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1、The past perfect tense過去完成時過去完成時 在過去的某一時間、動作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生在過去的某一時間、動作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生 從過去某一時間開始,持續(xù)到過去另外一個時間從過去某一時間開始,持續(xù)到過去另外一個時間。1. 概念概念:過去完成時過去完成時2. 句型結(jié)構(gòu)句型結(jié)構(gòu)3. 過去完成時的時間狀語過去完成時的時間狀語與介詞與介詞by, before, 構(gòu)成時間狀語構(gòu)成時間狀語 與連詞與連詞when, before等引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句等引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句 by then(截止到那時截止到那時); by the end of (在在結(jié)束結(jié)束/末之前末之前); by the time of.

2、在在.以前以前肯定句:主語肯定句:主語+ had done sth 否定句:否定句: 主語主語+ had not done sth2. 句型結(jié)構(gòu)句型結(jié)構(gòu) 肯定句:肯定句:主語主語+ had done sth 否定句:否定句:主語主語+hadnt(had not)done 一般疑問句一般疑問句:Had +主語主語+done? 特殊疑問句特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞特殊疑問詞+had +主語主語+doneYou had already cleaned the blackboard before I entered the classroom.What happened first? A: You cle

3、aned the blackboard B: I entered the classroom 1. 過去完成時的概念過去完成時的概念表示在過去的過去發(fā)生的動作表示在過去的過去發(fā)生的動作時間時間現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在在過去某時或另過去某時或另一過去動作一過去動作更早的動作更早的動作(用過去完成用過去完成時時) 1.他說他以前見過你。他說他以前見過你。 He said that he _ (see) you before. 2. 當我到校的時候,我意識到我把書包忘在家里了。當我到校的時候,我意識到我把書包忘在家里了。When I got to school, I realized I _( leave) my b

4、ackpack at home.had seenhad left 1. 到昨天六點鐘為止,他們已經(jīng)工作了八小時了。到昨天六點鐘為止,他們已經(jīng)工作了八小時了。By six oclock yesterday, they _(work) for eight hours.had workedhad read1. 過去完成時的概念過去完成時的概念從從過去某一時間發(fā)生的動作持續(xù)過去某一時間發(fā)生的動作持續(xù)到過去另一時間到過去另一時間 2. By the end of last month, I _ (read) three books.1.They had already had breakfast bef

5、ore they arrived at the hotel. 2.By nine oclock yesterday evening he hadnt got home.3.-Had you known anything about our school before you came here?-Yes, I had. / No, I hadnt.4.What had your sister been before she became an actress?過去完成時的時間狀語過去完成時的時間狀語1. 與介詞與介詞by, before, since 構(gòu)成時間狀語構(gòu)成時間狀語How many

6、English songs had you learnt by the end of last term? We had reached the top of the hill before midnight. 過去完成時的時間狀語過去完成時的時間狀語2. 過去完成時與過去完成時與when, before, 引導(dǎo)時間狀語的從句引導(dǎo)時間狀語的從句連用,強調(diào)動作發(fā)生的時間前后連用,強調(diào)動作發(fā)生的時間前后When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home. Before he join the army, he had be

7、en a teacher for 1 year. When she got home her children _(sleep).had slept過去完成時的時間狀語過去完成時的時間狀語by then(截止到那時截止到那時); by the end of (在在結(jié)束結(jié)束/末之前末之前); by the time(在在時之前時之前); 1.昨晚我們看了電影。昨晚我們看了電影。 a. We had seen the film yesterday evening. b. We saw the film yesterday evening.2當我到達那兒時,電影已經(jīng)放了五分鐘了。當我到達那兒時,電影

8、已經(jīng)放了五分鐘了。 a. The film has been on for five minutes when I got there. b. The film had been on for five minutes when I got there.3.到上學期末,他們已學會了五首英語歌曲。到上學期末,他們已學會了五首英語歌曲。 a. By the end of last term, they have learned five English songs. b. By the end of last term, they had learned five English songs.4.

9、他昨天見到了他昨天見到了ill,他們已有兩年沒見面了。,他們已有兩年沒見面了。 a. He saw Bill yesterday. They havent met each other for two years. b. He saw Bill yesterday. They hadnt met each other for two years.李梅很高興,因為她期中考試及格了。李梅很高興,因為她期中考試及格了。a. Li Mei was very glad, because she passed the mid-term exam. b. Li Mei was very glad, beca

10、use she had passed the mid-term exam. I _ (clean) the clothes before you came back.2. She_ (leave) already when you arrived. _they _ (know) this before you told them?4. We _ (not tell) you before you knew it.5. She came after we_ (wait) for her for half an hour. had cleanedhad leftHad knownhadnt tol

11、d had waitedTranslations 1.當我們到電影院時,電影已經(jīng)開始了 .他在離開之前把燈全關(guān)了The film when we the cinema. He all the lights before he . had already begun /startedarrived at /got to /reachedhad turned offleft1.We had already learned four units by yesterday.2.We had lived here for 3 years by the end of last month. 1.by (截

12、止)(截止) + past time2.by the end of (截止)(截止)+ past timeFill in the blanks1. We (learn) 3000 words by last term.2. you (live) here for 20 years by 2004?3. They (work) for 10 years by the end of last year.4. I (teach) you for two years by the end of last term.had learned Had livedhad workedhad taughtTra

13、nslations1.截止到2003年,我們已經(jīng)看過40部電影了2.截止到九月底,他們已經(jīng)去過美國十次了 We 40 films 2003. They the USA ten times September.had already seenbyhad already been toby the end of一 選擇填空。1. I lost the book I _ A have bought B bought C had bought 2. The bus had gone when I _ at the bus stop.A have arrived B arrived C had arri

14、ved 3. Why didnt Tom attend the meeting yesterday? He _ BeijingAhas gone to B had gone to C went to4. By the time she was fifteen, Kitty _ (teach) herself a foreign language. (2006無錫市中考無錫市中考)CBBA. had taught B. taught C. has taught A5. I have bought you the books you want Oh,good. I _ afraid you had

15、 forgotten A was B am C had been6. Helen _her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband _home A has left; comes B left;had come C had left;came7.The students _ busily when Miss Brown went to get the book she _ in the office. A. had written, left B. were writing, has left C. had written

16、, had left D. were writing, had left8. I met my old friend yesterday. We _ each other for almost ten years. A. havent seen B. didnt see C. hadnt seenACDC二用所給動詞的適當形式填空。1 Our English teacher _ (teach) English in Shanghai for ten years before he came to our School.2 _ the boy _ (finish) his homework be

17、fore you saw him? 3 When I got there, the train _ already _. (leave)4 When I arrived at the cinema, the film _ (be ) on for ten minutes.5 Last week I didnt return the book to the library, because I _ (not finish) it.6. After he had finished school, he _(join) the army.7. She said she _ the film befo

18、re. (see)8. By the end of last month, they _ (complete) the bridge. had taughtHad finishedhad lefthad beenhadnt finishedjoinedhad seenhad completed1 We four thousand new words by the end of last year A had learned B have learned C learned 2 Helen her keys in the office so she had to wait until her h

19、usband home(NMET96) A has left, comes B left, had come C had left, came3 I lost the book I A have bought B bought C had bought 4 The bus had gone when I at the bus stop.A have arrived B arrived C had arrived 5 Tom of visiting his grandmother, but the bad weather made him change his mind A has though

20、t B thought C had thought ACCBC6 Did you meet Tom at the airport? No,he by the time I there.Ahas left; got B had left;arrived C left;had got 7Why didnt Tom attend the meeting yesterday? He BeijingAhas gone to B had gone to C went to8 Finally Mary was admitted by Beijing University, for which she fiv

21、e times.A had tried B tried C has tried 9 I have bought you the books you want Oh,good. I afraid you had forgotten A was B am C had beenBBAA1 How many English songs _she _ (learn) by the end of last month?2 By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _ dinner already. (cook)3 He _ to play the p

22、iano before he was ten years old. (learn)4 She said she _ the film before. (see)5 Our English teacher _ (teach) English in Guangxi for ten years before he came to No.113 Middle School.6 By the end of last month, they _ the bridge. (complete)7 What _ Lord Kelvin _ by the time he was ten? (do)hadlearnedhad cookedhad learnedhad seenhad taughthad completedhaddone8 He asked where I _ (go) during the summer vacation.9 The classroom _ (clean) before we _ (get) there yesterday.10 _ the boy _ his homework before you saw him? (finish)11 When we g


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