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1、學(xué)號:2009020619姓名:豐慧聯(lián)系 :Email:所在學(xué)院chofung163 外 國 語 學(xué) 院碩士學(xué)位論文論文題目 On the Creative Development of Symbolismin Yeats s Poems葉芝詩歌對象征主義創(chuàng)作手法的運用發(fā)展ii學(xué)科專業(yè)名稱申請人姓名指導(dǎo)教師論文提交時間英語語言文學(xué)豐慧張京生教授2 011年 06月 24日單位代碼10445學(xué) 號2009020619分 類 號I106研究生類別全日制碩士On the Creative Development of Symbolism in Yeats sPoemsByS

2、upervisor:Feng HuiProfessor Zhang JingshengSubmitted to the School of Foreign LanguagesOf Shandong Normal University in PartialFulfillment of the Requirements forThe Degree of Master of ArtsShandong Normal UniversityJinan, ChinaJune, 2011獨創(chuàng)聲明本人聲明所呈交的學(xué)位論文是本人在導(dǎo)師指導(dǎo)下進行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。據(jù)我所知,除了文中特別加以標注和致謝的地方

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4、字日期:2011 年月日簽字日期:2011 年月日(山東師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文ContentsAbstract. I摘 要. VIIntroduction .1Chapter One The Exercise and Innovation of Image in Yeats s Poetry .61.1 The Emotional Images .71.1.1 Rose. 71.1.2 Dewdrop.141.2 The Intellectual Images .221.2.1 The Wheel .221.2.2 The Tower .29Chapter TwoSources of Yeats

5、s Symbolist Theory.332.1 Victorianism.342.1.1 Matthew Arnold .352.1.2 A. H. Hallam and Pater .362.2. British Pre-Raphaelites.392.2.1 Dante Gabriel Rossetti .402.2.2 William Morris .412.2.3 Walter Pater .422.3 Aestheticism .442.3.1 Origin .452.3.2 Disagreement .452.3.3 Final Impact .47Chapter Three T

6、he Combination of Symbol and Reality in Yeatss Poetry .493.1 Biography, Background and Influences .493.2 Symbolism and Yeats s Love Affaires .513.2.1 Maud Gonne.523.2.2 Lady Augusta Gregory .543.2.3. Olivia Shakespear .553.3 Symbolism and Yeats s Nationality.553.3.1 Background .56i山東師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文3.3.2

7、Yeats and his contradictory nationality .59Chapter Four Symbolism and Philosophical Concepts .674.1 Mysticism in Yeats s Poetry .674.1.1 Background .674.1.2 The Cultural Context.714.1.3 The Sources of Mysticism.724.1.4 Acceptance and Misunderstanding of the Oriental mystery .734.2 Celtic Awareness .

8、774.2.1 Genetic Origin.784.2.2 Influence on Yeats s Poetry .794.3 Troy Complex .804.3.1 Cause and Origin.804.3.2 Influences upon Yeats s Poetry .814.3.3 Similarity and Difference between Celtic Awareness and Troy Complex .844.4 Binary Opposition .85Conclusion .89Notes . 90Bibliography .92Acknowledge

9、ments .94Publications .95ii山東師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文AbstractWilliam Butler Yeats (1865-1939) is one of the most prominent Irish poet, adramatist, mystic and public figure. He won Nobel Prize for literature in 1923 andaccomplished great achievements in the fields like Symbolism, Romanticism,Aestheticism and Moder

10、nism. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the applicationand development of Symbolism in Yeats poetic works. The paper consists of sixparts, including an introduction and a conclusion.The first part is the introduction, in which the background of Yeats creation, theoverview of Yeats life, his l

11、iterary career and literary achievements are given,followed by the literature review at home and abroad. Finally, the application of thetheory in the analysis is introduced.The first chapter explores the exercise and innovation of symbolism in Yeatspoems. According to his creation, there are mainly

12、two catalogues of image, that is,the emotional image and the intellectual image.When he was young Yeats lived in dreams, starved for love, and expressedhimself in a kind of mythology. So his early poetry is full of emotional images, andthe philosophical images in his early poetry usually evoke ideas

13、 mingled withemotions, i.e. , the rose and the white birds. When he was older he had more interestin philosophical images and welcomed the coming of wisdom with time.As Yeats longs for wisdom rather than youthful fancies and passions,his imagesbecame more and more intellectual. In old age his quest

14、for wisdom and intellectualjoy reached the climax, as is best shown in his immortal poem Sailing toByzantium(1927). This intellectual image in his late poetry almost excludes emotionsand evokes ideas only. Of these intellectual images in his late period, the mostcharacteristic ones are the tower, th

15、e winding stair, Byzantium, the great wheel, thegyre, and the phases of the moon. Behind these intellectual images there is an occult,philosophical background, which we may call esoteric Yeatsism and which enrichesI山東師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文the meanings of these symbols.The second chapter mainly deals with the so

16、urces of Yeatss Symbolist theory.Yeatss symbolist theory has special characteristics. Where does his theory comefrom? We immediately think of one man . That man is Arthur Symons (1865-1945)who dedicated to Yeats The Symbolist Movement in Literature (1899), a book thatintroduced for the first time th

17、e French Symbolist movement to the English readersand was rather influential at the turn of the century; that school is the FrenchSymbolists whose representatives included Villier de LIsle Adam, StephaneMallarme, Paul Verlaine, and so on. In that famous dedication To W. B. Yeats,Symons begins,It is

18、almost worth writing a book to have one perfectly sympathetic reader, whowill understand everything that one has said, and more than one has said, who willthink ones own thought whenever one has said exactly the right thing, who willcomplete what is imperfect in reading it, and be too generous to th

19、ink that it isimperfect. I feel that I shall have that reader in you; so here is my book in token ofthat assurance.Most obviously Symons considers Yeats as the chief representative of theSymbolist movement in the United Kingdom and the perfectly sympathetic reader ofhis book. So Yeats s contemporari

20、es were easily given the impression that before thepublication of Symons s book the French Symbolist had influenced Yeats already.Chapter Three analyses the combination of symbol and reality in Yeatss Poetry.Before we begin to look at Yeats work, we need to know something of the worldand the circums

21、tances which shaped it. This is particularly important since the eventsof Yeats life, his friends, his lovers, his relations and the places in which he lived areso central to his writing.William Butler Yeats was born in Dublin on 13 June 1865. His father, JohnButler Yeats, was a barrister who had an

22、 additional income from inherited estates inCounty Kildare. Yeats mother, Susan Pollexfen, came from Sligo in the west ofIreland where her family owned various companies. Yeats sister Susan was born in1866, and there were three more children to follow: two brothers and a sister. One ofII山東師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文

23、the brothers, however, died in 1873.Because Yeats s work and life were so entwined as a matter of philosophy,because Yeats wrote about his life in memoirs and autobiographies as well as poemsand because so many of Yeats s contemporaries wrote their own account of events,there is a wealth of material

24、 for the psychoanalytical critic to consider. Similarly, dueto the fact that Yeats s relationships with women were so central to his poetry, sorife with ambiguity and because part of Yeats s relationships with women were socentral to his poetry, so rife with ambiguity and because part of Yeats s met

25、hod ofpresentation was to mythologize, sot identify types, there is much for the feministcritic to consider as well.Yeats wrote during one of the most volatile periods of his countrys history, andhis poetry captures this. The defeat of the Irish Home Rule Bill, the fall of Parnelland the founding of

26、 the Fenian movement, in its various forms led to the uprising of1916 and, eventually, to the Civil War which ended in partition. In the world beyondthis struggle, Yeats saw the start and finish of the First World War, and the events inEurope, which culminated in the beginning of the Second World Wa

27、r. Yeats writesabout historical events and personalities vividly. There are elegies to dead heroes andtributes to revolutionaries, tempered by misgivings about the nature of politics andthe need for something more.Perhaps in the typical historical discourse of Ireland, the greatest nationalistpoet i

28、s neither Celtic nor English. As W. B. Yeats, he has an advantageous positionwhere he can be in and out of the nationalist movement freely. Yeats makes full useof this advantage and jumps out of historical bond. He creates so many great worksand makes all the people have a better understanding of Ir

29、eland the lovely sister ofEngland. Meanwhile, he has build a cultural identity for Ireland.The last chapter mainly deals with Symbolism and Philosophical concepts inYeatss poetry, including mysticism, Celtic awareness, Troy complex, etc.In Yeats s works, oriental mysticism plays an important part an

30、d becomes atimeless theme. Its influence is extensive and profound. In the past, the westerncritics hasnt paid enough attention in Yeats s acceptance of mysticism. As to theIII山東師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文source of it, most analyze are done in the cycle of western culture, chieflyneoplatonism, Christian Kabbalah, Jo

31、hn Blake and Emannuel Swedenborgsmysticism. The oriental sect is always neglected. In fact, according to the developingtrack of the poets mentality, it can be easily concluded that oriental mysticism is oneof the main line in Yeats s creation.In reading the poetry of W. B. Yeats, inspired by its bea

32、uty and philosophicalthoughts, we tend to trace all back to his legendary life. He is highlyautobiographical poet and notes down his life in the form of a large amount of work.For an artist, what we should investigate the psychological structure itself. Thestrong autobiographical feature in his poet

33、ry provided the researchers with richmaterials and evidence.In 1904, H. J. Watt, the member of Würzburg School, discovers that people tendto give the same response to similar stimulations in the long-term practice andexperience. This tendency differs a lot from those form in short-term doings.

34、Oncegets a fixation, it can influent one dramatically. This phenomenon is called themental set. It can provide you with analyzing ways and method to solve problems.The unique life experience of Yeats enables him to have a prominent mental set, thatis the Celtic awareness.Besides, the powerful influe

35、nce of Greek culture is an objective factor forYeats s Troy complex. Ever since the renaissance, back to ancient Greece hasbeen the uniform claim in each enlightenment in human history. The outstandingcultural personages in the west keep promoting the slogan that Greece is the spiritualgarden for th

36、eir mental arms, which can be seen as a cultural Oedipus complex.Yeats is no exception. He used to compose poetry under the radiance of ancientGreek culture, to express his irreconcilable mental world. Therefore, emotionalfactor also plays an important role in the formation of Troy complex.As a matt

37、er of fact, Yeats s Celtic awareness has reached its harvest time since1923. Academic Institute of Sweden, Nobel Prize committee gives remarks on him,because of his inspiring poetry, in a highly artistic way, shows the spirit of the wholenation. Therefore, he realized the dream of many years, that i

38、s, he retains goodIV山東師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文relationship with his nation and receives recognize of the world. The Celticawareness promotes his poetry to take on a radiance of Irish nature while the Troycomplex enhances his poetic level to eternity and immortality. Both of the twomental set give an everlasting p

39、ower to Yeats s poetry. Through the analyses of thepaper, I wish to give researchers a better understanding of W. B. Yeats and hispoems.Key Words: Yeats; symbolism; imageCategory Number: I106V山東師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文摘 要葉芝(1865-1939)是享譽世界的愛爾蘭詩人、劇作家、神秘主義者和社會活動家。他于 1923 年獲得諾貝爾文學(xué)獎,并在象征主義、浪漫主義、唯美主義和現(xiàn)代主義等多種文學(xué)領(lǐng)域取得成就。本



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