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1、園林景觀英文詞匯大全 主入口大門/崗?fù)ain entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle & pedestrian 次入口/崗?fù)?nd entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle & pedestrian 商業(yè)中心入口entrance to shopping ctr. 水景 water feature 小型露天劇場(chǎng) mini amphi-theatre 迎賓景觀 welcoming feature 觀景木臺(tái) timber deck (viewing 竹園 bamboo garden 漫步廣場(chǎng) walkway plaza 露天

2、咖啡廊 out door caf 巨大迎賓水景-2 grand welcoming feature -2 木橋 timber bridge 洞穴 grotto 吊橋 hanging bridge 休憩臺(tái)地(低處 lounging terrace(lower 休憩臺(tái)地(高處 lounging terrace(upper 特色踏步 feature stepping stone 野趣小溪 river wild 兒童樂(lè)園 childrens playground 旱冰道 slide 羽毛球場(chǎng) badminton court 旱景 dry landscape 日藝園 Japanese garden 旱噴

3、泉 dry fountain 觀景臺(tái) viewing deck 游泳池 swimming pool 極可意 Jacuzzi 嬉水池 wading pool 兒童泳池 childrens pool 蜿蜒水墻 winding wall 石景雕塑 rock sculpture 中心廣場(chǎng) central plaza 健身廣場(chǎng) exercise plaza 橋 bridge 交流廣場(chǎng) meditating plaza 趣味樹(shù)陣 tree battle formation 停車場(chǎng) parking area 特色花架 trellis 雕塑小道 sculpture trail (高爾夫輕擊區(qū) putting

4、green 高爾夫球會(huì)所 golf clubhouse 每棟建筑入口 entrance paving to unit 籃球場(chǎng) basketball court 網(wǎng)球場(chǎng) tennis court 階梯坐臺(tái) terracing seatwall 廣場(chǎng) main plaza 森林 forest garden 石景園 rockery garden 旱溪 dry stream 涼亭 Pavilion 戶外淋浴 outdoor shower 拉膜結(jié)構(gòu) tensile structure 臺(tái)階 stair 高爾夫球車停車場(chǎng) parking(golf car 健身站 exercise station 晨跑小路

5、 jogging footpath 車道/人行道 driveway/sidewalk 人行漫步道 promenade 瀑布及跳舞噴泉(入口廣場(chǎng) water fall and dancing fountain (entry plaza 特色入口 entry feature 石景廣場(chǎng) rockery plaza 園林學(xué) Landscape architecture garden architecture 造園學(xué) Garden making, landscape gardening 環(huán)境園藝學(xué) Environmental horticulture 觀賞園藝學(xué) Ornamental horticult

6、ure 園林藝術(shù) garden art 園林美學(xué) Garden aesthetics 園林建筑學(xué) Garden architecture 園林建筑 Garden building 園林工程 Garden engineering 園林植物 Landscape plant 觀賞植物 Ornamental plant 盆景 M iniature landscape,penjing 園林 Garden and park 園林學(xué)史 History Of garden architecture 園林規(guī)劃 Garden planning,landscaping planning 園林設(shè)計(jì) Garden de

7、sign 園林機(jī)具設(shè)備 Gardening machine 園林管理 Garden management 園林生態(tài) Landscape ecology 綠化 greening,planting 環(huán)境綠化 Environmental greening 綠地面積 Green area 綠地率 Ratio Of green space 城市綠化覆蓋率 Urban Green coverage 工廠綠化 Factory greening,factory garden-ing 街道綠化 Street greening,street planting 車行道綠化 Driveway greening 分車帶

8、綠化 Dividing Stripe greening 人行道綠化 Sidewalk greening 群眾綠化 Mass Planting movement 郊區(qū)綠化 Suburban greening 公路綠化 Highway greening 鐵路綠化 Railway greening,railway planting 堤岸種植 Bank planting 陽(yáng)臺(tái)綠化 Balcony greening 窗臺(tái)綠化 window-sill greening 屋頂綠化 Roof greening 垂直綠化 Vertical greening 攀緣綠化 Climber greening 橋頭綠化

9、Bridgehead greening 花園 garden 專類花園 Specified flower garden 花園村 Garden village 園林城市 Landscape garden city 薔薇園 Rose garden 松柏園 Conifer garden 球根園 Bulb garden 宿根園 Perennial garden 假山園 Rock garden,Chinese rockery 狩獵場(chǎng) Hunting ground 街心花園 Street crossing center garden 小游園 Petty Street garden 水景園 Water gar

10、den 鋪地園 Paved garden 野趣園 Wild plants botanical garden 野生植物園 Wild plants garden 鄉(xiāng)趣園 Rustic garden 盆景園 Penjing garden,miniature land-scape 動(dòng)物園 zoo,zoological garden 墓園 Cemetery garden 沼澤園 Bog and marsh garden 水生植物園 Aquatic plants garden 學(xué)校園 School garden 室內(nèi)花園 Indoor garden 芳香花園 Fragrant garden 盲人花園 Ga

11、rden for the blind 公園 park,Public park 城市公園 City park,urban park 區(qū)公園 Regional park 兒童公園 Children park 體育公園 Sports park 森林公園 Forest park 紀(jì)念公園 Memorial park 烈士紀(jì)念公園 Martyr memorial park 綜合公園 Comprehensive park 文化公園 Cultural park 文化休憩公園 Cultural and recreation park 中央公園 Central park 天然公園 Natural park 海濱

12、公園 Seaside park,seabeach park 古跡公園 Historic site park 河濱公園 Riverside park 湖濱公園 Lakeside park 路邊公園 Roadside park,street park 娛樂(lè)公園 Amusement park 雕塑公園 Sculpture park 休憩公園 Recreation park 療養(yǎng)公園 Sanatorium park 國(guó)家公園 National park 鄰里公園 Neighborhood park 特種公園 Special park 植物園 Botanical garden 植物公園 abeled p

13、lants park 高山植物園 alpine garden 熱帶植物園 tropical plants garden 藥用植物園 medical plants garden,herb garden 綠地 green space 公共綠地 Public green space 單位綠地 Unit green area 城市綠地 Urban green space 街道廣場(chǎng)綠地 Street and square green area 居住區(qū)綠地 Residential quarter green area 防護(hù)綠地 Green area for environmental protection

14、 郊區(qū)綠地 Suburban green space 街坊綠地 Residential block green belt 附屬綠地 Attached green space 生產(chǎn)綠地 Productive plantation area 苗圃 nursery 風(fēng)景 landscape,scenery 自然景觀 Natural landscape 人文景觀 Human landscape,scenery of humanities 草原景觀 Prairie landscape 山岳景觀 Mountain landscape,alpine landscape 地理景觀 Geographical l

15、andscape 湖泊景觀 Lake view 郊區(qū)景觀 Suburban landscape 地質(zhì)景觀 Geological landscape 喀斯特景觀 Karst landscape 植物景觀 Plants landscape,flora landscape 中國(guó)古典園林 Classical Chinese garden 中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)園林 Traditional Chinese garden 中國(guó)古代園林 Ancient Chinese garden 中國(guó)山水園 Chinese mountain and water garden 帝王宮苑 Imperial palace garden 皇家

16、園林 Royal garden 私家園林 Private garden 江南園林 Garden on the Yangtze Delta 西方古典園林 Western classical garden 英國(guó)式園林 English style garden 中英混合式園林 Anglo-Chinese style garden 意大利式園林 Italian style garden 西班牙式園林 Spanish style garden 法蘭西式園林 French style garden 勒諾特爾式園林 Le-Notres style garden 文藝復(fù)興莊園 Renaissance styl

17、e villa 洛可可式園林 Rococo style garden 巴洛克式園林 Baroque style garden 莊園 manor,villa garden 廊柱園 Peristyle garden,patio 綠廊 xystus 迷陣 maze,labyrinth 靈囿 Ling You Hunting Garden 靈沼 Ling Zhao Water Garden 靈臺(tái) Ling Tai Platform Garden 阿房宮 E-Pang Palace 上林苑 Shang-Lin Yuan 未央宮 Wei-Yang Palace 洛陽(yáng)宮 Luoyang Palace 華清官

18、 Hua-Qing Palace 艮岳 Gen Yue Imperial Garden 圓明園 Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden 頤和園 Yi-He Yuan Imperial Garden,Summer Palace 承德避暑山莊 Chengde Imperial Summer Resort 蘇州園林 Suzhou traditional garden 懸園 Hanging Garden 英國(guó)皇家植物園 Royal Botanical Garden, Kew garden 凡爾賽宮苑 Versailles Palace Park 楓丹白露宮園Font ainebl

19、eau Palace Garden 景 view,scenery,feature 遠(yuǎn)景 Distant view 近景 Nearby view 障景 Obstructive scenery,blocking view 借景 Borrowed scenery,view borrowing 對(duì)景 Opposite scenery,view in opposite place 縮景 Miniature scenery,abbreviated scenery 漏景 Leaking through scenery 框景 Enframed scenery 尾景 Terminal feature 主景 Ma

20、in feature 副景 Secondary feature 配景 Objective view 夾景 Vista line,vista 前景 Front view 背景 background 景序 Order of sceneries 景點(diǎn) Feature spot,view spot 仰視景觀 Upward landscape 俯視景觀 Downward landscape 季相景觀 Seasonal phenomena 氣象景觀 Meteorological diversity scenery 視野 Visual field 秋色 Fall color,autumn color 園林空

21、間 Garden space 開(kāi)敞空間 Wide open space, wide space 封閉空間 Enclosure space 意境 artistic conception,poetic imagery 蒼古 antiquity 空靈 spaciousness,airiness 動(dòng)觀 in-motion viewing 靜觀 in-position viewing 視錯(cuò)覺(jué) Visual illusion 園林藝術(shù)布局 Artistic layout of garden 對(duì)稱平衡 Symmetrical balance 不對(duì)稱平衡 Asymmetrical balance 左右對(duì)稱 B

22、ilateral symmetry 輻射對(duì)稱 Radial symmetry 透景線 Perspective line 軸線 axis,axial line 主軸 Main axis 副軸 Auxiliary axis 暗軸 Hidden axis,invisible axis 樹(shù)冠線 skyline 園林色彩藝術(shù) Art of garden colors 單色諧調(diào) Monochromatic harmony 復(fù)色諧調(diào) Compound chromatic harmony 對(duì)比色突出 Contrast colors accent 近似色諧調(diào) Approximate colors harmony

23、 暖色 Warm color 冷色 Cool color 色感 Color sense 城市綠地系統(tǒng)規(guī)劃 Urban green space system planning 綠地系統(tǒng) Green space system 公共綠地定額 Public green space quota 公共綠地指標(biāo) Public green space norm 綠地布局 Green space layout 吸引圈 Attractive circle 吸引距離 Attractive distance 有效半徑 Effective radius 綠地資源 Green space resource 綠地效果 Gr

24、een space effect 綠地規(guī)劃程序 Planning procedure of the green space 空間規(guī)劃 Space planning 形象規(guī)劃 Image plan 實(shí)施規(guī)劃 Implementary plan 必要生活空間 Necessary living space 余暇生活空間 Leisure time living space 利用頻度 Usage frequency 樹(shù)種規(guī)劃 Planning of trees and shrubs 綠地類型 Typeof green space 環(huán)狀綠型 Annular green space 塊狀綠地 Green p

25、lot 點(diǎn)狀綠地 Green spot 放射狀綠地 Radiate green space 楔狀綠地 wedge-shaped green space 緩沖綠地 Buffer green space 防音綠地 Noiseproof green space 科學(xué)景觀論 Scientific landscape theory 園林保留地 Reserve garden 公園規(guī)劃park planning 園林總體規(guī)劃 Garden master planning 總平面規(guī)劃 Site planning 園林分區(qū) Garden zoning 安靜休息區(qū) Tranquil rest area 兒童活動(dòng)區(qū)

26、 Children playing space 兒童游戲場(chǎng) Children playground, playlot 體育運(yùn)動(dòng)區(qū) Sports activities area 野餐區(qū) Picnic place 散步區(qū) Pedestrian space 群眾集會(huì)區(qū) Mass meeting square 觀賞植物區(qū) Ornamental plants area 觀賞溫室區(qū) Display greenhouse area, display conservatory area 草坪區(qū) Lawn space 綠蔭區(qū) Shade tree section 歷史古跡區(qū) Historical relics

27、area 青少年活動(dòng)區(qū) Youngsters activities area 誘鳥(niǎo)區(qū) Bird sanctuary area 釣魚(yú)區(qū) Fishing center 野營(yíng)區(qū) Camp site 游人中心 Visitors center 服務(wù)中心 Service center 探險(xiǎn)游樂(lè)場(chǎng) Adventure ground 文化活動(dòng)區(qū) Cultural activities area 道路系統(tǒng) Approach system, road system 環(huán)形道路系統(tǒng) Circular road system 方格形道路系統(tǒng) Latticed road system 放射形道路系統(tǒng) Radiate ro

28、ad system 自然式道路系統(tǒng) Informal road system 規(guī)整式道路系統(tǒng) Formal road system 混合式道路系統(tǒng) Mixed style road system 園林規(guī)劃圖 Garden planning map 園林規(guī)劃說(shuō)明書(shū) Garden planning direction 城市公園系統(tǒng) Urban park system 公園分布 Distribution of parks 公園類型 Park type, park category 公園間距 Distance between parks 公園形式 Park styles 游覽區(qū) Excursion a

29、rea, open-to-public area 非游覽區(qū) no-admittance area 辦公區(qū) Administrative area 服務(wù)區(qū) Service center 動(dòng)休息區(qū) Dynamic rest space 靜休息區(qū) Static rest space 娛樂(lè)演出區(qū) Entertaining performance place 主要入口 Main entrance 次要入口 Secondary entrance 人流量 Visitors flowrate 車流量 Vehicle flowrate 公園道路 parkroad 公園水陸面積比率 land-water rati

30、o 游人容納量 Visitors capacity 風(fēng)景資源調(diào)查 Landscape resource uation 風(fēng)景學(xué) scenicology 風(fēng)景規(guī)劃 Landscape plan 風(fēng)景設(shè)計(jì) Landscape design 游覽路線 Touring route 旅游資源 Tourism resource 旅游地理 Tourism geography 旅游地質(zhì) Tourism geology 歷史名城 Famous historical city 文化名城 Famous cultural city 文化遺址 Ancient cultural relic 天然博物館 Natural op

31、en museum 風(fēng)景地貌 naturalgeomorphology 造型地貌 imaginative geomorphologic figuration 風(fēng)景區(qū) Scenic spot, scenic area 風(fēng)景名勝 Famous scenery, famous scenic site 特異景觀風(fēng)景區(qū) Specific natural scenes area 民族風(fēng)俗風(fēng)景區(qū) Scenic spot of minority c ustoms 高山風(fēng)景區(qū) Alpine scenic spot 海濱風(fēng)景區(qū) Seabeach scenic spot 森林風(fēng)景區(qū) Forest scenic sp

32、ot 高山草甸風(fēng)景區(qū) Alpine tundra landscape spot 峽谷風(fēng)景區(qū) Valley scenic spot 江河風(fēng)景區(qū) River landscape district 湖泊風(fēng)景區(qū) Lake round scenic spot 溫泉風(fēng)景區(qū) Hot spring scenic spot 瀑布風(fēng)景區(qū) Waterfall scenic spot 禁伐禁獵區(qū) Region forbidden to tree cutting and hunting 封山育林區(qū) Region closed for afforestation 天池風(fēng)景區(qū) Crater lake scenic spot

33、 自然保護(hù)區(qū) Nature protection area 科學(xué)保護(hù)區(qū) Protection area for scientific research 天然紀(jì)念物 Natural monument 生物圈保護(hù)區(qū) Biosphere protection area 園林設(shè)計(jì)師 Landscape architect, garden designer 園址測(cè)量圖 Garden site survey map 地形圖 Topographic map, contour map 種植設(shè)計(jì) Planting design 地形改造設(shè)計(jì) Topographical reform design 種植大樣圖 d

34、etailplanting design 造價(jià)分析 Cost analysis 園林形式 Garden style 規(guī)整式園林 Formal garden style 非規(guī)整園林 Informal garden style 幾何式園林 Geometric garden style 盆景配件 Penjing accessories 盆景植物 Penjing plant 水石盆景 Rock and water penjing 樹(shù)樁盆景 Penjing planted with old dwarf trees 垂枝盆景 Penjing planted with pendulous 盆景藝術(shù) Penj

35、ing art 盆景土 Pot mixture for penjing 盆景盆體 Penjing pot 日本式盆景 Japanese style penjing,bonsai 盆景花壇 Penjing flower bed 國(guó)際自然及自然資源保護(hù)聯(lián)合會(huì) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Nature resources,IUCN 國(guó)際園林師聯(lián)合總會(huì) International Federation of Landscape Architects,IFLA 中國(guó)風(fēng)景園林學(xué)會(huì) Chinese Society of Landsca

36、pe Aarchitecture,CSLA 中華人民共和國(guó)環(huán)境保護(hù)法 Law of Environmental Protection of the Peoples Republic of China 中華人民共和國(guó)森林法 Forest Law of the Peoples Republic of China 風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)管理?xiàng)l例 Regulations on the Management of Landscape and Famous Sceneries 中華人民共和國(guó)自然保護(hù)區(qū)條例 Regulations on the Nature Protection Regions of the Peop

37、les Republic of China 中華人民共和國(guó)野生動(dòng)物資源保護(hù)條例 Regulations on the Protection of Wild Plants of the Peoples Republic of China 中國(guó)古典園林classical Chinese gardens 蘇州園林 Suzhou Gardens 拙政園 The Humble Administrators Garden 塔影亭 the tower shadow Pavilion 留聽(tīng)閣 the Stay and Listen Pavilion 浮翠閣 the Floating Green Pavilio

38、n 笠亭 the Li Pavilion 與誰(shuí)同坐軒 the “With Whom Shall I Sit?”Pavilion 宜兩亭 Both Families Pavilion 三十六鴛鴦館 the 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks Hall 十八曼陀羅花館 the 18 Stramonium Flowers Hall 枇杷園 Loquat Garden 海棠春塢 Malus spring castle 聽(tīng)雨軒 the “Listen to the rain” Pavilion 玲瓏館 Exquisite Hall 小飛虹 the Small Flying Rainbo

39、w 得真亭 the Get Reality Pavilion 小滄浪 The small Pavilion of Quiet Meditation 聽(tīng)松風(fēng)處 the place for listening to the pine wind 香洲 the Boat-like Structure 玉蘭堂 the Magnolia 遠(yuǎn)香堂 Drifting Fragrance Hall 荷風(fēng)四面亭 the Pavilion in the Lotus Breezes 倚玉軒 the Listening on Jade Pavilion 待霜亭 the Orange Pavilion 雪香云蔚亭 the

40、 Prunus Mume Pavilion 柳陰路曲 the zigzag pathway with willow shade 繡綺亭 the Peony Pavilion 見(jiàn)山樓 the Mountain in View Tower 別有洞天 the Moon Gate 留園 The Lingering Garden 華步小筑 A Scene in the Lingering Garden 綠蔭 the Green Shade Pavilion 小蓬萊 the Samll Fairy Isle 舒嘯亭 the Shuxiao Pavilion 浣云沼 the Huanyun Billabon

41、g 明瑟摟 the Pellucid Tower 涵碧山房 Hanbi Mountain Villa 可亭 Ke Ting Pavilion 五峰仙館 the Celestial Hall of Five Peaks 林泉耆碩之館 the Old Hermit Scholars House 聞木樨香軒 the Osmanthus Fragrance Pavilion 揖峰軒 the Yifeng Pavilion 又一村 “another village” 冠云峰 the Cloud Capped Peak 冠云臺(tái) the Cloud Capped Terrace 冠云亭 the Cloud

42、Capped Pavilion 曲溪樓 the Zigzag Stream Tower 濠濮亭 the Haopu Pavilion 曲廊 the Zigzag Walkway 清風(fēng)池館 the Refreshing Breeze Pavilion by the Lake 活潑潑地 the Place of Liveliness 網(wǎng)師園 The Master-of-Nets Garden 小山叢桂軒the Small Hill and Osmanthus Fragance Pavilion 云窟月洞門 the Yunku Moon Gate 看松讀畫(huà)軒 the Watching Pines a

43、nd Appreciating Paitings Studio 射鴨廊 the Duck Shooting Corridor 月到風(fēng)來(lái)亭 the Moon Come with Breeze Pavilion 冷泉亭 the Cold Spring Pavilion 殿春簃 the Peony Study 萬(wàn)卷堂 the Hall of Scrolls 擷繡樓 the Bueaty Within Reach Tower 五峰書(shū)屋 the Five Peaks Library 真意門 the True Feeling Gate 環(huán)秀山莊 The Mountain Villa with Embrac

44、ing Beauty 問(wèn)泉亭 the Putting a Question to the Spring Pavilion 飛雪泉 the Spring of Flying Snow 水澗 the Gully 邊樓 the Side Tower 補(bǔ)秋山房 the Make-up Autumn Gallery 獅子林 The Lion Forest Garden 燕譽(yù)堂 the Y an Yu Hall 海棠門洞 the Chinese Flowering Crabapple Gate 指柏軒 the Zhi Bai Pavilion 九獅峰 the Nine Lions Peak 古五松園 th

45、e Ancient Five Pines Garden 花籃廳 the Flower Basket Hall 真趣亭 the True Delight Pavilion 石舫 the Stone Boat-Like Structure 湖心亭 the Mid-Lake Pavilion 問(wèn)梅閣 the Putting a Question to the Wintersweet Pavilion 文天祥碑亭 Wen Tianxiang Stele Pavilion 扇面亭 the Fan-Shaped Pavilion 修竹閣 the Practising Buddhism Pavilion 立

46、雪堂 the Li Xue Hall 藝圃 The Garden of Cultivation 博雅堂 the Bo Ya Hall 乳魚(yú)亭 the Fry Pavilion 香草居 the Sweetgrass House 響月廊 the Sound of Moon Verandah 耦園 The Couples Garden Retreat 吾愛(ài)亭 the Wu Ai Pavilion 聽(tīng)櫓樓 the Ting Lu Tower 城曲草堂 the Cheng Qu Thatched Cottage 載酒堂 the Carrying Wine Hall 還硯齋 the Giving Back

47、 Inkstone Studio 滄浪亭 Surging Waves Pavilion 明道堂 the Ming Dao Hall 看山樓 the Looking at Mountains Tower 翠玲瓏 the Jade and Exquisite Study 清香館 the Prue Fragance Hall 康熙御碑亭 the Kangxi Imperial Stele Pavilion 退思園 The Garden of Quiet Meditation 攬勝閣 the Viewing Landscape Pavilion 水香榭 the Water Fragance Pavil

48、ion 退思草堂 the Thatched Cottag of Quiet Meditation 鬧紅一軻 the Boat-Like Structure with Goldfish 菰雨生涼 A Tower View by the Water 眠云亭 the Sleeping Cloud Pavilion 畹香樓 the Wan Xiang Tower 怡園 The Garden of Pleasant 歲寒草廬 the Sui Han Thatched Cottage 四時(shí)瀟灑亭 the Four Seasons Fine Pavilion 石軒 the Bai Shi Pavilion

49、石聽(tīng)琴 the Shi Ting Qin Music Studio 小滄浪亭 the Small Surging Waves Pavilion 鎖綠軒 the Locking Green Pavilion 云墻 the Cloud Wall 畫(huà)舫齋 the Painted Boat Studio 螺髻亭 the Luo Ji Pavilion 碧梧棲鳳 the Bi-Wu-Qi-Feng Pavilion 北京故宮former imperial palace 北海beihai lake 濠濮澗Pavilion for quiet meditation 畫(huà)舫齋painted boat studi

50、o 五龍亭five-dragon Pavilion 瓊?cè)A島qionghua isle 九龍墻nine-dragon wall 靜心齋tranquil heart studio 圓明園the yuanmingyuan(garden of gardens 玉泉山j(luò)ade spring(yuquan hill 方壺勝境Wonderland on Fanghu Ishand 三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 西洋樓景區(qū)European Palaces 黃花陣The Labyrinth 諧奇趣Harmonious Wonder 養(yǎng) 雀 籠Aviary 方外觀Belve

51、dere 龍鳳水法the Dragon-Phoenix Fountain 五 竹 亭Five Bamboo Pavilions 海晏堂 Hall of National pe ace 線法山 Hill of Perspective 方 河Square Lake 線 法 畫(huà)Perspective Landscapes 蓬島瑤臺(tái)Pengdao Yaotai (Immortal Abode on Penglai Island 正覺(jué)寺Zhengjue (Enlightenment Temple 綺春園宮門Palace Gates of Qichunyuan 鑒碧亭Jianbi Pavilion(Pav

52、ilion in a Blue Mirror 綺春園石殘橋Remnants of a Stone Bridge 涵秋館Three-Arch Bridge of the Hanqiu(Embracing AutumnStudy 仙人承露臺(tái)Xianren Chenglu (Platform of Immortal Receiving Heavenly Dew 浩 然 亭Haoran (Noble Spirit Pavilion 會(huì)心橋Huixin Bridge (Bridge of Understanding 別有洞天Bieyou Dongtian(Place of Unique Beauty 含

53、經(jīng)堂 Hanjingtang(Tripataka Hall 頤和園 the summer palace 蘇州街 Suzhou Street 仁壽殿 the Hall of benevolence and longevity 德和園 the Garden of harmonious delights 排云殿 cloud dispelling hall 佛香閣 the tower of the fragrant buddha 萬(wàn)壽山 the Longevity Hill 昆明湖 kunming lake 長(zhǎng)廊 the long corridor 十七孔橋 a 17-span bridge 聽(tīng)鶯閣

54、Pavilion for listening to orioles 恭王府花園the mansion of the prince of gong 景山公園Jingshan Park 觀妙亭 the Guanmiao Pavilion 南京瞻園the zhanyuan garden in nanjing 花竺廳 Hall of flower and bamboo 靜妙堂jingmiao hall 南京煦園the xiyuan garden in nanjing 夕佳樓 Xijia Pavilion 不系舟anchor less boat 承德避暑山莊the summer mountain res

55、ort at chengde 上帝閣 Pavilion of God 芳洲亭 the Fangzhou Pavilion 水心榭shuixin chamber 淡泊敬誠(chéng)廳the Danbojingcheng Hall 煙雨樓Pavilion of mist and rain Experience BIM with free software & interactive training! 園林專業(yè)外語(yǔ)詞匯6 金山寺jinshan temple 上海豫園yuyuan garden in shanghai 玉玲瓏yulinglong rock 殿春堂the dianchun Pavilion 龍墻

56、the dragon wall 萬(wàn)花廳the ten thousand flower Pavilion 香山公園xiangshan park 古漪園guyi garden 藝圃yipu garden 虎丘tiger hill 瘦西湖slim west lake 個(gè)園geyuan garden 鶴園heyuan garden 天壇 the temple of heaven 西湖west lake 沈園shenyuan garden 杜甫草堂du fus thatched hut 中國(guó)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū) scenic resort and historic site in China 五岳 Five Fa

57、mous Mountains 佛教四大名山 Four Buddhist Holy Mountains 巖洞風(fēng)景 karst landescape 石林風(fēng)景 forest of rock 太湖風(fēng)景區(qū) Taihu Lake scenic resort 杭州西湖 West Lake,Hangzhou 雁蕩山風(fēng)景區(qū) Yandangshan Mountain scenic spot 黃山風(fēng)景區(qū) Huangshan Mountain scenic spot 武夷山風(fēng)景區(qū) Wuyishan Mountain scenic spot 廬山 Lushan Mountain 武當(dāng)山風(fēng)景區(qū) Wudangshan M

58、ountain scenic spot 桂林山水 landscape of Guilin 日月潭 Riyue Pool 國(guó)家公園 national park 休養(yǎng)勝地 place for resort 意大利傳統(tǒng)園林 Traditional Italian garden 法爾奈斯莊園 Villa Palazzina Farnese 埃斯特莊園 Villa Deste 蘭特莊園 Villa Lante 波波里花園 Boboli Garden 加爾佐尼莊園 Villa Garzoni 岡貝里亞莊園 Villa Gamberaia 阿爾多布蘭迪尼莊園 Villa Aldoblandini 伊索拉貝拉

59、莊園 Villa Isola Bella 瑪達(dá)瑪莊園 Villa Madama 西賽羅 Marcus Cicero 小普林尼 C. Caecilius Plinius Secundus 科西莫德美第奇 Cosimo de Medici 羅倫佐德美第奇 Lorenzo de Medici 阿爾貝蒂 Leon Battista Alberti 多納托布拉曼特 Donato Bramante 拉斐爾 Raphael 吉阿柯莫達(dá)維涅奧拉 Giacomo da Vignola 利戈里奧 Pirro Ligorio 法國(guó)傳統(tǒng)園林 Traditional French garden 謝農(nóng)索莊園 Chenonceaux Castle 維蘭德利莊園 Villandry Castle 盧森堡花園 Luxembourg Garden 沃-勒-維貢特莊園 Vaux-Le-Vicomte Castle 楓丹白露宮苑 Fontainebleau Palace 凡爾賽宮苑 Versailles Palace 丟勒里宮苑 Tuileries Palace 商蒂伊莊園 Chantilly Castle 索園 Sceaux Park 蒙梭公園 Moceau Park 肖蒙山丘公園 Buttes-Chaumont


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