛋糕8. French fries / chips 炸薯?xiàng)l9. meat 肉10. meal (meals) 飯11. chicken 雞肉12. fish 魚肉13. lamb 羊肉14. beef 牛肉15. steak 牛排16. bread 面包17. popcorn 爆米花18.

2、pasta 意大利面食(意大利同心粉)19. sandwich (sandwiches) 三明治20. ice cream 冰激凌21. salad 色拉二 .Vegetable 蔬菜1. potato (potatoes) 土豆2. tomato (tomatoes) 西紅柿3. cucumber (cucumbers) 黃瓜4. bean (beans) 豆角5. pea (peas) 豌豆6. carrot (carrots) 胡蘿卜7. egg (an egg / eggs) 雞蛋8. onion(an onion / onions) 洋蔥三 .Fruits 水果1. apple (a

3、n apple / apples) 蘋果2. orange (an orange / oranges)桔子3. banana (banana潘蕉4. pear (pears) 梨5. pineapple (pineapples) 菠蘿6. watermelon (watermelons) 西瓜7. lemon (lemons) 檸檬8. mango (mangoes) 芒果9. grape (grapes) 葡萄10. coconut (coconuts) 椰子11. nut (nuts) 堅(jiān)果 四 .Human Body 人體1. head 頭2. neck 脖子3. shoulder (s

4、houlders) 肩膀4. forehead 額頭5. nose 鼻子6. mouth 嘴7. eye (an eye / eyes)艮睛8. ear ( an ear / ears) 耳朵9. tooth (teeth) 牙齒10. arm (an arm / arms) 胳膊11. hand (hands) 手12. leg ( legs ) 腿13. foot (feet) 腳14. knee (knees) 膝蓋15. face (faces) 臉16. finger (fingers) 手指17. pointer 食指18. thumb 拇指20. child (children)

5、 兒童21. man (men) 男人22. woman (women) 女人23. baby (babies) 嬰兒 五 .Animals 動(dòng)物1. bee (bees)蜜蜂2. cat (cats)貓3. dog (dogs)狗4. bird (birds)鳥5. rabbit (rabbits)兔子6. cow (cows)奶牛7. tiger (tigers)老虎8. lion (lions)獅子9. giraffe (giraffes)長(zhǎng)頸鹿10. snake (snakes)蛇11. snail (snails) 蝸牛12. mouse (mice)老鼠13. chick (chi

6、cks)小雞14. sheep (sheep)綿羊15. goat (goats) 山羊16. fish (fish)魚17. butterfly (butterflies) 蝴蝶18. dragonfly (dragonflies) 蜻蜓19. fly (flies)蒼蠅20. whale (whales)鯨魚21. shark (sharks)鯊魚22. dolphin (dolphins)海豚23. hippo (hippos)河馬24. frog (frogs) 青蛙25. elephant (elephants) 大象26. duck (ducks)鴨子27. horse (hors

7、es)馬28. pig (pigs)豬29. monkey (monkeys) 猴子30. spider (spiders) 蜘蛛31. kangaroo (kangaroos) 袋鼠32. parrot (parrots)鸚鵡33. bat (bats) 蝙蝠34. goose(geese)鵝35. fox狐貍36. wolf(wolwes)狼37. panda大熊貓38. bear狗熊六 .School 學(xué)校1. teacher (teachers巖師2. student (students浮生3. pupil (pupils)小學(xué)生4. ruler (rulers)尺子5. eraser

8、 (eraser湄皮6. book (books)書7. bag (bags用包8. pencil (pencils) 鉛筆9. pen (pens郝筆10. pencil-box (pencil-boxes) 鉛筆盒11. pencil-case (pencil-cases) 文具12. classroom (classrooms敢室13. blackboard (blackboards)黑板14. chalk 粉筆15. table (tables)M子16. desk (desks) 課桌17. computer (computers)電腦18. playground 操場(chǎng)七 .Colo

9、rs 顏色2. yellow 黃色3. orange 橙色4. green 綠色5. black 黑色6. purple 紫色7. gray 灰色8. red 紅色9. violet 紫羅蘭10. white 白色11. blue 藍(lán)色12. indigo 青紫色八.Vehicles交通工具1. car (cars)R車2. van (vans) 貨車3. bike (bikes) 自行車4. helicopter (helicopters) 直升飛機(jī)5. train (trains) 火車6. plane (planes) 飛機(jī)7. taxi / cab 出租車8. bus (buses訟共

10、汽車九 .Family 家庭1. father 爸爸2. mother 媽媽3. sister 姐姐、妹妹4. brother 哥哥、弟弟5. son 兒子6. daughter 女兒7. aunt 阿姨、嬸嬸、姑姑8. uncle 叔、伯9. nephew 侄子10. niece 侄女11. cousin 堂兄妹12. grandfather / grandpa 爺爺、外公13. grandmother / grandma / granny 奶奶、外婆14. study 書房15. bedroom (bedrooms) 臥室16. living-room / sitting-room 客廳1

11、7. bathroom (bathrooms) 浴室18. clock (clocks)時(shí)鐘19. TV 電視20. photo (photos) 相片21. flower (flowers) 花15. up 向上23. window (windows) 窗戶24. bed (beds) 床25. sofa (sofas) 沙發(fā)26. bookcase (bookcases)書柜27. wardrobe (wardrobes) 衣柜十 .Preposition 介詞1. on在上面2. in在里面3. under在下面4. over 垂直上方5. above (over) 在上方6. next

12、 to (nea游旁邊7. between 在之間8. behind 在后面9. in front of在的前面10. of 的,11. among 在之中12. to給向往13. from從來16. down 向下17. on top of 在頂上18. at the foot of在的腳下十一 .Jobs 職業(yè)1. teacher老師2. student學(xué)生3. driver司機(jī)4. doctor醫(yī)生5. farmer農(nóng)民6. nurse護(hù)士7. singer歌手8. writer作家9. actor男演員10. actress 女演員11. artist 畫家12. TV reporte

13、r 電視臺(tái)記者13. engineer 工程師14. accountant 會(huì)計(jì)15. policeman 警察16. salesperson 銷售員17. cleaner 清潔工18 . basketball player 籃球運(yùn)動(dòng)員19 .worker 工人20.soldier 軍人十二.Clothes衣服1. clothes 衣服2. sweater 毛衣3. jeans牛仔褲4. pants 長(zhǎng)褲5. socks 襪子6. shoes 鞋子7. shorts 短褲8. sneakers 運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋9. slippers 拖鞋10. sandals 涼鞋11. boots 靴子12. jac

14、ket 夾克衫13. shirt 襯衫14. skirt 短裙子15. dress 連衣裙16. T-shirt T-恤衫十二 .Lessons 課程1. music 音樂2. science 科學(xué)3. P.E. 體育4. English 英語5. math 數(shù)學(xué)6. Chinese 語文十三.氣象1. weather 天氣2. hot 熱3. rainy 下雨的4. windy 有風(fēng)的5. cloudy 多云的6. snowy 下雪的7. sunny 晴朗的8. warm 溫暖的9. cold 寒冷的10. cool 涼爽的十四.景物1. sky 天空2. cloud 云3. mountai

15、n 山4. river 河5. flower 花6. grass 草地7. lake 湖8. forest 森林9. path 小路10. picture 圖畫11. house房屋12. bridge 橋13. tree 樹14. road 路15. building 建筑物十五.Weeks星期星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五1. Monday2. Tuesday3. Wednesday4. Thursday5. Friday6. Saturday星期六7. Sunday星期天 十六 .Months 月份1. January( Jan.) 一月2. February(Feb.)二月3. Mar

16、ch (Mar.)三月4. April(Apr.)四月5. May五月6. June六月7. July七月8. August (Aug.)八月9. September(Sept.) 九月10. October(Oct.)十月11. November(Nov.)十一月12. December(Dec.)十二月十七.Seasons季節(jié)1. season季節(jié)2. spring春天3. summer夏天4. fall (autumn)秋天5. winter冬天6. short 矮的7. short hair 短發(fā)8. thin 瘦的9. fan 胖的8. strong 強(qiáng)壯的9. quiet 安靜的1

17、0. colourful 多彩的11. pretty 漂亮的12. cheap便宜的13. expensive 昂貴的14. funny 滑稽的15. kind 和藹的16. strict 嚴(yán)肅的17. angry 生氣的18. happy 高興的19. old 年老的20. young 年輕的21. smart聰明的22. active 有活力的23. sweet 甜的24. sour 酸的25. fresh 新鮮的26. salty 咸的27. taller 更高的28. shorter 更短的29. stronger 更強(qiáng)壯的30. older 更年長(zhǎng)的31. younger 更年輕的3

18、2. bigger 更大的33. heavier 更重的34. longer 更長(zhǎng)的35. thinner 更瘦的36. smaller 更小的37. tired 疲勞的38. excited 興奮的39. clean 干凈的40. honey 甜蜜的二十二 .代詞1. I ( me 賓格)我2. my ( mine 賓格)我的3. you 你,你們4. your ( yours 賓格)你的,你們的5. he (him 賓格)他6. his 他的7. she 她8. her 她的9. it 它10. it's 它的11.二十三 . Verb 動(dòng)詞(含動(dòng)詞短語)1. answer the

19、 phone 接電話2. become變成3. buy購(gòu)買4. climb爬5. climb mountains爬山6. cook dinner (cook the meals) 做飯7. catch butterflies捉蝴蝶8. collect leaves收集樹葉9. collect stamps收集郵票10. count insects數(shù)昆蟲打掃,清潔11. clean12. clean the room13. clean the bedroom14. come from15. climb16. come17. come out18. draw pictures19. drink打掃

20、房間打掃臥室來自,從來往上爬來露出,出現(xiàn)畫畫20. drive駕駛21. dive跳水22. do homework做作業(yè)23. do an experiment做實(shí)驗(yàn)24. do housework做家務(wù)25. do morning exercises 晨練 ,做早操26. do the dishes洗碗碟27. empty the trash倒垃圾28. enjoy從獲得樂趣落下;跌落感覺到飛29. fall30. feel31. fly32. fly kites33. fight34. find35. go( es)36. go to school37. go to the cinema

21、38. go to bed39. go to work40. go hiking41. go shopping42. go home43. get up44. get off45. get to46. help47. have ( eat)48. have( eat)49. have ( eat)50. have( eat)51. have a lookbreakfastlunchdinner53. have Chinese class放風(fēng)箏打架尋找去去上學(xué)去看電影睡覺上班去遠(yuǎn)足購(gòu)物回家起床下車到達(dá)幫助吃吃早飯吃午飯吃晚飯看一看野炊上語文課52. have a picnic54. have m

22、ath class55. have English class56. have music class57. have P.E. class58. have art class59. have science class60. jump61. know62. listen to music63. live(s)64. leave65. like66. look at67. look for68. love69. meet70. make a snowman71. make the bed72. make kites73. make the bed74. open上數(shù)學(xué)課上英語課上音樂課上體育課上美術(shù)課上科學(xué)課跳知道聽音樂居住離開喜歡看尋找愛,熱愛遇到,碰見堆雪人疊被子制作風(fēng)箏鋪床打開種樹75. plant trees76 pick up leaves采摘樹葉77. play football踢足球78. . play with玩79. play ping-pong打乒乓球80. play the violin拉小提琴81. play the piano彈鋼琴82. play chess下棋83. p


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