



1、如何閱讀英文案例HowtoReadEnglishCasesandCitations 演講范文(大連外國語學院應用英語學院屈文生)第一部分案例通常由下列幾個部分組成。一、 案例名稱(case name);例如: marbury v. madison(馬伯里訴麥迪遜),v is short for versus.是“訴”的意思。二、判決法院(court rendering the opinion );例如:new jersey supreme court (新澤西最高法院)。三、卷宗號;案號(citation );例如:93,461 a. 2d 138 (1983) ,這說明該案出自新西匯編第93

2、卷,第324頁,以及大西洋匯編第二輯第138 頁,該案判決于1983年。此處,a是atlantic reporter的縮寫。像這種指明兩個或兩個以上出處的卷宗號叫作:“平行卷宗號”,其英語表達為“ parallel案例名稱;citation ”,意思是“ an additional referenee to a case that has been reported in more than more reporter. ” 廣義上卷宗號包括上述一、二、判決法院。四、主審法官姓名(justice wrote the opin io nthe P arties)判決五、判決書(opinion:

3、stating the issue raised, describing and facts, discuss ing the releva nt law, and ren deri ng judgme nt. 書是整個案例的主體部分,其中包括法律爭議(issue )、雙方當事人情況、事實 經過、判決采用的相關法律以及判決結果。判決書的閱讀過程之中,要注意以下幾點:1.時態(tài)主審法官的意見用現(xiàn)在 時態(tài);前審法院的意見用過去時態(tài)。2.主審法官的意見是法院意見。3除法院 意見外還有兩種意見,它們被稱為“反對意見” (disse nti ng opinion ordissent )與“配合意見” (c

4、oncurring opinion )。dissenting opinion: opinion offered by a judge disagreeingwith the majority panel of judges 'con clusio n;“反對意見”指不同意大多數(shù)法官判決結論之某一法官的意見;concurring opinion: opinion written by a judge agreeing with the majority ' s con clusi on but not its reas oning.“配合意見”是指同意大多數(shù)法官的意見,但是不同意

5、判決結論的推理之某一法官的意見。六、法庭投票(votes of the court )例如在七名*官審理的情況下,有幾名法官的意見是“維持原判” (affirmanee ),有幾名法官的意見是“撤銷原 判、發(fā)回重審” (reversal and remandment )。第二部分一、什么是 citation?由于卷宗號這一塊涉及內容龐雜,一下布萊克法律字典中citationor authority, such as a case,這里再逐一特別說明一下。我們首先來看的定義:a refere nee to a legal p recede ntstatute, or treatise, that

6、 eithersubstantiates or contradicts a given position. () 7th edition.由于 acitation is a referenee to a legal authority,因此,citation必須要有一個標準,這樣以后的參考者才容易檢索得到。正如布萊克法律字典所指出 的一樣,citationformats exist for many differenttypes of legal sourcesin clud ing cases, statutes and sec on dary legal materials. un der

7、sta nding the basic format for each of these different types of sources will enable the researcher to more independently locate materials in the law library.案例之中的卷宗號通常包括下列幾個部分:a. 案件雙方當事人姓名( the names of the parties invoIved in the lawsuit );b. 包含案件全文的匯編卷號( the volume number of the reportercontaining

8、 the full text of the case);c.該案例匯編的縮寫名稱 (the abbreviated nameof that case reporter ); 案例開始的頁碼數(shù)(the p age nu mber on which the case beg ins ); 案件判決年份(the year the case was decided ); 有時還包括 案件判決法院(the name of the court deciding the case)d.e.f.舉例說明:hebb v. severson, 201 156 (wash. 1948).在這個例子當中,hebb是原

9、告(plai ntiff ), severson是被告(defen da nt )。我們可以在太 平洋匯編第二輯 201 卷第 156 頁(volume 201 of the p acific rep orter seco nd series beginning on page 156)找到這一案例。該案是由華盛頓州最高法院(washington state supreme court)于 1948 年判決的。二、 如何閱讀案例(cases)之中的citation?確定卷宗號之中的縮略碼。請對照下列列表,找出縮略碼( abbreviation ) 的匯編全稱(full reporter tit

10、le).abbreviation title漢語匯編名稱a. atla ntic rep ortera. 2d. atla ntic rep orter, 2d series大西洋匯編第二輯大西洋匯編cal. rep. california rep orterf. federal rep orter聯(lián)邦匯編f. 2d. federal rep orter, 2d seriesf. 3d. federal rep orter, 3d seriesf. supp. federal supp leme nt加利福尼亞州匯編聯(lián)邦匯編第二輯聯(lián)邦匯編第三輯聯(lián)邦補充案例'edition美國最高法院案

11、l. ed. sup reme court decisi on s, lawyers例匯編,律師版l. ed. 2d. sup reme court decisi on s, lawyers editi on, 2d series國最高法院案例匯編,律師版第二輯東北匯編n. e. n ortheaster n rep ortern. e. 2d. n ortheaster n rep orter, 2d seriesn. w. n orthwester n rep orter西北匯編n. w. 2d. no rthwester n rep orter, 2d seriesn. y. s. ne

12、w york suppl eme nt 紐約補充案例n. y. s. 2d. new york supp leme nt, 2d seriesp. p acific rep orter太平洋匯編p. 2d. p acific rep orter, 2d series太平洋匯編第二輯s. ct. sup reme court rep orter最高法院案例匯編s. e. southeaster n rep orter東南匯編s. e. 2d. southeaster n rep orter, 2d seriesso. souther n rep orter南方匯編so. 2d. souther

13、n rep orter, 2d series南方匯編第二輯s. w. southwester n rep orter西南匯編s. w. 2d. southwester n rep orter, 2d series西南匯編第二輯u. s. un ited states rep orts美國案例匯編再舉兩例說明,例如:morgan v. united states, 298 , 56 s. ct 906, 1288 (1936)表示:摩根訴美國,收集在美國案例匯編第298卷,468頁開始;最高法院案例匯編第56卷906頁開始;美國最高法院案例匯編律師版第80卷,1288頁開始,1936年判決。 f

14、or example, a popular namefor a supreme court case is:東北匯編第二輯西北匯編第二輯紐約補充案例第二輯東南匯編第二輯roe V. wadewhich tran slates as plain tiff versus defe ndant原告羅訴被告魏德the official citati on for this sup reme court decisi on is:410 113which tran slates as volume 410 un ited stated rep orts p age 113410卷美國案例匯編113頁th

15、ere are several differe nt p ublishers for legal docume nts such ascourt decisi ons. (libraries usually only carry one of these p ublishedversions.)these publishers maybe referred to in parallelcitations forthis case.例如,該案的平行匯編是:93 s. ct. 705which tran slates as volume 93 sup reme court rep orter p age 705 第93卷最高法院案例匯編705頁or35 I. ed. 2d 147which translates as volume 35 supreme court reports, lawyers edition, 2nd


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