Translation of product description_第1頁
Translation of product description_第2頁
Translation of product description_第3頁
Translation of product description_第4頁
Translation of product description_第5頁
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1、Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way說明書的翻譯說明書的翻譯Translation of Product DescriptionImprove your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way2ObjectivesAfter this lecture, all students will be able to:u get to know the features and t

2、he contents of product description.u translate the product description between English and Chinese. Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way3Translation of Product Description at Sentence LevelGeneral Knowledge of Product DescriptionAnalysis of Translating Sk

3、illsPractice of TranslationContent 1234Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way4Brief introduction of product descriptionBrief introduction of product description 產(chǎn)品說明書是產(chǎn)品標識的重要組成部分,是在產(chǎn)品或包裝上用于識別產(chǎn)品或其特征、特性的各種表達和指示的統(tǒng)稱。產(chǎn)品說明書主要用文字、符號、標志、標記、數(shù)字及圖案等來表示,給銷售者、購買者提供了有關產(chǎn)品

4、的信息,幫助他們了解產(chǎn)品的性能、質(zhì)量狀況,說明產(chǎn)品的使用、保養(yǎng)條件,起到引導消費的作用。許多產(chǎn)品說明的內(nèi)容都標在產(chǎn)品或產(chǎn)品的包裝上,讓人一目了然,為用戶提供了方便。General Knowledge of Product Description1Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way5 產(chǎn)品說明書在英語中通常有3種說法,即Instruction(使用指南)、Direction(指示,用法說明)、Description(說明書)。一份準確清楚的說明書,可以激起人們的購買欲望

5、,從而起到良好的宣傳效果。英語產(chǎn)品說明書的結(jié)構(gòu),因產(chǎn)品的性能、用途等方面的不同而有所不同。產(chǎn)品說明書通常由標題和正文兩大部分構(gòu)成:General Knowledge of Product Description1Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way6The content of product descriptionThe content of product description 產(chǎn)品說明書通常由標題和正文兩大部分構(gòu)成: 標題 內(nèi)容 1) 產(chǎn)品的特征、功能和主要成分

6、(結(jié)構(gòu)) 2) 安裝或使用(操作、食用)方法 3) 注意事項 4) 主要性能指標及規(guī)格General Knowledge of Product Description1Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way7可伶可俐毛細孔清透潔面乳可伶可俐毛細孔清透潔面乳 -www. cleanandclear. cn創(chuàng)新的蘋果精華珠珠升級配方創(chuàng)新的蘋果精華珠珠升級配方有效對付頑固黑頭:深入毛孔幫助軟化深層黑頭,珠珠再幫助將黑頭轉(zhuǎn)走。每有效對付頑固黑頭:深入毛孔幫助軟化深層黑頭,珠珠再幫

7、助將黑頭轉(zhuǎn)走。每天使用,持續(xù)改善黑頭狀況不停頓。天使用,持續(xù)改善黑頭狀況不停頓。 實驗證明,溫和不傷肌膚:持續(xù)使用,幫助疏通毛孔,顯著減少并預防黑頭,實驗證明,溫和不傷肌膚:持續(xù)使用,幫助疏通毛孔,顯著減少并預防黑頭,溫和配方適合每天使用,讓你的肌膚一天天更清透平滑!溫和配方適合每天使用,讓你的肌膚一天天更清透平滑! 適合的肌膚種類:適合的肌膚種類: 有黑頭困擾的肌膚有黑頭困擾的肌膚/毛孔粗大的肌膚毛孔粗大的肌膚使用方法:使用方法: 以清水弄濕面部,在手上擠出適量洗面乳,加水揉搓起泡,均勻按摩全臉并加強以清水弄濕面部,在手上擠出適量洗面乳,加水揉搓起泡,均勻按摩全臉并加強黑頭部位,同時避免眼部

8、敏感部位。用后再以清水沖凈。黑頭部位,同時避免眼部敏感部位。用后再以清水沖凈。凈含量:凈含量: 50g 100g產(chǎn)品規(guī)格產(chǎn)品規(guī)格標題標題使用方法使用方法適用范圍適用范圍產(chǎn)品功能產(chǎn)品功能Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way8The language featuresThe language features Sample:DEVELOP LESSON Vegetable&Fruit Residue Scavenger Product Characteristics

9、 Richly containing Nacocyl special effective ingredient extracted from coconut oil via high-tech method, it can rapidly dissolve the soluble oil component in pesticides so as to quickly separate the pesticides from vegetable and fruit. General Knowledge of Product Description1Improve your communicat

10、ive skills in English Teach English in a communicative way9It contains especially IMAZALIL special effect sterilizingcomponent, fast killing pathogenic bacteria with 99.9% effective rate. Vegetables and fruits keep their freshness and nice taste. The active ingredient in this product is approved by

11、WHO, EU and US-EPA and complies with FAO specifications. With edible standized component and low foaming. General Knowledge of Product Description1Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way10 Usage Put several drops of product per liter of water to rinse the fr

12、uit or vegetables. Leave the fruit or vegetable in the rinsing water for 5 minutes. Before eating, rinse them with clean water. Caution Do not drink this product; keep away from children. If having swallowed by accident, drink lots of water. General Knowledge of Product Description1Improve your comm

13、unicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way11The language features 簡潔 通常為簡單句和祈使句;使用名詞或名詞短語、復合詞、動詞及非謂語動詞 客觀、精確,具有感染力 條式風格突出 一般采用條式排列,使內(nèi)容清楚明了 版面設計獨特 用黑體字標題,數(shù)字序號,特殊符號等來突出產(chǎn)品General Knowledge of Product Description1返回返回Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a c

14、ommunicative way12Analysis of Translating Skills2I. 遵循兩條基本的翻譯原則II. 熟悉英語產(chǎn)品說明書的常用句型返回返回Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way13Analysis of Translating Skills2I. 遵循兩條基本的翻譯原則(1) 保持其技術和知識的傳播性。說明書起著傳播技術和知識的作用,介紹機件的工作原理或者產(chǎn)品的功能、主要技術參數(shù)或者主要成分構(gòu)成。在翻譯時,不得隨意更改、漏譯、誤譯,必須忠實

15、于原文必須忠實于原文。E.g. This machine is equipped with a gear transmission mechanism, and its multi-dies are arranged in line. It can draw steel, aluminum, brass and other kinds of metal wires. 本機采用齒輪變速傳動結(jié)構(gòu),串聯(lián)組成多模連續(xù)拉絲機,可拉拔鋼、鋁或黃銅等金屬線材。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicati

16、ve way14Analysis of Translating Skills2I. 遵循兩條基本的翻譯原則(2)注意語言的可讀性和感染力。由于說明書對廣告具有輔助作用,其語言要做到通俗易懂,適當時候可以運用一些文學語言,以完成其廣告效應。但同時又要注意不要過分夸大。e.g. 1e.g. 1 Add sugar and milk to taste. 加入適量的牛奶和糖,味道更佳。e.g. 2e.g. 2 A nourishing beverage for all ages. An excellent gift in all seasons. 本品適宜于四季飲用,是老少皆宜的營養(yǎng)飲料,也是饋贈親友

17、之佳品。返回返回Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way15Analysis of Translating Skills2句型是語言結(jié)構(gòu)的要素。無論是英譯漢還是漢譯英都離不開句型。熟悉英文產(chǎn)品說明書中的常見句型對成功地翻譯原文十分必要。(1)情態(tài)動詞 / be +形容詞/過去分詞+目的狀語該句型主要用于文章的開頭,說明該產(chǎn)品的用途。 E.g. The product is used for creating your own hair style special for c

18、reating your look and shaping beautiful hair. 一經(jīng)使用本品,便能讓您隨意梳理成型,秀發(fā)硬挺,使您更加美麗。II. 熟悉英語產(chǎn)品說明書的常用句型Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way16Analysis of Translating Skills2(1)情態(tài)動詞 / be +形容詞/過去分詞+目的狀語該句型主要用于文章的開頭,說明該產(chǎn)品的用途。類似常見句型還有: be used to. be used as. be design

19、ed to. be suitable to be used in. be available for. can be used to. be adapted for. be designed to as to. be capable of.II. 熟悉英語產(chǎn)品說明書的常用句型Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way17Analysis of Translating Skills2(2)情態(tài)動詞/be +介詞短語 這種句型用于說明物體的特征、狀態(tài)和范圍,以及計量單

20、位等。例如: The type CYJ15-18-18 oil pumping machine is of simple and compact construction. CYJ15-18-18型抽油機的結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊。 The wiring should be in good condition and core flex should not be exposed. 這些配線必須完好無損,中心導體不得裸露。II. 熟悉英語產(chǎn)品說明書的常用句型Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative

21、 way18Analysis of Translating Skills2(3)現(xiàn)在分詞+名詞 這種句型用于說明維修或操作程序及有關技術要求。例如: Simultaneously cutting two pieces of sheet is strictly forbidden. 絕對禁止同時沖剪兩塊板材。II. 熟悉英語產(chǎn)品說明書的常用句型Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way19Analysis of Translating Skills2(4)名詞+過去分詞 Tro

22、uble: the stem sticky Reasons: the stem bent; the spring broken; gland packing pressed too tightly 故障:閥桿運動不靈活 原因:閥桿彎曲;彈簧損壞;壓蓋填料壓得太緊II. 熟悉英語產(chǎn)品說明書的常用句型返回返回Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way20Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3按不同題材說明書進行翻

23、譯各類產(chǎn)品的性質(zhì)和用途不同,產(chǎn)品的說明書的方法及內(nèi)容也各不相同。所以,熟知不同題材說明書的語言及內(nèi)容將有助于我們的翻譯。下面是一些表達準確、語言簡明規(guī)范的說明書翻譯實例:n 機電產(chǎn)品說明書n食品類說明書n醫(yī)藥產(chǎn)品的說明書n化學用品說明書返回返回Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way21Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3機電產(chǎn)品說明書翻譯機電產(chǎn)品說明書主要用于幫助使用者掌握該設備的操作方法,包括用途、產(chǎn)

24、品規(guī)格、操作須知、維護及保養(yǎng)等。(1)對用途的說明 These versatile wheeled tractors are reliable enough to tackle a variety of field jobs such as ploughing, harrowing, seed drilling, cultivating, harvesting, etc. 這種多用途輪式拖拉機適用于犁、耙、播種、耕作、收割等多種田間作業(yè)。 (2)對產(chǎn)品規(guī)格的描述 Processing range: 6.5mm2.4mm output: 3.5t/shift5t/shift 加工范圍:6.5毫米

25、2.4毫米 產(chǎn)量:3.5噸/班5噸/班Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way22Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3機電產(chǎn)品說明書翻譯(3)對設備特點的說明 Simple construction, easy operation and maintenance, and comparatively high productivity. 結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,操作容易,維修方便,生產(chǎn)率較高。 (4)故障排除 Trou

26、ble: The shaver does not work when the ON/OFF button is pressed. Solution: Replace the batteries. If the shaver still does not work, see “Guarantee & Service”. 問題:按下開/關按鈕后剃須刀不工作。 解決方法:更換電池。如果剃須刀仍然不能工作,請參閱“保修單及維修服務”。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way

27、23Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3機電產(chǎn)品說明書翻譯(5)安全警示說明 Prevent the appliance and the wire from getting wet. 確保剃須刀與電線保持干燥。 Remove the batteries from the appliance if you are not going to use it for quite some time. 長時間不使用本設備,請取出電池。(6)操作說明 Switch the appliance on by pressing the swi

28、tch lock and pushing the ON/OFF button upwards. 按下開關鍵并把開/關按鈕向上推,便可啟動本設備。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way24Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3n 食品類說明書翻譯食品是人類生存所不可缺少的,食品說明應包括產(chǎn)品的構(gòu)成成分、食用方法、保健作用、保質(zhì)期、存放方法等。 (1)食品成分 Ingredients: fresh beef

29、of high quality, sugar, chilli oil, sesame oil, salt, condiments. 配料:優(yōu)質(zhì)鮮牛肉、白砂糖、辣椒油、芝麻油、鹽、調(diào)味料。 (2)食用方法 For drinking hot: Put two or three teaspoonfuls of Lacovo in a cup, then add hot water and stir until the grains are thoroughly dissolved. 熱飲:取樂口福兩至三茶匙,倒入適量開水,攪拌至完全溶解。Improve your communicative skil

30、ls in English Teach English in a communicative way25Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3n 食品類說明書翻譯(3)保健作用 Regular use of the cream results in the increase of skin cell vitality and improvement of metabolism to restore youthful fairness of the skin. 經(jīng)常搽用本品,可增強皮膚細胞活力,促進新陳代謝,保持皮膚潔白、紅潤,

31、延緩衰老。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way26Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3n 醫(yī)藥產(chǎn)品說明書翻譯(1)藥物性狀 It is a white or a faintly yellow powder to which appropriate amounts of water are added to prepare an off white suspension for intramuscula

32、rly use or a yellowish solution for intravenous administration. 它是一種白色或微黃色粉末,加適量水可配制成近乎白色的懸濁液,供肌肉注射用,或配制成黃色的溶液,供靜脈注射用。 Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way27Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3n 醫(yī)藥產(chǎn)品說明書翻譯(2)藥物作用 It is an antibiotic which

33、is resistant to most B-lastamases and is active against a wide range of gram positive and gram negative organism. 它是一種抗菌素,不但能抵抗大多數(shù)內(nèi)酰銨酶,而且抵抗各種革蘭氏陽性和革蘭氏陰性細菌。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way28Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3n 醫(yī)藥產(chǎn)品說明書

34、翻譯(3)適應癥 It is indicated for the treatment of infection before the infecting organism has been identified or when caused by sensitive bacteria. 在感染細菌未被確認出來,或由敏感細菌引起感染時,本藥品適用。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way29Translation of Product Description at Sente

35、nce Level3n 醫(yī)藥產(chǎn)品說明書翻譯(4)禁忌 It should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to the drug. 對該藥物過敏者禁止使用。 The following adverse reactions may occasionally occur: dryness of the mouth, thirst, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, heartburn, anorexia, abdominal discomfort and exanthema. 偶爾可能出現(xiàn)下列副作用:口干、

36、口渴、發(fā)困、乏力、頭暈、心痛、食欲不振、腹部不適、藥疹。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way30Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3n 化學用品說明書翻譯化學類用品的使用要格外注意。一般來說,其內(nèi)容主要包括產(chǎn)品作用、使用方法、注意事項等。(1)產(chǎn)品作用 It moisturizes your skin in hot, cold and dry climate conditions, taking ex

37、tra care of your skin against the drying effect of the sun, helping prevent dry skin and protecting your skin from additional loss of skin moisture. 無論是酷熱、寒冷或是干燥的氣候,本產(chǎn)品都能滋潤您的皮膚,具有防曬,預防皮膚干燥、補充水分等功效。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way31Translation of Produ

38、ct Description at Sentence Level3n 化學用品說明書翻譯(2)使用方法 Wash the face with lukewarm water and evenly rub a little amount all over, twice daily, one in the morning and the other in the evening, and the satisfactory effect will soon be obtained. 早晚兩次,用溫開水洗后取本品少許,均勻搽遍面部即可收到滿意效果。 Improve your communicative

39、skills in English Teach English in a communicative way32Translation of Product Description at Sentence Level3n 化學用品說明書翻譯(3)注意事項 Do not spray over food or tableware. Do not use or store near fire. Do not strike. It should be kept in cool place and kept away from the children. 勿向食物和餐具噴灑。勿在近火源處存放或使用。勿敲

40、撬。宜放在陰涼、兒童不易碰到的地方。返回返回Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way33Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way341.配料(主要原料)2.功效成分及含量3.保健功能4.適宜人群5.不適宜人群6.食用方法及用量7.規(guī)格8.保質(zhì)期9.凈重10. 貯藏方法11. 注意事項12. 執(zhí)行標準13. 生產(chǎn)衛(wèi)生許可批準文號14. 國外總經(jīng)銷15. 生

41、產(chǎn)日期 functionb. produce license d. efficacy component and duction date and dosageh. net weight j.applicable peoplel.executive standardm. ingredientsn. specificationImprove your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way35Practice4I. 閱讀下列一冰箱的產(chǎn)品說明(部分),嘗試將其翻

42、譯成漢語閱讀下列一冰箱的產(chǎn)品說明(部分),嘗試將其翻譯成漢語Product IntroductionFeatures of product 產(chǎn)品特點產(chǎn)品特點 Luxury wide door series, European optimized man-machine design. No door handle, open it by pulling of the door edge. High energy saving. Phasing in high energy-saving compressor, three cycling system and thick insulation

43、get the appliance having high cooling efficiency and better energy saving.豪華寬門系列,歐洲最優(yōu)化人機工程設計無門把手,隨處開門;高效節(jié)能,采用高效節(jié)能壓縮機、三循環(huán)制冷系統(tǒng)及加厚發(fā)泡層,制冷效率更高、更節(jié)能。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way36Practice4Safety information Make sure to use a separate earthed socket. Pul

44、l out the main plug when you repair or clean the machine. Do NOT store inflammable or explosive materials in appliances to avoid explosion or fire. 安全注意事項 務必使用單獨的、帶接地線的三芯電源插座。維修或清潔冰箱時,必須拔下電源插頭。禁止將易燃、易爆物品放在冰箱中,以防爆炸和火災。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way37

45、Practice4Transportation and placement Do not move the appliance by holding a door or door handle You should lift it from the bottom. You can not lie down or reverse the appliance to move. 搬運和放置不可抓著門或門把手來搬運冰箱,應從底部抬起冰箱。不宜將冰箱橫抬或倒置。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communic

46、ative way38Practice4Connecting the appliance The rated voltage of the appliance is 220V alternating current and the rated frequency is 50Hz. It can vary from 180V to 220V. 電器聯(lián)接 冰箱的額定電壓為交流220V ,額定頻率為50Hz ,允許電壓波動范圍為180V 到 220V。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicati

47、ve way39Practice4Operations Take away all the packing components including the bottom foam pad, other pads and adhesive tape for fixing as accessories in appliance. 使用使用拆除所有包裝組件,包括冰箱底部的泡沫墊及箱內(nèi)固定附件用的泡沫墊和膠帶。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way40Practice4Clea

48、ning and maintenance DefrostingCleaning Technical parameters and packing listTechnical parameters Packing listCustomer serviceWarranty instructions 清潔與維護除霜清潔.技術參數(shù)與裝箱單技術參數(shù)裝箱單客戶服務保修說明Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way41Practice4Sample II(Correction Fluid

49、and Liquid Paper) SHAKE WELL, TOUGH ON, DO NOT BRUSH Apply sparingly by dotting outline of each letter with brush-tip. Allow 8-10 seconds to dry. Recap tightly after each use. Thin only with LIQUID PAPER Thinner No. 565-01. 如何使用該涂改液和液體紙?用刷尖在每個字母上少量點涂,留8-10秒鐘揮發(fā)。然后蓋緊蓋子。選用565-01號稀釋劑稀釋。Improve your comm

50、unicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way42Practice4Avoid contact with clothing. Wipe up accidental spills quickly. DO NOT USE THINNER. Advise professional dry cleaner to treat this material similar to paint satin.如本品不慎沾到衣物上應該怎么辦?應盡快擦去, 不要隨意用稀釋劑,建議讓專業(yè)干洗店來處理這種類似光漆的材料。Improve yo

51、ur communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way43Practice4WARNING: INTENTIONAL MISUSE BY DELIBERATELY CONCENTRATING AND INHALING. THE CONTENTS CAN BE HARMFUL OR FATAL. NO-FLAMMABLE因為本品內(nèi)含有害和致命物質(zhì),所以不能將本品濃縮或吸入。Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a commu

52、nicative way44Practice4以下是一則密碼鎖(zipper lock)的使用說明,但是設定新密碼的步驟不 慎被打亂了,請試改正并翻譯Zipper lockUsage Instructions The lock is set at the manufacturer to open at 000. You can keep it as your combination, or set a new one as following steps: 1. Release the button and rotate the dials so that your three secret

53、numbers cant be seen. 2. If you want to change to a new combination, repeat the steps. 3. Push the button in the direction of the arrow and hold it, until completing the next step. 4. Turn the dials to your desired personal combination. 5. Now your new personal code is set. 34152Improve your communi

54、cative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way45Practice41. Release the button and rotate the dials so that your three secret numbers cant be seen.2. If you want to change to a new combination, repeat the steps.1松開調(diào)碼套按鈕,再轉(zhuǎn)動字輪隱藏你的個人密碼2如果您想要更改密碼,請重復上述步驟 Improve your communicative skills in English Teach English in a communicative way46Practice43. P


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