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1、2014高考百天仿真沖刺卷英語卷七第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題I.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回來有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。1. What does the woman need?A. More work. B. More time. C. More help.2. What is the man doing?A. Expressing his appreciation. B. Making an apology.

2、 C. Accepting the invitation.3. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. To change his job. B. To share his experience. C. To have a rest.4. Where did the woman celebrate her birthday last year?A. At her sisters home. B. On a plane. C. At the school.5. What will the man do?A. Ask someone to fix t

3、he stairs. B. Take no notice of the stairs. C. Fix the stairs himself.第二節(jié)(共15小題:每小題15分,滿分22.5分)請聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有幾個小題,從題中所給出的A、B、C三個選項種選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題。,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回答第6、7題。6. What is the advantage of small shops?A. Theyre not so crowded. B. The food is f

4、resher. C. The products are cheaper.7. What does the man think of his staff?A. They are busy. B. They are energetic. C. They are friendly.聽第7段材料,回答第8至10題。8. Whats the woman speaker?A. A reporter. B. A professional cyclist. C. A bus conductress.9. Why did Susan work overtime?A. To take part in the ra

5、ce. B. To buy a racing cycle. C. To learn cycling.10. What is Susan going to do next?A. Take a bath. B. Have a rest. C. Go on cycling.聽第8段材料,回答第11至l3題。11. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates. B. Colleagues. C. Strangers.12. What is the other benefit according to th

6、e man?A. Higher wage. B. Better working condition. C. Extra vacation time.13. Why does the woman want to change her job?A. Shes not well paid. B. The job is too boring. C. The job is too hard to do.聽第9段材料,回答第14至16題。14. How does Bob feel about the name Fatty?A. Funny. B. Meaningful. C. Upsetting.15.

7、What do we know about Bob?A. He is a student. B. He is good at sports. C. Hes satisfied with himself.16. Where are the two speakers talking?A. In a meeting-room. B. On the phone. C. In a TV studio.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。17. What changes have happened in Anchorage?A. There are more high buildings. B. Ther

8、e is no forest anymore. C. The citys size is reduced.18. What is the main cause of these changes?A. The discovery of oil. B. The increased wealth. C. The modern transportation.19. What decision do Alaskans need to make?A. How t6 build the oil pipeline. B. How to protect nature.C. How to achieve a wi

9、n-win situation.20. What will the man probably do?A. Talk about Alaskans decisions. B. Take environmental science classes.C. Give a lecture using PowerPoint.第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié) 單選填空(共15 小題,每小題1分,滿分15分)從A、四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。21. How can you say you dont like something _ youve never even tried

10、it !A. while B. when C. whenever D. though22. _a beautiful singing voice, so she was encouraged to apply for the program of vocal music.A. Born in B. Having born in C. Being born with D. She was born with23. You dont like this photo, do you?I like it better. _ I look at it.A. Yes; the more B. No; as

11、 C. Yes; the moment D. No; when24. Now that he is here, you_ express your own views.A. may as well B. may as well as C. would rather D. can as well25._Chinese character Kong, _word that generally means control, has been selectedas_ 2011 character of the year in China.A.不填; a,不填 B. A; a; the C. A; th

12、e;不填 D. The; a, the26. The young man had no money, so it was_. for him to buy the diamond necklace.A. out of question B. out of the questionC. beyond question D. without question27. I dont smoke now, but I_ for almost twenty years.A. ever smoked B. have ever smokedC. had ever smoked D. was ever smok

13、ing28. You dont need to worry. Admitting youve made a mistake is a sign of_, not weakness.A. benefit B. technique C. strength D. value29. What will you do for the coming holiday?I dont know, but its high time that I_ relaxed.A. will get B. get C. am getting D. got30. I had had a very long talk with

14、that most able and forceful man, whose life was_.Sounexpectedly by illness three years later.A. cut short B. broken up C. passed away D. died out31. Only when you arm yourself with all the facts before the interview_ you are equal to the workcan you get it.A. which B. that C. what D. where32. Accord

15、ing to the rules, you will _ if you go to work drunk.A. get fired B. get fire C. get to be fired D. get firing33. Mr. Smith has tried_to persuade me to go with them.A. possibly everything almost B. almost everything possibleC. everything almost possible D. almost possible everything34._.Thank you. I

16、 certainly will.A. Will you do me a favor? B. I wish you happy.C. May I help you? D. Please remember me to her.35. I would appreciate_, to be frank, if the printer could be delivered as soon as possible.A. you B. it C. this D. one第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題:每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面的短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處

17、的最佳選項。As a physician who travels quite a lot, I spend a lot of time on planes listening for that dreaded“Is there a doctor on board?”announcement. Ive been 36 only oncefor a woman who had merely fainted. But the 37 made me quite curious about how 38 this kind of thing happens. I wondered what I woul

18、d do if 39 with a real midair medical emergencywithout access 40 a hospital staff and the usual emergency equipment. So 41 the New England Journal of Medicine last week 42 a study about in-flight medical events, I read it 43 interest.The study estimated that there are a (n) 44 of 30 in-flight medica

19、l emergencies on U. S. Flights every day. Most of them are not 45 ;fainting and dizziness are the most frequent complaints. 46 13% of them-roughly four a dayare serious enough to 47 a pilot to change course. The most common of the serious emergencies 48 heart trouble, strokes, and difficulty breathi

20、ng.Lets face it: plane rides are 49 . For starters, cabin pressures at high altitudes are set at roughly 50 they would be if you lived at 5,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level. Most people can tolerate these pressures pretty 51 , but passengers with heart disease 52 experience chest pains as a result

21、of the reduced amount of oxygen flowing through their blood. 53 common in-flight problem is deep venous thrombosisthe so-called economy class syndrome (綜合癥). 54 happens, dont panic. Things are getting better on the in-flight-emergency front. Thanks to more recent legislation (法規(guī)) ,flights with at 55

22、 one attendant are starting to install emergency medical kits to treat heart attacks.36A. called . B. addressed C. informed D. surveyed37A. accident B. condition C. incident D. disaster38A. soon B. long C. many D. often39A. faced B. treated C. identified D. provided40A. for B. to C. by D. through41A

23、. before B. since C. when D. after42A. collected B. conducted C. discovered D. published43A. by B. of C. with D. in44A. amount B. average C. sum D. number45A. significant B. heavy C. common D. serious46A. For B. On C. But D. So47A. require B. inspire C. engage D. command48A. include B. infer C. impl

24、y D. contain49A. enjoyable B. stimulating C. boring D. stressful50A. who B. what C. which D. that51A. hard B. willingly C. easily D. casually52A. ought to B. may C. used to D. need53A. Any B. One C. Other D. Another54A. Whatever B. Whichever C. Whenever D. Wherever55A. most B. worst C. least D. best

25、第三部分 閱讀理解(共20小題,滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、D)中,選出最佳選項。AI knew I was all right now. Nobody else would come a-hunting after me. I got my traps out of the canoe and made me a nice camp in the thick woods. I made a tent out of my blankets to put my things under so the rain couldnt get at them. I caug

26、ht a catfish and towards sundown I started my camp fire and had supper.When it was dark I sat by my camp fire, feeling pretty satisfied; but by and by it got sort of lonesome, so I went and sat on the bank and listened to the current crashing along, and counted the stars and drift logs and rafts tha

27、t come down, and then went to bed; there was no better way to put in time when you are lonesome; you cant stay so, you soon get over it.And so for three days and nights. No differencejust the same thing. But the next day I went exploring around the island. I was boss of it; it all belonged to me, an

28、d I wanted to know all about it; but mainly I wanted to spend the time. I found plenty of strawberries and green summer grapes; and the green blackberries were just beginning to show.Well, I went fooling along in the deep woods till I judged I wasnt far from the foot of the island. I had my gun alon

29、g, but I had shot nothing; it was for protection. About this time I almost stepped on a good-sized snake, and it moved quietly and smoothly through the grass and flowers, and I after it, trying to get a shot at it. I clipped along, and all of a sudden I bounded right on to the ashes of a camp fire t

30、hat was still smoking.My heart jumped up among my lungs. I never waited for to look further, but uncocked my gun and went sneaking back on my tiptoes as fast as I could. Every now and then I stopped a second among the thick leaves and listened, but my breath came so hard that I couldnt hear anything

31、 else. I moved quietly along another piece further, then listened again; and so on, and so on. If I see a stump (樹樁) , I took it for a man; if I stepped on a stick and broke it, it made me feel like a person had cut one of my breaths in two and I only got half, and the short half, too.There was no t

32、ime to be fooling around. When getting to the camp, I got all my traps into my canoe again to have them out of sight. I put out the fire and threw the ashes around to look like an old last years camp, and then climbed a tree.I suppose I was up for two hours; but I didnt see or hear anythingI only th

33、ought I heard and saw as much as a thousand things. Well, I couldnt stay up there forever; so at last I got down, but I kept in the thick woods and on the lookout all the time. All I could get to eat was berries and what was left over from breakfast.56. The underlined part “put in time” in the secon

34、d paragraph probably meansA. kill the time B. take the time C. employ the time D. waste the time57. Why did the boy always carry gun with him wherever he went?A. To show off his gun. B. To play with it for fun.C. To protect himself. D. To hunt some animals for food.58. How did the boy feel when he s

35、aw the ashes of a camp fire that was still smoking?A. Surprised. B. Excited. C. Frightened. D. Puzzled.59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The boy brought with himself a tent.B. The boy felt a bit lonely on the island.C. The boy was surely the only person on the island at

36、that time.D. The boy might be bitten by some animal when the story happened.BAfrica is home to a wide variety of religions and cultures, and this colorful variety is reflected in its diverse and colorful weddings traditions.If any one wedding tradition might be said to be indicative of the African c

37、ontinent it would be the importance of family. An African wedding is, more than anything, the bringing together of two people as a single family, or the combining of two families or even the mixture of two tribes into one family unit. The concept of family is one of the unifying ideas of the African

38、 continent.There are more than l, 000 cultural units in Africa and each culture, each tribe has its own wedding and marriage traditions, many of which can trace their origins back hundreds or even thousands of years.Depending on which part of Africa you are in, wedding ceremonies can be elaborate, s

39、ome lasting many days. Often huge ceremonies are held during which many couples are united at the same time.In Sudan and other areas along the Nile, a man must pay his wifes family in sheep or cattle for the loss of their daughters labor in support of the family. A wife may cost a man as many as 30

40、to 40 head of cattle. Often it is difficult to pay the family yet still have enough cattle left to support his new wife.In Somalia a man is allowed to have as many as four wives if he can support them all, and it is not uncommon for a girl to be engaged before she is even born.Bright festive colors,

41、 song, dance, and music are vital elements of many African wedding ceremonies. Common to all wedding ceremonies is the concept of transitioning (過渡) between childhood and adulthood. In any African cultures children are encouraged to marry as young as 13 to 15 years of age, as soon as they have reach

42、ed physical adulthood.Divorce is rare in African marriages. Problems in a marriage are often discussed with both families and solutions found. Often entire villagers join in to help a couple find solutions to their problems and keep a marriage from failing.Marriage is sacred (神圣的) the world over, an

43、d that is definitely true in Africa, no matter which region or which culture you come from, and no matter what your religious beliefs. In fact, many cultures have a special totem (圖騰) that is designed to remind a couple that cultural and tribal differences must be allowed for in order to make a marr

44、iage succeed.60. According to the passage, marriage means to Africans.A. 30 t0 40 head of cattle B. bright festive colors and musicC. the unity of two people, families or tribes D. endless love to each other61. Which of the following is TRUE about the marriage in Africa?A. Two couples cant get marri

45、ed at the same day. B. Many wedding traditions have a long history.C. Its common and easy for a man in Sudan to pay his wifes family.D. Children are encouraged to get engaged when they are adults physically.62. The underlined word “elaborate” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by_.A. explained detailedl

46、y B. necessary C. additional D. carefully prepared63. What will happen if problems arise in a couple?A. Others will help the husband find another wife.B. They will ignore cultural and tribal differences.C. Their marriage will have to come to an end.D. All the villagers are ready to help maintain the

47、ir marriage.CIn the field of modern electronic devices, phones have gained the maximum popularity. People love to own such cell phones which come with beautiful looks as well as creative features. Blackberry mobile phones are fantastic business phones which are designed and presented while keeping i

48、n mind the need and the requirements of users. Business people make the maximum use of their phones than general users. Blackberry Storm 9500, Bold 9000, Curve 8900, Pearl 8110 etc are some latest Blackberry faces. All these handsets are perfect in both looks and features. Picking any of these devic

49、es can provide great pleasure for the users.The Blackberry cell phone, being one of the most popular business phones, can be owned through different sources. But online phone shopping can save lots of time and money than any other ways. Without any problem, users can select their favorite models after making comparisons of looks, features and performance as well


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