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1、What do the acronyms TESOL, SLA, L1 and L2 stand for?TESOL is an acronym which stands for Teaching English to speakers of other languages.1SLA means second language acquisition. 2L1 means the first language as native tongue, such as English for people who come from USA and UK.L2 means the second lan

2、guage, such as English for people who come from China and Japan.Name and describe the four fundamental properties of spoken language.The phonological system: the phonemes used in a particular language, typically only 30 or 40 out of several hundreds of possible phonemes.3Phonotactic rules: The sound

3、 sequences that a language allows to make up syllables; i.e. variations of what sounds can start or end syllables, whether the peak of the syllable can be a simple or complex or lengthened vowel and whether the ending of the syllable can be a vowel or a consonant.Tone melodies: the characteristic va

4、riations in high, low, rising and falling tones to indicate lexical or discourse meanings.The stress system: the way in which lexical stress is fixed within an utterance.Name and describe three examples of input sources used to teach listening.Mobile telephone apps: Some apps are very useful to impr

5、ove and practise listening, such as BBC news, people can learn the way that people speak and to know world news too.English songs: People can rely on songs to practise listening; Songs are consisting of rhythmic and music. It will easy to follow if the singer who is your idol. Songs can present oppo

6、rtunities for developing listening automaticity.English movies: People watch English movies can practise listening; it is the best to ignore the subtitle. Movies can bring you to context of situation, it can make students can learn the reality peoples communication and way to talk. This input source

7、 seems to be the most flexible and convenient one for linguistic students.Name and describe the four major processes of speech production.Conceptualisation is concerned with planning the message content. It draws on back ground knowledge, knowledge about the topic, about the speech situation and on

8、knowledge of patterns of discourse. 4Formulator is finding the words and phrases to express the meanings, sequencing them and putting in appropriate grammatical markers.Articulation is the third process, it involves the motor control of the articulatory organs, in English: the lips, tongue, teeth, a

9、lveolar plate, velum, glottis, mouth cavity and breath.1 Page 1, The Cambridge guide to TESOL 2 Page 8, The Cambridge guide to TESOL 3 Page 9, The Cambridge guide to TESOL 4 Page 16, The Cambridge guide to TESOLSelf-monitoring is concerned with language users being able to identify and self-correct

10、mistakes.Define Pedagogy.Pedagogy is the discipline of study related to the field of education and teaching methods. It is not only an art, but also a science, it is using different methods and strategies to teach or reach different educational or cultural background students expectation.Name and de

11、scribe techniques and methods that are successful in English L 2 writing classrooms.Careful needs analysis to plan curriculums (Reid 2000)5Co-operative and group work (including collaborative writing) that strengthen the community of the class and offer writers authentic audiences.Integration of lan

12、guage skills in class activities.Learning style and strategy training to help students learn how to learn (Reid 1998).The use of relevant, authentic materials and tasks.Define: Grammar, Morphology and Syntax.Grammar is the rules of a language governing its phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantic

13、s; also, it is a written summary of such rules.6Morphology means how words are formed.Syntax means how words; phrases are combined together.Discuss formal and functional grammar approaches.Formal grammars take as their starting point the form or structure of language, with little or no attention giv

14、en to meaning or context and language us, however, the Functional grammars, conversely, conceive of language as largely social interaction, seeking to explain why on linguistic form is more appropriate than another in satisfying a particular communicative purpose in a particular context.7Briefly des

15、cribe the philosophy of connectionism.Philosophy of connectionism is a philosophy in cognitive science and neuroscience that uses artificial neural network to explain human intelligence. This philosophy can better explain the cognitive mechanism in the brain, greatly promote the development of cogni

16、tive linguistics, and has important implications for the study of second language acquisition.Based on the review of the basic theories of connectionism, this paper expounds the explanatory power of connectionism to the problems of language input, language transfer and interlanguage pragmatic compet

17、ence in the study of second language acquisition, and looks forward to the application prospect of the theory in second language acquisition.Page 32, The Cambridge guide to TESOLPage 10, American TESOL advanced course E-bookPage 34, The Cambridge guide to TESOLIn writing practices, Lewis concentrate

18、s on what he calls lexical chunks. Describe the characteristics of the lexical approach.The lexical approach focuses on developing learners proficiency in vocabulary or combination of words and words. An important part of language acquisition is the overall understanding and production of lexical ph

19、rases, which become the raw data of learners perception of language patterns. It can reduce communicative stress on the part of L2 English learner. The teaching of lexical phrase has become a common foreign language or second language in English, although it is not necessarily due to lexical approac

20、h.Create 5 lesson plans using a 45 minute templateLesson Plan 1Teaching English to 3-5 year old StudentsWarm up (5 min): Make students as groups, put some fruits into a box, make students close eyes and to touch and to feel what fruits are. Right answer will be marked 1 point.Introduction to teachin

21、g objectives (5 min): We would like to introduce the newest fruits that we will learn today.Teaching assignments (30 min): We are going to spend 15 minutes to read a story. The story will go through the new words or fruits. Teacher will make children to act different fruits to join the story. To hav

22、e 7 minutes to practise pronunciation of new words. To have 8 minutes to learn simple grammar, such as, I like to eat a banana, I have an apple.Review assignments (5 min): Teacher will review the new words and homework is to tell your parents what fruit you have at home.Lesson Plan 2Teaching English

23、 to 7-10 year old StudentsWarm up (5 min): Teacher will start with a discussion about food, what did you have for dinner last night. To make students as two or three groups, it depends on how many students.Introduction to teaching objectives (5 min): We would like to introduce more food that we will

24、 learn today, and to have some more knowledge of food and more vocabularies.Teaching assignments (30 min): The first part will take 20 minutes. To make students as several groups, and to watch a short cartoon video. Each member of group tries to write down name of food from video as more as you can.

25、 Put them all together when the video end. Lets see which group is winner. The s(e1c0omndinp) awritll be learning some new words through the video.Review assignments (5 min): A quick review will be made about the food topic, and review all the vocabularies for today.Lesson Plan 3Teaching English to

26、13-15 year old StudentsWarm up (5 min): Talk about what did you do last weekend.Introduction to teaching objectives (5 min): To introduce a memory when was past. Today we will learn past tense, such as, do-did, have-had and so forth.Teaching assignments (30 min): The first part will take 20 minutes.

27、 To have a short article as present tense and change all of them to past tense. To have a small group as two persons. Students will correct each other, and discuss why. The second part will take 10 minutes. This part teacher will give some examples which are the past participle of irregular verbs, f

28、or example give-gave, cut-cut.Review assignments (5 min): To give students a short article, and make students to mark all the words which are past participle.Lesson Plan 4Teaching English to 17-18 years old Students (High school age students) Warm up (5 min): Describe your favourite movie to your pa

29、rtner.Introduction to teaching objectives (5 min): We will practice a speech with correct tense. It will need you to have good listening, written, and speaking. Correct all the information and have a speech to other people.Teaching assignments (30 min): The first 10 minutes, students will make note

30、while watch a part of movie. To use about 5 minutes to collect all the information and connect them as a content of a description. At last (15 min), students make this speech to everyone, and other people try to find the mistakes.Review assignments (5 min): Discuss all the mistakes and correct them.

31、 For homework, students will be asked to write another article for a book that you read recently.Lesson Plan 5Teaching English to AdultsWarm up (5 min): Telling a true story that has happened, and this experience was interesting or made you embarrassed.Introduction to teaching objectives (5 min): Le

32、arning basic structure and use right vocabularies and tense.Teaching assignments (30 min): To use 10 minutes, students will be asked to review the story telling structure and good grammar skill. Students will write their stories down.The rest of the time which is 20 minutes, the students will be ask

33、ed sit together as groups. Group members will choose one of them which is the funniest story, and role play it to other groups.Review assignments (5 min): Teacher will review with all the shows, and to give them some suggestion about grammar, and tense and so forth.Define pronunciation; also, descri

34、be its elements.Pronunciation8 means the production and perception of the significant sounds of a particular language in order to achieve meaning in contexts of language use. Pronunciation comprises the production and perception of segmental sounds, of stressed and unstressed syllables, and of the s

35、peech melody, or intonation.What learning materials/teaching aids will you utilize in the TESOL classroom?In the TESOL classroom, I will utilize some teaching aids, for example, computer, projector, cards, pictures, toys and so forth.Define Psycholinguistics and Bilingualism.Psycholinguistics is the

36、 study of the psychological aspects of language and speech. It is a discipline that studies the psychological process in language activities. It involves how human beings master and use the language system, how to make the language system play a role in actual communication, and what knowledge and a

37、bility should be possessed in order to master and use the system.Bilingualism9 is the phenomenon of competence and communication in two languages. The word can refer to both individuals and society as a whole. This term can also refer to the corresponding scientific research to study the phenomenon

38、itself.Define sociolinguistics, and the difference between macro and micro sociolinguistics. Assignment.Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society and the way people use language in different social environments.Micro-sociolinguistics10 refers to research with lin

39、guistic slant, often focusing on dialect and stylistic/register variation. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods have been employed to explore such linguistic phenomena as phonological differences between dialects or discourse variation between male and female speakers. Macro-sociolingu

40、istics is the behaviours of entire speech communities, exploring issues such as why immigrantPage 56, The Cambridge guide to TESOLPage 93, The Cambridge guide to TESOLPage 100, The Cambridge guide to TESOLcommunities retain their native languages in some social contexts but not in others, or how soc

41、ial identity can affect language choice.What are the different ways you can utilize computers in the classroom?Besides infinite patience and immediate feedback, tutorial and drill on the computer can provide more than a teacher in the classroom. There are several different ways as following.11Speaki

42、ng, speech-recognition technology, although still far from perfect, allows students to control computer actions with speech input. Students can also record and play it again to listen, it is a good way to correct speaking pronunciation.Listening, students may receive hours of listening input at the

43、computer, with appropriate comprehension questions, easily controlled repetition and immediate playback. Students can surf webpage as HYPERLINK http:/www.bbc.co.uk/ www.bbc.co.uk to practise English listening.Reading, this way can enhance reading speed by paced reading activities, where lines of tex

44、t are scrolled with pre-determined timing, by automation the creation of cloze passages.Students can find articles or e-booking which can easy for studentslevel to practise reading.12Writing, computers can enhance all aspects of the writing process, allowing easy revision and multiple drafts, spell-

45、checking, also, increasingly sophisticated translation suggestions and grammatical advice are available. Which may be used with caution by advanced writers.Concordance, the computer programs search a text for a word or phrase, presenting them with about 10 words of surrounding text. Students can vie

46、w may examples of usage and compare them to their them to their own writing without having to search manfully through may pages of text.Grammar and vocabulary practice, teacher can find that grammar and vocabulary games can be very motivation for learners. Students can also practise with computer pr

47、ograms.Define Observation and its four broad functions in context to TESOL teaching. (Chapter 16)Observation13 refers to the purposeful examination of teaching and/or learning events through systematic processes of data collection and analysis.In language teaching and applied linguistics, classroom

48、observation has historically served four broad functions.Page 110, The Cambridge guide to TESOL 12 Page 111, The Cambridge guide to TESOL 13 Page 114, The Cambridge guide to TESOLFirst, pre-service teachers are often observed in the practicum context by teacher educators, who typically give them adv

49、ice on the development of their teaching skills as a regular part of pre-service training programmes.Second, practising teachers are observed either by novice teachers or by colleagues, for the professional development purposes of the observer.Third, practicing teachers are observed by supervisors,

50、course co-ordinators, department heads, principals or head teacher, in order to judge the extent to which the teachers adhere to the administrations expectations for teaching methods, curricular coverage, class control, etc.Fourth, observation is widely used as a means of collecting data in classroo

51、m research.What are the different concepts you will explore when doing student assessments? (Chapter 20)Formative assessment is made to determine a students knowledge and skills including learning gaps as they progress through a unit of studySummative assessment that is made at the end of a unit of

52、study determines the level of understanding the student has achieved.Assessment for learning begins with initial or diagnostic assessment.Assessment as learning is a student self-assesses his/her learning and takes responsibility for moving his/her thinking forward.14Define syllabus, and the four el

53、ements that accompany the syllabus.Syllabus15 is a plan of what is to be achieved through teaching and learning, it is a summary of the important elements of a course of study or text.Syllabus is made up of four elements: aims, content, methodology and evaluation. The syllabus identifies what will b

54、e worked upon by the teacher and students in terms of content selected to be appropriate to overall aims. Methodology refers to how teachers and learners work upon the content, whilst evaluation is the process of assessing outcomes from the learning and judging the appropriateness of other elements

55、of the curriculum.Name and describe 5 language learning strategies for TESOL.Major varieties of language learning strategies are cognitive, mnemonic, metacognitive, compensatory and affective.16Cognitive strategies help learners make and strengthen associations between new and already known informat

56、ion and facilitate the mental restructuring of information.Mnemonic strategies help learners link a new item with something known. These devices are useful for memorising information in an orderly string in various ways.Page 42, American TESOL advanced course E-bookPage 151, The Cambridge guide to T

57、ESOL168, The Cambridge guide to TESOLMetacognitive strategies help learners manage themselves as learners, the general learning process and specific learning tasks, several varieties exist.Compensatory strategies for speaking and writing help learners make up for missing knowledge when using English

58、 in oral or written communication, just as the strategy of guessing from the context while listening and reading compensates for a knowledge gap.Affective strategies include identifying oneandsbefceoemliinnggsaware of the learning circumstances or tasks that evoke them.Read chapters 25-30. In detail

59、, explain one method of TESOL teaching that you think will work the best for you in the TESOL classroom? Why?I believe that I work the best for TESOL classroom is on-line communication. Under the guidance of certain teaching theory and ideology, network teaching is a teaching mode that realizes teac

60、hing objectives by applying multimedia and network technology, multilateral and multi-directional interaction of teachers, students and media, and collection, transmission, processing and sharing of teaching information of various media.During the COVID-19, almost everyone stays home, and people can


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