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1、. Unit1-2Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bearsPeriod 1AListen and judge(1 2 3 4 5 6)BRead and judge 1 T2 T3 F4 T5 F6 TCRead and order 164352Period 2BListen and number(a 5b lc 6d 3e 4f 2)CLook, read and write 1 room, hungry, soup, jacket 2 under, trees, are 3 glass, water 4 watch TV, sevenDRead and c

2、hoose 1 b2 a3 b4 c5 b6 cERead and choose1 a2 c3 a4 c5 a加小編微信,參加家長交流群注明5年級!Period 3BListen and circle (1 c2 b3 a4 a5 c)CRead and choose e, d, b, a, cDRead and order 1There are three umbrellas beside the window. 2There arent any cakes in the fridge. 3There are three bears in front of her. 4This bed is

3、 just right. 5There is a cup of coffee on the table. 6Where are the toy carsERead and judge1 F2 T3 T4 T5 FPeriod 4BListen and judge(1 F2 T3 F4 F5 F)CRead and match 1 d2 c3 g4 a5 b6 h7 f8 eDRead and translate 1 is, juice, glass 2 any, in 3 chair, too, soft, right 4 is, beside 5 dog, front, her 6 is,

4、football, betweenUnit 2 A new student課課練答案Period 1AListen and judge(1 2 3 4 5 6)BRead and judge1 F2 T3 T4 T5 T6 TCRead and order 143652Period 2BListen and judge(1 T2 F3 T4 T5 T6 F)CLook, read and write 1 music, room, isnt, third 2 many, classrooms, are 3 bedroom, on, secondDRead and choose 1 b2 c3 c

5、4 b5 a6 cERead and choose 1 b2 b3 a4 aPeriod 3BListen and circle(1 b2 b3 b4 a5 a)CRead and choose e, d, f, c, b, aDRead and order 1My bedroom is on the third floor. 2Are there any puter rooms on the second floor 3How many classrooms are there on the first floor 4There is a swing in the playground. 5

6、Lets go and have a look. 6There are forty-four teachers in our school.ERead and judge 1 T2 F3 T4 F5 F6 TPeriod 4BListen and choose(1 b2 a3 c4 a5 b)CRead and match1 f2 h3 d4 b5 a6 e7 g8 cDRead and translate 1many, pens, in, are, two 2Are, any, students, music, is 3puter, classroom, Yes, on, desk 4art

7、, Its, first關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Test for Unit 1AListen and number (4, 2, 3, 5, 1)BListen and judge(1 2 3 4)CListen and circle(1 b2 b3 b4 b5 a6 c) .DListen and write(room, beside, between, front, her)ERead and write 1 flowers2 house3 under4 ill5 hardFRead and choose 1 b2 a3 a4 b5 a6 c7 b8 bGRead

8、and match 1 d2 e3 c4 a5 f6 bHRead and order 1The coffee is too hot. 2What a beautiful girl! 3Where are the toy cars 4There are three bears in the forest. 5There is a glass of juice on the table.I Read and translate 1Wheres, new, beside 2house, go, look 3How, many, do, fourteenJRead and choose c, a,

9、e, d, bKRead and judge1 F2 F3 F4 T5 FLRead and choose 1 b2 c3 b4 a5 aMThink and write This is my room. There is a bed in my room. On the bed, there are three dolls. Beside the bed, there is a desk and a chair. There are some flowers and a Chinese book on the desk. I love my room very much.關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及

10、時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Test for Unit 2AListen and circle(1 a2 b3 a4 b)BListen and number(a 6b 4c 3d 5e 2f 1)CListen and judge(1 T2 F3 F4 T)DListen and write(classroom, second, desks, boys, girls, front, puter, blackboards)ELook, read and match 1 e2 c3 a4 d5 b6 fFRead and choose1 c2 b3 c4 a5 c6 b7b8cGRead and

11、 match1 c2 d3 f4 b5 a6 eHRead and order g, b, f, a, e, c, dI Read and translate 1Is, second, third 2many, rooms, big 3 Is, an, room, firstJ Read and transform 1Is, there, No, isnt 2are, not, any 3are, some, big, trees 4How, many, students 5Is the table tennis room on the third floor tooKRead and wri

12、te at, How, many, Where, first, art, are, third, too, goLRead and judge 1 T2 T3 T4 T5 FMRead and choose1 c2 a3 a4 c5 bUnit 3-4答案:Unit 3Our animal friendsPeriod 1AListen and judge(1 2 3 4 5 6)BLook, read and match1 c2 b3 d4 aCRead and judge1 F2 T3 F4 TPeriod 2BListen and number(a 2b 4c ld 6e 5f 3)CRe

13、ad and choose 1 b2 a3 c4 a5 bDLook, read and write 1 lion, tail, run 2 pig, big, swim 3 monkey, trees, armsERead and judge 1 T2 F3 T4 T5 TPeriod 3BListen and circle(1 a2 b3 b4 c5 c)CRead, circle and write 1 have2 does3 any4 can5 long6 CanadaDRead and choose 1 e2 b3 f4 c5 a6 dERead and choose1 a2 a3

14、c4 b5 cPeriod 4BListen and write(1 legs, arms2 run, talk3 body4 black5 feet)CRead and match1 c2 e3 f4 a5 d6 bDRead and translate 1 no, legs, arms 2 There, arent, on 3 Do, have, do 4 How, many 5 What, do, talk 6 There, are, bedroomELook, read and write tall, thin, long, has, short, body, legs, ears關(guān)注

15、招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Unit 4HobbiesPeriod 1AListen and judge(1 2 3 4 5 6)BLook, read and match1 f2 a3 b4 c5 d6 eCRead and choose1 a2 b3 c4 c5 bPeriod 2BListen and number(a 3b lc 6d 2e 5f 4)CThink and writedrawing, playing, singing, dancing, skating, jumping,swimming, eating, running, shouting, sleep

16、ing, drinkingDRead, circle and write 1 playing2 likes3 does4 both5 at6 tooERead and choose 1 b2 c3 c4 a5 bPeriod 3BListen and circle(1 b2 c3 a4 c5 c)CRead and match1 c2 d3 b4 aDRead and translate 1 be good at 2 sing and dance 3 read stories4 a lot of/many classrooms 5 彈鋼琴6看電影7 踢足球 8 一個大洞ERead and ma

17、tch1 c2 e3 f4 b5 a6 g7 dFRead and choose1 c2 b3 a4 a5 b6 c7 a8 bPeriod 4BListen and judge(1 T2 F3 F4 T5 T)CRead and transform 1 not, good, Maths2 talk, about3 What, doing 4 likes, playing 5 Does, have, Yes, doesDRead and choose1 c2 c3 b4 c5 b6 a7 a8 cERead and judge1 F2 F3 T4 F5 T關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和

18、教育資訊!Test for Unit 3AListen and number (a 3b 4c ld 6e 5f 2)BListen and tick (1 a2 b3 a4 a)CListen and judge (1 F2 F3 T4 T)DListen and choose(1 a2 a3 c4 b)ELook, read and match 1 b2 a3 f4 c5 e6 dFRead and choose l b2 b3 c4 a5 a6 a7 c8 cGRead, choose and write 1 has2 do, have, have3 is, are4 Does, hav

19、e, does5 areHRead and match 1 b2 a3 d4 f5 c6 eI Read and translate 1Does, have, has 2Do, have, do 3Do, have, has, legsJ Read and write have, Does, have, No, doesnt, has, IsKRead and judge1 F2 F3 T4 T5 FLRead and choose 1 b2 a3 b4 a5 bMThink and writeMy animal friend I have an animal friend. It is a

20、white rabbit. It has two big ears, four long legs, and a short tail. It has two red eyes. It is cute. It can jump and run. I like playing with it. It is my good friend.關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Test for Unit 4AListen and number(4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5)BListen and judge (1 2 3 4)CListen and tick (1 a2 b3 b4 a

21、 )DListen and write(singing, dancing, reading, stories, lot, room, doesnt, good)ELook, read and match 1 e2 f3 a4 c5 d6 bFRead and choose1 c2 a3 a4 b5 b6 a7 b8 bGRead and write 1 likes2 playing, play3 skating4 pandas5 flyHRead and match1 c2 f3 a4 e5 b6 dI Read and translate ldrawing, watching, too 2d

22、oing, likes, play 3singing, dancing, sing, goodJ Read and write playing, swimming, good, does, doing, watching, playKRead and judge 1 T2 F3 F4 F5 TLRead and choose1 a2 c3 a4 c5 cM Think and write My familys hobbies I have a happy family. There are three people in it. They are my father, my mother an

23、d I. We all have hobbies. My father likes reading stories. He usually reads stories in the evening. My mother likes singing. She can sing well. I like playing basketball. I usually play basketball with my friends after school.關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Mid-term testCListen and judge(1 2 3 4 5 6)DListen

24、 and circle (1 b2 a3 b4 b)EListen and number(a 3b 2c 5d 4e lf 6)F Listen and judge(1 T2 F3 T4 T)GRead and judge 1 2 3 4 5 6HRead and choose1 c2 b3 c4 b5 a6 b7 c8 aIRead and write1 have2 feet3 skate, skating4 are5 have6 swimming7 stories 8 speakingJRead and match1 f2 e3 d4 c5 b6 aKRead and translate

25、1good, at, swimming 2in, front3no, hands, legs 4puter, thirdLRead and transform1How, many 2 doesnt, like3has, an 4isnt, anyMRead and plete Where, on, How, many, Are, there, playing, aboutNRead and judge1 F2 T3 T4 F5 TOThink and writeMy school My school is nice and clean. There are 24 classrooms in m

26、y school. My classroom is on the third floor. There are two reading rooms and three puter rooms on the first floor. There is a garden in my school. There are many beautiful flowers and trees in the garden. The playground is in front of the garden. We often play football and games after class there.U

27、nit 5-6答案:Unit 5What do they doPeriod 1AListen and judge(1 2 3 4 5 6 )BRead and order 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6CRead and write teacher, English, students, writer, stories, home, doctor, sick, worker, sweetsPeriod 2BListen and number(a 3b 5c 6d 4e 2f 1)CLook, read and write 1 do, nurse, helps 2 does, worker,

28、makes 3 Is, writer, writes 4 does, do, doctor, What, teacherDRead and choose 1 b2 a3 a4 c5 b6 aERead and choose1c2 a3 b4 b5 cPeriod 3BListen and circle(1 b2 a3 c4 b5 c)CRead, choose and write 1 teaches English 2 helps sick people 3 drives a ta*i 4 makes toys 5 like PE and Art 6 writes storiesDRead a

29、nd order 1What does your sister do 2My father is a policeman. 3My mother works at home. 4Is your brother an English teacher too 5Doctors help sick people. 6Your brother has a nice car.ERead and choose 1 b2 c3 a4 b5 c6 b7 c8 a9 cPeriod 4BListen and judge(1 T2 F3 F4 T5 F6 T)CRead and match1 g2 h3 f4 d

30、5 c6 b7 a8 eDRead and translate 1 does, do, cook, works2 Is, a, teaches, has, of 3 writer, writes, at 4 my, a, doctor, helps 5 likes, has, car關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Unit 6My e-friendPeriod lAListen and judge(1 2 3 4 5 6 )BRead and order 1, 6, 2, 7, 9, 3, 4, 5, 8CRead and write e-friend, is, UK, ele

31、ven (11), Chinese, after, Maths, football, swimmingPeriod 2BListen and number(a 2b lc 3d 4e 6f 5)CLook, read and write 1playing, football, Does 2email, write, doesnt 3do, like, do, singing.DRead and choose 1 b2 a3 c4 c5 b6 aERead and choose1 c2 c3 a4 b5 bPeriod 3BListen and circle(1 b2 a3 b4 a5 c)CL

32、ook, read and choose1 f, c, a2 d, b, g3 eDRead and transform 1 Who, your2 cant, speak3 What, does4 Does, like5 No, doesntERead and judge1 F2 T3 F4 T5 TPeriod 4BListen and circle(1 a2 b3 c4 b5 a6 a)CRead and match1 c2 g3 b4 a5 d6 e7 h8 fDRead and translate 1does, e-friend, lives 2Does, have, does, ha

33、s 3subjects, like, likes 4Does, playing, does, likes, too 5good, at, drawing, dolls6Does, Chinese, doesnt, studiesERead and write old, His, is, He, playing, to, at, goes, of關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Test for Unit 5AListen and number(3, 5, 1, 6, 2, 4)BListen and tick (1 b2 a3 b4 a)CListen and judge(1 2

34、 3 4)DListen and write(doctor, helps, nurse, works, English, reading, can, make)ERead and write 1 like, likes2 Is3 teachers4 has5 make6 do, dancing7worker, worksFRead and choose1 c2 b3 a4 b5 c6 b7 a8 bGRead and match1 f2 e3 a4 b5 c6 dHLook, read and match a 2b 4c ld 3IRead and order e, a, c, b, f, d

35、JRead and write man, does, do, driver, farmer, woman, teacher, studentsKRead and answer 1He is a doctor. 2No, she isnt. 3May works in a cinema. 4Yes, he is. 5She likes Music.LRead and choose1 a2 c3 b4 b5 cMThink and write My favourite job My favourite job is being an English teacher. I am good at En

36、glish. I like English very much. I like reading English books, and I can tell stories in English. I like singing, and I can sing English songs for my students. I can also play interesting English games with them.關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Test for Unit 6AListen and judge(1 2 3 4 5 6)BListen and circle(

37、1 b2 a3 b4 a5 b6 a7 b8 a)CListen and choose(1 c2 a3 b4 c5 b)DListen and write(have, two, e-friends, Canada, write, chat)ERead and choose 1 b2 c3 a4 b5 a6 b7 c8 cFRead and match 1 e2 a3 d4 f5 c6 bGRead and transform 1 Does, like 2 cant 3 Where, does, live 4 What, subjectsHRead and order1My sister can

38、 speak Chinese. 2He likes playing football too. 3What subjects does she like 4Sam does not have any fish. 5Does he have Chinese lessons at schoolI Read and translate1go, tomorrow2 studies, school3sitting4 email, e-friend 5live, China, livesJ Look, read and plete e-friend, emails, lives, Maths, Music

39、KRead and plete Australia, eleven, Chinese, PE, Art, tall, jump, basketballLRead and judge1 F2 T3 T4 F5 FMRead and writeMy e-friend I have an e-friend. Her name is Kitty. Kitty is a beautiful girl. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She lives in the US. She is eleven years old. She speaks English. Ki

40、tty is a good student. She likes Maths and Art. After school, she usually goes skating with her friends. She likes skating and she is good at it.Unit 7-8答案:Unit 7 At weekendsPeriod 1AListen and judge(1 2 3 4 5 6)BRead and choose l a2 b3 b4 c5 c6 aCRead, circle and write 1 do2 chats 3 listens, goes 4

41、 watching 5 playing, playsPeriod 2BListen and number (a 3b 6c 4d 5e 2f 1)CRead and choose 1 b2 a3 b4 c5 b6cDRead and plete do, like, often, at, usually, have, with, does, always, sometimes, happyERead and write summer: swim, go fishing autumn: have a piic, play football winter: make snowmen, skatePe

42、riod 3BListen and circle(1 a2 b3 a4 c5 b6 a)CRead, choose and write friends, go, park, fly, birds, sing, run, funDRead and order 1Billy always watches TV at weekends. 2Lets go and play basketball. 3They usually chat on the Internet at weekends. 4Mike sometimes has a piic with his family in the park.

43、 5What does Sam do at weekends 6Do they have an English lesson every dayERead and choose1 c2 c3 b4 c5 aPeriod 4BListen and write(do, aunt, playing, sometimes, park, fly, a, kite, football, friends, films, cinema)CRead and match l f2 e3 g4 c5 a6 h7 b8 dDLook, read and write 1 watching, piano2 have, e

44、mails3 does, weekends, reads4 do, flies, has關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Unit 8 At ChristmasPeriod 1AListen and number(a 3b 6c 5d 4e lf 2)BRead and judge 1 T2 F3 F4 T5 F6 TCLook, read and write 1 buy, Father2 Ne*t, pretty3 Eve, put4 early, havePeriod 2BListen and circle(1 a2 b3 c4 c5 a6 c)CRead and choos

45、e b, d, c, aDRead and order 3 1 2 4 8 7 6 5ERead and choose1 a2 a3 b4 c5 bPeriod 3BListen and circle (1 b2 a3 c4 c5 b)CRead and choose 1 b2 a3 a4 c5 b6 a7 a8 bDRead and order 1Heres a Christmas card for you. 2Finally, write your name on the card. 3We put the presents under the Christmas tree. 4They

46、always have a lot of fun at Christmas. 5Whats wrong with Mr Turkey 6First, they buy a Christmas tree.ERead and judge 1 T2 F3 F4 F5 F6 TPeriod 4BListen and write(make, cards, usually, put, good, presents, dinner, time)CRead and match1 f2 d3 e4 a5 b6 cDLook, read and write I do my homework, I play foo

47、tball, I have dinner, I go to bedERead and write 1 US2 fourth3 friends4 turkeys5 families關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Test for Unit 7AListen and choose(1 c2 b3 a4 a5 a6 c7 a8 b)BListen and match (1 a2 d3 b4 c)CListen and tick (Bobby: go swimmingTina: have dancing lessons Sam: play footballBilly: have a p

48、iic)DListen and write (usually, visit, live, ducks, often, sometimes)ERead, choose and write 1 by2 play3 there4 has5 chat6 studies7 watches, fliesFRead and choose1 a2 b3 c4 a5 a6 c7 c8 bGRead and match1 c2 d3 e4 b5 a6 fHRead and order f, d, b, a, c, g, eIRead and translate 1Summer, often, swimming 2

49、does, usually, visits 3lessons, sometimes, play, withJLook, read and plete go, email, lives, old, do, plays, goesKRead and judge 1 T2 F3 T4 F5 TLRead and choose1 c2 a3 b4 b5 cMThink and writeAt weekends At weekends, Peter always has swimming lessons. Mary usually has a piic in the park with her fami

50、ly. Lily often goes to the cinema with her friends. Fred sometimes goes climbing with his family. They all have a good time at weekends.關(guān)注招生,獲取更多及時、權(quán)威招考信息和教育資訊!Test for Unit 8AListen and choose (1 b2 a3 b4 a5 b6 b)BListen and match (1 b2 a3 d4 c)CListen and judge(1 2 3 4)DListen and write(make, First, Ne*t, write, hands, long, short, Finally)ERead and write 1 goes2 are, children3 buys4 looks, him5 anyFRead and choose 1 b2 c3 a4 b5 c6 b7 a8 cGRead and match l c2 e3 a4 f5 b6 dHLook, read and match 1 d2 a3 b4 cI Read and order 1We all have a good time. 2We also buy a Christm


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