




1、船長面試問題及參考答案?船長就是船上最重要得職位,也就是個(gè)方面要求最高得職位。船東在面試船員時(shí)對船長 得考核最認(rèn)真,最費(fèi)時(shí)間,也就是最復(fù)雜得,作為一名合格得船長,不但要求有豐富得海上 工作經(jīng)歷、嫻熟得船舶駕駛經(jīng)驗(yàn)與技術(shù),更要有很好得商務(wù)操作能力、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)管理能力、極 佳得個(gè)人人品、強(qiáng)大得人格魅力與感召力、還要勤于動腦、身體力行,在所有船員面前樹 立典范、船東在進(jìn)行面試時(shí),往往提問船長得問題最多,也最復(fù)雜,考察得時(shí)間也最長、提 問船長得問題涉及到國際安全管理規(guī)則、安全管理體系、船長資歷、船舶管理、各種具 體商務(wù)與技術(shù)問題等等。下面收集了一部分面試試題,供廣大面試船長參考。其中部分問題,不但船長必備,
2、其她干 部船員,尤其就是大副也必須瞧,輪機(jī)長也應(yīng)該參考一下。1. C an you t e l l me about yo u r ed uca tion a l backgrou n d?實(shí)事求就是,最好告訴人家在某個(gè)學(xué)校學(xué)了多長時(shí)間,最好也要告訴人家您接受某些社會 培訓(xùn)得情況,謙虛好學(xué)畢竟就是一個(gè)美德嘛、PI easeref e r to a maste r' s se l f i nt r od uctio n in Pa rt One of this book。2. Wh a t is a clas s if i catio n so ciety ? W hat i s t h
3、e p u rpo s e o f a ssifi c at i on su rvey? P lea s e l ist some famo u s c soci et ies in th e wo r d.A c l assi f ication soci ety is u sually c arries o u t classification survey s, d to a n otary matte r s f or ships, h t con tainers, materi a ls and m a rinelass if ica tcli ona n in dep en d e
4、 nt o r s tatu to r y su rvey s ,o ff s ho re in stallat i ons , mar i ne freig equip me n ts. 11 also prov ides safety mang ani z ations u r ve y s relat eth a ta geme nt certi f i ca ti o nservices to sh ip ping co mp an ies and their ships、Th epurpose of c lassifications urvey i s t o evaluate th
5、e s i tuation of ash ip andth e mana geme nt of a c omp any and its sh ip.S ome of t he famous c la ssi f ication so ci e tie sa r e :NK(Japan ese日本海事協(xié)會),CCS(Chi n ese ),A B S(Amer ic an), DN V(N orwe gi a n ),SL (British Lloyd英國勞氏),G L(German Lloy d德國勞氏),K R(Kor e a),RIN A (意大利船級社)。3. C a n you tal
6、k a bout th e p rev i ou s ves sels y ou wor ke d on board? 實(shí)事求就是,若沒有做過,千萬不要偽造。并且服務(wù)簿、書面簡歷以及您自己口頭介紹得 資歷得內(nèi)容一定要一致,特別就是時(shí)間、船型、航區(qū)、噸位、船員情況、外派公司、船東 及租船公司情況,因?yàn)槟褪谴L,應(yīng)該對自己管理得船有非常深得印象。O n e o f thisPl e ase r efer to an maste r' s elf introducti o n in Pa rt book、y ou r last ve sse4. Wh a t t y p e o f car
7、 g o was c arr i ed on bo a r dl?,因?yàn)榇瑬|在考慮把她 因?yàn)槟挥羞\(yùn)過曾經(jīng)在什么船上工作過,運(yùn)過什么貨物也就是船東非常關(guān)心得問題 得一條船交給您時(shí),對您就是否運(yùn)過某種她們得船舶載得貨物非常關(guān)鍵。 某種貨物,才對這種貨物得特性、裝卸時(shí)需要注意得事項(xiàng)、運(yùn)輸途中需要注意得事項(xiàng)有所 了解與經(jīng)驗(yàn)。其實(shí),您如果運(yùn)過某些貨物,您也應(yīng)該說出來。下面提供幾種貨物得名稱,供參考:Bu l k ca rgo ceme n t , c eme nt c l i c ker, n ick el , ore, i ron, s an d , ph osp horus, p ot a sh
8、in bu l k, s alt, gra in , p et co ke, co a l etc。,Ge n eral c arg o: vehic 1 e, loader, w a gon, heavy lift s , m ine equl pm en t, s t eel con tal ner,5.con struct l o n m ateri a l、ove r -l e ng t h ca r g o ,Othe r : L o g, plywood,When w a cal 1 ed? have rich eand so on. s yo urt v e sse l tr a
9、 di n g ar ea,whi ch po r ts ha v e youce inth e pa ssage th r ough and De nver Strait, and Den mark St ra lt、X perieng count r i e s a nd inca 1 ling t h e port s l n t he U S, som e deve 1 op lth e Su ez Can al, Pan ama CnanalSo me usef ul exp re ssi ons for tradi ng areas :全球航線 ocea n-goin g ,wor
10、ld w ld e 1 y ,gl o bally ,worldwide ;固定航線 f ixe d r o u t e.6. Ca n y o u t e1 l me the dif f er e nces bet ween the Chinese states o wn e d shippingB a sical 1 y, i n to m e that f overri d i ng ap a nies and for e ign shi p ping pa nle s?my o p in lo n, th e re are not b ig dl fferen c es at a ll
11、. It s e ems o reign own e rs a r e mo r e c on c er n ed abo ut the m aster's u thorit y o n board w h ile the C hln es e ship pin g pan ies ten d a gents t o do more fo r t h e v esse l .An o ther maj o r d t hat the Sa fety M an ageme nt Sys tem oto ask their l o callf f e ren ce between them
12、 isf t h e C hl n ese pani es l s in Chi n ese and the worki n g l a n guage on b o ard is Ch in e se、What' s more, most of the C hi n ese owners use t h e CCS for cl a ssifi c ation w h i 1ef oreign own e rs m ay u s e d l fferen t c1ass if icati on socl etle s、各個(gè)國家得船公司都有自己得特點(diǎn)與特色、至于您如何回答這個(gè)問題并不重
13、要,關(guān)鍵就是不要妄自菲薄;試想一下,如果中國得船東一無就是處得話,我們中國船員得素質(zhì)又會如何 呢?7.ItsoIn case o f c a r g o dam age , fo r exam p 1 e, bef oat th e di s chargi n g port, you find t he qualityhas cha n g e d, ho w woul d y ou ha nd le it ?h a v e t o 1 ook into the reaso n a ndv olumere the vessel arrives thesurfac e ca r goth ei
14、o ndama ge f irs .In th e eve nt ofo fructit i nt o the sea t o av,and the n I 1l con tac t t he own er f or l n stmal 1 quantlty of g rain ,I sha ll just thr owid dispu tes。O r I will f o l 1 ow the owner Ss t ruc t i o n t o con tact it' s ag ent f o r their advice、S ea Prot e st to c l al m t
15、h at the shipthe P& I co rres po ndent o r l o ca1I f ne cessary, I'll pr e p a r e aow ner and the cr ew have exe rci s ed their d ue d i 1 i g enc e、關(guān)于貨損失、方面得處理程序,各個(gè)公司都有相關(guān)得操作與程序文件,上面只就是一般得 處理原則、8.IfonrtHow do your emerge n cy st he situa t iont o th e pany fi r stunders t and the lt uat l
16、o n s? an d time pebefoMa ste r' ove rr l di ng a u th o r l ty und erm it , t he M aster re t akl ng a c t ionsshou ld alway s r e p 、H ow e ve rexerc l se h is,wheove rthe shl p is in imme d iate dang er ,t h e Ma ster shalld l ng authority and take wha teve r a ctio ns n e ces sa ry in dea1 i
17、ng wi an e me r gency s ituati o n i n ord er to p rotect the saf e t y of the s c argo ,th e v e sse l , t h e por t and the e n vir on m ent wi t hout much th e dema nd s of the ship own e r and ch art er er. N eveheafarers ,the co nsidering toor theless, the Master sho uld repo r t to t h e co mp
18、an y happ en ed after t h e e v e nt、9. C an you tell me a bo u t yo u r ex p e rie n ce as Hints: Your expe r ie n ce may include su ch things a si n de tail wh a t hasa C ap t the dur athava i n?i o n you ha e b een e vev e worke d as a Capta in, th e places o r po rts you r bee n to ,the ty p es
19、o f vessels you ha v e se rved , t he t ypes for ca r goyou have ever ex per i e n c ed , t he m anagement s tyl e s on the v e s se ls, a nd so on.PI ease also ref e r to Chap ter One for more d e tail edan s wers。10. W hat is t he Ma s ter ' s Stndi n g O rder ?It is basical 1 y the Ma s ter
20、39;s own s et of i n structi ons a nd or de rs for t h e ve s sel ' p erati on、T h e con ten t s may in c l u de th e watch-kee p i ng d uties for th e o f fic e rs ,wh en to ask for order from the m a ster ,the por t en try proce du re ,and h ow t o disaster ,collis i o n er to th e bridge car
21、carri e r s , e tc。po l l ution ,fire well as wh e n to cal l the mas t F or s p ecial v e s sels ( t anke r, L PG or o r d ers ma y hav e so me more c ont en ts、 ly f ou nd on th e e Ord er Book .Besid e s, b r i dge an d re adeal wi t h eme rgency situa t io n lik e oil ,gr o undin g ,as well as w
22、h e n to ,and so on。,)t h e stand ingnorma lBook a nd in th e Br idgThe St and ing Or d er isLo gall be prom i nen tl y p osted on tl du ty off i ce rs。11. H ow d o y o u unders t an d n io u s re l a ti on sh ip wi i cer an d eng i n e er s?Without harm oni o us re la tio nshi poff ice r s an dl 。
23、But h o w ca nhave cl ose g emen t i s ible fo r t he a ste r himsehet hthf ir s t pages of Deck so me w a rn i ngs sh d and s ign e d by alk eep ing good harmoo f fe i m p ortanee oft h e Chief En g i ne er and ot h e rwit h en gineer, the Maste r t h e Master ach ie v e con tact with the d ep artm
24、et he Chi e f E n gi n eer an d other cannot m anag e the sh i p wel it? First of al l ,the Ma ster must n t heads be cause th e d ai l y man adelegated to them a lthoug h t h e M a ster h i msel f is respo ns o verall safe ty an d p ers onnel man ageme nt。Sec ond ly, the M l f m u st know his job w
25、ell and know wh en to dowha tand how、 T h ird l y, t h e Ma ster sho ul d be v e ry st r ic t in hims e lf in di and be h a v i or。 Fo u r thly, he s ho u ld be fair in j o b a ss ign m s omeone on Master w h i m accciplin eent, pay d istr i bu t ion an d ot h er daily man a gemen t .Bu t if boa r d
26、 break s the Master's ord er or th e r u les on purp ose , th ei l l h ave to pe nalize the offend e r a nd ca n c onsid e r firi n go rd i ng to th e pro cedu re o f th e s hip owner.這就是一個(gè)考驗(yàn)船長管理能力得問題,可能不同船長有不同得管理經(jīng)驗(yàn)與辦法,但就是船東希望船長在這方面有較好得辦法。有些船長在回答這類問題時(shí),會不假思索地說:“Iwi ll dismiss those wh o do not li
27、s te n to me。我們這樣得船長未免太霸道了。上述答案只就是筆者個(gè)人見解,僅供參考、12. Did you have th eexperien c e of wor k ing wit h forei g n crews?Yes, I have w o r k ed on fo u r shi p s of mixe d crew fr o m C hi na ,Ch ina Ta i wan , Ph il ip pine , V iet n am ,Russi a ,So u t h K o r ea , J a pan, Bu rma and Uk rai ne.實(shí)事求就是、但就
28、是,外派資歷外國船東很瞧中得事,如果您有很好得外派資歷,可千萬不 要錯(cuò)過讓船東知道得機(jī)會。13. H ow do you di f f e r e n ti a te t h e Chin es e c re w s and th e Pilipino c r ew s? Or how doy ou like Pi l ip i no (Korea, V ietna mes e tc、) seaman?Fi l ip i n th e y aree , In di an , Bur me se, Ukrai nia n, Ru s si a n, Bri t is hI h ad the ex
29、per i ence of w or kin g with t h e F i l i pino crew。 Th eo s ar emos tly ver y p rofess i ona l and ob edien t、 Som etim es also d emand ing in terms seafare rs、o f wages As a wh o l e , they are very n i ce在回答這類問題時(shí),切忌把其她國家得海員說得一無就是處,如果您認(rèn)為人家什么都不就是得話,那么很難想象您在未來得工作中能與人家配合好。何況,不論哪個(gè)國家、哪個(gè)文化得人都有好人與壞人。 似
30、聯(lián)合國”得工作團(tuán)隊(duì)里 重要。14. C an you tell me要盡量說出人家得長處。船員隊(duì)伍本來就很國際化 ,能與不同國籍得、不同文化得、不同性格得人相處abo u t thethe d if ference spa ny I h a ve worked fo r I t is a g o od com pan y. ButWhat ar eTh ep an y。,在一個(gè)類,顯得十分com p a nie s y o u ha ve w ork e a mon g th e se pa n ies?t h e p ast ten ye a rs is a st at e-ow ne d
31、th e m an ageme nt o f the pany is ind fo r ?so me ways, d i ff erent fro m fore i gn sh ip-ow ners comp ani es、 實(shí)事求就是、同樣,也不希望您過多地貶低您曾經(jīng)工作過得公司,因?yàn)榧热荒骱匏性瓉淼霉?,您也可能會憎恨您即將服?wù)得新公司。而事情往往就是,在船東認(rèn)為,公司與船東發(fā)生沖突時(shí),并不見得就是您公司得問題,也許就是您本人就不適合在原來得公司工 作。15.H ow is a p assage /voyag e pl an m ade on bo a rd ships ? What
32、y ou n eed to ref er to w hen yo u ma k e ually, a p a s sag e plan sh oul d be made b efo r e a n ew v oyage s tarts. The s hou ld gi v e the Second O ffice r themater i als do suc h p Ians?U sMaster s ho u ld gi v e the Second O ffice r the sai l ing i n struc t i on and h i intenti o ns on t he s
33、ail ing routes and before t he S econ d Offic e r prepar s the d raft p Ian。 T h en the Ma s ter i s s uppos ed to c heck it very c re f ully。 I f some t hi ng wrong i s f o u n d in th e he Mas ter shoul d a s k the Se cond Of ficer to correy、 If no thi ng i s w rong about the d r aft, the pl an s
34、impleme nt ed.W h enh o u l dnd Officer p re pa r e s t h e dr aft pla n。d t ohe pa ssage plan, t hecorrect i tl an shal lWhen t heshoul d he lS e a tc thallp assag e pl an, it imm e diate l be ratified andth e Sec ond Off icer is maki ng t he d ra f t p l h e lp p rov id e so me imp orta nt info r
35、matio n T h e n th e ch e ck i t very ca refully。 If som e th in g w rong i s M a st er sho u ld a s k t he Secot he Maste r s s ou rces fo r the Seco Ma ste r is supp o se fo u nd i n t n d Officer t oan.i mm e d ia te l y、 If no thi ng is wro ng abou t t he d raf t , the p b e rat i fied and im pl
36、em ented.Secon d Of f ice r is m a ki n g the d r aft pla n , t h e M ast e r p pro vid e someimpor t ant in f ormat i on sources for t he Se cond Of f icer, such as th e p ort entry guida nee , t he sa il i ng direc t ion s, list sofl ights, t i dal stream t ables, deep dra u ght vessel planning gu
37、id e , theIMO s h i p route gu id ance , gove r n ment and p ort auth o r i t y' s regulati ns , p ilot cha r ts, noti c e to mar in e r, weather i n fo r mat i o n , and the voya ge plan and so on.T h e Ma st e r should ensue a i n th ep assage、ice r to select t he best and av oid bad we a ther
38、 c16. Can you descr iUS p o rt s?F irst, I mus t ch e seamen to make t o portyood e a 1 wit hch ecksocor rec tedre t hat t he plAn d the Mas ts ai 1 in g rou t o nd i ti on Soi o nbe the preparatc ka 1 lur eal 1st he customs In a dditio n , n av igation a l'b e r th to ber t h” ar r sh ould help
39、 the Seco nd Of f th at w ill save f uel a nd tim e ,a n cove rser ocedure se certifi c ates f o r nece ssary c e r t ibefor e ente r ing theth e V esse l fic a te s aret ht hec learan ces, the s an i t ary checks andand the ava ilable otherk, t i de tab 1 e, US inia n d rules of navigation, aI m u
40、s t prep a re su ch p ublicatio n s as curre ntl c har ts , US co s ta 1 pilo t g uid e , lig h t list b n d r ec ent no tice to mar iners、For ty e ight hou r s pri o r to a US port, I shal 1 emerg ency stee r i ng d r i 1 ls and log them int o t he m ain steer in g gear fr o m steer ing c omp a rtm
41、e nt , n betw e en bridge and steerin g p artme nt, andy、 I sha1 l a 1s o Twe nt y four ho ur t he USCG of my T welve hours p rior shall b e t ested andinf o rm the Q u alified In d iv s bef ore a rr i va 1 in s hip ' s arrival oto arr i val in a U S po rt, recco n duc t t he follo w i n g the r
42、ecord books: op eratio n of com muni cat io p owe r su pp1 arriv a l、rt, I shall n otifyalte r na t i v ei dual of m y a US p og e a r , int e rnal c ontr o1 erge ncy genera tor, and ma i Drills are a 1 so the pri or p or tn g eq ui pm en t orded in the l og bo o k: primary and second stee m unic at
43、io n s and alarm s , st a n din gby n p r opuIsion i ti e s of mythe fo 1 lo wir ingema u t horit y of t h e U S p aysmac hine r y.pr eparato r y w ork. Usuall y , speci al attention t o t h eo th e r d ril 1 s mu s t be ca r riedth edrills、I ou tSo b o at dri 1 ls, fire f i g h ting drills andbefo
44、r e entering intoS anitary s i t ua t i o n of my ship is a n other con sider a t ion. Prope r di s posa l o fgarb a ge o n my sh ipre very im p o rtant、A ll in all, m u ch m o re careU S p ort t ha n in t h e poran y US port、a nd an tip olluti o n dev i ces exam in at io n as htsou1 d be ta k en be
45、f ore e ntr y int o a ny in o t her c oun tr ies、美國就是世界上海事立法最多得國家,也就是港口檢查最嚴(yán)格得國家之一,熟悉美國有關(guān) 海事立法與港口國檢查要求對一名船長來說非常重要17. Did you en coun ter any pr oblem st h e U S p or t s ?N o, I have nev er me tany b i g p roblemsgood prepara tion before m y able to go thr ough th e O r you ca n Yes , I o nee ARPA co
46、 u1 ork、 T he,這也就是船東特別關(guān)注得冋題。n g PSC insp e c t i on s ind u ribeca vessel cal led at th eP SC i n spections s moothly、u s e I aU S po r to1 w ays ma deEa ch time I wassay :h ad a pr ob 1e m dur i ng PS C i n spec tio n i n dn t be activ a ted s inc e th e po w e r supplyU S CGo niy a 11o wed us a fe
47、w hou r s to rep air i t、a US por t o The w a s o ut of wTo t heirsatisfact io n , Luc k il y , we this expero rt a nt. Eve nt he ARP Ado n' have any ience t hatif the re isfy it in the le ast possible18. H ow sho u ldrt ?Ac c ord 1 ng t o m yw as bac k t o norma l afte rfine 1 mposed on us。Igoo
48、d pr ep a rati on s in adva a prob lem, I w1 ll ask t1 me.onl y on e h ou r。 under stand from n ce a re very im p m y cr e w to recthe p redep arture semi nar be co nd ucte din th epoexperi e nce, a s a f ety mee t i n g sha ll be1 ssues l ike the the pi l ot a nd othe r engin e s ed a t t he meeti
49、ng。 e of the a c t ions b e ingr t o dep a rture and some o f the i mp or t ant operat1on away check, coo p e ra t io n w 1 t h ering (t ech n i ca l ) matters shoud be discus19. W hy shoenW elheld p r un berth inguld the Master by th e p 1 I ot ?l, it s because the re l ieve the Mast er f ur ealway
50、 s be awa rt akp re se nc e of t h e pilot on t h e brid g er o mta ki n g an y m e as ur e s n ec essarythe s af e ty o f the s h 1 p a nd m a rine env i r onment。 If th e pi l ot's orders are dou b t ful,d oesno tassn d st he o r ders immediatel y . Wh e n necessary, th e Master sh all cot h a
51、 tt o h e fi th e Master has to cla r1 fy m man d the s hip's navi g atio n hi m sel f。引航員在船引航時(shí)并沒有解除船長與船員對于船舶安全得責(zé)任就是 得一點(diǎn),船長應(yīng)該熟知并讓每位船員熟知。20. Wh at shou l d the Mas te r do if h e i s u n su re a b outa nd i n g in a fo r eig ncount r y or a str a ng e port?ISM體系特別強(qiáng)調(diào)his l e gal stHe must con tac t
52、 the co mpanyaton ce for adv i c e。 H esho u l dalso,1f nec ess ary, co n sult th eloc al correspo nd e nt o ftheowner' S&Iand th e lo cal age nt of the ship wh o can p rovide valuabl eand assistan ce絕大多數(shù)船東希望遠(yuǎn)在海上得船員能及時(shí)與船東溝通,并把一些解決不了或不就是很明 白得問題及時(shí)向她們報(bào)告、當(dāng)然,與船東公司在各個(gè)國家與港口代理得溝通也十分重要。21. W hat sh o
53、 uld the Ma s t e r d o if th e fi g ur e s of the l oaded q u ant 1 ty are abno rmal l y d i f fer en t from t hose on th e b ills of l a d ing?T he master sh ou ld report the ca s e to the s hip owner a s soon as po ssi b l e。At t h e discre t ion of the com pany, the M a ste r should prepare and
54、send t h e not ary surveyor o fterm in al/por ta Let t e r o f Pro t e s t t o1 ty und e r the 1 n str should al s o r equire f i made.22. W h at co nt en ts ar e1 p is l o aded wit h bulkUsus l ly, t he f o llo w ing ite ms are sho wn on t h m e asure, qu a li t y, qua ntit y , co n diti o n, con e
55、tc ., Dif f ere nt p an ie s may have form ats fo r their r e sp ectiv e B/L、 A B/L cons 1 sts of t hree o r 1 ginal c o p ies th at validity. t h e ot23. Dob ?uctio n urt h era uthorof the sh ip own er。 In such cas e, the Maste r m easur ement ssho w n on t h e Bill ca rg o ?and c al culati o nsto b eof Lad ing if t he s he Bi l l o f L ad ing (B/ L): t e nt s and valu e unknownThe first co py the con si g n ee show s will her two co p ie s、you know the 1 ns u r ance co ve r ag
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