1、第八講 Chinese Calligraphy中國書法Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy (brush calligraphy) is a cornerstone of Chinese culture and was used as an important criterion for the selection of civil officials to the imperial court. Calligraphy is an abstract and sublime (崇高的)form of art, which can reveal the
2、writers personality. Practicing calligraphy can coordinate the mind and the body and is helpful in promoting ones longevity. Qin(a string musical instrument), Qi(a strategic board game), Shu (calligraphy) and Hua (painting) are the four basic skills of the ancient Chinese literati. (琴棋書畫是中國古代文人必須掌握的
3、四項技能。) Koreans and Japanese also adore calligraphy as an important treasure of their heritage and they often hold calligraphy contests. 1.繁體字 traditional characters 2.簡體字 simplified characters 3.篆書 seal script 4.隸書 clerical script 5.楷書 regular script 6. 行書 semi-cursive script 7.草書 cursive script Fou
4、r Great Masters of Regular Script 楷書四大家 歐陽詢-九成宮醴泉銘 顏真卿-多寶塔碑 柳公權-玄秘塔碑 趙孟頫-汲黯傳 Cultural Mosaic The Chinese Character Classification Traditional Chinese lexicography divided characters into six categories (Six Writings):六書 Pictograms 象形 Simple indicatives 指事字 Compound indicatives 會意字 Phono-semantic com
5、pounds 形聲字 Borrowed characters 假借字 Derived characters 轉注字 指事字,如:上、下、刃 會意字,如:淚、從、眾、林、信 形聲字,如:材、偏、銅、凍、證、騎、秧 破 假借字,如:裘 轉注字,如:跳Chinese Character( (漢字)漢字) 漢字的起源:陶符 漢字的演變: 甲骨文金文小篆隸書楷書草書行書Four Treasures of the Study(文房四寶) Writing brush Ink stick (墨) Paper Ink slab(調(diào)墨板) The accessories include penholders(筆架
6、), brush pots(筆筒), ink boxes, paperweight, seals and seal boxes. 第九講第九講 Education and Aesthetics (教育與審美)教育與審美) A good education has always been highly valued in China, as the people believe that education ensures not only the future and development of the individual but also the family and the count
7、ry as a whole. Passed down from ancient times, the maxim from the Three-character Scripture (三字經(jīng))that says “if no proper education is given to children, their nature will go bad” has proved to be true. The great master Confucius taught us that “it is a pleasure to learn something and to try it out a
8、t intervals”. Similarly, numerous students have been convinced that “reading books excels all other careers”.孟母三遷 There is a famous story that Mencius mother moved her home three times, from which we can see a good education for children has always been highly valued in China since ancient times. Th
9、ere were many talent selection systems in Chinese history, among which the Imperial Examination (科舉制)had the longest history which lasted for more than 1300 years.Imperial Examination(科舉考試)(科舉考試) The Imperial Examination comprises 2 parts: An arts exam-composition, study of books, laws, calligraphy,
10、 painting The Wushu exam-was used for selecting military officials Tongzi ju (童子舉)-a special exam for smart little children.Once the Imperial Examination was introduced, children from poor families had opportunities to attend the government exams, and this enabled them to bring honor to their famili
11、es.Institutions of Higher Education ( (高等教育高等教育) ) 在先秦以前,五帝時稱“成均”,虞舜時稱“上庠”,周代稱“辟雍”漢代以后稱 “太學”隋朝以后稱“國子監(jiān)”,(Imperial College) 清末廢除科舉制,國子監(jiān)撤銷。 Institute of Diplomatic Relations ( (京師同文京師同文館館) ) -中國近代最早成立的新式教育機構中國近代最早成立的新式教育機構 Education Ministry學部學部-我國教育史上最我國教育史上最早的教育行政機構早的教育行政機構 教育方針“忠君、尊孔、尚公、尚武、尚實”第九講第九講
12、 Ancient Science and Technology 1.天文 astronomy2.算盤 abacus3.孔明燈Kongming Lantern4.來華耶穌會Jesuit China mission5.火藥 gunpowder6.指南針compass7.李約瑟 Joseph Needham8.造紙 papermaking9.印刷術 printing1. Independent of Ancient Greece and other civilizations, ancient China made significant advances in science, technolog
13、y, mathematics and astronomy.2. The Chinese civilization was the first civilization to succeed in exploring aviation, with the Kite and Kongming lantern being the first flying machines.3.The Jesuit China missions of the 16th and 17th centuries introduced Western science and astronomy to China, and t
14、he knowledge of Chinese science and technology was brought to Europe.第一節(jié) 中國古代科學技術的成就 培根指出,印刷術、火藥、指南針這三種東西改變了世界的面貌,“沒有一個帝國,沒有一個宗教教派,沒有一個赫赫有名的人物,能比這三種發(fā)明在人類的事業(yè)中產(chǎn)生更大的力量和影響?!?中國古代的天文學成就主要集中于天象記錄、天體測量和歷法制定。是世界上最早記錄太陽黑子、彗星、哈雷彗星爆發(fā)時間的國家。對日食、月食、流星雨等天文現(xiàn)象的觀察記錄遠遠超出世界上其它國家。 元代授時歷:365.2425,比地球繞太陽公轉一周的實際時間僅差26秒,與現(xiàn)行
15、通用的公歷(格里歷)精度完全相同,但比其早了三百多年。 古代數(shù)學成就卓著,最早創(chuàng)立十進位,發(fā)明了算盤 中國古代的科技文化在16世紀以前一直處于世界的領先地位。李約瑟評價道:“我們必須記住在早些時候,在中世紀時代,中國在幾乎所有的科學技術領域, 從制圖學到化學炸藥都遙遙領先于西方。從我們的文明開始到哥倫布時代,中國的科學技術常常為歐洲人所望塵莫及?!?第二節(jié)第二節(jié) 中國科技創(chuàng)造的文化精神中國科技創(chuàng)造的文化精神 一、民生科技率先發(fā)展一、民生科技率先發(fā)展 中國古代科技體現(xiàn)了以民為本中國古代科技體現(xiàn)了以民為本 二、科技創(chuàng)造被賦予人文內(nèi)涵二、科技創(chuàng)造被賦予人文內(nèi)涵 黃帝:1)播百谷草木,大力發(fā)展和改進生
16、產(chǎn)技術,改變了人們的生存狀態(tài),提高了人們的生活質(zhì)量。 2)創(chuàng)造了文字,定算數(shù),制音律等,使華夏族走向了文明。 3)發(fā)明了指南車、創(chuàng)建醫(yī)學、推算歷法、制作干支,增強了人們的生存能力。 炎帝:1)種五谷,開啟了中國農(nóng)耕文明史。 2)教織麻為布技術,解決民眾御寒之衣。 3)教民制作陶器技術,改善人們的生活條件。 4)遍嘗百草,發(fā)明醫(yī)藥,為人類的健康做出了巨大的貢獻。 5)做五弦琴,以樂百姓三、生活用品制作技術領先世界三、生活用品制作技術領先世界 以制陶技術為例 四、天人理念與崇尚自然思想影響著四、天人理念與崇尚自然思想影響著科技發(fā)展科技發(fā)展 形成了研究問題和解決問題的整體觀和方法論 中醫(yī)五行,同五大
17、器官五種情緒、五種味道對應起來,用以論述病因。 五、五、“重實踐,輕理論重實踐,輕理論”的科技思想的科技思想 古代天文學十分發(fā)達,但大多是為歷法服務的。歷代數(shù)學著作大多都是以解決實際問題為編寫的指導思想。 第三節(jié)第三節(jié) 中國傳統(tǒng)科技在近代落伍中國傳統(tǒng)科技在近代落伍的社會原因的社會原因 一、社會觀念的影響一、社會觀念的影響儒家推崇政治,鄙薄技術,視科技技術為“奇技淫巧”,對社會價值取向有很大影響二、封建制度的束縛二、封建制度的束縛 封建時代的中國,科學和技術事業(yè)大多是官辦的,其目的是為了維護封建統(tǒng)治和滿足統(tǒng)治者的奢侈需要;封建王朝在“重政輕技”的觀念影響下,給予從事官辦科技事業(yè)的人員地位和待遇都
18、很低,因此,為官者都鄙薄技術工作。 三、小農(nóng)經(jīng)濟的阻礙三、小農(nóng)經(jīng)濟的阻礙 在小農(nóng)經(jīng)濟的狀況下,無論是對內(nèi)還是對外,都缺少科技發(fā)展的強大動力。中國古代盡管有不少發(fā)明創(chuàng)造,但進步過程是非常緩慢的。四大發(fā)明雖然源于中國,但中國并沒有因四大發(fā)明而步入近代科技的殿堂。15至18世紀,近代科學技術在歐洲產(chǎn)生并得到迅速的發(fā)展。 科學技術的進步歸根到底取決于社會的需求,中國古代的小農(nóng)經(jīng)濟決定了近代科學技術不可能在中國產(chǎn)生。 1.耶穌會士積極把中國的知識傳播到歐洲。 2.耶穌會學者把儒家著作翻譯成多種歐洲語言。 3.13世紀,忽必烈在歷史上第一次大規(guī)模地發(fā)行了紙幣。 4.李約瑟無疑是上世紀最偉大的西方漢學家。他的巨大成就體現(xiàn)在鴻篇巨制中國科學技術史中。他被稱為“二十世紀的伊拉斯謨”1.The Jesuits were very active in transmitting Chinese knowledge to Europe.2. Confucian works were translated into European language by the Jesuits scholars. 3.The first mass production
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