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1、實(shí)用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文案CONTRACT合同號(hào) Contract No.:簽約日期 Signing Date:簽約地點(diǎn) Signing Place:The Buyer:買方Address:地址Tel.Fax:The Seller:賣方Address:地址Tel.:Fax:買賣雙方依據(jù)平等自愿的原則 , 經(jīng)協(xié)商同意簽訂本合同,按如下條款由買方購(gòu)進(jìn)賣方售出以下商品: This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller in accordance with the principleof equity and free whereby th

2、e Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:1.DESCRIPTION OF GOODS & SPECIFICATIONS, QUANTITY, UNIT PRICE品目號(hào)商品名稱型號(hào)數(shù)量單價(jià)總價(jià)Item No.Name of CommodityModelQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price精彩文檔實(shí)用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文案合同總價(jià)TOTAL Pric

3、e:( SAYONLY ) (CIF DALIAN PORT CHINA)產(chǎn)品規(guī)格 (包括技術(shù)服務(wù)) ,配置清單祥見本合同附件。Quality &T echnical Specification includingtechnical as The per Appendixof this Contract.2. 原產(chǎn)地及制造廠商 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS:3. 專利 PATENT RIGHTS:賣方應(yīng)保證買方在中國(guó)使用貨物或貨物的任何一部分時(shí)免受第三方提出的所有侵犯其專利權(quán)、商標(biāo)權(quán)、著作權(quán)或其他知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)的索賠或起訴。 The Seller s

4、hall indemnify the Buyer against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights arising from use of the goods or any part thereof in the PRC.4. 交貨期限 TIME OF DELIVERY:合同生效后2 個(gè)月內(nèi)。 Within two months after the contract become effective.5. 裝運(yùn)港

5、和目的港 PORT OF SHIPMENT&DESTINATION:裝運(yùn)港 Port of shipment:目的港 Port of destination: Bengbu, Anhui, PRC6.付款方式TERMS OF PA YMENT:6.1買方應(yīng)于裝運(yùn)前三十( 30 )天通過(guò)買方銀行開出以賣方為受益人的合同全款不可撤銷轉(zhuǎn)讓信用證。見單后 90天付款。 The Buyer shall, withindays before shipment date, open an Irrevocabletransferred Letter of Credit payable at 90 da

6、ys after sight in favor of The seller for the total value of shipment所有發(fā)生在買方銀行的費(fèi)用由買方承擔(dān),發(fā)生在賣方銀行的費(fèi)用由賣方承擔(dān),所有付款單據(jù)通過(guò)雙方銀行傳遞。 All the banking charges incurred in the Buyer's Bank shall be borne by the Buyer, while those incurred outside the Buyer's Bank shall be borne by the Seller. All the documen

7、ts forpayment made by either the Seller or the Buyer shall be transferred through both parties B款項(xiàng)通過(guò)買方銀行按以下方式和比例向賣方支付。Thecurrenciesforpaymentsshallbe paidthrough th e buyer s bank to the Seller in the following manner and percentage。6.2買方應(yīng)根據(jù)下屬條款支付賣方 The Buyer shall make the payment to the Seller as

8、follows:6.2.1買方在收到下列單據(jù)后 90天內(nèi)向賣方支付百分之八十(80%) 的合同款 Eighty (80%) percent ofthe Contract price shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller 90 days after sight against the following documents:精彩文檔實(shí)用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文案A. 賣方簽署的發(fā)票三 (3) 份正本三 (3) 份副本,注明合同號(hào)、 貨物描述、 數(shù)量、單價(jià)和合同總值; Seller smanually Signed Commercial Invoice in three

9、(3) originals and three (3) copies indicating the Contract no., ID Number, description of the goods, quantity, unit price and total contract price.B.i) 空白抬頭、空白背書的全套可議付已裝船清潔提單(注明“運(yùn)費(fèi)已付 ”),并注明 “xxxx公司 ”For marine transportation, full set of clean on Board“Freight prepaid” Ocean Bills ofLading made out

10、to order and blank endorsed notifyingXXXXXXX Corporationii) 注 明 “運(yùn) 費(fèi) 已 付 ”的 空 運(yùn) 提 單 , 收 貨 人為 “XXXXXXX公 司 ,并 注 明 嘜 頭ForAirtransportation,originalairwaybillshowing“ freight prepaid ”and marked“ consign toXXXXXXXX Corporation”indicating the shipping mark.C.由最終用戶簽署并蓋章的貨物收貨證明五份正本四份副本。FiveoriginalsandFour

11、duplicatecopies of certificate of delivery signed and Stamped by the end-user;D. 詳細(xì)的裝箱單五份正本四份副本,注明用戶名稱、用戶代碼、設(shè)備名稱、每箱貨物的內(nèi)容、相對(duì)應(yīng)的發(fā)票號(hào)和發(fā)票日期,包括數(shù)量、毛重、凈重和尺碼。Five originals and Four duplicate copiesof detailed packing list indicating the name of end-users, ID Number, name of the equipment, contents of each pa

12、ckage, number and the date of the corresponding invoice, including quantity, gross/net weights and measurements and packing conditions as called for by the contract ;E.制造商出具的數(shù)量質(zhì)量證明五份正本四份副本。FiveoriginalsandFourduplicatecopiesofex-works quality certificate issued by the manufacturer;F.由相關(guān)權(quán)威機(jī)構(gòu)/ 制造商 / 制

13、造商授權(quán)的代理商出具的貨物原產(chǎn)地證書五份正本四份副本。Fiveoriginals and Four duplicate copies of certificate of origin issued by relevant authorities or the manufacturer and/or manufacturer authorized agent;G.全套保險(xiǎn)單,空白背書,以合同貨幣、按發(fā)票金額 110 投保一切險(xiǎn)和戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)險(xiǎn),并注明可在中國(guó)賠付;Full set of Insurance Policy/Certificate for 110% of the invoice value,

14、 showing claims payablein China, in currency of the contract, blank endorsed, covering All Risks and War Risks.H. 賣方簽發(fā)的非木質(zhì)包裝聲明正本一份副本一份,或包裝證明正本一份副本一份,證明所使用的木質(zhì)包裝已由出口國(guó)或地區(qū)政府植物檢疫機(jī)構(gòu)認(rèn)可的企業(yè)按中國(guó)確認(rèn)的檢疫除害自理辦法處理,并在木質(zhì)包裝顯著位置加施清晰易辨的IPPC 專用標(biāo)識(shí)。 A Declaration of Non-Wood packingmaterialsin oneoriginalandonecopy, or a Ce

15、rtificate in one originalandonecopyissuedbythe Seller certifyingthat the wood packaginghas been treated by theenterprisesqualified by the phytosanitary organization of exporting countries or areas in accordance withthe approved measures by PRC (e.g. HT,MB) and carried with legible special mark of IP

16、PC inthe obvious place of wood packaging.6.2.2買方在收到下列單據(jù)后90 天內(nèi)向賣方支付百分之二十(20%) 的合同款 Twentypercent(20%)of thetotalContractPrice shall bepaidby the Buyer to theSeller 90 days after sightagainst thefollowing documents:A. 20% 合同金額的發(fā)票五份正本。 Five originals of manually signed Commercial Invoice covering twent

17、y percent (20%) of the total Contract price;B.由最終用戶簽署并蓋章的最終驗(yàn)收證明五份正本四份副本。FiveoriginalsandFourduplicatecopies of manually signed and stamped Final Acceptance Certificate from end-user6.3若賣方未能履行本合同項(xiàng)下的義務(wù),買方有權(quán)從上述款項(xiàng)中扣除。In casethe Sellerfails toperform any of his obligations under the Contract, the Buyer s

18、hall have the right to deduct it from精彩文檔實(shí)用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文案any payment mentioned above.7. 履約保證金 PERFORMANCE SECURITY7.1賣方應(yīng)在合同簽訂的十四(14 )天內(nèi),向買方開出由買方確認(rèn)、并經(jīng)買方銀行驗(yàn)證的金額為合同金額百分之十( 10)的履約保證金。履約保證金的有效期至本合同規(guī)定的質(zhì)保期屆滿后30天。履約保證金費(fèi)用由賣方承擔(dān) The Seller shall, within fourteen (14) calendar days after signing ofContract, furnish the B

19、uyer a Performance Security, which will be confirmed by the Buyer, andthe performance securitymustbe authenticated by the buyer sbank in the amountof tenpercent (10%) of the total Contract price. The Performance Security shall remain valid Thirty (30)days after expiration of the warranty period of t

20、he goods and service specified in the contract.The cost therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.7.2若賣方未能履行本合同項(xiàng)下的義務(wù),買方有權(quán)從履約保證金中進(jìn)行追索。In case the Seller fails toperform any of his obligations under the Contract, the Buyershallhave the right tohave arecourse from the Performance Security.8.保險(xiǎn) INSURANCE8.

21、1賣方應(yīng)以 Xxxx 公司為受益人、按裝運(yùn)貨物金額的百分之一百一十(110 )、用合同貨幣投保一切險(xiǎn)和戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)險(xiǎn); 保險(xiǎn)責(zé)任為 “倉(cāng)至倉(cāng) ”,并注明可在中國(guó)賠付并無(wú)扣除條款。The Seller must insure theGoods in an amount equal to 110 percent (110%) of the contract price of the shipped Goods ofthe Contract from “ warehouse ”to “ warehouse ”on “ Allrisks ”basis,including War Risks withXXXXX

22、XXX Corporation as the beneficiary. The insurance has to be effected in the ContractCurrency showing claims payable in P.R.C and with no deductible clause.8.2一旦發(fā)生保險(xiǎn)承保的損失,買方將向保險(xiǎn)公司申請(qǐng)賠付,賣方應(yīng)提供必要的協(xié)助和文件。另如買方要求,賣方將盡快按原合同價(jià)格提供該丟失或損壞的貨物。 In case Contract Goods is lost and/or damaged in the course of transport

23、ation due to any accident, the Seller shall assist the Buyer/beneficiary to apply for compensation to the insurance company and shall provide necessary assistance and documents. When the Buyer so requires, the Seller shall be liable tomake, as soon as possible, supplementary supply of the lost and/o

24、r damaged goods at the original Contract Price.9. 裝運(yùn)條款 TERMS OF SHIPMENT9.1賣方應(yīng)在貨物裝運(yùn)前7天以傳真形式將裝運(yùn)的細(xì)節(jié),包括合同號(hào)、貨物名稱、數(shù)量、發(fā)票金額、包裝、毛重、尺寸、裝運(yùn)港、卸貨港、船名或航班號(hào)、提單/運(yùn)單號(hào)、起運(yùn)日期和預(yù)計(jì)到達(dá)日期等通知買方 The Sellershall,seven days beforethe date of shipment,advisethe Buyerby fax ofcontract No., commodity, quantity, value, number of packa

25、ges, gross weight, measurement, portofshipmentanddestination,name/numberofcarryingvessel/aircraft,numberofBillofLading/Air waybill, date of its departure and estimated date of arrival.9.2賣方同時(shí)應(yīng)在裝運(yùn)后四十八( 48)小時(shí)內(nèi)將提單或空運(yùn)單、發(fā)票、總裝箱單和詳細(xì)裝箱單、原產(chǎn)地證、熏蒸證明、三 C證書以及其他相關(guān)單據(jù)傳真給買方。賣方還應(yīng)在貨物裝運(yùn)后的三天內(nèi)快遞買方一整套正本單據(jù)。由于賣方未發(fā)裝船通知傳真而導(dǎo)致買

26、方不能及時(shí)保險(xiǎn)時(shí),則所發(fā)生的一切損失均由賣方負(fù)責(zé)賠償。 The Bill of Lading/Air waybill, invoice, overall packing list, detailed packing list, certificate of original, Phyto-sanitary certificate, triple C certificate and other related documents shall be also faxed to the Buyer by the Seller within forty eight (48) hours after s

27、hipment. The seller shall also send by courier a complete and full set of the Original documents to the buyer not later than three (3) days after completion of loading of the精彩文檔實(shí)用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文案Goods. Due to the seller s failure to give the above-mentioned advice of shipment by fax, theseller shall be held re

28、sponsible for any and all damage and/or loss attributable to such failure.9.3除非另有規(guī)定, 貨物不能放在甲板上運(yùn)輸,也不能分批裝運(yùn)或轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn) Unless otherwise agreed upon,“ shipped on deck ” or“ transshipment” is not acceptable.9.4賣方應(yīng)在裝運(yùn)完后應(yīng)立即以傳真方式將合同號(hào)、用戶名稱、用戶代碼、貨物名稱、數(shù)量、包裝、毛重、尺寸、發(fā)票金額、起運(yùn)日期、預(yù)計(jì)到達(dá)日期和貨物在運(yùn)輸、儲(chǔ)存中的特殊要求和注意事項(xiàng)通知分別買方和用戶。 The Sell

29、er, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the ContractEquipment, shall notifythe Buyerby fax of the ContractNo., name of end-user, ID number,name of commodity, quantity, number of packages, gross weight, measurement, invoiced value,name of carrying vessel, departure date and expected dat

30、e of arrival at the Port of Unloading.9.5貨物中若包含易燃、易暴和其他危險(xiǎn)品,賣方除在包裝和運(yùn)輸時(shí)予以特別考慮并采取專門措施之外,還應(yīng)在單據(jù)和包裝箱上特別注明。Incase of inflammable, explosive and other dangerousparts included in the Goods, the Seller should mark specially in the documents and the packagecases in addition to measures in packing and transport

31、ation.9.6由運(yùn)輸部門簽發(fā)的海運(yùn)提單/空運(yùn)單 /陸運(yùn)單據(jù)上的日期視為賣方裝運(yùn)的實(shí)際日期。The date of OnBoard Ocean Bills ofLading/AirWaybill/transportationdocuments/issuedby the transportdepartment concerned shall be regarded as the actual date of shipment of the goods by the Seller.10.包裝 PACKING10.1賣方應(yīng)提供所需的適應(yīng)各種氣候下長(zhǎng)途郵寄/空運(yùn) /陸運(yùn)的外貿(mào)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)包裝,防水、防潮、防

32、震、防塵,以及防止其他所有由于賣方采取不正確的包裝和防護(hù)措施所引起的損失。貨物重量在2公噸以上時(shí),應(yīng)以英文及國(guó)際貿(mào)易通用標(biāo)志注明貨物吊裝部位及重心所在處,并于箱兩側(cè)標(biāo)注指示性標(biāo)志,以便裝卸及處理操作。To be packed in export standard packing suitable for longdistance post/air freight and inland transportation and change of climate, well protected against dampness, moisture, shocks, rust, damage and

33、loss attributable to inadequate orimproper protective measures taken by the Sellers in regard to the packing. Should the goods weighs two (2) metric tons or more, then the hoist position and gravity shall be marked out in English with international trade practice marks and illustrative marks on the

34、two side of each case so as to facilitate loading, unloading and handling.10.2如適用 ,賣方應(yīng)在裝有散裝附件的包裝外標(biāo)上標(biāo)簽,注明合同號(hào)、主料名稱、輔料名稱、放置位置、附件號(hào)。 If applicable, the loose accessories in package or bundle shall be labeled by the Seller, indicating Contract No., name of main product, name of accessories and their posit

35、ion number and accessory number marked on assembling drawings.10.3賣方應(yīng)在包裝箱外表面四周醒目處應(yīng)英文標(biāo)注以下內(nèi)容 The Seller shall, on four (4) adjacent sides of each package, mark conspicuously the following items in English with indelible paint:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)Contract No.:IPPRZH11057MF-16嘜頭 Shipping Mark: 11CN01GT

36、G4IWS8203(YTZ)/Bengbu,PRC目的港 Destination: Bengbu, PRC收貨人Consignee: Bengbu Investment Group Co., Ltc.箱號(hào) /包號(hào) Case No./Bale No.毛重 /凈重 Gross/Net weight尺寸 Measurement精彩文檔實(shí)用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文案根據(jù)貨物的裝卸特點(diǎn)和運(yùn)輸?shù)牟煌?,賣方應(yīng)在包裝箱上清楚地標(biāo)注“小心輕放 ”、“此端朝上,請(qǐng)勿倒置 ”、 “保持干燥 ”等字樣和其他國(guó)際貿(mào)易中使用的適當(dāng)標(biāo)識(shí)。如果貨物單箱的重量超過(guò)2噸時(shí),賣方應(yīng)在包裝箱兩側(cè)用國(guó)際貿(mào)易通行標(biāo)志標(biāo)注“重心位置 ”、 “吊裝位置

37、”以便裝運(yùn)。 Inaccordance with the requirements in loading, unloadingand shipping Contract Equipment,the package shall be conspicuously marked in English with“ HANDLE WITH CARE” ,“ RIGHTSIDE UP” , “ KEEP DRY” and other terms appropriate in international transportation. Shouldthe Contract Equipment weigh t

38、wo (2) or over two (2) metric tons, the weight, gravity centerand hoisting position thereof shall be marked.10.4 每包內(nèi)應(yīng)附以下文件 The following documents shallbe enclosedin each package of theContract Equipment:(a) 詳細(xì)的裝箱單二份副本 Two duplicate copies of detailed packing list;(b) 數(shù)量質(zhì)量證明二份副本 Two duplicate copies

39、 of quality certificate;(c) 合同有關(guān)的技術(shù)文件一份副本 One copy of Technical Documentation for relevant Contract Equipment.10.5若是集裝箱運(yùn)輸,賣方應(yīng)檢查集裝箱是否完好并適合設(shè)備裝運(yùn)。在集裝箱內(nèi)應(yīng)使用支柱或木楔防止設(shè)備移動(dòng)。如果貨物因包裝不當(dāng)或因未采取妥善的保護(hù)措施而發(fā)生損失或損壞,賣方應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)更換或賠償。此外賣方還應(yīng)賠償買方未得到保險(xiǎn)公司全額索賠的損失Incase of containertransportation, the Seller shall examine the condition

40、s of the containers so that only those ingood conditions shall beused for deliveryofthe Contract Product.Sufficientshoresorchocks shall beprovided inorder to prevent theContract Product from movinginsidethecontainers.Ifthe Goodsare damagedor lostdue toimproperpackingand/orinadequateprotectivemeasure

41、s, theSeller shallbe responsiblereplacementand/orcompensationinaccordance with the Contract. The Seller shall compensate the Buyer in the event the Buyeris not fully compensated by the Insurance Company.10.6如果貨物因包裝不當(dāng)或因未采取妥善的保護(hù)措施而發(fā)生損失或損壞,賣方應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)修理、更換或賠償。 如果貨物因錯(cuò)誤 /不明確的包裝或嘜頭標(biāo)識(shí)而發(fā)生的錯(cuò)發(fā)貨情況,賣方還應(yīng)承擔(dān)由此造成的額外費(fèi)用 If

42、 any of the Contract Equipmentis damagedor lostdue toimproperpackingand/or inadequate protective measures, theSellershallberesponsibleforrepair,replacement.Should theContract Equipmentbemis-transportedduetomistakeorambiguousness in package and/or shipping marks, the Seller shall bear additional expe

43、nsesthus incurred除了上述原因外,如貨物在運(yùn)裝運(yùn)過(guò)程中有丟失或者損壞的,賣方應(yīng)協(xié)助買方向保險(xiǎn)公司辦理索償,并且有義務(wù)在事故發(fā)生后 30天內(nèi),將丟失或者損壞的貨物應(yīng)買方的要求以原合同價(jià)格補(bǔ)發(fā)該貨物 .Incasethe Contract Equipmentarelostand/ordamagedinthecourseoftransportationnotfor theA/M reasons, theSellershallassistthe Buyer/thePurchasertoapply to the insurance company for compensation and

44、 shall be liable to make within 30 (thirty)days after the occurrence of the accident, supplementary supply of the lost and/or damagedequipment at the original Contract Price upon the Buyer / the Purchaser s request.(d) 若賣方使用木質(zhì)包裝,應(yīng)使用無(wú)蟲害的包裝。所使用的木質(zhì)材料,包括支撐物、系結(jié)物,應(yīng)當(dāng)由出口國(guó)或地區(qū)政府植物檢疫機(jī)構(gòu)認(rèn)可的企業(yè)按中國(guó)確認(rèn)的檢疫除害處理辦法處理, 并在

45、木質(zhì)包裝顯著位置 (至少應(yīng)在相對(duì)的兩面 ) 加施清晰易辨的 IPPC 專用標(biāo)識(shí)(標(biāo)識(shí)避免使用紅色或橙色)。如果經(jīng)中國(guó)檢疫機(jī)構(gòu)檢疫發(fā)現(xiàn)木質(zhì)包裝無(wú)標(biāo)識(shí)、標(biāo)識(shí)不符合要求或截獲活的有害生精彩文檔實(shí)用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)文案物的,賣方應(yīng)承擔(dān)在卸貨港對(duì)木質(zhì)包裝實(shí)施除害處理、銷毀處理或作退運(yùn)處理所發(fā)生的所有費(fèi)用,并賠償買方因此遭受的所有損失和費(fèi)用。If the Seller use wooden package, it shall be freefrom any insect infestation. Woodenmaterialsof packing,includingsupporting,fastening,etc.,

46、 shall be treatedby entitiesqualifiedby the phytosanitaryauthoritiesof the exportingcountry or region, in accordance with the measures as defined by competent authorities ofPRC. Each wooden package shall carried with legible special mark of IPPC(the use of red ororange avoided)in the obvious place o

47、f wood packaging (on at least two opposite sides). Incasethe phytosanitaryorganizationof PRCfinds throughquarantinemeasuresthatthewoodpackagingdoesnotcarrywiththerequiredmark,themarkdoesnotmeettherequirements or live pests are intercepted, the Seller should pay for all the expensesat theport of unlo

48、adingof treatmentsto eliminatethe pests, destroythe packagingor transportbackandshallcompensatethe Buyerforall the expenses, costsanddamagesthusincurred.10.7賣方應(yīng)將上述提及的證明或聲明應(yīng)在貨物裝船(裝運(yùn) )后盡快遞交給買方,如果因賣方原因不能及時(shí)遞交上述證明或聲明,由此產(chǎn)生的所有費(fèi)用和損失應(yīng)由賣方承擔(dān)。Theabove-mentionedcertificate or statement shall be submitted by the

49、Seller to the Buyer immediately after thegoodshave beendeliveredon boardof the vessel(flight).If the Sellerfails to presentorpresents the said certificate or statement in delay, the Seller shall compensate all the costs,expenses and losses of the Buyer thus incurred.11. 遲交貨及違約金 LATE DELIVERY AND PEN

50、ALTY11.1 除本合同規(guī)定的不可抗力原因外, 如果賣方未能按照合同交貨期交貨,買方同意在賣方繳納違約金的條件下延期交貨,違約金在議付時(shí)由付款銀行或從履約保函中扣除,違約金不能超過(guò)遲交貨物總額的 10 % ,違約金按每七天貨值的1 % 計(jì)算,不足七天的按七天計(jì)算。當(dāng)扣款達(dá)到最高比例時(shí),買方有權(quán)撤銷本合同,但賣方仍要立即繳納上述違約金和買方的直接損失。 Should The Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in this contract, with the exception of Force Majeure, The B

51、uyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that The Seller agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation or from the performance security. The penalty, however, shall not exceed 10 % of the total value of the goods involved in the la

52、te delivery. The rate of penalty shall be charged at 1 % for every seven days (less than seven days should be counted as seven days). In case the maximum is reached or the Seller fails to make delivery ten (10) weeks later than the time of shipment as stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall have

53、 theright to cancel the Contract and the Seller. In spite of the termination, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty and Buyer's direct loss to the Buyer without delay.11.2如賣方誤發(fā)和/或漏發(fā)合同中貨物,或不能按照合同提供服務(wù),賣方應(yīng)承擔(dān)買方因此不能按時(shí)收款所產(chǎn)生的資金占?jí)憾鸬睦p失。損失按照自買方對(duì)賣方誤發(fā)和/或漏發(fā)貨物付款金額,乘以付款日期至收到賣方更正和/ 或補(bǔ)發(fā)貨之日的天數(shù),乘以銀行貸款年利率6.8% 除以360 日計(jì)算。具體見下列公式:If the seller made wrong or short delivery of the contractedgoods, the seller shall afford the interest loss caused by the de


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