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1、John used these to treat the most severe injuries to MsSlades hands.約翰用這些東西處理斯萊德女士手上最嚴重的傷口。2treat vt.& vi.治療;對待;款待n款待;招待典例He is seriously ill, and is being treated in hospital now.他病得很重,現(xiàn)在在醫(yī)院接受治療。Ill treat today.今天我請客。He took us to the cinema as a treat.他請我們看電影。第1頁/共28頁拓展treat.as/like 把當作treat sb.(t

2、o sth.)(用某物)款待某人be ones treat 由/該某人請客運用完成句子(1)The doctors _ (正在治療) the lady with anew drug.(2)Dont _ (把他的話當作) a joke.(3)This meal is _ ( 我 請 客 ), so put yourmoney away.are treatingtreat his words asmy treat第2頁/共28頁He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to thewounds until the police and ambulanc

3、e arrived.在警察和救護車到來之前,他通過給傷口加壓以減慢流血的速度。vi.申請;請求;使3apply vt.涂;敷;搽;應用;運用用;有效典例The farmer applied some medicinal herbs to the woundin the businessmans left foot.農(nóng)夫把一些草藥敷在了商人左腳的傷口上。We should apply advanced experience according to localconditions.對先進的經(jīng)驗我們應該因地制宜地應用。She applied for the well-paid job but wa

4、s rejected.她申請那份報酬豐厚的工作,但被拒絕了。第3頁/共28頁拓展apply sth.to sth.把某物應用在某物上apply to do sth.申請做某事apply for 申請運用完成句子apply this theory toapply forIt shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a realdifference.這說明了急救知識的確能發(fā)揮重要的作用。4make a difference 區(qū)別對待;有影響;起(重要)作用典例The mother never made a difference between he

5、r twosons.母親從不把兩個兒子區(qū)別對待。(1)We can _ ( 把這個理論應用到) Englishlearning.(2)To _ (申請) a job, you must fill out a form.第4頁/共28頁Does his absence make a difference to your work?他的缺席會影響你的工作嗎?拓展make a difference between.區(qū)別對待make a difference to sth.對某事有影響make no difference 沒影響;都一樣運用完成句子(1)The travel _ (對有影響) his

6、laterlife.(2)Whether you come or not _ (對沒影響) me.makes no difference tomade a difference to第5頁/共28頁-ly-ment-tion-ure-or-ant第6頁/共28頁運用用所給單詞的適當形式填空1people had to _ themselves in their own way beforethey received the _ sent by the government.(treat)2 _ this button and the _ of the water willrise.(press

7、ure)3 The _ boys were rewarded with medals for their_in Wenchan earthquake.(bravery)4 The _ who _ for the high-paid job filledout his _ form.(apply)bravebraveryapplicationtreattreatmentPresspressureapplicantapplied第7頁/共28頁1John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.約翰正在房里學習,突然聽到一聲尖叫。點撥該句中

8、的 when 表示“ 正在這時 ”,相當于 andjust/and at that time,此時不能用 while/as 替換。拓展并列連詞 whenand then,表示“就在那時;突然”,常用于以下句型中:(1)be doing.when.正在做突然I was wandering through the streets when l caught sight of atailors shop.我正在街上閑逛,突然看見了一個裁縫店。第8頁/共28頁(2)had done.when.剛做了突然I had just sat down when the light went out.我剛坐下來這

9、時電燈滅了。(3)be about to do.when.剛要做突然I was just about to go swimming when our guide saw me andshouted at me.我正要去游泳,這時導游看見了我并朝我吼了起來。運用完成句子(1)Tom _ ( 正 走 在 ) by the river_ (這時) a dog jumped at him.was walking when第9頁/共28頁(2)We_( 剛 開 始 )ourwork_ (這時) the machine broke down.點撥此句為強調(diào)句,用來強調(diào)句子的主語,原句為“Johnsquic

10、k action and knowledge of first aid saved Ms Slades life.”。強調(diào)句的基本結(jié)構(gòu)為:“It is/was被強調(diào)部分that/who剩余部分”。強調(diào)句可以用來強調(diào)除謂語動詞以外的任何句子成分。如果強調(diào)的部分是人且作主語時,可用 who/that,強調(diào)其他成分則都用 that。如:had just begunwhen2It was Johns quick action and knowledge of first aidthat saved Ms Slades life.正是約翰的迅速行動和急救知識救了斯萊德女士的命。第10頁/共28頁It w

11、as he who/that gave me a book yesterday in the room.正是他昨天在房間里給了我一本書。(強調(diào)主語)It was yesterday that he gave me a bookin the room.正是昨天他在房間里給了我一本書。(強調(diào)時間狀語)運用用適當?shù)倪B接詞填空that/who(1)It is I _ am going to Beijing.(2)It was in Xiamen _ I first met him.that3 There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and thefirs

12、t aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slades life.毫無疑問,是約翰敏捷的思維和在學校學到的急救技術(shù)救了斯萊德女士的命。第11頁/共28頁點撥(1)此句是一個復合句,that 引導的是同位語從句。同位語從句屬于名詞性從句,大多由從屬連詞 that 引導,常常跟在 fact, idea, opinion, news, hope, belief 等抽象名詞后面。同位語從句一般用來解釋或說明這些名詞的具體含義或內(nèi)容,在邏輯上為同位關(guān)系。如:They were delighted at the news that their team had

13、won.當聽到他們球隊贏了的消息,他們欣喜若狂。(2)Theres no doubt that.意為“毫無疑問”。如:There is no doubt that John will come in an hour.毫無疑問湯姆一小時后會回來。第12頁/共28頁拓展(1)Theres no doubt of/about 后接名詞,意為“是毫無疑問的”。如:Theres no doubt about/of his honesty.毫無疑問他是誠實的。(2)doubt 作動詞或名詞時,肯定句中可用 whether/if/that 引導賓語從句,否定句或疑問句中只能用 that。如:He doubt

14、ed whether/if they would be able to help.他拿不準他們是否能幫上忙。I have no doubt that it is true.我敢肯定這是真的。第13頁/共28頁運用完成句子(1)_ (毫無疑問) we did the right thing.(2)_ (有些疑問) her kindness.(3)I _ (不敢肯定) he will come.There is no doubt thatTheres some doubt about/ofdoubt if/whether一、段落仿寫 精彩文段The skin is an essential par

15、t of your body and its largestorgan.You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier againstdisease, poisons and the suns harmful rays.The functions of your第14頁/共28頁skin are also very complex: it keeps you warm or cool; it preventsyour body from losing too much water; it is where you feel cold,h

16、eat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.So as you canimagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.First aid is avery important first step in the treatment of burns.皮膚是身體必不可少的部分,也是身體的最大器官。皮膚有三層,它們是防病、防毒、抵御太陽有害光線侵害的一道屏障。皮膚的功能十分復雜。皮膚能保暖或御寒,保持體內(nèi)水分不過多流失。正是皮膚讓你感到冷熱和疼痛,它還使你有觸覺。因此,你可以想象

17、到,如果你的皮膚被燒傷了,就可能非常嚴重。在治療燒傷的過程中,緊急處理是非常重要的第一步。第15頁/共28頁分析講解主 題 句 : The skin is an essential part of your body and itslargest organ.拓展句 1:You have three layers of skin which act as a barrieragainst disease, poisons and the suns harmful rays.(說明主題句)拓展句 2:The functions of your skin are also very complex

18、: itkeeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing toomuch water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives youyour sense of touch.(進一步說明主題句)第16頁/共28頁拓展句 3 :So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned itcan be very serious.First aid is a very important first step in thetrea

19、tment of burns.(對主題句作總結(jié)說明)實戰(zhàn)演練(1)原作文材料主題句:報紙已經(jīng)流行了很長一段時間,但近年來越來越多的人更喜歡從互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上得到信息。拓展句 1:報紙和網(wǎng)站在幾個方面有類似之處。拓展句 2:盡管有類似之處,但網(wǎng)站可以自由地更新它們的新聞,而報紙一旦印出來就無法改變?nèi)魏螙|西。第17頁/共28頁拓展句 3:依我看,網(wǎng)站和報紙都在我們的生活中發(fā)揮著自身的作用并且它們是我們生活的一部分。(2)拓展主題句:報紙已經(jīng)流行了很長一段時間,但近年來越來越多的人更喜歡從互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上得到信息。拓展句 1:報紙和網(wǎng)站在幾個方面有類似之處,(次要拓展句)都旨在向公眾提供信息,并提供廣告,對于兩者來

20、說這是一個重要的賺錢途徑。拓展句 2:盡管有類似之處,但網(wǎng)站可以自由地更新它們的新聞,而報紙一旦印出來就無法改變?nèi)魏螙|西。(次要拓展句)第18頁/共28頁所以網(wǎng)站為我們提供了比報紙更快的最新信息,報紙還要付錢,而大多數(shù)網(wǎng)站都是免費的。(次要拓展句)我們可以在網(wǎng)站上更容易地表達自己的意見和與他人交換意見。拓展句 3:依我看,網(wǎng)站和報紙都在我們的生活中發(fā)揮著自身的作用并且它們是我們生活的一部分。_第19頁/共28頁 【參考范文】Newspapers have been popular for a long time, but in recentyears more and more people

21、prefer to get news from theInternet.Newspapers and websites are similar in several ways,aiming at providing information to the public and providingadvertising, which is an important way for both of them to makemoney.In spite of the above similarities, websites update their newsfreely and newspapers

22、change nothing once published.So websitesoffer us the latest news faster than newspapers, and newspapershave to be paid for while most websites are free.And it is on theexchangeideaswebsites that we can express ourselves andwith others more easily.第20頁/共28頁In my opinion, websites and newspaper play

23、their own roles inour lives and they are part of our lives.二、單元寫作意外傷害的急救指南本單元的寫作項目是描述急救內(nèi)容或過程,在此類寫作中要注意內(nèi)容的條理性和對過渡詞的合理使用。過渡詞在文章中有著承上啟下的作用。恰當?shù)剡\用過渡詞可使文章讀起來連貫、流暢,有一氣呵成的感覺,為文章增添色彩。因此,掌握好過渡詞是十分必要的。1常用詞匯段落起始過渡詞:to begin with ( 首先), generally speaking,first of all, in the first place第21頁/共28頁表 遞 進 關(guān) 系 : firs

24、tly., secondly., thirdly. 首 先 , 其次,再次to begin with., moreover., finally.首先,此外,最后Hardly had.when. 一 就 ;No sooner.than.剛就表 時 間 順 序 : next, eventually, since then, afterwards,meanwhile, therefore, immediately表因果關(guān)系:accordingly (于是), for this reason, as a result,consequently, so, due/owing to ( 由 于 ), be

25、cause of, thus/therefore,so that第22頁/共28頁表對比關(guān)系:in contrast with, similarly, whereas ( 然而), onthe contrary, different from, likewise ( 同樣), equally important ( 同樣重要), on the other hand表 舉 例 : a case in point ( 恰 當 的 例 子 ), for example,namely/that is (這就是說)描寫圖表的過渡詞:during this time/the period, compare

26、dwith, apart from (除了之外), from the above table/chart/graph(根據(jù)上圖所示)表強調(diào):furthermore, moreover, besides, in fact, also, indeed,again, in particular第23頁/共28頁表總結(jié):in conclusion, in brief, in a nutshell (簡言之), to sumup, in a word, on the whole2常用句型Watch out for.Follow these instructions.Look out for/Be careful (not) to.and.Dont.because.Make sure that./Take care to.If it is./On condition that.go to hospital.Mind you do/dont.Cover.with.Never.第24頁/共28頁3寫作模板【典例】急救知識在我們?nèi)粘I钪邪l(fā)揮著重要作用,適當?shù)募本忍幚砜梢跃徑獠∪说耐纯?,甚至挽救一個人的生命。請根據(jù)以下關(guān)于骨折的緊急處理知識,寫一篇不少于 120 詞的英語短文。第25頁/共28頁1一旦有


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