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1、土木工程專業(yè)英語土木工程專業(yè)英語 Planning. The first step leading to the construction of a modern major bridge is a comprehensive study to determine whether a bridge is needed. 規(guī)劃設(shè)計 現(xiàn)代重要的橋梁建造的第一步是廣泛地研究以確定橋梁的必要性。 If it is to be a highway bridge, in the United States for example,a planning study is initiated by a sta

2、te bridge authority,possibly in cooperation with local government or the federal government . 比如:如果是美國的高速公路橋,是由州橋管理局研究規(guī)劃并確定,同時當?shù)氐恼蚵?lián)邦政府一起參與。土木工程專業(yè)英語 Studies are made to estimate the amount of bridge traffic, the relief of jammed traffic in nearby highway network, the effects on the regional economy

3、, and the cost of the bridge. 橋梁的交通流量、對附近高速公路網(wǎng)交通堵塞的調(diào)劑,對當?shù)亟?jīng)濟的影響和橋的造價等因素進行評估研究。 The means for financing the project, such as public taxes or sale of revenue bonds repaid by toll charges, are considered.Bond n.結(jié)合(物), 粘結(jié)(劑), 聯(lián)結(jié), 公債, 債券, 合同revenue bond收益?zhèn)?這就決定了工程的投資方式,如公眾收費,依靠過通行費來支付的發(fā)行債券的規(guī)模都要被考慮進來。 If

4、the studies lead to a decision to go ahead with the project, the land needed for the bridge and its approaches is acquired at the selected site. 如果研究認為其可行信,那么橋選址和占地問題將著手處理。土木工程專業(yè)英語 At this point, field engineering work is started. Accurate land surveys are made. land survey 土地測量 在確定場地時,現(xiàn)場測繪工作開始進行,做好

5、精確的實地測量。 Tides, flood conditions,currents, and other characteristics of the waterway are carefully studied. 潮汐,洪水因素,水流和排水的其它的特征都要仔細研究, Boring samples of soil and rock are taken at possible foundation locations, both on land and under the water. 在陸地和水下的泥土和巖石的鉆孔取樣在基礎(chǔ)可能的位置都要盡可能地進行。土木工程專業(yè)英語 Selection of

6、 bridge design.橋梁設(shè)計類型的選擇橋梁設(shè)計類型的選擇 The chief factors in deciding whether a bridge will be built as a girder , cantilever , truss , arch , suspension , or some other type are: (1) location;for example, cross a river ;(2)purposes ; for example , a bridge for carrying motor vehicles ; ( 3 ) span length

7、; ( 4 ) strength of available materials ; ( 5 ) cost ; ( 6 ) beauty and harmony with the location . 決定把橋建成梁、懸臂、桁架、拱、懸索或其他類決定把橋建成梁、懸臂、桁架、拱、懸索或其他類型結(jié)構(gòu)的主要因素是:(型結(jié)構(gòu)的主要因素是:(1)地點,如跨越河流;()地點,如跨越河流;(2)目的,如建橋為了方便交通;(目的,如建橋為了方便交通;(3)跨度;()跨度;(4)可用)可用材料強度;(材料強度;(5)花費;()花費;(6)美觀和和諧性。)美觀和和諧性。土木工程專業(yè)英語 Each type of b

8、ridge is most effective and economical only within a certain range of span lengths, as shown in the following table: . 每種結(jié)構(gòu)類型的橋,只有在一定跨度范圍內(nèi),才每種結(jié)構(gòu)類型的橋,只有在一定跨度范圍內(nèi),才能是最經(jīng)濟和最有效。如下表所示:能是最經(jīng)濟和最有效。如下表所示: 橋的類橋的類型型最佳跨度最佳跨度英尺英尺米米梁橋梁橋2020到到100010006.16.1到到304.8304.8剛架橋剛架橋8080到到30030024.424.4到到91.491.4拱橋拱橋200200到到

9、1000100061.061.0到到304.8304.8桁架橋桁架橋200200到到1400140061.061.0到到426.7426.7土木工程專業(yè)英語 As indicated in the table , there is a considerable overlap in the range of applicability of the various typesIn some cases,alternative preliminary designs are prepared for several types of bridge in order to have a bette

10、r basis for making the final 上表表明了不同結(jié)構(gòu)類型的適用性有很多交叉的地方。在一些實例中,在不同的初步設(shè)計中,用來比較不同類型的橋是為了在最后有最好的選擇。土木工程專業(yè)英語Selection of materials材料的選擇材料的選擇 The bridge designer can select from a number of modern high-strength materials,including concrete,steel,and a wide variety of corrosion-resistant alloy steels橋梁設(shè)計者能選用

11、大量的現(xiàn)代高強材料,包括混泥土、橋梁設(shè)計者能選用大量的現(xiàn)代高強材料,包括混泥土、鋼筋和多種耐腐蝕的合金鋼。鋼筋和多種耐腐蝕的合金鋼。 土木工程專業(yè)英語 For the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge,for example,the designer used at least seven different kinds of alloy steel,one of which has a yield strength of 5000 pounds per square inch(psi)(3,515 kgsq cm) and does not need to be painte

12、d because an oxide coating forms on its surface and inhibits corrosioninhibit 抑制抑制, 約束約束, 化化醫(yī)醫(yī)抑制抑制 拿拿Varian-Narrows大橋來說,設(shè)計者使用了七種不同大橋來說,設(shè)計者使用了七種不同的合金鋼,其中之一的合金的屈服強度為的合金鋼,其中之一的合金的屈服強度為50000英鎊英鎊每平方英寸(每平方英寸(3115kg/c),而且不需要油漆保護,因而且不需要油漆保護,因為有一種氧化膜覆蓋在它的表面而防止腐蝕。為有一種氧化膜覆蓋在它的表面而防止腐蝕。 The designer also can sel

13、ect steel wires for suspension cables that have tensile strengths up to 250,000 psi(17,577 kgsq cm)設(shè)計者還選用鋼絲繩作為懸索,它的抗拉強度超過設(shè)計者還選用鋼絲繩作為懸索,它的抗拉強度超過250000英鎊每平方英寸(英鎊每平方英寸(17577 kg/c)土木工程專業(yè)英語 Concrete with compressive strengths as high as 8,000 psi (5625 kgsq Cm) can now be produced for use in bridges , an

14、d it can be given high durability against chipping and weathering by the addition of special chemical agents and control of the hardening process .chipping 碎屑;小碎片碎屑;小碎片 weathering侵蝕侵蝕,風化風化 現(xiàn) 在 , 抗 壓 強 度 高 達現(xiàn) 在 , 抗 壓 強 度 高 達 8 0 0 0 英 鎊 每 平 方 英 尺英 鎊 每 平 方 英 尺(562.5kg/c)的混泥土被生產(chǎn)用于橋梁工程,)的混泥土被生產(chǎn)用于橋梁工程,而且

15、它在增加特殊化學物質(zhì)后具有很高的抗脆裂而且它在增加特殊化學物質(zhì)后具有很高的抗脆裂性能和抗風化性能,性能和抗風化性能,Concrete that has been presressed and reinforced with steel wires has a tensile strength of 250,000psi ( 17,577 kg / sq cm). 用鋼絞線加強的預(yù)應(yīng)力混凝土,其強度達到用鋼絞線加強的預(yù)應(yīng)力混凝土,其強度達到250000英鎊每平方英寸(英鎊每平方英寸(17577 kg/c)土木工程專業(yè)英語 Other useful materials for bridges in

16、clude aluminum alloys and wood. 橋梁使用的其它材料還有鋁合金和木材。橋梁使用的其它材料還有鋁合金和木材。 Modern structural aluminum alloy have yield strengths exceeding 40,000 psi(2,812 kg/sq cm). 現(xiàn)在的鋁合金的屈服強度超過了現(xiàn)在的鋁合金的屈服強度超過了40000每平方英寸每平方英寸(2818 kg/c)。)。 Laminated strips of wood glued together can be made into beams with strengths twi

17、ce that of natural timber; glue-laminated southern pine, for example, can bear working stresses approaching 30, 000 psi(210.9 kg/sq cm).laminated由薄片疊成的由薄片疊成的 把片狀的木條粘在一起做成的梁是自然木材強度的二把片狀的木條粘在一起做成的梁是自然木材強度的二倍。例如用南部松樹而膠結(jié)的梁能承受的工作應(yīng)力達到倍。例如用南部松樹而膠結(jié)的梁能承受的工作應(yīng)力達到了了3000英鎊每英寸(英鎊每英寸(210.9 kg/c)。)。 土木工程專業(yè)英語 Analys

18、is of forces力的分析 A bridge must resist a complex combination of tension, compression, bending, shear, and torsion forces. 一座橋要抵抗一系列的合力,如拉力,壓力,剪力和扭力。 In addition, the structure must provide a safety factor as insurance against failure. 另外,結(jié)構(gòu)還需要一定的安全系數(shù)作為防止破壞的安全儲備。 The calculation of the precise nature

19、of the individual stresses and strains in the structure, called analysis, is perhaps the most technically complex aspect of bridge building. 對結(jié)構(gòu)的各種應(yīng)力和應(yīng)變的準確特性進行計算,這就叫應(yīng)力分析,這或許是橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)中最復雜的技術(shù)。 The goal of analysis is to determine all of the forces that may act on each structural member.應(yīng)力分析的目的是為了確定作用在結(jié)構(gòu)上的

20、各種力。 土木工程專業(yè)英語 The forces that act on bridge structural members are produced by two kinds of loads-static and dynamic. 作用在橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)的力都可以分為二類荷載:動荷載和靜荷載。 The static load - the dead weight of the bridge structure itself -is usually the greatest load. The dynamic, or live, load has components, including vehic

21、les carried by the bridge, wind forces, and accumulations of ice and snow. 靜荷載即橋的自重它往往也是最大的荷載。動荷載或靜荷載有很多,包括橋面上的機動車,風荷載,和積冰積雪荷載。 土木工程專業(yè)英語 Although of the total weight of the vehicles moving over a bridge at any time is generally a small fraction of the static and dynamic load, it presents special pro

22、blems to the bridge designer because of the vibration and impact stresses created by moving vehicles. 雖然隨時在橋面上移動的車輛的總重量相對于靜荷雖然隨時在橋面上移動的車輛的總重量相對于靜荷載和動荷載來說是一個很少的部分,而對設(shè)計者來說,載和動荷載來說是一個很少的部分,而對設(shè)計者來說,因為機動車輛產(chǎn)生的振動和沖擊壓力而會出現(xiàn)特殊問因為機動車輛產(chǎn)生的振動和沖擊壓力而會出現(xiàn)特殊問題。題。 For example, the severe impacts caused by irregularitie

23、s of vehicle motion or bumps in the roadway may momentarily double the effect of the live load on the bridge. 例如:在路面上機動車的不規(guī)則的運動或碰撞對橋例如:在路面上機動車的不規(guī)則的運動或碰撞對橋面產(chǎn)生瞬時雙倍活荷載的作用力。面產(chǎn)生瞬時雙倍活荷載的作用力。 土木工程專業(yè)英語 Wind exerts force on a bridge both directly by striking the bridge structure and indirectly by striking ve

24、hicles that are crossing the bridge. 風在橋上的作用的力包括:風在橋上的作用的力包括: 直接作用橋結(jié)構(gòu)的力和間接的直接作用橋結(jié)構(gòu)的力和間接的通過作用在通行車輛的力。通過作用在通行車輛的力。 If the wind induces aero elastic vibration, as in the case of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, its effect may be greatly amplified. 如果出現(xiàn)空氣彈性振動,在這種情況下的如果出現(xiàn)空氣彈性振動,在這種情況下的Tacoma Narrows大橋的風作用被大大地增

25、大,大橋的風作用被大大地增大, Because of this danger, the bridge designer makes provisions for the strongest winds that may occur at the bridge location. provisionn.供應(yīng)供應(yīng),提供提供,供給,準備供給,準備,防備;食物和飲料規(guī)定防備;食物和飲料規(guī)定,條款條款,條件條件 由于這種危險的存在,橋的設(shè)計者必須知道橋址處可能發(fā)由于這種危險的存在,橋的設(shè)計者必須知道橋址處可能發(fā)生的最大的風。生的最大的風。 Other forces that may act on the

26、 bridge, such as stresses created by earthquake tremors, must also be provided for. 還有其它的力作用在橋上,如:地震產(chǎn)生的壓力也必須注意。還有其它的力作用在橋上,如:地震產(chǎn)生的壓力也必須注意。 土木工程專業(yè)英語 Special attention must often be given to the design of the bridge piers, since heavy loads may be imposed on them by currents, waves, and floating ice a

27、nd debris. Occasionally a pier may even be hit by a passing hip. 對橋墩的設(shè)計要給予特殊的關(guān)注,因為橋墩承擔對橋墩的設(shè)計要給予特殊的關(guān)注,因為橋墩承擔水流,浮冰和漂浮物而產(chǎn)生的重荷載,橋墩通常還有水流,浮冰和漂浮物而產(chǎn)生的重荷載,橋墩通常還有被船撞擊的可能。被船撞擊的可能。 土木工程專業(yè)英語 Electronic computers are playing an ever increasing role in assisting bridge designers in the analysis of forces. 電腦在力分析上

28、協(xié)助橋梁設(shè)計者,起著很重要的作用。 The use of precise model testing, particularly for studying the dynamic behavior of bridges, also helps designers. 用一個精確的模型試驗,尤其對橋的動力的活動狀態(tài)的研究也可以幫助設(shè)計者。 A scaled-down model of the bridge is constructed, and various gauges to measure strains, accelerations, and deformations are placed

29、 on the model. 一個縮尺比例的橋模結(jié)構(gòu)中,布置很多位移計對橋模各處的應(yīng)力,加速度和變形進行測量。土木工程專業(yè)英語 The model bridge is then subjected to various scaled-down load or dynamic condition to find out what will happen. 橋模在同樣比例的荷載和動力條件作用下,來分析橋的受力行為。 Wind tunnel tests may also be made to ensure that nothing like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge fai

30、lure can occur. With modern technological aids, there is much less chance of bridge failure than in the past. 風洞試驗也可以確保不再發(fā)生Tacoma Narrows大橋的失敗。在現(xiàn)代技術(shù)的幫助下,橋梁事故出現(xiàn)的機會將大大少于以前。 土木工程專業(yè)英語 Construction the foundations. 基礎(chǔ) 施工 Construction starts with the foundation, which may cost almost as much as the supers

31、tructure . 施工都是從基礎(chǔ)開始的,基礎(chǔ)的花費幾乎大大超過上層建筑。 Foundations built in water usually present the greatest difficulties. One of the older methods, which is still used in shadow waters, is to erect cofferdams similar to the ring of closely spaced piles that the Romans used. 水下基礎(chǔ)通常會遇到很大的困難,有個古老的方法常被用于淺水中,即在小范圍內(nèi)布置

32、垂直圍堰而建橋墩。羅馬人常用這種方法。土木工程專業(yè)英語For constructing foundations in deep water, caissons have long been used .在深水中建基礎(chǔ)一般用沉箱法。the caisson, which is a huge box closed on all sides except the bottom, is lowered onto the river bed.沉箱是一個底部開口其余封閉的大盒子而沉入河床上,Workers inside the caisson, , which is filled with compress

33、ed air to keep out the water, dig deeper and deeper, and the caisson sinks as the digging proceeds , When a suitable depth is reached,the caisson is filled with concrete and becomes part of the foundation itself .工人們在為擋水而充滿壓縮空氣的沉箱里,越挖越深,沉箱也跟著下沉。當達到合適的深度后在箱內(nèi)填入混泥土而成為基礎(chǔ)的一部分。土木工程專業(yè)英語 Another deep-water

34、method, less hazardous and less costly than the caisson method, uses steel or concrete piles. 在深水中建基礎(chǔ)的另一種方法比沉箱法更安全和更低的成在深水中建基礎(chǔ)的另一種方法比沉箱法更安全和更低的成本,用于鋼或混泥土橋墩。本,用于鋼或混泥土橋墩。 With modern pile drivers, long heavy piles can be driven even In deep water. 用現(xiàn)代的打樁機,長重樁可以打入深水中。用現(xiàn)代的打樁機,長重樁可以打入深水中。 The piles can b

35、e cut off and capped either above the water level or below it. 樁可以在水面或水下截斷或做成樁帽。樁可以在水面或水下截斷或做成樁帽。 If they are capped below the water level, a prefabricated hollow pier case is floated out to the site, sunk on the piles, and then filled with concrete to form the pier. 如在水下把它們做成樁帽,可把一個預(yù)制空心橋墩浮運到場如在水下把它

36、們做成樁帽,可把一個預(yù)制空心橋墩浮運到場地內(nèi)并沉入到樁上,然后灌入混泥土形成橋墩。地內(nèi)并沉入到樁上,然后灌入混泥土形成橋墩。 土木工程專業(yè)英語 Erecting the superstructure.建造上部結(jié)構(gòu)建造上部結(jié)構(gòu) After all piers and abutments are in place, the erection of the superstructure begins 當所有的樁和支柱建好后,則上部結(jié)構(gòu)開始建造。當所有的樁和支柱建好后,則上部結(jié)構(gòu)開始建造。 The method of construction used depends largely on the t

37、ype of bridge being built. There are six construction methods: falsework , flotation , cantilevering,sliding ,direct lifting, and Suspension. 結(jié)構(gòu)的施工方法有很多種類,共有六類施工方法:結(jié)構(gòu)的施工方法有很多種類,共有六類施工方法:腳手架、浮運、懸臂、滑移、直升和懸掛法。腳手架、浮運、懸臂、滑移、直升和懸掛法。土木工程專業(yè)英語 In falswork construction, mainly used in building concrete arch b

38、ridges, metal or wood supports are built temporarily to support the erection. 在用腳手架施工時,主要用來建混泥土拱橋,金屬在用腳手架施工時,主要用來建混泥土拱橋,金屬或木支撐都是臨時搭設(shè)為支撐上部結(jié)構(gòu)?;蚰局味际桥R時搭設(shè)為支撐上部結(jié)構(gòu)。 A great deal of ingenuity is often required just to erect the falsework, especially for structures over swift rivers or deep canyons. Tempora

39、ry piles and trestles are commonly used in wide shallow rivers.Trestle腳手架腳手架,高架橋高架橋,三角凳三角凳 腳手架都是根據(jù)需要而靈活搭建的,尤其結(jié)構(gòu)在腳手架都是根據(jù)需要而靈活搭建的,尤其結(jié)構(gòu)在激流河流或深谷上時,臨時橋墩和架子一般在寬而淺激流河流或深谷上時,臨時橋墩和架子一般在寬而淺的河上使用。的河上使用。土木工程專業(yè)英語 In the floatation method, mainly used in building long bridges , large bridge section are prefabrica

40、ted on shore and floated out on barges to the bridge site . 浮運法主要用來施工很長的橋梁,主橋部分是在河岸預(yù)制的,浮運法主要用來施工很長的橋梁,主橋部分是在河岸預(yù)制的,然后用駁船浮移到橋梁位置。然后用駁船浮移到橋梁位置。 The sections are then hoisted into place, either by floating derricks or by winches placed on previously constructed sections of the bridge. 浮吊起重機或卷揚機安裝在已建成橋的部

41、位,然后把預(yù)知的主浮吊起重機或卷揚機安裝在已建成橋的部位,然后把預(yù)知的主橋部分精確吊到大橋的施工部位。橋部分精確吊到大橋的施工部位。土木工程專業(yè)英語 The cantilevering technique is used not only for cantilever bridges but also for steel arch bridges. 懸臂技術(shù)不僅用于懸臂橋中,也用于剛拱橋上,懸臂技術(shù)不僅用于懸臂橋中,也用于剛拱橋上, Construction starts at an abutment and extends toward the center piece by piece. M


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