1、泌尿外科專業(yè)英語詞匯匯總 A'rd1"K V9SL96'I 泌尿外科學(xué)urology =PQ4S2Q 腔道泌尿外科學(xué)endourology N*hV/"joZ 腎異位renal ectopia, ectopic kidney 1x=x,lcL 腎缺如agenesis of kidney, anephrogenesis izz!dJT E 孤立腎solitary kidney pDYJLh-C 腎畸形deformity of kidney e ><0crb
2、0;腎發(fā)育不全anephrogenesis;renal agenesis Y2XxfZ j 腎發(fā)育不良renal dysplasia 8C8S) ; 節(jié)段性腎發(fā)育不良segmental dysplasia of kidney "6Fh" 額外腎supernumerary kidney ,dTmIO 重復(fù)腎renal duplication G YA8 盤狀腎disk kidney discoid kidney vm*+&2 融合腎confluent kidney;fused kidney GJZ
3、jQH-#P 馬蹄形腎horseshoe kidney 2Lv_<i| L形腎L-shaped kidney m NszW, 腎下垂nephroptosis;renal ptosis cZ?$_;= 胸內(nèi)腎thoracic kidney ur8+k4 " 盆腔腎pelvic kidney z/xPI)R 游走腎excessively mobile kidney;hypermobile kidney;wandering kidney .gDq+r8O S形腎S-shaped kidney alV
4、#>J5 團(tuán)塊腎lump kidney )S%t) 胎兒腎fetal kidney $h-F8|JMX 嬰兒腎infantile kidney |A 'I!Jm 單乳頭腎unipapillary kidney B+4UfBZ 腎軸性旋轉(zhuǎn)axial rotation of kidney ;C$+8%P4 腎旋轉(zhuǎn)異常renal malrotation 0dC5 -/+ 分叉型腎盂bifid pelvis rvd $4l 腎外型腎盂extrarenal pelvis +,>%Yb =E
5、A 巨腎盞megacalyx,megacalycosis 2r!ltG3 先天性巨腎盞congenital megacalycosis <A.zwB<i 腎盞憩室 caliceal diverticulum;calyceal diverticulum;pyelogenic cyst yKVV?h? 腎髓質(zhì)管擴(kuò)張medullary ductal ectasia of kidney ja_8n"z 腎子宮內(nèi)膜異位癥endometriosis of kidney =WY 'n l' 腎動靜脈
6、瘺renal arteriovenous fistula :'Qiwf& 腎靜脈栓塞thrombosis of renal vein I1E9E$m5< 腎動脈栓塞thrombosis of renal artery luf5-XT 腎動脈狹窄(RAS) R'U/ stenosis of renal artery; renal arterial stenosis;renal artery stenosis _AX 9 Mu 腎盞靜脈瘺calyceal-venous fistula < xy%
7、60;腎盂靜脈曲張varix of pelvis j qm$'H 腎囊腫Cyst of kidney;Renal cyst %F>2g?$ 單純性腎囊腫simple cyst of kidney G68KoM 多囊腎 c IN=# ploycystic renal disease;polycystic disease of kindeys;polycystic kidne >H;i#!9, 先天性腎囊性病congenital renal cystic disease b' oY 腎髓質(zhì)囊性病me
8、dullary cystic disease of kidney I a&*JYM 腎盂源性囊腫pyelogenic cyst JmI%7bH 腎鈣化囊腫calcified cyst of kidney iE!?N|a3 腎盂旁囊腫parapelvic cyst >f/VaMH 腎旁假囊腫pararenal pseudocyst E=shQ(A 腎周圍囊腫perinephric cyst <LCp;- K 腎盂周圍囊腫peripelvic cyst )pWgt5:7 腎出血性囊腫hemorr
9、hagic cyst of kidney s f> E 腎小球囊腫病glomerulocystic disease O =ZDGa+ 腎損傷injury of kidney; kidney injury;renal injury >n4a 腎挫傷contusion of kidney HsCL%$k 腎裂傷laceration of kidney :L7RZ_ 腎破裂rupture of kidney a"_i; 腎蒂斷裂rupture of renal pedicle W5|A)N 腎穿
10、透傷penetrating injury of kidney LRJX>+ 腎小管破裂tubulorrhexis UTA|Ps$ 腎梗死infarction of kidney, renal infarction dv#x1msZ 穹窿靜脈瘺fornico-venous fistula *pp.%Qs: 腎盂毛細(xì)血管擴(kuò)張癥telangiectasis of renal pelvis j*%#UFw 腎積水hydronephrosis;nephrohydrops;nephrohydrosis iq; , 巨大腎積水gi
11、ant hydronephrosis )'UJPK 腎內(nèi)腎積水intrarenal hydronephrosis Jz8P':6 腎小管反流renal tubular backflow 6i/unwe!) 腎盂間質(zhì)反流pyelointerstitial backflow 9OMXLbRv 腎盂靜脈反流pyelovenous backflow _S_,rTf& 腎盂淋巴反流pyelolymphatic backflow wSR|uh 腎單位腎小球濾過率nephron glomerular filtra
12、tion rate Au2 T1F 腺性腎盂炎pyelitis glandularis > ?+Rtg|$ 囊性腎盂炎pyelitis cystica AbNrw&pXC 氣性腎盂腎炎emphysematous pyelonephritis |q4=*Xq 黃色肉芽腫性腎盂腎炎xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis >$zxC_ 細(xì)菌性腎盂腎炎bacterial pyelonephritis 'D W|a 腎積膿pyonephrosis bU gg2iFS
13、0;腎膿腫kidney abscess;nephrapostasis;renal abscess bB=Jl4 腎皮質(zhì)膿腫RCA;renal cortical abscess MJX ny4n 腎皮質(zhì)壞死cortical necrosis of kidney; renal cortical necrosis E%R5JN 腎髓質(zhì)壞死m(xù)edullary necrosis of kidney;renal medullary necrosis fBX MedC 腎癰renal carbuncle zd_N' :6 病理性腎結(jié)核pat
14、hological renal tuberculosis vU *: M8k 臨床腎結(jié)核clinical renal tuberculosis; clinical renal tuberculosis +At 腎盞結(jié)核tuberculosis of calyx ,IDf 腎結(jié)核對側(cè)腎積水renal tuberculosis with contralateral hydronephrosis m 70r'b 腎錯構(gòu)瘤hamartoma of kidney, angiomyolipoma of kidney fCnq 膿性腎積水p
15、yohydronephrosis %nJo:/ 腎淀粉樣變性amyloidosis of kidney; renal amyloidosis cDkmRV 膀胱淀粉樣變性amyloidosis of bladder 5_A*I C 壞死性腎乳頭炎necrotizing papillitis of kidney FVNTE +LW 腎盂白斑病leukoplakia of renal pelvis !,$K;L 鐮狀細(xì)胞腎病sickle cell nephropathy Sv=e|!3fk 髓質(zhì)海綿腎,髓狀海綿樣腎medull
16、ary sponge kidney hJX?LzZS 海綿腎CCacchi-Ricci disease;sponge kidney 1q=Q/L4P 急性尿酸鹽腎病acute urate nephropathy P,zQl; 腎腫瘤tumor of kidney Qu<6X+5 腎良性腫瘤benign renal tumor ?!m|'s- 腎平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of kidney ta5_k&3N 腎假性瘤pseudotumor of kidney s;Bh69 多房性囊性腎瘤m
17、ultilocular cystic nephroma " ;Cfi> 腎盂血管瘤hemangioma of renal pelvis &kvmLOI 腎血管瘤hemangioma of kidney ;t9!< L 腎動脈瘤aneurysm of renal artery; renal aneurysm 3S#p43 腎血管外皮細(xì)胞瘤renal hemangiopericytoma feS$)H9- 腎脂肪瘤lipoma of kidney d#sZT 腎皮質(zhì)腺瘤 mw>dv?
18、60;renal cortical adenoma;adenoma,renal cortical;renal cortical adenomas 5|jY 腎纖維瘤renal fibroma y4gw.pt 中胚葉腎瘤mesoblastic nephroma Uu*iL< 腎淋巴瘤renal lymphoma 7jxx,#I: 腎淋巴母細(xì)胞瘤renal lymphoblastoma Vp1ct06 腎腺瘤 7*M-? adenoma,renal;adenomas of kidney;nephradenoma; Tc&
19、quot;J(GWG renal adenomas,cortical IS!OO< 腎素瘤reninoma, renin-secreting tumor YwJ.E 球旁細(xì)胞瘤,腎小球旁細(xì)胞瘤juxtaglomerular cell tumor IUEpE9_ 腎門脂肪瘤樣病lipomatosis of renal hilus K/Pw; 腎惡性纖維組織細(xì)胞瘤 SWhzcqp malignant fibrous histiocytoma of kidney |Byev"Kh% 腎盂移行細(xì)胞癌tr
20、ansitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis .hG*mXw> 腎嗜酸細(xì)胞瘤renal oncocytoma m44a HBwId 腎纖維脂肪瘤樣病renal fibrolipomatosis 0fvOA*UP 腎神經(jīng)鞘瘤schwannoma of kidney O9>$(I 腎異種組織腫瘤heteroplastic tissue tumor of kidney |kvH&s 腎竇脂肪瘤樣病renal sinus lipomatosis U+>M!= 腎盂腫瘤
21、tumor of renal pelvis H I_uR$m 腎盂乳頭狀瘤papilloma of renal pelvis E X'PRNB, 腎癌renal carcinoma y2jw3R 腎實質(zhì)癌carcinoma of renal parenchyma *5k40?w 腎細(xì)胞癌 2yg6hR adenocarcinoma of kidney;RCA;RCC;renal cell carcinoma;renal cell carcinoma of kidney Y2 J-o$5 腎細(xì)胞癌,腎上腺樣癌hype
22、rnephroid carcinoma _ pz 腎透明細(xì)胞癌clear cell carcinoma of kidney; suprarenal epithelioma Kf BT'6t 腎顆粒細(xì)胞癌granular cell carcinoma of kidney R/SBrWve 腎腺癌adenocarcinoma of kidney PjB 腎母細(xì)胞瘤 5a_8cs u embryoma of kidney;nephroblastoma;Whilms tumor;Wilm tumor;Wilm tumor of kid
23、ney;Wilms tumor yTd8)zWq 腎胚細(xì)胞瘤nephroblastoma -GCoPR?b 橫紋肌樣腎母細(xì)胞瘤rhabdomyoid Wilms tumor (V jU,'h 腎肉瘤sarcoma of kidney; nephrosarcoma 9/(jY$Ar 腎淋巴肉瘤lymphosarcoma of kidney pCh v; 腎平滑肌肉瘤leiomyosarcoma of kidney y')OmR2h 腎脂肪肉瘤liposarcoma of kidney ?PT> V,&a
24、mp; 腎盂癌carcinoma of renal pelvis; renal pelvic carcinoma;RPC V3t#kv 腎盂鱗狀細(xì)胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis MWh Y&I+ 腎盂乳頭狀癌papillary carcinoma of renal pelvis m|qktLx 腎切開術(shù)nephrotomy $QC1lsM 腎切開取石術(shù)nephrolithotomy 8#7qH T;cx 腎盂切開術(shù)pelviotomy;pyelotomy 1gPe
25、G, 腎盂切開取石術(shù)pyelolithotomy; pelvilithotomy;pelviolithotomy XnQR(r)pR2 凝血塊腎盂切開取石術(shù)coagulum pyelolithotomy Vb (b3 擴(kuò)大的腎盂切開取石術(shù)extended pyelolithotomy _ 3>v5k| 非萎縮性腎切開取石術(shù)anatrophic nephrolithotomy X/,) KTo7 腎-腎盂造瘺術(shù)nephropyelostomy < (xqw<) 腎切除術(shù)nephrectomy lvO6&am
26、p;sF1 腎部分切除術(shù)partial nephrectomy; heminephrectomy !ypMjJa 經(jīng)皮腎造瘺術(shù)percutaneous nephrostomy;PCN; B.q/ ?( 腎盂造瘺術(shù)pyelostomy 6:ettdj 腎造瘺術(shù)nephrostomy ><<>4(eF p 自截腎autonephrectomy v'W+>. 根治性腎切除術(shù)radical nephrectomy &lQ%;)' 包膜下腎切除術(shù)subcapsular
27、 nephrectomy vIaF- # 腎盂輸尿管松解術(shù)pelvioureterolysis; pyeloureterolysis oPO 腎-輸尿管切除術(shù)nephro-ureterectomy xyp_ MZ 腎盞成形術(shù)calicoplasty Jo5Bmh0 腎固定術(shù)nephrofixation;nephropexia;nephropexy;renifixation vK',!1y 腎血管重建術(shù)reno-vascular reconstruction im<bo Mv 腎離體術(shù)bench techniq
28、ue of kidney JrzPDbm 腎蒂淋巴管剝脫術(shù)stripping of renal lymphatic vessel +fP.Ewi 腎門上淋巴結(jié)切除術(shù)suprahilar lymphadenectomy >y3FU1w5d 腹膜后淋巴結(jié)切除術(shù)retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy; RPLAD ;b<w'A_1 腹膜后淋巴結(jié)病retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy RPLAD o6 ZZK 脾腎動脈吻合術(shù)spleno-renal arterial ana
29、stomosis Bqf(6)F 腎病灶清除術(shù)renal cavernostomy 1d5%(: 剖腰探查術(shù)exploratory lumbotomy vV,TT%J8D 腎動脈栓塞術(shù)embolization of renal artery 3>-A= 血管梗塞性腎切除angioinfarction-nephrectomy 4MgN 腎鹿角狀結(jié)石staghorn stone of kidney TRhMxH 腎鈣斑Randall plaques c4H6I2Na 腎萎縮renal atrophy ?P k
30、JG , 腎失用性萎縮disuse atrophy of kidney yE:yk0E 腎動脈纖維增生病fibroplasia of renal artery JRl=j2z 腎紫癜purpura of kidney 6. .k 迪特爾危象游走腎危象Dietl crisis *C_A(n5"V 血管運(yùn)動性腎病vasomotor nephropathy qs,q3n 萊特爾綜合征Reiter syndrome WtOjPW 腎小球血流動力學(xué)glomerular hemodynamics +7.|1x;C
31、 輸尿管擴(kuò)張dilatation of ureter, ureterectasis; megalo-ureter;ureterectasia cv'8_3 輸尿管發(fā)育不良ureteral dysplasia MJQ1|* 巨輸尿管megalo-ureter;megaloureter;ureteral neuromuscular dysplasia |"*PC= 發(fā)育不良性巨輸尿管dysplastic megaloureter +SFFwjI 輸尿管畸形deformity of ureter hz/mNDE
32、;輸尿管閉鎖atresia of ureter t0 e6iofo 先天性異位輸尿管congenital ectopic ureter f ,ejw 重復(fù)輸尿管duplication of ureter h8/tKyr8( 重復(fù)腎盂duplication of pelvis h0F=5| B 分叉型輸尿管bifid ureter ,!Wo6' 輸尿管口異位ectopia of ureteral orifice l45T$ 輸尿管發(fā)育不全ureteral hypoplasia l%+ &V: 遠(yuǎn)段
33、輸尿管不發(fā)育distal ureteral aplasia Ca I*+-" 輸尿管缺如agenesis of ureter 1uw1(iL+ 腔靜脈后輸尿管retrocaval ureter; postcaval ureter t?9J'.p 髂動脈后輸尿管retroiliac ureter, preureteral iliac artery ,4yGgD!4 輸尿管脫垂prolapse of ureter, ureterocele & %/p; :A 盲端異位輸尿管膨出blind ectopic uret
34、erocele : /c<(DQD 正常位輸尿管膨出orthotopic ureterocele /)-5n 輸尿管憩室 q:kGJ xfaW diverticulum of ureter; ureteral diverticulum;ureteric bud;ureteric diverticulum gq?OgVD 輸尿管積水hydroureter;hydroureterosis 6r"NU1A;r 輸尿管腎盂連接處梗阻obstruction at ureteropelvic junction SE*;6&
35、yL 先天性巨輸尿管congenital megaloureter; primary megaloureter V *FCpQ 反流性巨輸尿管reflux megaloureter g5U, 輸尿管損傷injury of ureter ureteral injury; Kz b-a$ 輸尿管腸瘺uretero-enteric fistula e!0xh 輸尿管瘺ureteral fistula ureterostoma; x .OUH 輸尿管陰道瘺uretero-vaginal fistula 5&57R3>
36、 輸尿管炎u(yù)reteritis Pg.JI:>2Ku 輸尿管周圍炎periureteritis; Ormond's syndrome j&dCPG 囊性輸尿管炎u(yù)reteritis cystica &LI q? 顆粒性輸尿管炎u(yù)reteritis granulosa uxdBH, 輸尿管結(jié)核tuberculosis of ureter 6-flc0r 輸尿管白斑病leukoplakia of ureter CD6R. 輸尿管梅毒syphilis of ureter %o/0.w &
37、#160;輸尿管放線菌病actinomycosis of ureter ; Xjk 輸尿管息肉polyp of ureter iuqJPW 輸尿管腫瘤tumor of ureter :9 &/W 輸尿管乳頭狀瘤papilloma of ureter +?t& 7= 輸尿管癌carcinoma of ureter StR)O)I 輸尿管移行細(xì)胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of ureter zZ9Ei-Q 輸尿管乳頭狀癌papillary carcinoma of ureter
38、WGU;Nr 輸尿管切開術(shù)ureterotomy rY &lx 輸尿管皮膚造瘺術(shù)chtaneous ureterostomy $0 h Uex 輸尿管松解術(shù)ureterolysis q 7W7sw 輸尿管切開取石術(shù)ureterolithotomy Z m5hx& 輸尿管造瘺術(shù)ureterostomy G=:; 輸尿管口切開術(shù)ureteralmeatotomy V LeYO5'L 輸尿管-腸-皮膚尿流改道術(shù)uretero-enterocutaneous diversion S"+
39、#=C 輸尿管回腸皮膚尿流改道術(shù)ureteroileal cutaneous diversion M_?B*QZJI 斷離性腎盂輸尿管成形術(shù)dismembered ureteropelvioplasty gZ+!kA 輸尿管袢造瘺術(shù)loop ureterostomy Ew0X,0XlE 輸尿管腎盂吻合術(shù)ureteroneopyelostomy J1rCp+h0 輸尿管成形術(shù)ureteroplasty /K,_JP 輸尿管空腸皮膚尿流改道術(shù)ureterojejunal cutaneous diversion 1?TgI0HS
40、 輸尿管乙狀結(jié)腸吻合術(shù) |c$*Fa"A ureterosigmoidostomy, ureterosigmoidanastomosis |jWA >S 輸尿管切除術(shù)ureterectomy +miL naOL 輸尿管結(jié)腸吻合術(shù)ureterocolic anastomosis )Ps<u-V 輸尿管輸尿管吻合術(shù)ureteroureterostomy zs-,YZL 輸尿管膀胱吻合術(shù)ureteroneocystostomy Hw#yw g 回盲腸皮膚尿流改道術(shù)ileocecal cutane
41、ous diversion PB:r+91 輸尿管皮膚尿流改道術(shù)uretero-cutaneous diversion ZI!;q 闌尾輸尿管成形術(shù)appendix ureteroplasty h5; +5BD 輸尿管腹膜包裹術(shù)ureteroperitonization ?zXlLud8 輸尿管移植術(shù) transplantation of ureter u)MI6LF 輸尿管結(jié)石calculus of ureter; ureteral calculus;ureterolith gqAN -b' 輸尿管梗阻urete
42、ral obstruction W$RKlz 輸尿管狹窄stricture of ureter; ureterostenoma;ureterostenosis WZ$bff0 輸尿管腎盂連接處狹窄stricture of ureteropelvic junction ZNI4Ak 輸尿管口狹窄stricture of uretero-vesical orifice 4L2TsuLw 輸尿管絞痛ureteral colic i*#z&4A+ 巨輸尿管-巨膀胱綜合征megaloureter-megalocystis syndrom
43、e k?Iq 6 輸尿管子宮內(nèi)膜異位癥endometriosis of ureter u+8Sq 大網(wǎng)膜輸尿管成形術(shù)omentoureteroplasty )!D,;,aQ 膀胱畸形deformity of bladder %t,Fxj4F 重復(fù)膀胱duplication of bladder qmGLcM0 膀胱缺如agenesis of bladder <a%RKjQvT 膀胱閉鎖atresia of bladder, atretocystia Ne2eBmY( 膀胱膨出cystocele, vesi
44、cocele 8!WJ2R 膀胱脫垂prolapse of bladder b(:U> J 膀胱外翻 QpMi+q Y bladder exstrophy;ectopia of urinary bladder; 7,k0H9Moa ectopia vesicae;ectopocystis;exstrophy of the bladder;extrophy of bladder GUqBnRA8j 膀胱憩室 -82u :" diverticulum of bladder; bladder diverticul
45、um;vesical diverticulum >du|DZq 膀胱假性憩室false diverticulum of bladder o",J 膀胱輸尿管反流 Jd;I#R%c vesicoureteral reflux; vesicoureteral reflux;vesicoureteric reflux &Ek-b!7 膀胱靜脈曲張varix of bladder 0QrD 膀胱損傷injury of bladder >K-S&Y 膀胱挫傷contusion of bladde
46、r d>U& 膀胱破裂rupture of bladder; cystorrhexis;vesical rupture MC;2.e 腹膜內(nèi)膀胱破裂intraperitoneal rupture of bladder 7 FGi+ 腹膜外膀胱破裂extraperitoneal rupture of bladder B6xM#) 膀胱瘺vesical fistula #l#8-m8g) 膀胱腸瘺vesico-intestinal fistula $u P'> 膀胱直腸瘺vesicorectal f
47、istula :B 9> 膀胱陰道瘺vesicovaginal fistula bfX yuv 膀胱輸尿管瘺vesicoureteral fistula v,W& W. 膀胱子宮瘺vesico-uterine fistula 5L&"' 細(xì)菌性膀胱炎bacterial cystitis VMIX=gTZ 非特異性膀胱炎nonspecific cystitis U'k 0 ; 間質(zhì)性膀胱炎interstitial cystitis !QS j*)V# 非細(xì)菌性膀胱炎
48、nonbacterial cystitis qV7 9bK 變應(yīng)性膀胱炎allergic cystitis ;vLM* ' 氣性膀胱炎emphysematous cystitis 0T Wd.+ 腺性膀胱炎glandular cystitis; cystitis glandularis G& mW 化學(xué)性膀胱炎chemical cystitis fPPCd&Q3 膀胱壞疽gangrene of bladder uHoHh!j 壞疽性膀胱炎gangrenous cystitis $g3Rf
49、;淋巴濾泡性膀胱炎lympho-follicular cystitis !fY(=U4 濾泡性膀胱炎follicular cystitis;cystitis follicularis; s Ql9 堿性痂塊膀胱炎alkaline incrusted cystitis jn(%v 膀胱三角區(qū)炎trigonitis 9l(T>B2a 膀胱皰疹herpes of bladder Y (p Ud3y 膀胱真菌病mycosis of bladder 5;+KMM:zb 念珠菌膀胱炎candida cystitis GkZP31
50、u 膀胱梅毒syphilis of bladder 4*&k0#t 膀胱結(jié)核tuberculosis of bladder; cystophthisis e3ce?gk 膀胱白斑病leukoplakia of bladder Re&"Q8I.8 囊性膀胱炎鈣質(zhì)沉著cystitis cystica calcinosa n*Uk<_WA 膀胱腫瘤tumor of bladder qV6WT&)T 膀胱腺瘤adenoma of bladder qnmKA>"F
51、膀胱乳頭狀瘤papilloma of bladder $xWUzg1<U 膀胱乳頭狀瘤病papillomatosis of bladder q U v|l1 膀胱內(nèi)翻性乳頭狀瘤inverted papilloma of bladder 1X&.po 膀胱嗜鉻細(xì)胞瘤pheochromocytoma of bladder GX0zirz 膀胱血管瘤hemangioma of bladder r0 )ne|&Hp 膀胱肌瘤myoma of bladder !1fZ7a 膀胱癌carcinoma of bla
52、dder 0 /qP<E 膀胱乳頭狀癌papillary carcinoma of bladder *67K_<bp 膀胱原位癌bladder carcinoma in situ (v%24bv 膀胱平滑肌瘤leiomyoma of bladder uINdeq7|F 膀胱平滑肌肉瘤leiomyosarcoma of bladder kQnHn 膀胱間質(zhì)瘤mesenchymal tumor of bladder V!)Pw 膀胱移行細(xì)胞癌transitional cell carcinoma of bladde
53、r; TCCB n|l+R5 膀胱鱗狀細(xì)胞癌squamous cell carcinoma of bladder =I'3C'Z W 膀胱葡萄狀肉瘤botryoid sarcoma of bladder PcJuRTHB 膀胱淋巴肉瘤lymphosarcoma of bladder j 0pI 膀胱肉瘤sarcoma of bladder 12KC4,C&1i 膀胱腺癌adenocarcinoma of bladder $+! dP 膀胱結(jié)石vesical calculus; cystic calc
54、ulus 4=xi)qF/ 膀胱憩室結(jié)石calculus in diverticulum of bladder &$F<& 膀胱碎石洗出術(shù)vesical litholapaxy &)%+DUV| 經(jīng)尿道膀胱頸切開術(shù)transurethral vesical neck incision Sw*$g 恥骨上膀胱針刺吸引術(shù)suprapubic needle aspiration of bladder /|1p7km 恥骨上膀胱造口術(shù)suprapubic cystostomy 4tSg#!V 恥骨上膀
55、胱切開取石術(shù)suprapubic cystolithotomy mm-s?+&M; 膀胱憩室切除術(shù)vesical diverticulectomy G8P?M=Z 膀胱切開取石術(shù) ;u UFgDi cystolithectomy;Lithotomy of urinary bladder; cystolithotomy CubQ6, 膀胱皮膚造口術(shù) 4wl1hp>, cutaneous vesicostomy, cutaneous cystostomy mLP4a 1xf 可控性回腸膀胱術(shù)Kock pouch
56、VtD 膀胱切除術(shù)cystectomy g(Xt 膀胱部分切除術(shù)partial cystectomy 94uk1d x 膀胱全切除術(shù)total cystectomy |*&l?S 根治性膀胱切除術(shù)radical cystectomy zfIo M 膀胱尿道吻合術(shù)vesicourethral anastomosis (vs<Fo| 經(jīng)皮膀胱造口術(shù)percutaneous cystostomy :!"GaTy 膀胱灌注irrigation of bladder 25Dl4<-Z
57、60;膀胱頸部Y-V 成形術(shù)Y-V plasty of bladder neck )dXa:h0RZ 經(jīng)尿道膀胱腫瘤切除術(shù) bkJx transurethral resection of bladder tumor +/Q 尿流改道術(shù)diversion of urine, urinary diversion gq+SM i= 外尿流改道術(shù)external urinary diversion _5oTNL2 回腸造口術(shù)ileostomy '%N?r,x C 回腸膀胱術(shù)ilealconduit,Brickeropera
58、tion P4WfV d 乙狀結(jié)腸膀胱sigmoid conduit NVyBEAoh 乙狀結(jié)腸膀胱擴(kuò)大術(shù) fqNhkja sigmoid augmentation cystoplasty,;sigmoid cystoplasty )H8_.| 回腸膀胱擴(kuò)大術(shù)ileum augmentation cystoplasty, eV;r /4 回腸膀胱成形術(shù) ileocystoplasty L 4By5) 膀胱三角區(qū)乙狀結(jié)腸吻合術(shù)trigonosigmoidostomy <_EKCk 膀胱三角及輸尿管間嵴肥大
59、?9*Vr:P hypertrophy of trigone and interuretericridge &?<uR)tl 膀胱三角trigone of bladder;trigonum vesicae;vesical triangle -yF%tRMP 回腸膀胱尿流改道術(shù)ileal conduit diversion ClG%zE&i 穩(wěn)定性膀胱stable bladder 222 Y?3>D 直腸膀胱結(jié)腸腹壁造口術(shù) Y:hd809 rectal bladder and abdominal
60、colostomy !fh (k 盲腸膀胱擴(kuò)大術(shù) J_Lmy7xbD cecum augmentation cystoplasty, cecal cystoplasty i:lcB 髂腹股溝淋巴結(jié)切除術(shù)ilioinguinal lymphadenectomy rRTKF0+ 膀胱前列腺切除術(shù) W .a>K$ cysto-prostatectomy;cystoprostatectomy;vesical prostatectomy fS o8O 膀胱紫癜purpura of bladder hkK>h
61、膀胱小梁形成trabeculation of bladder 0.MB;gm: 膀胱異物foreign body in bladder Vt4u5HG 膀胱子宮內(nèi)膜異位癥endometriosis of bladder OC! 8MR 膀胱攣縮contracture of bladder /R=-s ; 先天性膀胱頸攣縮congenital contracture of bladder neck WowKq0sn 尿道畸形deformity of urethra rZK hE 尿道狹窄ankylurethria;ureth
62、ral stricture;urethrostenosis O4rjGTRF 尿道口狹窄meatal stenosis GT6; I7 尿道瓣膜urethral valve V&zeC/xSq 尿道發(fā)育不全hypoplastic urethra D+T/ Z) 巨尿道m(xù)egalourethra 2/SUEnaLy_ 尿道膨出urethrocele z,Xj$wl 尿道上裂epispadias 8J$Edv 尿道下裂hypospadias :tWk K$ 尿道憩室urethral divert
63、iculum; urethrocele 0f4 y"9m 女性尿道下裂female hypospadias |5>Tf6 $( 尿道閉鎖atresia of urethra; ankylurethria; +9/K|SB $ atresia urethralis;atreturethria;urethratresia le:M M 重復(fù)尿道duplication of urethra gj|5"' g% 棱狀巨尿道fusiform megalourethra 7c1e*e 尿道損傷inju
64、ry of urethra; urethral injury 'cSE> 尿道皮膚瘺urethrocutaneous fistula G 1m"1M 尿道瘺urethral fistula l=b4Og 外傷性尿道瘺traumatic urethral fistula C LNDgc 尿道直腸瘺urethro-rectal fistula r zdQLan 尿瘺urinary fistula >QDyG8* 尿道陰道瘺urethrovaginal fistula oW OR7)?r
65、;尿道異物foreign body in urethra FOD'&Yb& 尿性囊腫urinoma )P? 0YC 尿道結(jié)石calculus of urethra; urethral calculus;urethral stones v1uc=| 女性尿道囊腫urethral cyst in female 75>%!mhM 壓力性尿失禁stress incontinence R;,5LS&*a 神經(jīng)源性膀胱neurogenic bladder p7+>sqX 神經(jīng)性膀胱nervous bladder FoEj 機(jī)械性尿路梗阻mechanical
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