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1、長安福特汽車有限公司南京公司ChanganFord Automobile Co., Ltd. Nanjing Company發(fā)動機、前后橋AGV系統(tǒng)Engine & Axel AGV System技術(shù)方案Tech ni cal Pla n沈陽新松機器人自動化股份有限公司Shenyang SIASUN Robot & Automation Co., Ltd.目 錄 Contents1. 概述 Summary 52. 設(shè)計依據(jù) Design Gist 62.1 生產(chǎn)工藝基本要求 Basic Requirement of Production Process 62.2 現(xiàn)場基本技術(shù)條件 Basic

2、Field Technical Condition 62.3 責(zé)任范圍 Responsibility Scope: 63. AGV 裝配輸送系統(tǒng)概述AGV Assembly & Transportation SystemSummary. 74. 自動導(dǎo)引車 AGV系統(tǒng)技術(shù)指標(biāo) Automated Guided Vehicle AGVSystemTech ni cal Specificati on 105. AGV 工作過程描述 AGV Working Process Description 126. 發(fā)動機裝配升降工作臺 Engine Assembly Lifter Worktable 156

3、.1 伸縮套筒式升降工作臺 Exte nsio n Sleeve Lifter Worktable 166.2 剪式液壓機構(gòu)升降工作臺 Scissor Hydraulic Lifter Worktable . . 186.3托盤底面距發(fā)動機最高點距離與升降平臺高度關(guān)系計算Calculation onthe Relati on Betwee n Dista nee from Pallet Bottom to Engine Zen ith andHeight of Lifter Table 227. 后懸裝配舉升裝置 Rear Suspension Assembly Lifting Equipme

4、nt 257.1伸縮套筒式升降工作臺 257.2 剪式液壓機構(gòu)升降工作臺 Scissor Hydraulic Lifter Worktable . . 28 7.3升降平臺上平面到地面的高度計算 Calculation on the Height from thePla ne of the Lifter Table to the Ground 308. 不同軸距車體裝配實現(xiàn) Body of Different Wheelbases AssemblyRealizati on 329. AGV 動態(tài)裝配解決方案 AGV Dynamic Assembly Solution . 3310. AGV 主

5、要設(shè)備 AGV Main Equipment 3310.1 AGV( LGV 車載控制器 AGV (LGV Vehicle Controller 3310.2 AGV( LGV 驅(qū)動系統(tǒng) AGV( LGV Drive System 3410.3 導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng) Navigation System 3510.4 在線自動充電系統(tǒng) Online Automatic Charge System 3610.5 無線局域網(wǎng)通訊系統(tǒng) Wireless LAN Communication System 3710.6 驅(qū)動控制系統(tǒng) Drive Control System 3910.7 非接觸防碰裝置 Non-co

6、ntact Bumper Device 3911. AGV 安全系統(tǒng) AGV Safety System 4011.1 非接觸防碰裝置 Non-contact Bumper Device 4011.2 接觸式防碰裝置 Contact Bumper Device 4011.3 離線保護系統(tǒng) Offli ne Guardi ng System 4111.4 信息交互系統(tǒng) In formation Excha nge System 4111.5 緊急停車系統(tǒng) Emergency Stop System 4211.6 多 AGVS碰 Multi-AGV Collision Prevention 421

7、2. AGV空制臺和調(diào)度管理系統(tǒng) AGVD on sole & Dispatchi ng Man ageme ntSystem 4212.1 AGV 控制臺 AGV Con sole 4212.2 調(diào)度管理系統(tǒng) Dispatchi ng Ma nageme nt System 4313. AGV 車載控制系統(tǒng)和數(shù)據(jù)采集AGV Vehicle Control System & DataCollectio n 4514. 導(dǎo)航線的鋪設(shè) Navigation Line Paving 4615. AGV 系統(tǒng)特點 AGV System Characteristics 4715.1高速無線局域網(wǎng)的建立和

8、應(yīng)用 Setup and Application of High-speed Wireless LAN 4715.2 AGV運行的靈活性 Flexibility of AGV Running 4815.3 高精度導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng) High Accuracy Navigation System 4915.4 友好的人機界面 User Frie ndly Human Machi ne In terface 4915.5 完善的自診斷系統(tǒng) Perfect Self-diag no sis System 5015.6 AGV 可靠性措施 Measures on AGV Reliability 5015.7在線

9、快速自 動充 電方 法和快 速充電電池 的應(yīng)用 Online Automatic In sta nt Charge Method and Applicati on of In sta nt Rechargeable Battery 5215.8 故障修復(fù)時間(MTR Mean Time of Repair (MTR 53AGV系統(tǒng)的故障修復(fù)時間有兩類:There re two kin ds of MTR for AGVsystem: 5315.9 平均無故障時間(MTBF Mean Time To Failures(MTTF .5416. AGV運行路線圖 AGV Running Route

10、Graph 5416.1 裝配線 AGV運行布局圖 Assembly AGV Running Layout 5416.2 樣機車間 AGV運行布局圖 Sample Workshop AGV Running Layout . 5418. 環(huán)行裝配線 AGV系統(tǒng)設(shè)備清單 Circular Assembly AGV SystemEquipment List 5719. 項目進度 Project Schedule 5920. 培訓(xùn) Training 6020.1培訓(xùn)人員的范圍、數(shù)量及時間 Scope, amou nt and time for trai ning people 6020.2 培訓(xùn)的內(nèi)容

11、 Training content 6121. 售后服務(wù) After-sale service 621. 概述 Summary根據(jù)長安福特汽車有限公司南京公司發(fā)動機、前后橋AGV系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計要求,新松公司采用的裝配型 AGV系統(tǒng)進行發(fā)動機、前后橋與車身合裝,具有同步動態(tài) 跟蹤功能的AGV可實現(xiàn)發(fā)動機、前后橋在裝配段任何工位同時裝配。導(dǎo)航方式采 用磁導(dǎo)航,地面施工量小,只要根據(jù)工藝要求變更磁條的粘貼路徑,在對控制程 序稍加改動,就可以改變裝配路線的長短,適應(yīng)不同的裝配工藝要求。AGV系統(tǒng)由一條近似梯形的環(huán)線組成,在裝配段進行前懸掛/發(fā)動機、后橋與車身合裝,在非裝配段進行發(fā)動機、前后橋由分裝線往AG

12、V裝配托盤上吊裝,并可在非裝配段進行部分零部件的組裝。根據(jù)產(chǎn)量及裝配時間確定環(huán)線上AGV數(shù)量。Accord ing to desig n requireme nt of Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd. on engine and axle AGV system, SIASUN uses assembly AGV system for engine, axle and body decking, and AGVwith the function of synchronizationdynamictracking can realize simultaneous

13、 assembly of engine and axle at any assembly zone or stati ons. By using magn etic n avigati on,groundcon struct ion is small and by cha nging the path of magn etic strip upon technical requirements and modifying slightlycontrol program, the lengthof assembly path can be altered to meet different as

14、sembly process requireme nts. AGV system is formed by a loop line, which is close to a trapezium. The assembly zone is used for front suspension/engine,rear axleand body deck ing and the non-assembly zone is used for engine and axle suspe nding on AGV assembly pallet through subassembly line and als

15、o for assembly of part of comp onen ts. The nu mber of AGV on the loop line is set accord ing to output and assembly time.整個系統(tǒng)包括AGV AGV控制臺、充電系統(tǒng)、導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng)、通訊系統(tǒng)、數(shù)據(jù)采集 系統(tǒng)和裝配夾具等幾部分組成。The whole system in cludes AGV, AGVc on sole, charge system, n avigati on system, com muni cati on system, data collectio nsyst

16、em and assembly jig, etc.2. 設(shè)計依據(jù)Design Gist2.1 生產(chǎn)工藝基本要求 Basic Requirement of Production Process工位間距 Distanee between stations:5, 800mm生產(chǎn)節(jié)拍Production rate :最大:1分鐘/輛Max.: 1mi nu te/vehicle最?。?分鐘/輛Min.: 5minu tes/vehicle2.2 現(xiàn)場基本技術(shù)條件 Basic Field Technical Condition動力電源:交流 380 10%50HZ 2%3相5線Power supply:

17、AC 380 10%50HZ 2%3 phases 5 lines溫度:-5C45CTemperature:-5C45 C濕度:60 95%Humidity:60 95%防護等級:IP54Protect ion grade:IP54絕緣等級:B級In sulati on level:Level B2.3 責(zé)任范圍 Responsibility Scope:1) AGV裝配系統(tǒng)總體設(shè)計、制造。AGV assembly system desig n and manu facturi ng.2) AGV車體設(shè)計、制造。AGV vehicle desig n and manu facturi ng.3

18、) AGV裝配系統(tǒng)發(fā)運前調(diào)試、考機實驗。AGV assembly system debugg ing and trial running before delivery.4) AGV裝配系統(tǒng)運輸、接收、搬運。AGV assembly system tran sport, recepti on, carriage.5) AGV空制系統(tǒng)設(shè)計、制造,車載控制軟件、調(diào)度軟件設(shè)計。AGV controlsystem design and manufacturing,vehicle controlsoftware, scheduler software desig n.6) AGVT作環(huán)線設(shè)計、制造,地面

19、導(dǎo)航線布局設(shè)計、敷設(shè)。AGV work ing loop line desig n and manu facturi ng, ground n avigati on line layout desig n and lay ing.7) 現(xiàn)場安裝、單機調(diào)試、全線聯(lián)動調(diào)試。Field installation, unit machine debugging and complete linelin kage debugg ing.8) 技術(shù)培訓(xùn)和售后服務(wù)。Tech ni cal trai ning and after-sales service.3. AG裝配輸送系統(tǒng)概述 AGVAssembly

20、& TransportationSystem Summary充電器控制臺Co發(fā)動機/后橋aAGV裝配輸送系統(tǒng)由AGV AGV地面導(dǎo)引系統(tǒng)、在線自動充電系統(tǒng)、AGV控制臺、數(shù)據(jù)采集系統(tǒng)、AGVM度管理系統(tǒng)和通訊系統(tǒng)等構(gòu)成。Engin e/rear axle AGV assembly & tran sportati on system in cludes AGV,AGVgro und guided system, on li ne automatic charge system, AGV? on sole, data collecti on system, AGV dispatch ing man

21、 ageme nt system and com muni cati onsystem, etc.AGVAG完成發(fā)動機或后懸掛系的輸送和輔助裝配工作。裝配人員可以站在AGV 車的腳踏板上進行裝配作業(yè),腳踏板采用花紋鋁板制造,操作安全。AGV con ducts tran sportati onof engine or rear suspe nsion andassista nt assembly jobs. Assembly operator can sta nd and work onAGV pedal, which is madeof alu minum board with decora

22、tive figures and safe to operate.AGV地面導(dǎo)引系統(tǒng) AGV Ground Guided System:地面導(dǎo)引系統(tǒng)是AGV運行的路線和軌跡,AGV的導(dǎo)引系統(tǒng)采用基于地圖的 磁帶導(dǎo)航方法。當(dāng)工藝確定磁條埋入地下后,地面將保持平整狀態(tài),完 全不影響人、車通行。Ground guided system is AGV running path and track. AGV guided system adopts the method of magn etic tape n avigatio n based on the map. Whe n the process

23、has con firmed that the magn etic strips have been embedded underground, the ground will be smooth and won t in flue nee people or vehicle to pass.在線自動充電系統(tǒng) Online Automatic Charge System :為了保證AGV24小時連續(xù)運行,充電系統(tǒng)采用大電流快速充電的方法為 AGV#充電量。AGV的充電過程是在控制臺的監(jiān)控下自動進行的。To ensure AGMo run 24 hours continuously,charge

24、 system uses themethod of large electricalcurrent and instant electrification tocharge AGV. AGV charge process is con ducted automatically un der the supervisi on and con trol of the con sole.AGV 控制臺和 AGV 調(diào)度管理系統(tǒng) AGV Con sole and AGV Dispatch ing Man ageme nt System控制臺和AGV調(diào)度管理系統(tǒng)是AGV系統(tǒng)的調(diào)度管理中心,負(fù)責(zé)數(shù)據(jù)采集 系

25、統(tǒng)的數(shù)據(jù)處理,與上位機交換信息,生成AGV的運行任務(wù),解決多AGV之間的避碰問題。Con sole and AGV dispatch ing man ageme nt system is the dispatch ing man ageme nt cen ter of AGV system, resp on sible for data process ingin data collectio n system and in formatio n excha nge with upper computer to create AG*unning tasks and solve the prob

26、lems of multi AGV collisi on.通訊系統(tǒng) Communication System通訊系統(tǒng)由無線局域網(wǎng)組成。AGV與控制臺之間采用無線電臺進行信息交 換,通訊協(xié)議為TCP/IP協(xié)議??刂婆_可與上位機之間采用以太網(wǎng)進行數(shù) 據(jù)傳輸。Communication system is formed by wireless local network. Wirelesstran smitter-receiveris adopted betwee n AGV and con sole toexchange informationand the com muni cati on pr

27、otocol is TCP/IPprotocol. Ethernet is for data tran smissi on.used betwee n con sole and the upper computer光電檢測系統(tǒng) Photoelectricity Testi ng System光電檢測系統(tǒng)是用于檢測主輸送線吊具上車身是否運行到位,運行到位 將發(fā)出信號通知處在等待站點的AGV可以側(cè)移運行,實現(xiàn)順序裝配。女口果沒有車身通過,等待站點的 AGV始終處于等待狀態(tài)。如果有車身通過, 但等待站點沒有AGV等待,AGV控制臺將通知總控室。Photoelectricity testi ng sy

28、stem is used to check if the body onthe suspending tools of the main transmission line has run to theposition, where signal will be sent to inform AGV at the waitingstation to movesideways to realize sequenee assembly. If the body hasn t passed, AGV at the waiting station will stay all along inthe s

29、tatus of wait in g. If passed, but there s no AGV wait ing at the stati on, AGV con sole will no tify the gen eral con trol room.4.自動導(dǎo)引車 AGV系統(tǒng)技術(shù)指標(biāo) Automated Guided Vehicle AGV SystemTech ni cal Specificati on此圖片僅供參考 This picture is for referenee only帶有同步跟蹤和舉升機構(gòu)的AGV其主要技術(shù)指標(biāo):Main technical specificatio

30、nsof AGVwith synchronizationtracking andlifting framework in clude:AGVS空制方式:控制站集中調(diào)度、監(jiān)控、管理 AGV系統(tǒng)的運行狀態(tài)AGVS control mode:con trol stati on makes cen tralized dispatch,monitoring& controland management on therunning state of AGV systemAGVg制方式具備功能:全自動/半自動/手動AGV control fun ctio n: automatic/semi-automati

31、c/ma nual通訊方式:無線局域網(wǎng)Com mun icatio n:wireless LANAGV導(dǎo)航方式:磁導(dǎo)航AGV n avigati on method: magn etic n avigatio nAGV驅(qū)動方式:雙舵輪驅(qū)動。AGV steeri ng:powered wheel steeri ng負(fù)載能力:2000KG (以最終設(shè)計為準(zhǔn))Payload:2000KG (subject to final desig n)AGV自重:2000KG (以最終設(shè)計為準(zhǔn))AGV weight:2000KG (subject to final desig n)同步跟蹤精度:土 10mmSy

32、nchroni zati on track ing accuracy: 10mm運動方向:全方位(所占用運行空間最小化)Moving direct ion:Omn i-directio nal movi ng(to mi ni mize occupiedrunning space)最大速度:直線 60mmin,側(cè)移 30mminMaximum speed:straight 60m/min, sideways moving 30m /min導(dǎo)航精度: 10mmNavigati on accuracy: 10mm停車精度: 10mmPark ing accuracy: 10mm工作時間:24小時連

33、續(xù)(三班)Worki ng time:24 hours con ti nu ously (3 shifts)防碰裝置:四周安裝接觸式保險杠,前后另安裝激光防碰裝置。Collisi on preve nti on device: con tact bumper in stalled around and舉升裝置:laser collisi onpreve ntio n device in stalled inthe front & back side雙舉升機構(gòu),可以同步舉升或單獨舉升。Liftingequipment: dual lift framework, for synchronizati

34、onlifting托盤夾具:Pallet fixture:dor separate lift ing按照實際需要設(shè)計(本方案中不含該部分內(nèi)容)lesign accordi ng to dema nds (not in cluded inthis solutio n)電池組:48V/ 100AH正常使用,壽命大于 3年Battery charger:48V/ 100AH, in normal usage and its Iongevityis over 3 years.充電方式:全自動充電器實現(xiàn)在線自動充電,保證連續(xù)24小時工作Charg ing:automatic charger realiz

35、es on li ne quick chargeto en sure 24 hours con ti nu ous work ing操作高度:裝配人員站在AGV提供的腳踏板上相對靜止進行零部件裝配,腳踏板到地面高度200mmOperation height:Operatorstands on AGVfoot pedal to assemblyparts in relative stillcondition and the height from the foot pedal to the ground is 200mm.車體尺寸:Body dime nsion:(le ngth4800 mnr

36、K 1800 mnK 900 mm4800 mmx 1800 mnX 900 mmx width x height (before /afterlifti ng)5. AGV 工作過程描述 AGV Working Process Description(1) AGV小車按控制臺計算機的指令行駛到后橋總成上裝點,由操作人員根據(jù)生 產(chǎn)計劃完成后橋總成的吊裝,當(dāng)將后橋總成從后橋分裝線吊到AGV后橋舉升裝置上的后橋夾具上并放穩(wěn)后,操作人員通過車體上的操作按鈕向AGV小車發(fā)出完成上件確認(rèn)信號,允許 AGV向下一個站點運行;AGV will run upon con sole computer order

37、s to load ing point of rearaxle final assembly and operator will complete this based on producti on pla n. After the rear axle final assembly is moved from the rear axle subassembly line and placed well on the rear axlefixture of AGVear axle lifti ngdevice, operator presses the butt onon the vehicle

38、 to sent sig nal, i nforming AGV that load ing has bee n fini shed and allow AGV to move towards next statio n.(2)AGV小車行駛到發(fā)動機總成上裝點,由操作人員根據(jù)生產(chǎn)計劃完成發(fā)動機總成的吊裝,當(dāng)將發(fā)動機總成從發(fā)動機分裝線吊到AGV發(fā)動機舉升裝置上的發(fā)動機夾具上并放穩(wěn)后,操作人員通過車體上的操作按鈕向AGV小車發(fā)出完成上件確認(rèn)信號,允許AGV向下一個站點運行AGVruns to loading point of engine final assembly and operator w

39、ill complete engine final assembly suspending. When the engine final assembly is movedand placed well on the engine fixture of AGVengine lift ing device from engine subassembly line, operator the n sends confirmationsignal of the completionof loadingby pressingoperati on butt on on the body to infor

40、m AGV vehicle to move towards n ext statio n.(3)AGV小車按控制計算機的指令行駛到等待地點;AGV moves to waiting place according to the order from control computer.(4) AGV小車在某一停留時間相對長的站點(動力總成上裝點或其它點)進行自 動充電;AGV will charge itself automatically at one stati on (power train assembly loadi ng point or other point) for relev

41、a nt long wait ing time.(5) AGV空制臺檢測工藝鏈上車體的位置信號,當(dāng)被裝車體到位后調(diào)度已載有發(fā) 動機前后懸掛總成 AGV按預(yù)定時間、速度進入懸鏈下方(時間、速度根據(jù) 生產(chǎn)線要求可通過車載顯示器進行更改),在裝配段快速向前運行,在預(yù) 定區(qū)域捕獲預(yù)先固定在被裝車身上的合作目標(biāo)。保持穩(wěn)定跟蹤狀態(tài)后,人工操作舉升手控盒或腳踏開關(guān),進行舉升裝置上升操作,操作人員可以同 時或單獨發(fā)動機舉升裝置和后橋舉升裝置。在舉升裝置上升同時,打開平 臺鎖定裝置,使舉升裝置上平臺處于浮動狀態(tài),操作人員一邊按上升按鈕 一邊夾具上車身定位銷插入車身的工藝定位孔。當(dāng)舉升到安裝位置,所有 的螺栓安裝

42、孔均已定位。由裝配人員安裝固定螺栓,完成裝配后裝配人員 按一下舉升裝置上的裝配結(jié)束按鈕,AGV將自動落下舉升裝置到零點。當(dāng)前 后舉升裝置全部復(fù)位到零點以后,AGV各加速離開裝配工位,在非裝配段加 載站備好發(fā)動機及后橋,完成一次工作循環(huán)。AGVCon sole will test the sig nal of body positi on on the process cha in. Whenloaded body has gotten to the position,AGVWith engine and front& rear suspe nsion assembly is dispatche

43、d accord ing to set time and speed to the undern eath of the suspe nding cha in (time & speed can be cha nged through vehicle displayer accord ing to requireme nts ofthe production line).Then AGVmoves forward quickly in the assemblyzone and captures in the prearranged area the cooperative target set

44、 in advanee on the body. After tracking state is stable, manual control box or foot pedal switch is done by manual operati on to raise the lifter. Operator can run simulta neously or separately the engine liftingdevice and rear axel liftingdevice. Whenthe liftingdeviceis raised, the lock fixture is

45、opened to make the table floating.Operator presses the butt on for lift ing and at the same time putsthe body locating pins on the fixture into the process locating hole of the body. Whe n gett ing to the in stallatio n positi on, all bolt in stallatio n holes are located. The n assembly workers wil

46、l in stallthe set bolts and press the butt on on the lift ing fixture aftercompleti on of assembly. AGV will lower the lifting fixture to zero automatically. When all lifting fixtures reach zero, AGV will accelerate to leave assembly station.After equipped with engine andrear axle at loading station

47、, AGV finishes one working cycle.當(dāng)發(fā)動機前后懸掛總成不能及時供應(yīng)時,可通過設(shè)置在裝配工位的懸鏈 急停開關(guān),由人工控制,停止懸鏈運行。即使不按懸鏈急停,AGV系統(tǒng)也會通過控制臺申請停止懸鏈運行。Wherengine and front & rear suspension assembly can t be supplied in time, make manual control by using emergency stop switch on the assembly station to stop suspending chain to run. Even

48、 without pressing the suspe nsion cha in emerge ncy switch, AGV system can also apply tostop running through the con sole.當(dāng)AGV進入報警工位(裝配工位末端)而未完成合裝時,AGV各自動停止運行,AGV空制臺報警并控制工藝鏈停線,直到完成裝配后自動恢復(fù)運行。WhenAGVe nters in to alarmi ng statio n (at the end of assembly stati on) and hasn t finished assembly, AGV wi

49、ll stop automatically and AGV con sole will alarm and con trolthe process cha in to stop. Afterassembly, it will recover automatically.(5)AGV在分裝工位的運行速度可根據(jù)現(xiàn)場實際設(shè)置。AGV running speed in subassembly statio n can be setup accord ing toactual situati on.6. 發(fā)動機裝配升降工作臺En gi ne Assembly Lifter WorktableAGV發(fā)動機

50、裝配升降工作臺是將發(fā)動機前懸總成舉升到裝配位置高度的設(shè)備, 目前我公司應(yīng)客戶要求普遍采用純機械傳動的伸縮套筒式升降工作臺。為適應(yīng)各 使用現(xiàn)場的不同要求,我公司將剪式液壓機構(gòu)升降工作臺列為備選設(shè)備供用戶選 擇。兩者主要區(qū)別為前者采用直流伺服電機驅(qū)動升降,執(zhí)行元件為滾珠絲杠。后者采用液壓泵站驅(qū)動升降,執(zhí)行元 件為液壓缸。AGV engine assembly lifter worktable is the equipment that lifts engine front suspe nsion final assembly to the assembly positi on. Now, base

51、d on customerrequireme nts,ourcompany mainly adopts pure mecha ni cal driv ingexte nsioniHfr律I齡鮎sleeve lifter worktable. To meet differe ntdema nds in various applicati on fields, our companymakesthe scissor hydraulic lifter worktable to be an optional device for customer to choose. The mai n differ

52、e nee betwee n these two lies in the fact that the previous one uses DC servo motor to drive lifter and the executive comp onent is ballscrew, while the latter adopts hydraulic pumping station to drive lifter and the executive component is hydraulic cyli nder.6.1 伸縮套筒式升降工作臺 Exte nsion Sleeve Lifter

53、Worktable該裝置主要由滑動工作平臺、舉升裝置、手控盒等組成(如圖升降工作臺簡圖), 其中滑動工作平臺在使用過程中可通過直線軸承組合的機構(gòu)進行兩個方向的水平 移動,另外滑動工作臺通過組合軸承結(jié)構(gòu)可旋轉(zhuǎn)一定的角度。舉升裝置是完成升 降動作的主要裝置,其主要由滾珠絲杠機構(gòu)、一層起重鏈輪組合、二層起重鏈輪 組合、電機減速機、齒輪傳動及各伸縮套筒組成。該電機采用進口的直流電機、 減速器一體機,滾珠絲杠及螺母等零件采用德國進口零件,性能可靠,傳動穩(wěn)定。This equipment is formed by the sliding worktable, liftingdevice and manua

54、lcontrol box, etc (See the lifter worktable sketch). Amongthem, the sliding worktable can movehoriz on tallyin two directi ons through straight beari ngcomb in ati on in the course of applicati on. Besides, it can also rotate in certain angle by this structure. The lifting fixture is the main device

55、 to finish the action of lifting and lowering. It is composedof ballscrew, one layer lift cha in wheel comb in ati on, two layers lift cha in wheel comb in ati on, motor reducer, gear driv ing and each exte nsion sleeve. The motor adopts the imported DCmotor and reducer of one machine. Parts, such a

56、s the ballscrew and nut are imported from Germa ny. They are reliable in performa nee and stable in driv ing.AG舉升裝置可由手動操縱上升下降,操作人員可以通過操作配套在舉升裝置 兩側(cè)的手控操作盒或腳踏開關(guān)實現(xiàn)舉升裝置的上升或下降。待AGV進入裝配路段并跟蹤上車身后,操作者松開滑動平臺鎖定裝置,利用舉升手控盒手動操縱舉升 裝置升降。裝配結(jié)束后,按動裝配結(jié)束按鈕舉升裝置自動復(fù)位至初始位置后人工 鎖定滑動平臺。每個舉升裝置安裝有編碼器,可時時反饋提升的位置,舉升的高 度也可通過軟件設(shè)定,設(shè)定需要舉升的高度及極限高度。在發(fā)動機合裝托盤上安 裝托盤位置傳感器,用于監(jiān)測發(fā)動機合裝托盤在下降過程中是否與升降臺分離, 確保操作安全。AGV lift ing equipme nt can be operated manu ally to asce nd and desce nd.Operator can run it through manual operati on box orfootswitch at the twosides of the lift ing equipme


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