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1、示例示例 1 中國黃金集團建設(shè)有限公司中國黃金集團建設(shè)有限公司National Gold Engineering Corporation of China(NGECC)示例示例 2目錄目錄 Content 公司簡介 Company Profile 公司定位 Company Orientation 六家子公司簡介 Profiles of the Six Subsidiaries 烏山二期項目簡介 Introduction of the Second Phase Program of Wunugetu Mountain 公司戰(zhàn)略目標 Strategic Plan of NGECC示例示例 3公司簡

2、介 Company Profile 中金建設(shè)中金建設(shè) NGECC 是中國黃金集團公司的全資子公司 Wholly-owned Subsidiary of China Gold Group 組建于2011年3月 Established in March, 2011 注冊資本15000萬元 Registered Capital: 0.15 Billion RMB 示例示例 4主營業(yè)務(wù)范圍主營業(yè)務(wù)范圍 Main Businesses: 主要負責礦山運營、項目EPC總承包、機械制造、設(shè)備招投標、物流儲運、置業(yè)開發(fā)、非金礦產(chǎn)品貿(mào)易等業(yè)務(wù) - Mining operations - General cont

3、ract of EPC projects - Machinofacture - Bid invitation and bidding for equipment - Logistics - Real estate development and etc. 公司簡介 Company Profile示例示例 5公司定位公司定位 Company Orientation 以設(shè)計研發(fā)為龍頭 Led by design research and development 以EPC總承包、項目運營、基地建設(shè)為載體 Taking general contract of EPC projects, program

4、 operations and construction of bases as our carrier 打造集測繪勘察、設(shè)計研發(fā)、工程施工及總承包、裝備制造、置業(yè)發(fā)展和非金貿(mào)易于一體的國內(nèi)一流的高科技、管理型公司 Build a first rate hi-tech and management company which integrates mapping and surveying, design R&D, construction and general contract of EPC projects, equipment manufacturing, real estat

5、e development and trading of non-gold products and services.示例示例 6Profiles of Six Subsidiaries 下屬六家子公司下屬六家子公司 Six Subsidiaries include: 長春黃金設(shè)計院 Changchun Gold Design Institute 中國金域黃金物資總公司 China National Jinyu Gold Materials & Equipment Corporation 中十冶集團公司 China Tenth Metallurgy Group Limited Cor

6、poration 河南黃金建安公司 Henan Gold Construction and Installation Company 河南中原黃金建安工程公司 Henan Zhongyuan Gold Construction & Installation Engineering Company 河南中原黃金機械廠 Henan Central Plains Gold Machinery Company示例示例 7Changchun Gold Design Institute 成立時間成立時間 Founding Time 長春黃金設(shè)計院始建于1958年, Changchun Gold D

7、esign Institute was established in 1958. 主要成績主要成績 Achievements 先后主持設(shè)計了內(nèi)蒙烏山銅鉬礦、西藏甲瑪多金屬礦,內(nèi)蒙蘇尼特金礦、遼寧盤山樓金礦等國內(nèi)外黃金及有色礦山900余座。 Undertook over 900 domestic and overseas nonferrous mines , including - Copper-molybdenum ore of Wunugetu Mountain in Inner Mongolia - Jiama Multimetal ore in Tibet - Sunite gold m

8、ine in Inner Mongolia and Panshan Lou gold mine in Liaoning Province. 示例示例 8 技術(shù)實力技術(shù)實力 Technical Power 在黃金難選冶礦石的生物氧化、壓熱氧化、原礦焙燒、瑞典焙燒技術(shù)以及有色礦山“SABC”碎磨工藝、低品位資源綜合開發(fā)利用和尾礦排放工藝領(lǐng)域取得了一大批優(yōu)秀成果, Obtained lots of processes and technologies, like SABC crushing and grinding technology for nonferrous mines, comprehen

9、sive development and utilization of lower grade resources, and process of tailings discharge. 長春黃金設(shè)計院Changchun Gold Design Institute示例示例 9 已經(jīng)具備2000噸、3000噸、5000噸乃至更大規(guī)模黃金礦山、30000噸及以上有色礦山的設(shè)計實力。 Has the strength to design for 2000 tons, 3000 tons and 5000 tons scale of gold mines; and 30,000 tons scale

10、of nonferrous mines長春黃金設(shè)計院Changchun Gold Design Institute示例示例 10資質(zhì)資質(zhì) Quality 具有中國工程咨詢甲級、工程設(shè)計冶金行業(yè)甲級、建筑行業(yè)建筑工程甲級、工程監(jiān)理甲級等綜合資質(zhì),具有承擔國內(nèi)外大型工程建設(shè)項目咨詢、設(shè)計、工程總承包及項目管理的能力. It has Class-A qualification on project consultation, project design and metallurgy, integrated Class-A quality on construction projects and p

11、roject supervision. And has the capabilities to withstand domestic and overseas large project construction and consultation, design and general contract as well as program management.長春黃金設(shè)計院Changchun Gold Design Institute示例示例 11 長春黃金設(shè)計院技術(shù)力量雄厚,先后獲得國家科學技術(shù)進步獎、冶金行業(yè)優(yōu)秀設(shè)計一等獎、建設(shè)部全國優(yōu)秀工程設(shè)計銅獎及黃金協(xié)會科學技術(shù)獎等獎項,目前運作

12、的數(shù)字化礦山產(chǎn)業(yè)化運用項目已經(jīng)列入國家科技支撐計劃。 Design institute has brilliant technology power, and has won the prize for national science and technology progress, first prize for excellent metallurgy design, bronze medal for national brilliant project design from Ministry of Construction and also science and technolog

13、y progress from China Association of National Gold. Currently the digital mine industrialization program has been listed in National science and technology support plan.長春黃金設(shè)計院Changchun Gold Design Institute示例示例 12中國金域黃金物資總公司 China National Jinyu Gold Materials & Equipment Corporation 成立時間成立時間 中

14、國金域黃金物資總公司成立于1992年,是國家工商行政管理局注冊的國有大型物資公司,具有獨立的進出口經(jīng)營權(quán)。 China National Jinyu Gold Materials & Equipment Corporation was built in 1992, which is a large state-owned materials company, and has independent import and export operation right. 主營業(yè)務(wù)主營業(yè)務(wù) 公司的主要業(yè)務(wù)有四大板塊:設(shè)備集中采購、大宗物資集中采購、現(xiàn)代倉儲物流、非金礦產(chǎn)品貿(mào)易等。 There

15、 are four parts for the main businesses: intensive equipment procurement, intensive procurement for bulk materials, modern storage and logistics, and non-gold mining products trading.示例示例 13 實現(xiàn)運營模式轉(zhuǎn)變實現(xiàn)運營模式轉(zhuǎn)變 近年來,中國金域完善與延伸了現(xiàn)有貿(mào)易板塊的業(yè)務(wù),建立起了適應(yīng)總承包模式的管控模式,實現(xiàn)了由倉儲服務(wù)向現(xiàn)代物流的轉(zhuǎn)變,由設(shè)備代理招標向供應(yīng)商的轉(zhuǎn)變,由進出口代理向?qū)I(yè)化國際貿(mào)易的轉(zhuǎn)變。

16、For last few years, Jinyu Gold gradually completed and expanded existing trading business, established a management control mode which corresponds to general contract mode, realized the transformation from import and export agency to professional international trade. “十二五十二五”戰(zhàn)略目標戰(zhàn)略目標 “十二五”期間,將致力于打造以

17、北京為中心的設(shè)備采供及現(xiàn)代物流基地。 During 12th Five Year, Jinyu Gold will be dedicated in building an equipment procurement and modern logistics base in Beijing as center.示例示例 14河南中原黃金機械廠Henan Central Plains Gold Machinery Company 主營業(yè)務(wù)主營業(yè)務(wù) 河南中原黃金機械廠是礦山機械制造、安裝、設(shè)計、鋼結(jié)構(gòu)、起重機械制造為一體的專業(yè)生產(chǎn)廠家,具有起重設(shè)備、壓力容器、浮選槽、礦車等礦用設(shè)備建造能力,近年來了

18、為中國黃金集團和其他大中型企業(yè)提供了新建、擴建項目提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的設(shè)備及良好服務(wù)。 Henan Central Plains Gold Machinery Company integrates mining machinofacture, installation, design, steel structure and crane machinofacture, which is a professional manufacturer. It has the ability to produce mining equipments like lifting equipment, pressure

19、vessels, flotation cell and tramcars. For last few years, it supplied excellent quality equipments and services for grassroot and extension projects from China Gold Group and Other large and medium enterprise.示例示例 15 十二五戰(zhàn)略目標十二五戰(zhàn)略目標 十二五期間,河南中原黃金機械廠將通過產(chǎn)研聯(lián)動機制,進一步培育在浸出系統(tǒng)、濃密尾礦系統(tǒng)、礦車運輸系統(tǒng)、企業(yè)浮選系統(tǒng)的設(shè)備研發(fā)制造能力,打造

20、成為新型的機械制造加工基地。 During the 12th Five Year, through product development linkage mechanism, Henan Central Plains Gold Machinery Company will cultivate the capabilities for equipment R&D and manufacturing for leaching system, dense tailing system, tramcar transport system, flotation system. And it w

21、ill be built as a new type of machinery manufacturing base.河南中原黃金機械廠Henan Central Plains Gold Machinery Company 示例示例 16中十冶集團有限公司 China Tenth Metallurgy Group Limited Corporation 主營業(yè)務(wù)主營業(yè)務(wù) 中金建設(shè)下轄三家建筑施工企業(yè),其中中十冶集團有限公司是冶金行業(yè)的大型施工企業(yè),擁有房屋建筑工程、礦山工程、冶煉工程等施工總承包一級資質(zhì)七項,公路工程、水利水電工程等施工總承包二級資質(zhì)四項,具有特種專業(yè)承包資質(zhì)和境外承包工程勞務(wù)

22、經(jīng)營資格,以及壓力容器制作安裝、特種設(shè)備安裝及壓力管道、電氣等專業(yè)資質(zhì)。 NGECC has three construction companies, including - China Tenth Metallurgy Group Limited Corporation, which is a large construction in metallurgy. It has got seven first-class quality on general contract for housing construction projects, mining projects and smel

23、ting projects. 示例示例 17 多次獲得獎項多次獲得獎項 多年來中十冶獲得省部級“全優(yōu)工程”52項、國家級成果獎3項、國家級工法2項、國家專利16項,2011年由中十冶集團承建的“首鋼京唐鋼鐵一期原料及冶煉工程”榮獲2010-2011年度國家優(yōu)質(zhì)工程金質(zhì)獎。 And it has won many prizes for the projects it took and has obtained 16 national patents, 3 national achievement awards and so on.中十冶集團有限公司 China Tenth Metallurgy

24、Group Limited Corporation示例示例 18河南黃金建筑安裝公司 資質(zhì)資質(zhì) Quality 河南黃金建筑安裝公司擁有國家房屋建筑施工工程二級總承包、礦山工程三級施工總承包、機電設(shè)備安裝工程二級專業(yè)承包資質(zhì)。 Henan Gold Construction and Installation Company has got the second-class quality on national housing construction projects, the third-class quality on mining construction projects and t

25、he professional second-class quality on general contract projects. 主要成就主要成就 Achievements 近年來,先后承擔了內(nèi)蒙古烏山銅鉬礦、西藏甲瑪銅多金屬礦、內(nèi)蒙蘇尼特金曦、河北東梁等大型黃金、有色礦山的建設(shè)任務(wù)。For last few years, it undertook the tasks of Wunugetu Mountain in Inner Mongolia, Jiama Multimetal ore in Tibet, Sunite gold mine in Inner Mongolia.示例示例 1

26、9 十二五戰(zhàn)略目標十二五戰(zhàn)略目標 十二五期間,該公司將按照板塊戰(zhàn)略總體定位和規(guī)劃,加快轉(zhuǎn)變發(fā)展方式,擴大發(fā)展空間,進一步提升在行業(yè)內(nèi)外的競爭力和美譽度。 During the 12th Five Year , it will promote the transformation of development mode, enlarge the space for development and strengthen the power of competition.示例示例 20河南中原黃金建筑安裝工程公司 主要成就主要成就 河南中原黃金建筑安裝工程公司先后承擔過50多個黃金和有色金屬大中型建

27、設(shè)項目。近年來,完成的項目主要有洛鉬集團20萬噸鉬鐵項目, 河南三門峽黃金冶煉廠鐵紅項目,湖南中南1000 t/d砷金礦冶煉廠,西藏甲瑪6000 t/d銅多金屬回收項目,陜西久盛公司5000 t/d等。 Henan Zhongyuan Gold Construction and Installation Engineering Company has undertaken over 50 gold and nonferrous programs for last few years 在建項目在建項目 目前在建項目主要有西藏甲瑪基地建設(shè)、檢修項目,內(nèi)蒙金曦檢修工程,山東鑫泰1500 t/d選廠項

28、目等。 Programs under construction include Jiama Base construction in Tibet and so on.示例示例 21烏山二期項目 中金建設(shè)目前EPC總承包的在建項目以烏山二期為代表,其他包括西藏甲瑪、山東鑫泰等項目。The representative program for general contract of EPC program under construction of NGECC is the second phase of Wunugetu Mountain. And other programs include

29、Jiama Program in Tibet and Xintai Program in Shandong Province. 烏山二期擴建項目總投資33億元,建設(shè)周期1.4年,建設(shè)規(guī)模為單系列日處理礦量3.5萬噸。The total investment of the second phase program of Wunugetu Mountain is 3.3 billion RMB, and the construction cycle period is 1.4 years. The construction scale is the single series of 35 thou

30、sand tons throughput per day. 示例示例 22項目繼續(xù)采用具有國際先進水平的SABC工藝流程,更加突出節(jié)能和環(huán)保理念,在選礦系統(tǒng)采用了一批先進技術(shù)和設(shè)備,再次刷新了烏山項目一期工程多項紀錄,為集團公司打造具有國際競爭力的世界一流企業(yè)提供了強有力支撐。 The program continues to adopt advanced SABC process, which indicates the energy saving and environmental protection spirits. And it adopts a bunch of advanced technologies and equipments. Again it broke a few records made in the first phas


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